\code{PySys_SetArgv(\var{argc}, \var{argv})} subsequent to the call
to \code{Py_Initialize()}.
-On Unix, \code{Py_Initialize()} calculates the module search path
-based upon its best guess for the location of the standard Python
-interpreter executable, assuming that the Python library is found in a
-fixed location relative to the Python interpreter executable. In
-particular, it looks for a directory named \code{lib/python1.5}
-(replacing \code{1.5} with the current interpreter version) relative
-to the parent directory where the executable named \code{python} is
-found on the shell command search path (the environment variable
-\code{\$PATH}). For instance, if the Python executable is found in
-\code{/usr/local/bin/python}, it will assume that the libraries are in
-\code{/usr/local/lib/python1.5}. In fact, this also the ``fallback''
-location, used when no executable file named \code{python} is found
-along \code{\$PATH}. The user can change this behavior by setting the
-environment variable \code{\$PYTHONHOME}, and can insert additional
-directories in front of the standard path by setting
+On most systems (in particular, on Unix and Windows, although the
+details are slightly different), \code{Py_Initialize()} calculates the
+module search path based upon its best guess for the location of the
+standard Python interpreter executable, assuming that the Python
+library is found in a fixed location relative to the Python
+interpreter executable. In particular, it looks for a directory named
+\code{lib/python1.5} (replacing \code{1.5} with the current
+interpreter version) relative to the parent directory where the
+executable named \code{python} is found on the shell command search
+path (the environment variable \code{\$PATH}).
+For instance, if the Python executable is found in
+\code{/usr/local/bin/python}, it will assume that the libraries are in
+\code{/usr/local/lib/python1.5}. In fact, this also the ``fallback''
+location, used when no executable file named \code{python} is found
+along \code{\$PATH}. The user can change this behavior by setting the
+environment variable \code{\$PYTHONHOME}, and can insert additional
+directories in front of the standard path by setting
The embedding application can steer the search by calling
e.g., when the object administration appears to be corrupted.
-Initialize the module table. For internal use only.
-Empty the module table. For internal use only.
Initialize the \code{__builtin__} module. For internal use only.
\code{type} (the first argument to the last call to one of the
\code{PyErr_Set*()} functions or to \code{PyErr_Restore()}). If not
set, return \NULL{}. You do not own a reference to the return value,
-so you do not need to \code{Py_DECREF()} it.
+so you do not need to \code{Py_DECREF()} it. Note: do not compare the
+return value to a specific exception; use
+\code{PyErr_ExceptionMatches} instead, shown below.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{int}{PyErr_ExceptionMatches}{PyObject *exc}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a4!}
+Equivalent to
+\code{PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches(PyErr_Occurred(), \var{exc})}.
+This should only be called when an exception is actually set.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{int}{PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches}{PyObject *given, PyObject *exc}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a4!}
+Return true if the \var{given} exception matches the exception in
+\var{exc}. If \var{exc} is a class object, this also returns true
+when \var{given} is a subclass. If \var{exc} is a tuple, all
+exceptions in the tuple (and recursively in subtuples) are searched
+for a match. This should only be called when an exception is actually
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{void}{PyErr_NormalizeException}{PyObject**exc, PyObject**val, PyObject**tb}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a4!}
+Under certain circumstances, the values returned by
+\code{PyErr_Fetch()} below can be ``unnormalized'', meaning that
+\var{*exc} is a class object but \var{*val} is not an instance of the
+same class. This function can be used to instantiate the class in
+that case. If the values are already normalized, nothing happens.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyErr_NewException}{char *name,
+PyObject *base, PyObject *dict}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a4!}
+This utility function creates and returns a new exception object. The
+\var{name} argument must be the name of the new exception, a C string
+of the form \code{module.class}. The \var{base} and \var{dict}
+arguments are normally \code{NULL}. Normally, this creates a class
+object derived from the root for all exceptions, the built-in name
+\code{Exception} (accessible in C as \code{PyExc_Exception}). In this
+case the \code{__module__} attribute of the new class is set to the
+first part (up to the last dot) of the \var{name} argument, and the
+class name is set to the last part (after the last dot). When the
+user has specified the \code{-X} command line option to use string
+exceptions, for backward compatibility, or when the \var{base}
+argument is not a class object (and not \code{NULL}), a string object
+created from the entire \var{name} argument is returned. The
+\var{base} argument can be used to specify an alternate base class.
+The \var{dict} argument can be used to specify a dictionary of class
+variables and methods.
