--- /dev/null
+/* $Id$ $Revision$ */
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 ts=8: */
+* This software is part of the graphviz package *
+* http://www.graphviz.org/ *
+* *
+* Copyright (c) 1994-2004 AT&T Corp. *
+* and is licensed under the *
+* Common Public License, Version 1.0 *
+* by AT&T Corp. *
+* *
+* Information and Software Systems Research *
+* AT&T Research, Florham Park NJ *
+#include <stdio.h> /* SAFE */
+#include <cghdr.h> /* SAFE */
+extern void yyerror(char *); /* gets mapped to aagerror, see below */
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#define gettxt(a,b) (b)
+static char Key[] = "key";
+typedef union s { /* possible items in generic list */
+ Agnode_t *n;
+ Agraph_t *subg;
+ Agedge_t *e;
+ Agsym_t *asym; /* bound attribute */
+ char *name; /* unbound attribute */
+ struct item_s *list; /* list-of-lists (for edgestmt) */
+} val_t;
+typedef struct item_s { /* generic list */
+ int tag; /* T_node, T_subgraph, T_edge, T_attr */
+ val_t u; /* primary element */
+ char *str; /* secondary value - port or attr value */
+ struct item_s *next;
+} item;
+typedef struct list_s { /* maintain head and tail ptrs for fast append */
+ item *first;
+ item *last;
+} list_t;
+/* functions */
+static void appendnode(char *name, char *port, char *sport);
+static void attrstmt(int tkind, char *macroname);
+static void startgraph(char *name, int directed, int strict);
+static void bufferedges(void);
+static void newedge(Agnode_t *t, char *tport, Agnode_t *h, char *hport, char *key);
+static void edgerhs(Agnode_t *n, char *tport, item *hlist, char *key);
+static void appendattr(char *name, char *value);
+static void bindattrs(int kind);
+static void applyattrs(void *obj);
+static void endgraph(void);
+static void endnode(void);
+static void endedge(void);
+static char* concat(char*, char*);
+static char* concatPort(char*, char*);
+static void opensubg(char *name);
+static void closesubg(void);
+/* global */
+static Agraph_t *G;
+%union {
+ int i;
+ char *str;
+ struct Agnode_s *n;
+%token <i> T_graph T_node T_edge T_digraph T_subgraph T_strict T_edgeop
+ /* T_list, T_attr are internal tags, not really tokens */
+%token T_list T_attr
+%token <str> T_atom T_qatom
+%type <i> optstrict graphtype rcompound attrtype
+%type <str> optsubghdr optgraphname optmacroname atom qatom
+graph : hdr body {endgraph();}
+ | error {if (G) {agclose(G); G = Ag_G_global = NIL(Agraph_t*);}}
+ | /* empty */
+ ;
+body : '{' optstmtlist '}' ;
+hdr : optstrict graphtype optgraphname {startgraph($3,$2,$1);}
+ ;
+optgraphname: atom {$$=$1;} | /* empty */ {$$=0;} ;
+optstrict : T_strict {$$=1;} | /* empty */ {$$=0;} ;
+graphtype : T_graph {$$ = 0;} | T_digraph {$$ = 1;} ;
+optstmtlist : stmtlist | /* empty */ ;
+stmtlist : stmtlist stmt | stmt ;
+optsemi : ';' | ;
+stmt : attrstmt optsemi
+ | compound optsemi
+ ;
+compound : simple rcompound optattr
+ {if ($2) endedge(); else endnode();}
+ ;
+simple : nodelist | subgraph ;
