- *linux-huge
- *asan
after_failure: *asan_symbolize
+ - <<: *linux
+ name: huge-testgui+coverage/gcc
+ compiler: gcc
+ env:
+ - *linux-huge
+ - TEST="-C src testgui"
+ after_success: *coverage
# vim:set sts=2 sw=2 tw=0 et:
" This test must come before the Test_cursorline test, as it appears this
" defines the Normal highlighting group anyway.
func Test_1_highlight_Normalgroup_exists()
- " MS-Windows GUI sets the font
- if !has('win32') || !has('gui_running')
- let hlNormal = HighlightArgs('Normal')
+ let hlNormal = HighlightArgs('Normal')
+ if !has('gui_running')
call assert_match('hi Normal\s*clear', hlNormal)
+ elseif has('gui_gtk2') || has('gui_gnome') || has('gui_gtk3')
+ " expect is DEFAULT_FONT of gui_gtk_x11.c
+ call assert_match('hi Normal\s*font=Monospace 10', hlNormal)
+ elseif has('gui_motif') || has('gui_athena')
+ " expect is DEFAULT_FONT of gui_x11.c
+ call assert_match('hi Normal\s*font=7x13', hlNormal)
+ elseif has('win32')
+ " expect any font
+ call assert_match('hi Normal\s*font=.*', hlNormal)
func Test_error_in_map_expr()
- if !has('terminal') || (has('win32') && has('gui_running'))
+ if !has('terminal') || has('gui_running')
throw 'Skipped: cannot run Vim in a terminal window'
func Test_error_in_timer_callback()
- if !has('terminal') || (has('win32') && has('gui_running'))
+ if !has('terminal') || has('gui_running')
throw 'Skipped: cannot run Vim in a terminal window'