+++ /dev/null
--- $Id$
--- Copyright (c) 2010 Pierre Racine <pierre.racine@>
--- This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
-CREATE TABLE rt_spatial_relationship_test (
- rid integer,
- description text,
- nbband int,
- b1pixeltype text,
- b1hasnodatavalue boolean,
- b1nodatavalue float4,
- b1val float4,
- b2pixeltype text,
- b2hasnodatavalue boolean,
- b2nodatavalue float4,
- b2val float4,
- geomtxt text,
- rast raster
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test
-VALUES ( 1, '1x1, nbband:2 b1pixeltype:4BUI b1hasnodatavalue:true b1nodatavalue:3 b2pixeltype:16BSI b2hasnodatavalue:false b2nodatavalue:13',
- 2, --- nbband
- '4BUI', true, 3, 2, --- b1pixeltype, b1hasnodatavalue, b1nodatavalue
- '16BSI', false, 13, 4, --- b2pixeltype, b2hasnodatavalue, b2nodatavalue
- 'POLYGON((782325.5 26744042.5,782330.5 26744045.5,782333.5 26744040.5,782328.5 26744037.5,782325.5 26744042.5))',
-'01' -- big endian (uint8 xdr)
-'0000' -- version (uint16 0)
-'0200' -- nBands (uint16 1)
-'0000000000001440' -- scaleX (float64 5)
-'00000000000014C0' -- scaleY (float64 -5)
-'00000000EBDF2741' -- ipX (float64 782325.5)
-'000000A84E817941' -- ipY (float64 26744042.5)
-'0000000000000840' -- skewX (float64 3)
-'0000000000000840' -- skewY (float64 3)
-'27690000' -- SRID (int32 26919 - UTM 19N)
-'0200' -- width (uint16 1)
-'0200' -- height (uint16 1)
-'4' -- hasnodatavalue set to true
-'2' -- first band type (4BUI)
-'04' -- novalue==4
-'01' -- pixel(1,1)==1
-'02' -- pixel(2,1)==2
-'03' -- pixel(1,2)==3
-'04' -- pixel(2,2)==4
-'0' -- hasnodatavalue set to false
-'5' -- second band type (16BSI)
-'0400' -- novalue==13
-'0100' -- pixel(1,1)==1
-'0200' -- pixel(2,1)==2
-'0300' -- pixel(1,2)==3
-'0400' -- pixel(2,2)==4
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test
-VALUES ( 2, '1x1, nbband:2 b1pixeltype:4BUI b1hasnodatavalue:true b1nodatavalue:3 b2pixeltype:16BSI b2hasnodatavalue:false b2nodatavalue:13',
- 2, --- nbband
- '4BUI', true, 3, 2, --- b1pixeltype, b1hasnodatavalue, b1nodatavalue
- '16BSI', false, 13, 4, --- b2pixeltype, b2hasnodatavalue, b2nodatavalue
- 'POLYGON((-75.5533328537098 49.2824585505576,-75.5525268884758 49.2826703629415,-75.5523150760919 49.2818643977075,-75.553121041326 49.2816525853236,-75.5533328537098 49.2824585505576))',
-'01' -- little endian (uint8 ndr)
-'0000' -- version (uint16 0)
-'0200' -- nBands (uint16 0)
-'17263529ED684A3F' -- scaleX (float64 0.000805965234044584)
-'F9253529ED684ABF' -- scaleY (float64 -0.00080596523404458)
-'1C9F33CE69E352C0' -- ipX (float64 -75.5533328537098)
-'718F0E9A27A44840' -- ipY (float64 49.2824585505576)
-'ED50EB853EC32B3F' -- skewX (float64 0.000211812383858707)
-'7550EB853EC32B3F' -- skewY (float64 0.000211812383858704)
-'E6100000' -- SRID (int32 4326)
-'0200' -- width (uint16 1)
-'0200' -- height (uint16 1)
-'4' -- hasnodatavalue set to true
-'2' -- first band type (4BUI)
-'04' -- novalue==4
-'01' -- pixel(1,1)==1
-'02' -- pixel(2,1)==2
-'03' -- pixel(1,2)==3
-'04' -- pixel(2,2)==4
-'0' -- hasnodatavalue set to false
-'5' -- second band type (16BSI)
-'0400' -- novalue==4
-'0100' -- pixel(1,1)==1