+rcompound : T_edgeop {bufferedges();} simple rcompound {$$ = 1;}
+ | /* empty */ {$$ = 0;}
+ ;
+nodelist : node | nodelist ',' node ;
+node : atom {appendnode($1,NIL(char*),NIL(char*));}
+ | atom ':' atom {appendnode($1,$3,NIL(char*));}
+ | atom ':' atom ':' atom {appendnode($1,$3,$5);}
+ ;
+attrstmt : attrtype optmacroname attrlist {attrstmt($1,$2);}
+ | graphattrdefs {attrstmt(T_graph,NIL(char*));}
+ ;
+attrtype : T_graph {$$ = T_graph;}
+ | T_node {$$ = T_node;}
+ | T_edge {$$ = T_edge;}
+ ;
+optmacroname : atom '=' {$$ = $1;}
+ | /* empty */ {$$ = NIL(char*); }
+ ;
+optattr : attrlist | /* empty */ ;
+attrlist : optattr '[' optattrdefs ']' ;
+optattrdefs : optattrdefs attrdefs
+ | /* empty */ ;
+attrdefs : attritem optseparator
+ ;
+attritem : attrassignment | attrmacro ;
+attrassignment : atom '=' atom {appendattr($1,$3);}
+ ;
+attrmacro : '@' atom {appendattr($2,NIL(char*));} /* not yet impl */
+ ;
+graphattrdefs : attrassignment
+ ;
+subgraph : optsubghdr {opensubg($1);} body {closesubg();}
+ ;
+optsubghdr : T_subgraph atom {$$=$2;}
+ | T_subgraph {$$=NIL(char*);}
+ | /* empty */ {$$=NIL(char*);}
+ ;
+optseparator : ';' | ',' | /*empty*/ ;
+atom : T_atom {$$ = $1;}
+ | qatom {$$ = $1;}
+ ;
+qatom : T_qatom {$$ = $1;}
+ | qatom '+' T_qatom {$$ = concat($1,$3);}
+ ;
+#define NILitem NIL(item*)
+/* globals */
+static Agraph_t *Subgraph; /* most recent subgraph that was opened */
+static Agdisc_t *Disc; /* discipline passed to agread or agconcat */
+static list_t Nodelist,Edgelist,Attrlist;
+static item *newitem(int tag, void *p0, char *p1)
+ item *rv = agalloc(G,sizeof(item));
+ rv->tag = tag; rv->u.name = (char*)p0; rv->str = p1;
+ return rv;
+static item *cons_node(Agnode_t *n, char *port)
+ { return newitem(T_node,n,port); }
+static item *cons_attr(char *name, char *value)
+ { return newitem(T_atom,name,value); }
+static item *cons_list(item *list)
+ { return newitem(T_list,list,NIL(char*)); }
+static item *cons_subg(Agraph_t *subg)
+ { return newitem(T_subgraph,subg,NIL(char*)); }
+#ifdef NOTDEF
+static item *cons_edge(Agedge_t *e)
+ { return newitem(T_edge,e,NIL(char*)); }
+static void delete_items(item *ilist)
+ item *p,*pn;
+ for (p = ilist; p; p = pn) {
+ pn = p->next;
+ switch(p->tag) {
+ case T_list: delete_items(p->u.list); break;
+ case T_atom: case T_attr: agstrfree(G,p->str); break;
+ }
+ agfree(G,p);
+ }
+static void deletelist(list_t *list)
+ delete_items(list->first);
+ list->first = list->last = NILitem;
+#ifdef NOTDEF
+static void listins(list_t *list, item *v)
+ v->next = list->first;
+ list->first = v;
+ if (list->last == NILitem) list->last = v;
+static void listapp(list_t *list, item *v)
+ if (list->last) list->last->next = v;
+ list->last = v;
+ if (list->first == NILitem) list->first = v;
+/* attrs */
+static void appendattr(char *name, char *value)
+ item *v;
+ assert(value != NIL(char*));
+ v = cons_attr(name,value);
+ listapp(&Attrlist,v);
+static void bindattrs(int kind)
+ item *aptr;
+ char *name;