\section{Standard Exceptions}
All standard Python exceptions are available as global variables whose
names are \code{PyExc_} followed by the Python exception name.
These have the type \code{PyObject *}; they are all string objects.
-For completion, here are all the variables:
+For completeness, here are all the variables (the first four are new
+in Python 1.5a4):
parsing function arguments and constructing Python values from C
+\section{OS Utilities}
\begin{cfuncdesc}{int}{Py_FdIsInteractive}{FILE *fp, char *filename}
Return true (nonzero) if the standard I/O file \code{fp} with name
\code{filename} is deemed interactive. This is the case for files for
+\section{Importing modules}
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyImport_ImportModule}{char *name}
+This is a simplified interface to \code{PyImport_ImportModuleEx}
+below, leaving the \var{globals} and \var{locals} arguments set to
+\code{NULL}. When the \var{name} argument contains a dot (i.e., when
+it specifies a submodule of a package), the \var{fromlist} argument is
+set to the list \code{['*']} so that the return value is the named
+module rather than the top-level package containing it as would
+otherwise be the case. (Unfortunately, this has an additional side
+effect when \var{name} in fact specifies a subpackage instead of a
+submodule: the submodules specified in the package's \code{__all__}
+variable are loaded.) Return a new reference to the imported module,
+or \code{NULL} with an exception set on failure (the module may still
+be created in this case).
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyImport_ImportModuleEx}{char *name, PyObject *globals, PyObject *locals, PyObject *fromlist}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a4!}
+Import a module. This is best described by referring to the built-in
+Python function \code{__import()__}, as the standard
+\code{__import__()} function calls this function directly.
+% Should move this para to libfuncs.tex:
+For example, the statement \code{import spam} results in the following
+\code{__import__('spam', globals(), locals(), [])};
+the statement \code{from spam.ham import eggs} results in
+\code{__import__('spam.ham', globals(), locals(), ['eggs'])}.
+Note that even though \code{locals()} and \code{['eggs']} are passed
+in as arguments, the \code{__import__()} function does not set the
+local variable named \code{eggs}; this is done by subsequent code that
+is generated for the import statement.
+The return value is a new reference to the imported module or
+top-level package, or \code{NULL} with an exception set on failure
+(the module may still be created in this case). When the \var{name}
+variable is of the form \code{package.module}, normally, the top-level
+package (the name up till the first dot) is returned, \emph{not} the
+module named by \var{name}. However, when a non-empty \var{fromlist}
+argument is given, the module named by \var{name} is returned. This
+is done for compatibility with the bytecode generated for the
+different kinds of import statement; when using \code{import
+spam.ham.eggs}, the top-level package \code{spam} must be placed in
+the importing namespace, but when using \code{from spam.ham import
+eggs}, the \code{spam.ham} subpackage must be used to find the
+\code{eggs} variable.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyImport_Import}{PyObject *name}
+This is a higher-level interface that calls the current ``import hook
+function''. It invokes the \code{__import__()} function from the
+\code{__builtins__} of the current globals. This means that the
+import is done using whatever import hooks are installed in the
+current environment, e.g. by \code{rexec} or \code{ihooks}.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyImport_ReloadModule}{PyObject *m}
+Reload a module. This is best described by referring to the built-in
+Python function \code{reload()}, as the standard \code{reload()}
+function calls this function directly. Return a new reference to the
+reloaded module, or \code{NULL} with an exception set on failure (the
+module still exists in this case).
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyImport_AddModule}{char *name}
+Return the module object corresponding to a module name. The
+\var{name} argument may be of the form \code{package.module}). First
+check the modules dictionary if there's one there, and if not, create
+a new one and insert in in the modules dictionary. Because the former
+action is most common, this does not return a new reference, and you
+do not own the returned reference. Return \code{NULL} with an
+exception set on failure.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyImport_ExecCodeModule}{char *name, PyObject *co}
+Given a module name (possibly of the form \code{package.module}) and a
+code object read from a Python bytecode file or obtained from the
+built-in function \code{compile()}, load the module. Return a new
+reference to the module object, or \code{NULL} with an exception set
+if an error occurred (the module may still be created in this case).
+(This function would reload the module if it was already imported.)
+Return the magic number for Python bytecode files (a.k.a. \code{.pyc}
+and \code{.pyo} files). The magic number should be present in the
+first four bytes of the bytecode file, in little-endian byte order.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyImport_GetModuleDict}{}
+Return the dictionary used for the module administration
+(a.k.a. \code{sys.modules}). Note that this is a per-interpreter
+Initialize the import mechanism. For internal use only.
