h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
color: #557799;
+h1 {
+ border-bottom: groove black;
h1.title {
font-size: 2.5em;
text-align: center;
+ border: none;
a {
--- /dev/null
+Recognizing integers: the sentinel method
+This example is very simple, yet practical.
+We assume that the input is small (fits in one continuous piece of memory).
+We also assume that some characters never occur in well-formed input (but may occur in ill-formed input).
+This is often the case in simple real-world tasks like parsing program options,
+converting strings to numbers, determining binary file type based on magic in the first few bytes,
+efficiently switching on a string and many others.
+Our example program simply loops over its commad-line arguments
+and tries to match each argument against one of the four patterns:
+binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal integer literals.
+The numbers are not *parsed* (their numeric value is not retrieved), they are merely *recognized*.
+`[01_recognizing_integers.re] <examples/01_recognizing_integers.re>`_
+.. include:: examples/01_recognizing_integers.re
+ :code: cpp
+ :number-lines:
+A couple of things should be noted:
+* Default case (when none of the rules matched) is handled properly with ``*`` rule (line 16).
+ **Never forget to handle default case, otherwise control flow in lexer will be undefined for some input strings.**
+ Use [-Wundefined-control-flow] re2c warning: it will warn you about unhandled default case and
+ show input patterns that are not covered by the rules.
+* We use the *sentinel* method to stop at the end of input (``re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;`` at line 8).
+ Sentinel is a special character that can never occur in well-formed input.
+ It is appended to the end of input and serves as a stop signal for the lexer.
+ In out case sentinel is ``NULL``: all arguments are ``NULL``-terminated and none of the rules matches ``NULL`` in the middle.
+ Lexer will inevitably stop when it sees ``NULL``.
+ Note that we make no assumptions about the input, it may contain any characters.
+ **But do make sure that the sentinel character is not allowed in the middle of a rule.**
+* ``YYMARKER`` (line 5) is needed because rules overlap:
+ it backups input position of the longest successful match.
+ Say, we have overlapping rules ``"a"`` and ``"abc"`` and input string ``"abd"``:
+ by the time ``"a"`` matches there's still a chance to match ``"abc"``,
+ but when lexer sees ``'d'`` it must rollback.
+ (You might wonder why ``YYMARKER`` is exposed at all: why not make it a local variable like ``yych``?
+ The reason is, all input pointers must be updated by ``YYFILL``
+ as explained in `Arbitrary large input and YYFILL <example_03.html>`_ example.)
+Generate, compile and run:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ re2c -o example.cc 01_recognizing_integers.re
+ $ g++ -o example example.cc
+ $ ./example 0 12345678901234567890 0xAbcDEf 0x00 007 0B0 0b110101010 0x 0b ? ""
+ oct: 0
+ dec: 12345678901234567890
+ hex: 0xAbcDEf
+ hex: 0x00
+ oct: 007
+ bin: 0B0
+ bin: 0b110101010
+ err: 0x
+ err: 0b
+ err: ?
+ err:
--- /dev/null
+Recognizing strings: the need for YYMAXFILL
+This example is about recognizing strings.
+Strings (in generic sense) are different from other kinds of lexemes: they can contain *arbitrary* characters.
+It makes them a way more difficult to lex: unlike `Recognizing integers: the sentinel method <example_01.html>`_ example,
+we cannot use sentinel character to stop at the end of input.
+Suppose, for example, that our strings may be single or double-quoted
+and may contain any character in range ``[0 - 0xFF]`` except quotes of the appropriate type.
+This time we cannot use ``NULL`` as a sentinel: input strings like ``"aha\0ha"`` are perfectly valid,
+but ill-formed strings like ``"aha\0`` are also possible and shouldn't crash lexer.
+Any other character cannot be used for the same reason
+(including quotes: each type of strings can contain quotes of the opposite type).
+By default re2c-generated lexers use the following approach to check for the end of input:
+they assume that ``YYLIMIT`` is a pointer to the end of input and check by simply comparing ``YYCURSOR`` and ``YYLIMIT``.
+The obvious way is to check on each input character (before advancing to the next character), but it's very slow.
+Instead, re2c inserts checks only at certain points in the generated program.
+Each check ensures that there is enough input to proceed until the next check.