+ for (aptr = Attrlist.first; aptr; aptr = aptr->next) {
+ assert(aptr->tag == T_atom); /* signifies unbound attr */
+ name = aptr->u.name;
+ if ((kind == AGEDGE) && streq(name,Key)) continue;
+ if ((aptr->u.asym = agattr(G,kind,name,NIL(char*))) == NILsym)
+ aptr->u.asym = agattr(G,kind,name,"");
+ aptr->tag = T_attr; /* signifies bound attr */
+ agstrfree(G,name);
+ }
+static void applyattrs(void *obj)
+ item *aptr;
+ for (aptr = Attrlist.first; aptr; aptr = aptr->next) {
+ if (aptr->tag == T_attr) {
+ if (aptr->u.asym && !aptr->u.asym->fixed) {
+ agxset(obj,aptr->u.asym,aptr->str);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(AGTYPE(obj) == AGEDGE);
+ assert(aptr->tag == T_atom);
+ assert(streq(aptr->u.name,Key));
+ }
+ }
+static void nomacros(void)
+ agerr(AGWARN,"attribute macros not implemented");
+static void attrstmt(int tkind, char *macroname)
+ item *aptr;
+ int kind;
+ /* creating a macro def */
+ if (macroname) nomacros();
+ /* invoking a macro def */
+ for (aptr = Attrlist.first; aptr; aptr = aptr->next)
+ if (aptr->str == NIL(char*)) nomacros();
+ switch(tkind) {
+ case T_graph: kind = AGRAPH; break;
+ case T_node: kind = AGNODE; break;
+ case T_edge: kind = AGEDGE; break;
+ default : abort();
+ }
+ bindattrs(kind); /* set up defaults for new attributes */
+ for (aptr = Attrlist.first; aptr; aptr = aptr->next)
+ agattr(G,kind,aptr->u.asym->name,aptr->str);
+ deletelist(&Attrlist);
+/* nodes */
+static void appendnode(char *name, char *port, char *sport)
+ item *elt;
+ if (sport) {
+ port = concatPort (port, sport);
+ }
+ elt = cons_node(agnode(G,name,TRUE),port);
+ listapp(&Nodelist,elt);
+ agstrfree(G,name);
+ /* apply current optional attrs to Nodelist and clean up lists */
+static void endnode()
+ item *ptr;
+ bindattrs(AGNODE);
+ for (ptr = Nodelist.first; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
+ applyattrs(ptr->u.n);
+ deletelist(&Nodelist);
+ deletelist(&Attrlist);
+/* edges - store up node/subg lists until optional edge key can be seen */
+static void bufferedges()
+ item *v;
+ if (Nodelist.first) {
+ v = cons_list(Nodelist.first);
+ Nodelist.first = Nodelist.last = NILitem;
+ }
+ else {v = cons_subg(Subgraph); Subgraph = NIL(Agraph_t*);}
+ listapp(&Edgelist,v);
+static void endedge(void)
+ char *key;
+ item *aptr,*tptr,*p;
+ Agnode_t *t;
+ Agraph_t *subg;
+ bufferedges(); /* pick up the terminal nodelist or subg */
+ bindattrs(AGEDGE);
+ /* look for "key" pseudo-attribute */
+ key = NIL(char*);
+ for (aptr = Attrlist.first; aptr; aptr = aptr->next) {
+ if ((aptr->tag == T_atom) && streq(aptr->u.name,Key))
+ key = aptr->str;
+ }
+ /* can make edges with node lists or subgraphs */
+ for (p = Edgelist.first; p->next; p = p->next) {
+ if (p->tag == T_subgraph) {
+ subg = p->u.subg;
+ for (t = agfstnode(subg); t; t = agnxtnode(subg,t))
+ edgerhs(agsubnode(G,t,FALSE),NIL(char*),p->next,key);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (tptr = p->u.list; tptr; tptr = tptr->next)