+Empty the module table. For internal use only.
+Finalize the import mechanism. For internal use only.
+\begin{cvardesc}{extern PyObject *}{_PyImport_FindExtension}{char *, char *}
+For internal use only.
+\begin{cvardesc}{extern PyObject *}{_PyImport_FixupExtension}{char *, char *}
+For internal use only.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{int}{PyImport_ImportFrozenModule}{char *}
+Load a frozen module. Return \code{1} for success, \code{0} if the
+module is not found, and \code{-1} with an exception set if the
+initialization failed. To access the imported module on a successful
+load, use \code{PyImport_ImportModule()).
+(Note the misnomer -- this function would reload the module if it was
+already imported.)
+\begin{ctypedesc}{struct _frozen}
+This is the structure type definition for frozen module descriptors,
+as generated by the \code{freeze} utility (see \file{Tools/freeze/} in
+the Python source distribution). Its definition is:
+struct _frozen {
+ char *name;
+ unsigned char *code;
+ int size;
+\begin{cvardesc}{struct _frozen *}{PyImport_FrozenModules}
+This pointer is initialized to point to an array of \code{struct
+_freeze} records, terminated by one whose members are all \code{NULL}
+or zero. When a frozen module is imported, it is searched in this
+table. Third party code could play tricks with this to provide a
+dynamically created collection of frozen modules.
modules (\code{sys.modules}), and creates the fundamental modules
\code{__builtin__}, \code{__main__} and \code{sys}. It also
initializes the module search path (\code{sys.path}). It does not set
-\code{sys.argv}; use \code{PySys_SetArgv()} for that. It is a fatal
-error to call it for a second time without calling
-\code{Py_Finalize()} first. There is no return value; it is a fatal
-error if the initialization fails.
+\code{sys.argv}; use \code{PySys_SetArgv()} for that. This is a no-op
+when called for a second time (without calling \code{Py_Finalize()}
+first). There is no return value; it is a fatal error if the
+initialization fails.
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a4!}
+Return true (nonzero) when the Python interpreter has been
+initialized, false (zero) if not. After \code{Py_Finalize()} is
+called, this returns false until \code{Py_Initialize()} is called
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
Undo all initializations made by \code{Py_Initialize()} and subsequent
use of Python/C API functions, and destroy all sub-interpreters (see
\code{Py_NewInterpreter()} below) that were created and not yet
-destroyed since the last call to \code{Py_Initialize()}. Ideally,
-this frees all memory allocated by the Python interpreter. It is a
-fatal error to call it for a second time without calling
-\code{Py_Initialize()} again first. There is no return value; errors
+destroyed since the last call to \code{Py_Initialize()}. Ideally,
+this frees all memory allocated by the Python interpreter. This is a
+no-op when called for a second time (without calling
+\code{Py_Initialize()} again first). There is no return value; errors
during finalization are ignored.
This function is provided for a number of reasons. An embedding
\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyThreadState *}{Py_NewInterpreter}{}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
Create a new sub-interpreter. This is an (almost) totally separate
environment for the execution of Python code. In particular, the new
interpreter has separate, independent versions of all imported
\begin{cfuncdesc}{void}{Py_EndInterpreter}{PyThreadState *tstate}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
Destroy the (sub-)interpreter represented by the given thread state.
The given thread state must be the current thread state. See the
discussion of thread states below. When the call returns, the current
\begin{cfuncdesc}{void}{Py_SetProgramName}{char *name}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
This function should be called before \code{Py_Initialize()} is called
for the first time, if it is called at all. It tells the interpreter
the value of the \code{argv[0]} argument to the \code{main()} function
\begin{cfuncdesc}{char *}{Py_GetProgramFullPath}{}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
Return the full program name of the Python executable; this is
computed as a side-effect of deriving the default module search path
from the program name (set by \code{Py_SetProgramName()} above). The
returned string points into static storage; the caller should not
modify its value. The value is available to Python code as
-\code{sys.executable}. % XXX is that the right sys.name?
\begin{cfuncdesc}{char *}{Py_GetPath}{}
\section{Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
\begin{cfuncdesc}{void}{PyEval_AcquireThread}{PyThreadState *tstate}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
\begin{cfuncdesc}{void}{PyEval_ReleaseThread}{PyThreadState *tstate}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
\begin{cfuncdesc}{void}{PyEval_RestoreThread}{PyThreadState *tstate}
\code{PySys_SetArgv(\var{argc}, \var{argv})} subsequent to the call
to \code{Py_Initialize()}.