+If the check fails, lexer calls ``YYFILL(n)``, which can either supply at least ``n`` characters or stop:
+ ``if ((YYLIMIT - YYCURSOR) < n) YYFILL(n);``
+For those interested in the internal re2c algorithm used to determine checkpoints,
+here is a quote from the original paper
+`"RE2C: a more versatile scanner generator" <1994_bumbulis_cowan_re2c_a_more_versatile_scanner_generator.pdf>`_
+by Peter Bumbulis, Donald D. Cowan, 1994, ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems (LOPLAS):
+ *A set of key states can be determined by discovering the strongly-connected components (SCCs) of the
+ DFA. An SCC is a maximal subset of states such that there exists a path from any state in the subset to any
+ other. The set of key states consists of all of the states in non-trivial SCCs, together with the start state.
+ Note that for each SCC S, we actually only have to include a subset of states of S such that when the subset
+ is removed, S becomes acyclic.*
+This approach reduces the number of checks significantly, but it has a downside.
+Since the lexer checks for multiple characters at once, the last few input characters may become unreachable.
+Common hack is to pad input with a few fake characters that **do not form a valid lexeme or lexeme suffix**.
+The length of padding depends on the maximal argument to ``YYFILL``
+(this value is called ``YYMAXFILL`` and can be generated using ``/*!max:re2c*/`` directive).
+`[02_recognizing_strings.re] <examples/02_recognizing_strings.re>`_
+.. include:: examples/02_recognizing_strings.re
+ :code: cpp
+ :number-lines:
+* ``/*!max:re2c*/`` (line 4) tells re2c to generate ``#define YYMAXFILL n``.
+* Input string is padded with ``YYMAXFILL`` characters ``'a'`` (line 15).
+ Sequence of ``'a'`` does not form a valid lexeme or lexeme suffix
+ (but padding with quotes would cause false match on ill-formed input like ``"aha``).
+* ``YYLIMIT`` points at the end of padding (line 26).
+* ``YYFILL`` returns an error (line 29): if the input was correct, lexer should have stopped
+ at the beginning of padding.
+* If the rule matched (line 36), we ensure that lexer consumed *all* input characters
+ and stopped exactly at the beginning of padding.
+* We have to use ``re2c:define:YYFILL:naked = 1;`` (line 30)
+ in order to suppress passing parameter to ``YYFILL``.
+ (It was an unfortunate idea to make ``YYFILL`` a call expression by default:
+ ``YYFILL`` has to stop the lexer eventually, that's why it has to be a macro and not a function.
+ One should either set ``re2c:define:YYFILL:naked = 1;`` or define ``YYFILL(n)`` as a macro.)
+Generate, compile and run:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ re2c -o example.cc 02_recognizing_strings.re
+ $ g++ -o example example.cc
+ $ ./example '"a momentary"' '""' '"lap"se"' '"of' '"' '"rea""son"' ''
+ str: "a momentary"
+ str: ""
+ err: "lap"se"
+ err: "of
+ err: "
+ err: "rea""son"
+ err:
+ $ ./example "'a momentary'" "''" "'lap'se'" "'of" "'" "'rea''son'" ""
+ str: 'a momentary'
+ str: ''
+ err: 'lap'se'
+ err: 'of
+ err: '
+ err: 'rea''son'
+ err:
--- /dev/null
+Arbitrary large input and YYFILL
+In this example we suppose that input cannot be mapped in memory at once:
+either it's too large or its size cannot be determined in advance.
+The usual thing to do in such case is to allocate a buffer and lex input in chunks that fit into buffer.
+re2c allows us to refill buffer using ``YYFILL``: see `Recognizing strings: the need for YYMAXFILL <example_02.html>`_ example
+for details about program points and conditions that trigger ``YYFILL`` invocation.
+Currently re2c provides no way to combine ``YYFILL`` with the sentinel method:
+we have to enable ``YYLIMIT``-based checks for the end of input and pad input with ``YYMAXFILL`` fake characters.
+This may be changed in later versions of re2c.
+The idea of ``YYFILL`` is fairly simple: lexer is stuck upon the fact that
+``(YYLIMIT - YYCURSOR) < n`` and ``YYFILL`` must either invert this condition or stop lexing.
