except KeyError:
- def update(self, other=(), **kwds):
+ def update(*args, **kwds):
+ if len(args) > 2:
+ raise TypeError("update() takes at most 2 positional "
+ "arguments ({} given)".format(len(args)))
+ elif not args:
+ raise TypeError("update() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)")
+ self = args[0]
+ other = args[1] if len(args) >= 2 else ()
if isinstance(other, Mapping):
for key in other:
self[key] = other[key]
od.update([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 9), ('d', 4)], c=3, e=5)
self.assertEqual(list(od.items()), pairs) # mixed input
+ # Issue 9137: Named argument called 'other' or 'self'
+ # shouldn't be treated specially.
+ od = OrderedDict()
+ od.update(self=23)
+ self.assertEqual(list(od.items()), [('self', 23)])
+ od = OrderedDict()
+ od.update(other={})
+ self.assertEqual(list(od.items()), [('other', {})])
+ od = OrderedDict()
+ od.update(red=5, blue=6, other=7, self=8)
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(list(od.items())),
+ [('blue', 6), ('other', 7), ('red', 5), ('self', 8)])
# Make sure that direct calls to update do not clear previous contents
# add that updates items are not moved to the end
d = OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 44), ('e', 55)])
+- Issue #9137: Fix issue in MutableMapping.update, which incorrectly
+ treated keyword arguments called 'self' or 'other' specially.
- Issue #7835: shelve should no longer produce mysterious warnings during
interpreter shutdown.