-On Unix, \code{Py_Initialize()} calculates the module search path
-based upon its best guess for the location of the standard Python
-interpreter executable, assuming that the Python library is found in a
-fixed location relative to the Python interpreter executable. In
-particular, it looks for a directory named \code{lib/python1.5}
-(replacing \code{1.5} with the current interpreter version) relative
-to the parent directory where the executable named \code{python} is
-found on the shell command search path (the environment variable
-\code{\$PATH}). For instance, if the Python executable is found in
-\code{/usr/local/bin/python}, it will assume that the libraries are in
-\code{/usr/local/lib/python1.5}. In fact, this also the ``fallback''
-location, used when no executable file named \code{python} is found
-along \code{\$PATH}. The user can change this behavior by setting the
-environment variable \code{\$PYTHONHOME}, and can insert additional
-directories in front of the standard path by setting
+On most systems (in particular, on Unix and Windows, although the
+details are slightly different), \code{Py_Initialize()} calculates the
+module search path based upon its best guess for the location of the
+standard Python interpreter executable, assuming that the Python
+library is found in a fixed location relative to the Python
+interpreter executable. In particular, it looks for a directory named
+\code{lib/python1.5} (replacing \code{1.5} with the current
+interpreter version) relative to the parent directory where the
+executable named \code{python} is found on the shell command search
+path (the environment variable \code{\$PATH}).
+For instance, if the Python executable is found in
+\code{/usr/local/bin/python}, it will assume that the libraries are in
+\code{/usr/local/lib/python1.5}. In fact, this also the ``fallback''
+location, used when no executable file named \code{python} is found
+along \code{\$PATH}. The user can change this behavior by setting the
+environment variable \code{\$PYTHONHOME}, and can insert additional
+directories in front of the standard path by setting
The embedding application can steer the search by calling
e.g., when the object administration appears to be corrupted.
-Initialize the module table. For internal use only.
-Empty the module table. For internal use only.
Initialize the \code{__builtin__} module. For internal use only.
\code{type} (the first argument to the last call to one of the
\code{PyErr_Set*()} functions or to \code{PyErr_Restore()}). If not
set, return \NULL{}. You do not own a reference to the return value,
-so you do not need to \code{Py_DECREF()} it.
+so you do not need to \code{Py_DECREF()} it. Note: do not compare the
+return value to a specific exception; use
+\code{PyErr_ExceptionMatches} instead, shown below.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{int}{PyErr_ExceptionMatches}{PyObject *exc}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a4!}
+Equivalent to
+\code{PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches(PyErr_Occurred(), \var{exc})}.
+This should only be called when an exception is actually set.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{int}{PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches}{PyObject *given, PyObject *exc}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a4!}
+Return true if the \var{given} exception matches the exception in
+\var{exc}. If \var{exc} is a class object, this also returns true
+when \var{given} is a subclass. If \var{exc} is a tuple, all
+exceptions in the tuple (and recursively in subtuples) are searched
+for a match. This should only be called when an exception is actually
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{void}{PyErr_NormalizeException}{PyObject**exc, PyObject**val, PyObject**tb}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a4!}
+Under certain circumstances, the values returned by
+\code{PyErr_Fetch()} below can be ``unnormalized'', meaning that
+\var{*exc} is a class object but \var{*val} is not an instance of the
+same class. This function can be used to instantiate the class in
+that case. If the values are already normalized, nothing happens.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyErr_NewException}{char *name,
+PyObject *base, PyObject *dict}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a4!}
+This utility function creates and returns a new exception object. The
+\var{name} argument must be the name of the new exception, a C string
+of the form \code{module.class}. The \var{base} and \var{dict}
+arguments are normally \code{NULL}. Normally, this creates a class
+object derived from the root for all exceptions, the built-in name
+\code{Exception} (accessible in C as \code{PyExc_Exception}). In this
+case the \code{__module__} attribute of the new class is set to the
+first part (up to the last dot) of the \var{name} argument, and the
+class name is set to the last part (after the last dot). When the
+user has specified the \code{-X} command line option to use string
+exceptions, for backward compatibility, or when the \var{base}
+argument is not a class object (and not \code{NULL}), a string object
+created from the entire \var{name} argument is returned. The
+\var{base} argument can be used to specify an alternate base class.
+The \var{dict} argument can be used to specify a dictionary of class
+variables and methods.
\section{Standard Exceptions}
All standard Python exceptions are available as global variables whose
names are \code{PyExc_} followed by the Python exception name.