+Disaster will happen if ``YYFILL`` fails to provide at least ``n`` characters, yet resumes lexing.
+Technically ``YYFILL`` must somehow "extend" input for at least ``n`` characters:
+after ``YYFILL`` all input pointers must point to exact same characters,
+except ``YYLIMIT``: it must be advanced at least ``n`` positions.
+Since we want to use a fixed amount of memory, we have to shift buffer contents:
+discard characters that are already lexed,
+move the remaining characters at the beginning of the buffer
+and fill the vacant space with new characters.
+All the pointers must be decreased by the length of discarded input,
+except ``YYLIMIT`` (it must point at the end of buffer):
+.. code-block:: bash
+ <--- discarded --> <----- n ----->
+ oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxo----------o-----------------o--------o.....o..........o... (more input)
+ | * * * | * *
+ | * * * *| *
+ | * * * * | *
+ | * * * * | *
+ | * * * * |*
+ o-----------o-----------------o--------------o----------o
+ lexeme
+End of input is a special case: as explained in `Recognizing strings: the need for YYMAXFILL <example_02.html>`_ example,
+the input must be padded with ``YYMAXFILL`` fake characters.
+In this case ``YYLIMIT`` must point at the end of padding:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ <--- discarded --> <----- n ----->
+ oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxo----------o-----------------o---o0000000000000000o
+ | * * * * | *
+ | * * * * | *
+ | * * * * | *
+ | * * * * *|
+ | * * * <-- YYMAXFILL -->* |
+ o-----------o-----------------o---o0000000000000000o |
+ lexeme
+Which part of input can be discarded?
+The answer is, all input up to the leftmost meaningful pointer.
+Intuitively it seems that it must be ``YYMARKER``: it backups input position of the latest match,
+so it's always less than or equal to ``YYCURSOR``.
+However, ``YYMARKER`` is not always used and even when it is, its usage depends on the input:
+not all control flow paths in lexer ever initialize it.
+Thus for some inputs ``YYMARKER`` is meaningless
+and should be used with care.
+In practice input rarely consists of one giant lexeme: it is usually a sequence of small lexemes.
+In that case lexer runs in a loop and it is convenient to have a special "lexeme start" pointer.
+It can be used as boundary in ``YYFILL``.
+Our example program reads ``stdin`` in chunks of 16 bytes (in real word buffer size is usually ~4Kb)
+and tries to lex numbers separated by newlines.
+`[03_arbitrary_large_input.re] <examples/03_arbitrary_large_input.re>`_
+.. include:: examples/03_arbitrary_large_input.re
+ :code: cpp
+ :number-lines:
+* ``YYMAXFILL`` bytes at the end of buffer are reserved for padding.
+ This memory is unused most of the time, but ``YYMAXFILL`` is usually negligably small compared to buffer size.
+* There is only one successsful way out (line 60): lexer must recognize a standalone
+ "end of input" lexeme (``NULL``) exactly at the beginning of padding.
+ ``YYFILL`` failure is an error: if the input was correct, lexer should have already stopped.
+* ``YYFILL`` may fail for two reasons:
+ either there is no more input (line 23),
+ or lexeme is too long: it occupies the whole buffer and nothing can be discarded (line 27).
+ We treat both cases in the same way (as error), but a real-world program might handle them differently
+ (resize buffer, cut long lexeme in two, etc.).
+* ``@@`` in ``YYFILL`` definition (line 52) is a formal parameter: re2c substitutes it with the actual argument to ``YYFILL``.
+* There is a special ``tok`` pointer: it points at the beginning of lexeme (line 47)
+ and serves as a boundary in ``YYFILL``.
+Generate, compile and run:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ re2c -o example.cc 03_arbitrary_large_input.re
+ $ g++ -o example example.cc
+ $ ./example
+ 0
+ 11
+ 222
+ 3333
+ 44444
+ 555555
+ 6666666
+ 77777777
+ 888888888
+ 9999999999
+ glorious 10 numbers!
+ $ seq 123456789 | ./example
+ glorious 123456789 numbers!
+ $ seq 123456789 | wc -l
+ 123456789
--- /dev/null
+Parsing integers (multiple re2c blocks)
+This example is based on `Recognizing integers: the sentinel method <example_01.html>`_ example,
+only now integer literals are parsed rather than simply recognized.