-'0200' -- pixel(2,1)==2
-'0300' -- pixel(1,2)==3
-'0400' -- pixel(2,2)==4
-CREATE TABLE rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom (
- geomid int,
- forrast int,
- geom geometry
--- Insert points for raster no 1
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 1, 1, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(782325.5, 26744042.5), 26919));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 2, 1, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(782325.5 + 1, 26744042.5), 26919));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 3, 1, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(782325.5 + 10, 26744042.5 + 10), 26919));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 4, 1, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(782325.5 + 10, 26744042.5 - 2), 26919));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 5, 1, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(782325.5 + 5 + 3, 26744042.5 - 5 + 3), 26919));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 6, 1, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(782325.5 + 2*5 + 0.5*3, 26744042.5 + 2*3 - 0.5*5), 26919));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 7, 1, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(782325.5 + 1, 26744042.5 - 3), 26919));
--- Insert lines for raster no 1
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 11, 1, st_setsrid(st_makeline(ARRAY[st_makepoint(782325.5 + 1, 26744042.5 + 1),
- st_makepoint(782325.5 + 11, 26744042.5 + 11)]), 26919));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 12, 1, st_setsrid(st_makeline(ARRAY[st_makepoint(782325.5 - 1, 26744042.5 - 2),
- st_makepoint(782325.5 + 5, 26744042.5 + 4)]), 26919));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 13, 1, st_setsrid(st_makeline(ARRAY[st_makepoint(782325.5, 26744042.5 - 10),
- st_makepoint(782325.5 + 18, 26744042.5 - 2)]), 26919));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 14, 1, st_setsrid(st_makeline(ARRAY[st_makepoint(782325.5 + 13, 26744042.5 - 3),
- st_makepoint(782325.5 + 18, 26744042.5 - 1)]), 26919));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 15, 1, st_setsrid(st_makeline(ARRAY[st_makepoint(782325.5 + 2*5 - 0.3*3, 26744042.5 + 2*3 + 0.3*5),
- st_makepoint(782325.5 + 2*5 + 0.5*3, 26744042.5 + 2*3 - 0.5*5)
- ]),
- 26919));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 16, 1, st_setsrid(st_makeline(ARRAY[st_makepoint(782325.5 + 2*5 + 1.5*3, 26744042.5 + 2*3 - 1.5*5),
- st_makepoint(782325.5 + 2*5 + 2.5*3, 26744042.5 + 2*3 - 2.5*5)
- ]),
- 26919));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 17, 1, st_setsrid(st_makeline(ARRAY[st_makepoint(782325.5 + 2*5 + 1.0*3, 26744042.5 + 2*3 - 1.0*5),
- st_makepoint(782325.5 + 2*5 + 1.5*3, 26744042.5 + 2*3 - 1.5*5)
- ]),
- 26919));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 18, 1, st_setsrid(st_makeline(ARRAY[st_makepoint(782325.5 + 4, 26744042.5 - 8),
- st_makepoint(782325.5 + 7, 26744042.5 + 6)]), 26919));
--- Insert points for raster no 2