These have the type \code{PyObject *}; they are all string objects.
-For completion, here are all the variables:
+For completeness, here are all the variables (the first four are new
+in Python 1.5a4):
parsing function arguments and constructing Python values from C
+\section{OS Utilities}
\begin{cfuncdesc}{int}{Py_FdIsInteractive}{FILE *fp, char *filename}
Return true (nonzero) if the standard I/O file \code{fp} with name
\code{filename} is deemed interactive. This is the case for files for
+\section{Importing modules}
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyImport_ImportModule}{char *name}
+This is a simplified interface to \code{PyImport_ImportModuleEx}
+below, leaving the \var{globals} and \var{locals} arguments set to
+\code{NULL}. When the \var{name} argument contains a dot (i.e., when
+it specifies a submodule of a package), the \var{fromlist} argument is
+set to the list \code{['*']} so that the return value is the named
+module rather than the top-level package containing it as would
+otherwise be the case. (Unfortunately, this has an additional side
+effect when \var{name} in fact specifies a subpackage instead of a
+submodule: the submodules specified in the package's \code{__all__}
+variable are loaded.) Return a new reference to the imported module,
+or \code{NULL} with an exception set on failure (the module may still
+be created in this case).
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyImport_ImportModuleEx}{char *name, PyObject *globals, PyObject *locals, PyObject *fromlist}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a4!}
+Import a module. This is best described by referring to the built-in
+Python function \code{__import()__}, as the standard
+\code{__import__()} function calls this function directly.
+% Should move this para to libfuncs.tex:
+For example, the statement \code{import spam} results in the following
+\code{__import__('spam', globals(), locals(), [])};
+the statement \code{from spam.ham import eggs} results in
+\code{__import__('spam.ham', globals(), locals(), ['eggs'])}.
+Note that even though \code{locals()} and \code{['eggs']} are passed
+in as arguments, the \code{__import__()} function does not set the
+local variable named \code{eggs}; this is done by subsequent code that
+is generated for the import statement.
+The return value is a new reference to the imported module or
+top-level package, or \code{NULL} with an exception set on failure
+(the module may still be created in this case). When the \var{name}
+variable is of the form \code{package.module}, normally, the top-level
+package (the name up till the first dot) is returned, \emph{not} the
+module named by \var{name}. However, when a non-empty \var{fromlist}
+argument is given, the module named by \var{name} is returned. This
+is done for compatibility with the bytecode generated for the
+different kinds of import statement; when using \code{import
+spam.ham.eggs}, the top-level package \code{spam} must be placed in
+the importing namespace, but when using \code{from spam.ham import
+eggs}, the \code{spam.ham} subpackage must be used to find the
+\code{eggs} variable.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyImport_Import}{PyObject *name}
+This is a higher-level interface that calls the current ``import hook
+function''. It invokes the \code{__import__()} function from the
+\code{__builtins__} of the current globals. This means that the
+import is done using whatever import hooks are installed in the
+current environment, e.g. by \code{rexec} or \code{ihooks}.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyImport_ReloadModule}{PyObject *m}
+Reload a module. This is best described by referring to the built-in
+Python function \code{reload()}, as the standard \code{reload()}
+function calls this function directly. Return a new reference to the
+reloaded module, or \code{NULL} with an exception set on failure (the
+module still exists in this case).
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyImport_AddModule}{char *name}
+Return the module object corresponding to a module name. The
+\var{name} argument may be of the form \code{package.module}). First
+check the modules dictionary if there's one there, and if not, create
+a new one and insert in in the modules dictionary. Because the former
+action is most common, this does not return a new reference, and you
+do not own the returned reference. Return \code{NULL} with an
+exception set on failure.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyImport_ExecCodeModule}{char *name, PyObject *co}
+Given a module name (possibly of the form \code{package.module}) and a
+code object read from a Python bytecode file or obtained from the
+built-in function \code{compile()}, load the module. Return a new
+reference to the module object, or \code{NULL} with an exception set
+if an error occurred (the module may still be created in this case).
+(This function would reload the module if it was already imported.)
+Return the magic number for Python bytecode files (a.k.a. \code{.pyc}
+and \code{.pyo} files). The magic number should be present in the
+first four bytes of the bytecode file, in little-endian byte order.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyObject *}{PyImport_GetModuleDict}{}
+Return the dictionary used for the module administration
+(a.k.a. \code{sys.modules}). Note that this is a per-interpreter
+Initialize the import mechanism. For internal use only.