+Parsing integers is simple: one can easily do it by hand.
+However, re2c-generated code *does* look like a simple handwritten parser:
+a couple of dereferences and conditional jumps. No overhead. ``:)``
+`[04_parsing_integers_blocks.re] <examples/04_parsing_integers_blocks.re>`_
+.. include:: examples/04_parsing_integers_blocks.re
+ :code: cpp
+ :number-lines:
+* Configurations and definitions (lines 20 - 26) are not scoped to a single re2c block --- they are global.
+ Each block may override configurations, but this affects global scope.
+* Blocks don't have to be in the same function: they can be in separate functions or elsewhere
+ as long as the exposed interface fits into lexical scope.
+Generate, compile and run:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ re2c -o example.cc 04_parsing_integers_blocks.re
+ $ g++ -o example example.cc
+ $ ./example 0 12345678901234567890 0xFFFFffffFFFFffff 0x1FFFFffffFFFFffff 0xAbcDEf 0x00 007 0B0 0b110101010 ""
+ 0
+ 12345678901234567890
+ 18446744073709551615
+ error
+ 11259375
+ 0
+ 7
+ 0
+ 426
+ error
--- /dev/null
+Parsing integers (conditions)
+This example does exactly the same as `Parsing integers (multiple re2c blocks) <example_04.html>`_ example,
+but in a slightly different manner: it uses re2c conditions instead of blocks.
+Conditions allow to encode multiple interconnected lexers within a single re2c block.
+`[05_parsing_integers_conditions.re] <examples/05_parsing_integers_conditions.re>`_
+.. include:: examples/05_parsing_integers_conditions.re
+ :code: cpp
+ :number-lines:
+* Conditions are enabled with ``-c`` option.
+* Conditions are only syntactic sugar, they can be translated into multiple blocks.
+* Each condition is a standalone lexer (DFA).
+* Each condition has a unique identifier: ``/*!types:re2c*/`` tells re2c to generate
+ enumeration of all identifiers (names are prefixed with ``yyc`` by default).
+ Lexer uses ``YYGETCONDITION`` to get the identifier of current condition
+ and ``YYSETCONDITION`` to set it.
+* Each condition has a unique label (prefixed with ``yyc_`` by default).
+* Conditions are connected: transitions are allowed between final states of one condition
+ and start state of another condition (but not between inner states of different conditions).
+ The generated code starts with dispatch.
+ Actions can either jump to the initial dispatch or jump directly to any condition.
+* Rule ``<*>`` is merged to all conditions (low priority).
+* Rules with multiple conditions are merged to each listed condition (normal priority).
+* ``:=>`` jumps directly to the next condition (bypassing the initial dispatch).
+Generate, compile and run:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ re2c -c -o example.cc 05_parsing_integers_conditions.re
+ $ g++ -o example example.cc
+ $ ./example 0 12345678901234567890 0xFFFFffffFFFFffff 0x1FFFFffffFFFFffff 0xAbcDEf 0x00 007 0B0 0b110101010 ""
+ 0
+ 12345678901234567890
+ 18446744073709551615
+ error
+ 11259375
+ 0
+ 7
+ 0
+ 426
+ error
--- /dev/null
+Braille patterns (encodings)
+This example is about encoding support in re2c.
+It's a partial decoder from Grade-1 (uncontracted) Unicode English Braille to plain English.
+The input may be encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 or UCS-2:
+all of these encodings are capable of representing Braille patterns (code points ``[0x2800 - 0x28ff]``).
+We use ``-r`` option to reuse the same block of re2c rules with different encodings.
+So. The hardest part is to get some input.
+Here is a message out of the void:
+.. include:: examples/06_braille.utf8.txt
+It appears to be UTF-8 encoded `[06_braille.utf8.txt] <examples/06_braille.utf8.txt.html>`_.
+Convert it into UTF-16, UTF-32 or UCS-2:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ iconv -f utf8 -t utf16le 06_braille.utf8.txt > 06_braille.utf16.txt
+ $ iconv -f utf8 -t utf32le 06_braille.utf8.txt > 06_braille.utf32.txt
+ $ iconv -f utf8 -t ucs2 06_braille.utf8.txt > 06_braille.ucs2.txt
+And the input is ready.
