% %
-% MagickSetImageColorspace() sets the image colorspace.
+% MagickSetImageColorspace() sets the image colorspace. But does not modify
+% the image data.
% The format of the MagickSetImageColorspace method is:
% %
-% MagickTransformImageColorspace() transform the image colorspace.
+% MagickTransformImageColorspace() transform the image colorspace, setting
+% the images colorspace while transforming the images data to that
+% colorspace.
% The format of the MagickTransformImageColorspace method is:
% o wand: the magick wand.
-% o colorspace: the image colorspace: UndefinedColorspace, RGBColorspace,
-% GRAYColorspace, TransparentColorspace, OHTAColorspace, XYZColorspace,
-% YCbCrColorspace, YCCColorspace, YIQColorspace, YPbPrColorspace,
-% YPbPrColorspace, YUVColorspace, CMYKColorspace, sRGBColorspace,
-% HSLColorspace, or HWBColorspace.
+% o colorspace: the image colorspace: UndefinedColorspace,
+% sRGBColorspace, RGBColorspace, GRAYColorspace,
+% OHTAColorspace, XYZColorspace, YCbCrColorspace,
+% YCCColorspace, YIQColorspace, YPbPrColorspace,
+% YPbPrColorspace, YUVColorspace, CMYKColorspace,
+% HSLColorspace, HWBColorspace.
WandExport MagickBooleanType MagickTransformImageColorspace(MagickWand *wand,