+ edgerhs(tptr->u.n,tptr->str,p->next,key);
+ }
+ }
+ deletelist(&Edgelist);
+ deletelist(&Attrlist);
+/* concat:
+ */
+static char*
+concat (char* s1, char* s2)
+ char* s;
+ char buf[BUFSIZ];
+ char* sym;
+ int len = strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + 1;
+ if (len <= BUFSIZ) sym = buf;
+ else sym = (char*)malloc(len);
+ strcpy(sym,s1);
+ strcat(sym,s2);
+ s = agstrdup (G,sym);
+ agstrfree (G,s1);
+ agstrfree (G,s2);
+ if (sym != buf) free (sym);
+ return s;
+/* concatPort:
+ */
+static char*
+concatPort (char* s1, char* s2)
+ char* s;
+ char buf[BUFSIZ];
+ char* sym;
+ int len = strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + 2; /* one more for ':' */
+ if (len <= BUFSIZ) sym = buf;
+ else sym = (char*)malloc(len);
+ sprintf (sym, "%s:%s", s1, s2);
+ s = agstrdup (G,sym);
+ agstrfree (G,s1);
+ agstrfree (G,s2);
+ if (sym != buf) free (sym);
+ return s;
+static void edgerhs(Agnode_t *tail, char *tport, item *hlist, char *key)
+ Agnode_t *head;
+ Agraph_t *subg;
+ item *hptr;
+ if (hlist->tag == T_subgraph) {
+ subg = hlist->u.subg;
+ for (head = agfstnode(subg); head; head = agnxtnode(subg,head))
+ newedge(tail,tport,agsubnode(G,head,FALSE),NIL(char*),key);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (hptr = hlist->u.list; hptr; hptr = hptr->next)
+ newedge(tail,tport,agsubnode(G,hptr->u.n,FALSE),hptr->str,key);
+ }
+static void mkport(Agedge_t *e, char *name, char *val)
+ Agsym_t *attr;
+ if (val) {
+ if ((attr = agattr(G,AGEDGE,name,NIL(char*))) == NILsym)
+ attr = agattr(G,AGEDGE,name,"");
+ if (!attr->fixed)
+ agxset(e,attr,val);
+ }
+static void newedge(Agnode_t *t, char *tport, Agnode_t *h, char *hport, char *key)
+ Agedge_t *e;
+ e = agedge(G,t,h,key,TRUE);
+ if (e) { /* can fail if graph is strict and t==h */
+ char *tp = tport;
+ char *hp = hport;
+ if ((agtail(e) != aghead(e)) && (aghead(e) == t)) {
+ /* could happen with an undirected edge */
+ char *temp;
+ temp = tp; tp = hp; hp = temp;
+ }
+ mkport(e,TAILPORT_ID,tp);
+ mkport(e,HEADPORT_ID,hp);
+ applyattrs(e);
+ }
+/* graphs and subgraphs */
+static void startgraph(char *name, int directed, int strict)
+ static Agdesc_t req; /* get rid of warnings */
+ if (G == NILgraph) {
+ req.directed = directed;
+ req.strict = strict;
+ req.maingraph = TRUE;
+ Ag_G_global = G = agopen(name,req,Disc);
+ }
+ else {
+ Ag_G_global = G;
+ }
+ agstrfree(NIL(Agraph_t*),name);
+static void endgraph()
+ aglexeof();
+ aginternalmapclearlocalnames(G);
+static void opensubg(char *name)
+ G = agsubg(G,name,TRUE);
+ agstrfree(G,name);
+static void closesubg()
+ Subgraph = G;
+ if ((G = agparent(G)) == NIL(Agraph_t*))
+ yyerror("libgraph: parser lost root graph\n");
+extern void *yyin;
+Agraph_t *agconcat(Agraph_t *g, void *chan, Agdisc_t *disc)
+ yyin = chan;
+ G = g;
+ Ag_G_global = NILgraph;
+ Disc = (disc? disc : &AgDefaultDisc);
+ aglexinit(Disc, chan);
+ yyparse();
+ return Ag_G_global;
+Agraph_t *agread(void *fp, Agdisc_t *disc) {return agconcat(NILgraph,fp,disc); }