+Grade-1 Braille is quite simple (compared to Grade-2 Braille).
+Patterns map directly to symbols (letters, digits and punctuators) except for a couple of special patterns:
+numeric mode indicator (⠼), letter mode indicator (⠰), capital letter (⠠)
+and some other, which we omit for simplicity (as well as a few ambiguous punctuation patterns).
+Grade-2 Braille allows contractions; they obey complex rules (like those of a natural language)
+and are much harder to implement.
+`[06_braille.re] <examples/06_braille.re>`_
+.. include:: examples/06_braille.re
+ :code: cpp
+ :number-lines:
+* Reuse mode is enabled with ``-r`` option.
+* In reuse mode re2c expects a single ``/*!rules:re2c ... */`` block
+ followed by multiple ``/*!use:re2c ... */`` blocks.
+ All blocks can have their own configurations, definitions and rules.
+* Encoding can be enabled either with command-line option or with configuration.
+* Each encoding needs an appropriate code unit type (``YYCTYPE``).
+* We use conditions to switch between numeric and normal modes.
+Generate, compile and run:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ re2c -cr8 -o example.cc 06_braille.re
+ $ g++ -o example example.cc
+ $ ./example
+ utf8:
+ All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
+ They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
+ one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
+ utf16:
+ All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
+ They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
+ one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
+ utf32:
+ All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
+ They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
+ one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
+ ucs2:
+ All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
+ They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
+ one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
--- /dev/null
+C++98 lexer
+This is an example of a big real-world re2c program: C++98 lexer.
+It confirms to the C++98 standard (except for a couple of hacks to simulate preprocessor).
+All nontrivial lexemes (integers, floating-point constants, strings and character literals)
+are parsed (not only recognized): numeric literals are converted to numbers, strings are unescaped.
+Some additional checks described in standard (e.g. overflows in integer literals) are also done.
+In fact, C++ is an easy language to lex: unlike many other languages, lexer can proceed without feedback from parser.
+`[07_c++98.re] <examples/07_c++98.re>`_
+.. include:: examples/07_c++98.re
+ :code: cpp
+ :number-lines:
+* The main lexer is used to lex all trivial lexemes (macros, whitespaces, boolean literals, keywords, operators and punctuators, identifiers),
+ recognize numeric literals (which are further parsed by a bunch of auxilary lexers),
+ and recognize the start of string and character literals (which are further recognized and parsed by an auxilary lexer).
+ Numeric literals are thus lexed twice: this approach may be deemed inefficient,
+ but it takes much more effort to validate and parse them at once.
+ Besides, a real-world lexer would rather recognize ill-formed lexemes (e.g. overflowed integer literals),
+ report them and resume lexing.
+* The main lexer and string lexer both use ``re2c:yyfill:enable = 1;``, other lexers use ``re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;``.
+ This is very important: both main lexer and string lexer advance input position to new (yet unseen) input characters,
+ so they must check for the end of input and call ``YYFILL``. In conrast, other lexers only parse lexemes that
+ have been already recognized by the main lexer: these lexemes are guaranteed to be within buffer bounds
+ (they are guarded by ``in.tok`` on the left and ``in.lim`` on the right).
+* The hardest part is (unsurprisingly) floating-point literals.
