of $this.
. Removed ability to use array_key_exists() with objects. Use one of isset()
or property_exists() instead.
+ . Made the behavior of array_key_exists() regarding the type of the key
+ parameter consistent with isset() and normal array access. All key types now use
+ the usual coercions and array/object keys throw a TypeError.
. Any array that has a number n as its first numeric key will use n+1 for
its next implicit key. Even if n is negative.
RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/negative_array_index
. The deprecated constant INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 has been removed.
RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecate-and-remove-intl_idna_variant_2003
. The deprecated Normalizer::NONE constant has been removed.
+ . The IntlDateFormatter::RELATIVE_FULL, IntlDateFormatter::RELATIVE_LONG,
+ IntlDateFormatter::RELATIVE_MEDIUM, and IntlDateFormatter::RELATIVE_SHORT constants
+ have been added.
. The deprecated function ldap_sort has been removed.