+Empty the module table. For internal use only.
+Finalize the import mechanism. For internal use only.
+\begin{cvardesc}{extern PyObject *}{_PyImport_FindExtension}{char *, char *}
+For internal use only.
+\begin{cvardesc}{extern PyObject *}{_PyImport_FixupExtension}{char *, char *}
+For internal use only.
+\begin{cfuncdesc}{int}{PyImport_ImportFrozenModule}{char *}
+Load a frozen module. Return \code{1} for success, \code{0} if the
+module is not found, and \code{-1} with an exception set if the
+initialization failed. To access the imported module on a successful
+load, use \code{PyImport_ImportModule()).
+(Note the misnomer -- this function would reload the module if it was
+already imported.)
+\begin{ctypedesc}{struct _frozen}
+This is the structure type definition for frozen module descriptors,
+as generated by the \code{freeze} utility (see \file{Tools/freeze/} in
+the Python source distribution). Its definition is:
+struct _frozen {
+ char *name;
+ unsigned char *code;
+ int size;
+\begin{cvardesc}{struct _frozen *}{PyImport_FrozenModules}
+This pointer is initialized to point to an array of \code{struct
+_freeze} records, terminated by one whose members are all \code{NULL}
+or zero. When a frozen module is imported, it is searched in this
+table. Third party code could play tricks with this to provide a
+dynamically created collection of frozen modules.
modules (\code{sys.modules}), and creates the fundamental modules
\code{__builtin__}, \code{__main__} and \code{sys}. It also
initializes the module search path (\code{sys.path}). It does not set
-\code{sys.argv}; use \code{PySys_SetArgv()} for that. It is a fatal
-error to call it for a second time without calling
-\code{Py_Finalize()} first. There is no return value; it is a fatal
-error if the initialization fails.
+\code{sys.argv}; use \code{PySys_SetArgv()} for that. This is a no-op
+when called for a second time (without calling \code{Py_Finalize()}
+first). There is no return value; it is a fatal error if the
+initialization fails.
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a4!}
+Return true (nonzero) when the Python interpreter has been
+initialized, false (zero) if not. After \code{Py_Finalize()} is
+called, this returns false until \code{Py_Initialize()} is called
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
Undo all initializations made by \code{Py_Initialize()} and subsequent
use of Python/C API functions, and destroy all sub-interpreters (see
\code{Py_NewInterpreter()} below) that were created and not yet
-destroyed since the last call to \code{Py_Initialize()}. Ideally,
-this frees all memory allocated by the Python interpreter. It is a
-fatal error to call it for a second time without calling
-\code{Py_Initialize()} again first. There is no return value; errors
+destroyed since the last call to \code{Py_Initialize()}. Ideally,
+this frees all memory allocated by the Python interpreter. This is a
+no-op when called for a second time (without calling
+\code{Py_Initialize()} again first). There is no return value; errors
during finalization are ignored.
This function is provided for a number of reasons. An embedding
\begin{cfuncdesc}{PyThreadState *}{Py_NewInterpreter}{}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
Create a new sub-interpreter. This is an (almost) totally separate
environment for the execution of Python code. In particular, the new
interpreter has separate, independent versions of all imported
\begin{cfuncdesc}{void}{Py_EndInterpreter}{PyThreadState *tstate}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
Destroy the (sub-)interpreter represented by the given thread state.
The given thread state must be the current thread state. See the
discussion of thread states below. When the call returns, the current
\begin{cfuncdesc}{void}{Py_SetProgramName}{char *name}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
This function should be called before \code{Py_Initialize()} is called
for the first time, if it is called at all. It tells the interpreter
the value of the \code{argv[0]} argument to the \code{main()} function
\begin{cfuncdesc}{char *}{Py_GetProgramFullPath}{}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
Return the full program name of the Python executable; this is
computed as a side-effect of deriving the default module search path
from the program name (set by \code{Py_SetProgramName()} above). The
returned string points into static storage; the caller should not
modify its value. The value is available to Python code as
-\code{sys.executable}. % XXX is that the right sys.name?
\begin{cfuncdesc}{char *}{Py_GetPath}{}
\section{Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
\begin{cfuncdesc}{void}{PyEval_AcquireThread}{PyThreadState *tstate}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
\begin{cfuncdesc}{void}{PyEval_ReleaseThread}{PyThreadState *tstate}
+\strong{NEW in 1.5a3!}
\begin{cfuncdesc}{void}{PyEval_RestoreThread}{PyThreadState *tstate}