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 31, 2, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(-75.5533328537098, 49.2824585505576), 4326));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 32, 2, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(-75.5533328537098 + 0.0001, 49.2824585505576), 4326));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 33, 2, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(-75.5533328537098 + 0.001, 49.2824585505576 + 0.001), 4326));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 34, 2, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(-75.5533328537098 + 0.0015, 49.2824585505576 - 0.001), 4326));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 35, 2, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(
- -75.5533328537098 + 0.000805965234044584 + 0.000211812383858707,
- 49.2824585505576 - 0.00080596523404458 + 0.000211812383858704
- ), 4326));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 36, 2, st_setsrid(st_makepoint(
- -75.5533328537098 + 2.0*0.000805965234044584 + 0.5*0.000211812383858707,
- 49.2824585505576 + 2.0*0.000211812383858704 - 0.5*0.00080596523404458
- ), 4326));
--- Insert lines for raster no 2
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 41, 2, st_setsrid(st_makeline(ARRAY[
- st_makepoint(-75.5533328537098 + 0.0001, 49.2824585505576 + 0.0001),
- st_makepoint(-75.5533328537098 + 0.0011, 49.2824585505576 + 0.0011)
- ]), 4326));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 42, 2, st_setsrid(st_makeline(ARRAY[
- st_makepoint(-75.5533328537098 - 0.0001, 49.2824585505576 - 0.0002),
- st_makepoint(-75.5533328537098 + 0.0005, 49.2824585505576 + 0.0004)
- ]), 4326));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 43, 2, st_setsrid(st_makeline(ARRAY[
- st_makepoint(-75.5533328537098, 49.2824585505576 - 0.0015),
- st_makepoint(-75.5533328537098 + 0.002, 49.2824585505576 - 0.0004)
- ]), 4326));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 44, 2, st_setsrid(st_makeline(ARRAY[
- st_makepoint(-75.5533328537098 + 0.0014, 49.2824585505576 - 0.0005),
- st_makepoint(-75.5533328537098 + 0.002, 49.2824585505576 - 0.0005)
- ]), 4326));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 45, 2, st_setsrid(st_makeline(ARRAY[st_makepoint(
- -75.5533328537098 + 2.0*0.000805965234044584 - 0.3*0.000211812383858707,
- 49.2824585505576 + 2.0*0.000211812383858704 + 0.3*0.00080596523404458
- ),
- st_makepoint(
- -75.5533328537098 + 2.0*0.000805965234044584 + 0.5*0.000211812383858707,
- 49.2824585505576 + 2.0*0.000211812383858704 - 0.5*0.00080596523404458
- )
- ]), 4326));
-INSERT INTO rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
-VALUES ( 46, 2, st_setsrid(st_makeline(ARRAY[st_makepoint(
- -75.5533328537098 + 2.0*0.000805965234044584 + 1.5*0.000211812383858707,
- 49.2824585505576 + 2.0*0.000211812383858704 - 1.5*0.00080596523404458
- ),
- st_makepoint(
- -75.5533328537098 + 2*0.000805965234044584 + 2.5*0.000211812383858707,
- 49.2824585505576 + 2*0.000211812383858704 - 2.5*0.00080596523404458
- )
- ]), 4326));
--- Test 1 - st_intersect(geometry, raster)
-SELECT 'test 1.1', rid, geomid, ST_Intersects(geom, rast) AS intersect