+ They are just as hard to lex as to use. ``:)``
+Generate, compile and run:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ re2c -o example.cc 07_c++98.re
+ $ g++ -o example example.cc
+ $ ./example 07_c++98.re | fold
+ STATIC CONST size_t SIZE = 64 * 1024; STRUCT input_t { UNSIGNED CHAR buf[SIZE +
+ D CHAR *tok; BOOL eof; FILE *CONST file; input_t(FILE *f) : buf() , lim(buf + SI
+ ZE) , cur(lim) , mar(lim) , tok(lim) , eof(false) , file(f) {} BOOL fill(size_t
+ need) { IF (eof) { RETURN false; } CONST size_t free = tok - buf; IF (free < nee
+ d) { RETURN false; } memmove(buf, tok, lim - tok); lim -= free; cur -= free; mar
+ -= free; tok -= free; lim += fread(lim, 1, free, file); IF (lim < buf + SIZE) {
+ eof = true; memset(lim, 0, YYMAXFILL); lim += YYMAXFILL; } RETURN true; } }; TE
+ (ULONG_MAX - d) / base) { RETURN false; } u = u * base + d; RETURN true; } STAT
+ _oct(CONST UNSIGNED CHAR *s, BOOL sfx, UNSIGNED LONG &u) { FOR (u = 0, ++s;;) {
+ R (u = 0;;) { } } STATIC BOOL lex_hex(CONST UNSIGNED CHAR *s, BOOL sfx, UNSIGNED
+ LONG &u) { FOR (u = 0, s += 2;;) { } } STATIC BOOL lex_str(input_t &in, UNSIGNE
+ D CHAR q) { printf("\x25\x63", q); FOR (UNSIGNED LONG u = q;; printf("\x5c\x78\x
+ 25\x6c\x78", u)) { in.tok = in.cur; } printf("\x25\x63", q); RETURN true; } STAT
+ IC BOOL lex_flt(CONST UNSIGNED CHAR *s) { DOUBLE d = 0; DOUBLE x = 1; INT e = 0;
+ mant_int: mant_frac: exp_sign: exp: sfx: end: printf("\x25\x67", d); RETURN tru
+ e; } STATIC BOOL lex(input_t &in) { UNSIGNED LONG u; FOR (;;) { in.tok = in.cur;
+ } } INT main(INT argc, CHAR **argv) { IF (argc != 2) { printf ("\x75\x73\x61\x6
+ 7\x65\x3a\x20\x2e\x2f\x65\x78\x61\x6d\x70\x6c\x65\x20\x3c\x66\x69\x6c\x65\x6e\x6
+ 1\x6d\x65\x3e\xa"); RETURN 1; } FILE *file = fopen(argv[1], "\x72\x62"); IF (!fi
+ le) { printf("\x65\x72\x72\x6f\x72\x3a\x20\x63\x61\x6e\x6e\x6f\x74\x20\x6f\x70\x
+ 65\x6e\x20\x66\x69\x6c\x65\x3a\x20\x25\x73\xa", argv[1]); RETURN 1; } input_t in
+ (file); IF (!lex(in)) { printf("\x2e\x2e\x2e\x20\x65\x72\x72\x6f\x72\xa"); } ELS
+ E { printf("\xa"); } fclose(file); RETURN 0; }
--- /dev/null
+All examples are written in C++-98.
+`Do let me know <skvadik@gmail.com>`_ if you notice any obvious lies and errors.
+You can find more examples in subdirectory ``examples`` of the ``re2c`` distribution.
-.. _Recognizing integers: the sentinel method:
-Recognizing integers: the sentinel method
-This example is very simple, yet practical.
-We assume that the input is small (fits in one continuous piece of memory).
-We also assume that some characters never occur in well-formed input (but may occur in ill-formed input).
-This is often the case in simple real-world tasks like parsing program options,
-converting strings to numbers, determining binary file type based on magic in the first few bytes,
-efficiently switching on a string and many others.
-Our example program simply loops over its commad-line arguments
-and tries to match each argument against one of the four patterns:
-binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal integer literals.
-The numbers are not *parsed* (their numeric value is not retrieved), they are merely *recognized*.
-`[01_recognizing_integers.re] <examples/01_recognizing_integers.re>`_
-.. include:: examples/01_recognizing_integers.re
- :code: cpp
- :number-lines:
-A couple of things should be noted:
-* Default case (when none of the rules matched) is handled properly with ``*`` rule (line 16).
- **Never forget to handle default case, otherwise control flow in lexer will be undefined for some input strings.**
- Use [-Wundefined-control-flow] re2c warning: it will warn you about unhandled default case and
- show input patterns that are not covered by the rules.
-* We use the *sentinel* method to stop at the end of input (``re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;`` at line 8).
- Sentinel is a special character that can never occur in well-formed input.
- It is appended to the end of input and serves as a stop signal for the lexer.
- In out case sentinel is ``NULL``: all arguments are ``NULL``-terminated and none of the rules matches ``NULL`` in the middle.
- Lexer will inevitably stop when it sees ``NULL``.
- Note that we make no assumptions about the input, it may contain any characters.