- FROM rt_spatial_relationship_test, rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
- WHERE forrast = rid ORDER BY rid, geomid;
-SELECT 'test 1.2', rid, geomid, ST_Intersects(geom, rast) AS intersect
- FROM rt_spatial_relationship_test, rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
- WHERE forrast = rid AND ST_Intersects(geom, rast, 1) ORDER BY rid, geomid;
-SELECT 'test 1.3', rid, geomid, ST_Intersects(geom, st_setbandnodatavalue(rast, NULL), 1)
- FROM rt_spatial_relationship_test, rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
- WHERE forrast = rid ORDER BY rid, geomid;
-SELECT 'test 1.4', rid, geomid, ST_Intersects(geom, st_setbandnodatavalue(rast, NULL))
- FROM rt_spatial_relationship_test, rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
- WHERE forrast = rid AND ST_Intersects(geom, rast, 1) ORDER BY rid, geomid;
--- Test 2 - st_intersection(raster, geometry)
-SELECT 'test 2.1', rid, geomid, ST_AsText((gv).geom), (gv).val
-FROM (SELECT *, ST_Intersection(geom, rast) gv
- FROM rt_spatial_relationship_test, rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
- WHERE forrast = rid
- ) foo;
-SELECT 'test 2.2', rid, geomid, ST_AsText((gv).geom), (gv).val
-FROM (SELECT *, ST_Intersection(geom, rast) gv
- FROM rt_spatial_relationship_test, rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
- WHERE forrast = rid AND ST_Intersects(geom, rast, 1)
- ) foo;
-SELECT 'test 2.3', rid, geomid, ST_AsText((gv).geom), (gv).val
-FROM (SELECT *, ST_Intersection(geom, st_setbandnodatavalue(rast, NULL)) gv
- FROM rt_spatial_relationship_test, rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
- WHERE forrast = rid
- ) foo;
-SELECT 'test 2.4', rid, geomid, ST_AsText((gv).geom), (gv).val
-FROM (SELECT *, ST_Intersection(geom, st_setbandnodatavalue(rast, NULL)) gv
- FROM rt_spatial_relationship_test, rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom
- WHERE forrast = rid AND ST_Intersects(geom, st_setbandnodatavalue(rast, NULL), 1)
- ) foo;
-DROP TABLE rt_spatial_relationship_test;
-DROP TABLE rt_spatial_relationship_test_geom;
+++ /dev/null
-test 1.1|1|1|t
-test 1.1|1|2|t
-test 1.1|1|3|f
-test 1.1|1|4|t
-test 1.1|1|5|t
-test 1.1|1|6|t
-test 1.1|1|7|f
-test 1.1|1|11|f
-test 1.1|1|12|t
-test 1.1|1|13|t
-test 1.1|1|14|t
-test 1.1|1|15|t
-test 1.1|1|16|t
-test 1.1|1|17|t
-test 1.1|1|18|t
-test 1.1|2|31|t
-test 1.1|2|32|t
-test 1.1|2|33|f
-test 1.1|2|34|t
-test 1.1|2|35|t
-test 1.1|2|36|f
-test 1.1|2|41|f
-test 1.1|2|42|t
-test 1.1|2|43|t
-test 1.1|2|44|t
-test 1.1|2|45|f
-test 1.1|2|46|f
-test 1.2|1|1|t
-test 1.2|1|2|t
-test 1.2|1|5|t
-test 1.2|1|6|t
-test 1.2|1|12|t
-test 1.2|1|13|t
-test 1.2|1|15|t
-test 1.2|1|17|t
-test 1.2|1|18|t
-test 1.2|2|31|t
-test 1.2|2|32|t
-test 1.2|2|42|t
-test 1.2|2|43|t
-test 1.3|1|1|t
-test 1.3|1|2|t
-test 1.3|1|3|f
-test 1.3|1|4|t
-test 1.3|1|5|t
-test 1.3|1|6|t
-test 1.3|1|7|f
-test 1.3|1|11|f
-test 1.3|1|12|t
-test 1.3|1|13|t
-test 1.3|1|14|t
-test 1.3|1|15|t
-test 1.3|1|16|t
-test 1.3|1|17|t
-test 1.3|1|18|t
-test 1.3|2|31|t
-test 1.3|2|32|t
-test 1.3|2|33|f
-test 1.3|2|34|t
-test 1.3|2|35|t
-test 1.3|2|36|f
-test 1.3|2|41|f
-test 1.3|2|42|t
-test 1.3|2|43|t
-test 1.3|2|44|t
-test 1.3|2|45|f
-test 1.3|2|46|f
-test 1.4|1|1|t
-test 1.4|1|2|t
-test 1.4|1|5|t
-test 1.4|1|6|t
-test 1.4|1|12|t
-test 1.4|1|13|t
-test 1.4|1|15|t
-test 1.4|1|17|t
-test 1.4|1|18|t
-test 1.4|2|31|t
-test 1.4|2|32|t
-test 1.4|2|42|t
-test 1.4|2|43|t
-test 2.1|1|1|POINT(782325.5 26744042.5)|1
-test 2.1|1|2|POINT(782326.5 26744042.5)|1
-test 2.1|1|5|POINT(782333.5 26744040.5)|1
-test 2.1|1|5|POINT(782333.5 26744040.5)|2
-test 2.1|1|5|POINT(782333.5 26744040.5)|3
-test 2.1|1|6|POINT(782337 26744046)|2
-test 2.1|1|12|LINESTRING(782325.875 26744041.875,782328 26744044)|1
-test 2.1|1|13|LINESTRING(782330.236842105 26744034.6052632,782335.605263158 26744036.9912281)|3
-test 2.1|1|15|LINESTRING(782337 26744046,782335.5 26744048.5)|2
-test 2.1|1|17|POINT(782338.5 26744043.5)|2
-test 2.1|1|18|LINESTRING(782330.385245902 26744038.6311475,782331.5 26744043.8333333)|1
-test 2.1|1|18|LINESTRING(782331.5 26744043.8333333,782332.057377049 26744046.4344262)|2
-test 2.1|1|18|LINESTRING(782329.710526316 26744035.4824561,782330.385245902 26744038.6311475)|3
-test 2.1|2|31|POINT(-75.5533328537098 49.2824585505576)|1
-test 2.1|2|32|POINT(-75.5532328537098 49.2824585505576)|1
-test 2.1|2|42|LINESTRING(-75.5533120424461 49.2823793618213,-75.5531972042327 49.2824942000347)|1
-test 2.1|2|43|LINESTRING(-75.5529884291587 49.2811479840607,-75.5522356128797 49.2815620330142)|3
-test 2.2|1|1|POINT(782325.5 26744042.5)|1
-test 2.2|1|2|POINT(782326.5 26744042.5)|1
-test 2.2|1|5|POINT(782333.5 26744040.5)|1
-test 2.2|1|5|POINT(782333.5 26744040.5)|2
-test 2.2|1|5|POINT(782333.5 26744040.5)|3
-test 2.2|1|6|POINT(782337 26744046)|2
-test 2.2|1|12|LINESTRING(782325.875 26744041.875,782328 26744044)|1
-test 2.2|1|13|LINESTRING(782330.236842105 26744034.6052632,782335.605263158 26744036.9912281)|3
-test 2.2|1|15|LINESTRING(782337 26744046,782335.5 26744048.5)|2
-test 2.2|1|17|POINT(782338.5 26744043.5)|2
-test 2.2|1|18|LINESTRING(782330.385245902 26744038.6311475,782331.5 26744043.8333333)|1
-test 2.2|1|18|LINESTRING(782331.5 26744043.8333333,782332.057377049 26744046.4344262)|2
-test 2.2|1|18|LINESTRING(782329.710526316 26744035.4824561,782330.385245902 26744038.6311475)|3
-test 2.2|2|31|POINT(-75.5533328537098 49.2824585505576)|1
-test 2.2|2|32|POINT(-75.5532328537098 49.2824585505576)|1
-test 2.2|2|42|LINESTRING(-75.5533120424461 49.2823793618213,-75.5531972042327 49.2824942000347)|1
-test 2.2|2|43|LINESTRING(-75.5529884291587 49.2811479840607,-75.5522356128797 49.2815620330142)|3
-test 2.3|1|1|POINT(782325.5 26744042.5)|1
-test 2.3|1|2|POINT(782326.5 26744042.5)|1
-test 2.3|1|4|POINT(782335.5 26744040.5)|4
-test 2.3|1|5|POINT(782333.5 26744040.5)|1
-test 2.3|1|5|POINT(782333.5 26744040.5)|2
-test 2.3|1|5|POINT(782333.5 26744040.5)|3
-test 2.3|1|5|POINT(782333.5 26744040.5)|4
-test 2.3|1|6|POINT(782337 26744046)|2
-test 2.3|1|12|LINESTRING(782325.875 26744041.875,782328 26744044)|1
-test 2.3|1|13|LINESTRING(782330.236842105 26744034.6052632,782335.605263158 26744036.9912281)|3