- **But do make sure that the sentinel character is not allowed in the middle of a rule.**
-* ``YYMARKER`` (line 5) is needed because rules overlap:
- it backups input position of the longest successful match.
- Say, we have overlapping rules ``"a"`` and ``"abc"`` and input string ``"abd"``:
- by the time ``"a"`` matches there's still a chance to match ``"abc"``,
- but when lexer sees ``'d'`` it must rollback.
- (You might wonder why ``YYMARKER`` is exposed at all: why not make it a local variable like ``yych``?
- The reason is, all input pointers must be updated by ``YYFILL``
- as explained in example `Arbitrary large input and YYFILL`_.)
-Generate, compile and run:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ re2c -o example.cc 01_recognizing_integers.re
- $ g++ -o example example.cc
- $ ./example 0 12345678901234567890 0xAbcDEf 0x00 007 0B0 0b110101010 0x 0b ? ""
- oct: 0
- dec: 12345678901234567890
- hex: 0xAbcDEf
- hex: 0x00
- oct: 007
- bin: 0B0
- bin: 0b110101010
- err: 0x
- err: 0b
- err: ?
- err:
-.. _Recognizing strings: the need for YYMAXFILL:
-Recognizing strings: the need for YYMAXFILL
-This example is about recognizing strings.
-Strings (in generic sense) are different from other kinds of lexemes: they can contain *arbitrary* characters.
-It makes them a way more difficult to lex: unlike the previous example (`Recognizing integers: the sentinel method`_),
-we cannot use sentinel character to stop at the end of input.
-Suppose, for example, that our strings may be single or double-quoted
-and may contain any character in range ``[0 - 0xFF]`` except quotes of the appropriate type.
-This time we cannot use ``NULL`` as a sentinel: input strings like ``"aha\0ha"`` are perfectly valid,
-but ill-formed strings like ``"aha\0`` are also possible and shouldn't crash lexer.
-Any other character cannot be used for the same reason
-(including quotes: each type of strings can contain quotes of the opposite type).
-By default re2c-generated lexers use the following approach to check for the end of input:
-they assume that ``YYLIMIT`` is a pointer to the end of input and check by simply comparing ``YYCURSOR`` and ``YYLIMIT``.
-The obvious way is to check on each input character (before advancing to the next character), but it's very slow.
-Instead, re2c inserts checks only at certain points in the generated program.
-Each check ensures that there is enough input to proceed until the next check.
-If the check fails, lexer calls ``YYFILL(n)``, which can either supply at least ``n`` characters or stop:
- ``if ((YYLIMIT - YYCURSOR) < n) YYFILL(n);``
-For those interested in the internal re2c algorithm used to determine checkpoints,
-here is a quote from the original paper
-`"RE2C: a more versatile scanner generator" <1994_bumbulis_cowan_re2c_a_more_versatile_scanner_generator.pdf>`_
-by Peter Bumbulis, Donald D. Cowan, 1994, ACM Letters on Programming Languages and Systems (LOPLAS):
- *A set of key states can be determined by discovering the strongly-connected components (SCCs) of the
- DFA. An SCC is a maximal subset of states such that there exists a path from any state in the subset to any
- other. The set of key states consists of all of the states in non-trivial SCCs, together with the start state.
- Note that for each SCC S, we actually only have to include a subset of states of S such that when the subset
- is removed, S becomes acyclic.*
-This approach reduces the number of checks significantly, but it has a downside.
-Since the lexer checks for multiple characters at once, the last few input characters may become unreachable.
-Common hack is to pad input with a few fake characters that **do not form a valid lexeme or lexeme suffix**.
-The length of padding depends on the maximal argument to ``YYFILL``
-(this value is called ``YYMAXFILL`` and can be generated using ``/*!max:re2c*/`` directive).
-`[02_recognizing_strings.re] <examples/02_recognizing_strings.re>`_
-.. include:: examples/02_recognizing_strings.re
- :code: cpp
- :number-lines:
-* ``/*!max:re2c*/`` (line 4) tells re2c to generate ``#define YYMAXFILL n``.
-* Input string is padded with ``YYMAXFILL`` characters ``'a'`` (line 15).