-test 2.3|1|13|LINESTRING(782335.605263158 26744036.9912281,782340.973684211 26744039.377193)|4
-test 2.3|1|14|LINESTRING(782338.5 26744039.5,782340.435483871 26744040.2741935)|4
-test 2.3|1|15|LINESTRING(782337 26744046,782335.5 26744048.5)|2
-test 2.3|1|16|LINESTRING(782341.5 26744038.5,782340 26744041)|4
-test 2.3|1|17|POINT(782338.5 26744043.5)|2
-test 2.3|1|17|LINESTRING(782340 26744041,782338.5 26744043.5)|4
-test 2.3|1|18|LINESTRING(782330.385245902 26744038.6311475,782331.5 26744043.8333333)|1
-test 2.3|1|18|LINESTRING(782331.5 26744043.8333333,782332.057377049 26744046.4344262)|2
-test 2.3|1|18|LINESTRING(782329.710526316 26744035.4824561,782330.385245902 26744038.6311475)|3
-test 2.3|2|31|POINT(-75.5533328537098 49.2824585505576)|1
-test 2.3|2|32|POINT(-75.5532328537098 49.2824585505576)|1
-test 2.3|2|34|POINT(-75.5518328537098 49.2814585505576)|4
-test 2.3|2|35|POINT(-75.5523150760919 49.2818643977074)|4
-test 2.3|2|42|LINESTRING(-75.5533120424461 49.2823793618213,-75.5531972042327 49.2824942000347)|1
-test 2.3|2|43|LINESTRING(-75.5529884291587 49.2811479840607,-75.5522356128797 49.2815620330142)|3
-test 2.3|2|43|LINESTRING(-75.5522356128797 49.2815620330142,-75.5514827966006 49.2819760819677)|4
-test 2.3|2|44|LINESTRING(-75.5519328537098 49.2819585505576,-75.5514781892433 49.2819585505576)|4
-test 2.4|1|1|POINT(782325.5 26744042.5)|1
-test 2.4|1|2|POINT(782326.5 26744042.5)|1
-test 2.4|1|4|POINT(782335.5 26744040.5)|4
-test 2.4|1|5|POINT(782333.5 26744040.5)|1
-test 2.4|1|5|POINT(782333.5 26744040.5)|2
-test 2.4|1|5|POINT(782333.5 26744040.5)|3
-test 2.4|1|5|POINT(782333.5 26744040.5)|4
-test 2.4|1|6|POINT(782337 26744046)|2
-test 2.4|1|12|LINESTRING(782325.875 26744041.875,782328 26744044)|1
-test 2.4|1|13|LINESTRING(782330.236842105 26744034.6052632,782335.605263158 26744036.9912281)|3
-test 2.4|1|13|LINESTRING(782335.605263158 26744036.9912281,782340.973684211 26744039.377193)|4
-test 2.4|1|14|LINESTRING(782338.5 26744039.5,782340.435483871 26744040.2741935)|4
-test 2.4|1|15|LINESTRING(782337 26744046,782335.5 26744048.5)|2
-test 2.4|1|16|LINESTRING(782341.5 26744038.5,782340 26744041)|4
-test 2.4|1|17|POINT(782338.5 26744043.5)|2
-test 2.4|1|17|LINESTRING(782340 26744041,782338.5 26744043.5)|4
-test 2.4|1|18|LINESTRING(782330.385245902 26744038.6311475,782331.5 26744043.8333333)|1
-test 2.4|1|18|LINESTRING(782331.5 26744043.8333333,782332.057377049 26744046.4344262)|2
-test 2.4|1|18|LINESTRING(782329.710526316 26744035.4824561,782330.385245902 26744038.6311475)|3
-test 2.4|2|31|POINT(-75.5533328537098 49.2824585505576)|1
-test 2.4|2|32|POINT(-75.5532328537098 49.2824585505576)|1
-test 2.4|2|34|POINT(-75.5518328537098 49.2814585505576)|4
-test 2.4|2|35|POINT(-75.5523150760919 49.2818643977074)|4
-test 2.4|2|42|LINESTRING(-75.5533120424461 49.2823793618213,-75.5531972042327 49.2824942000347)|1
-test 2.4|2|43|LINESTRING(-75.5529884291587 49.2811479840607,-75.5522356128797 49.2815620330142)|3
-test 2.4|2|43|LINESTRING(-75.5522356128797 49.2815620330142,-75.5514827966006 49.2819760819677)|4
-test 2.4|2|44|LINESTRING(-75.5519328537098 49.2819585505576,-75.5514781892433 49.2819585505576)|4