- Sequence of ``'a'`` does not form a valid lexeme or lexeme suffix
- (but padding with quotes would cause false match on ill-formed input like ``"aha``).
-* ``YYLIMIT`` points at the end of padding (line 26).
-* ``YYFILL`` returns an error (line 29): if the input was correct, lexer should have stopped
- at the beginning of padding.
-* If the rule matched (line 36), we ensure that lexer consumed *all* input characters
- and stopped exactly at the beginning of padding.
-* We have to use ``re2c:define:YYFILL:naked = 1;`` (line 30)
- in order to suppress passing parameter to ``YYFILL``.
- (It was an unfortunate idea to make ``YYFILL`` a call expression by default:
- ``YYFILL`` has to stop the lexer eventually, that's why it has to be a macro and not a function.
- One should either set ``re2c:define:YYFILL:naked = 1;`` or define ``YYFILL(n)`` as a macro.)
-Generate, compile and run:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ re2c -o example.cc 02_recognizing_strings.re
- $ g++ -o example example.cc
- $ ./example '"a momentary"' '""' '"lap"se"' '"of' '"' '"rea""son"' ''
- str: "a momentary"
- str: ""
- err: "lap"se"
- err: "of
- err: "
- err: "rea""son"
- err:
- $ ./example "'a momentary'" "''" "'lap'se'" "'of" "'" "'rea''son'" ""
- str: 'a momentary'
- str: ''
- err: 'lap'se'
- err: 'of
- err: '
- err: 'rea''son'
- err:
-.. _Arbitrary large input and YYFILL:
-Arbitrary large input and YYFILL
-In this example we make the following assumptions:
-1. Input cannot be mapped in memory at once (it is very large, its size cannot be determined in advance, etc.).
-The usual thing to do in such case is to allocate a buffer and lex input in chunks that fit into buffer.
-re2c allows us to refill buffer using ``YYFILL``: see example `Recognizing strings: the need for YYMAXFILL`_
-for details about program points and conditions that trigger ``YYFILL`` invocation.
-Currently re2c provides no way to combine ``YYFILL`` with the sentinel method:
-we have to enable ``YYLIMIT``-based checks for the end of input and pad input with ``YYMAXFILL`` fake characters.
-This may be changed in later versions of re2c.
-The idea of ``YYFILL`` is fairly simple: lexer is stuck upon the fact that
-``(YYLIMIT - YYCURSOR) < n`` and ``YYFILL`` must either invert this condition or stop lexing.
-Disaster will happen if ``YYFILL`` fails to provide at least ``n`` characters, yet resumes lexing.
-Technically ``YYFILL`` must somehow "extend" input for at least ``n`` characters:
-after ``YYFILL`` all input pointers must point to exact same characters,
-except ``YYLIMIT``: it must be advanced at least ``n`` positions.
-Since we want to use a fixed amount of memory, we have to shift buffer contents:
-discard characters that are already lexed,
-move the remaining characters at the beginning of the buffer
-and fill the vacant space with new characters.
-All the pointers must be decreased by the length of discarded input,
-except ``YYLIMIT`` (it must point at the end of buffer):
-.. code-block:: bash
- <--- discarded --> <----- n ----->
- oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxo----------o-----------------o--------o.....o..........o... (more input)
- | * * * | * *
- | * * * *| *
- | * * * * | *
- | * * * * | *
- | * * * * |*
- o-----------o-----------------o--------------o----------o
- lexeme
-End of input is a special case: as explained in the previous example (`Recognizing strings: the need for YYMAXFILL`_),
-the input must be padded with ``YYMAXFILL`` fake characters.
-In this case ``YYLIMIT`` must point at the end of padding:
-.. code-block:: bash
- <--- discarded --> <----- n ----->
- oxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxo----------o-----------------o---o0000000000000000o
- | * * * * | *
- | * * * * | *
- | * * * * | *
- | * * * * *|
- | * * * <-- YYMAXFILL -->* |
- o-----------o-----------------o---o0000000000000000o |
- lexeme
-Which part of input can be discarded?
-The answer is, all input up to the leftmost meaningful pointer.
-Intuitively it seems that it must be ``YYMARKER``: it backups input position of the latest match,
-so it's always less than or equal to ``YYCURSOR``.
-However, ``YYMARKER`` is not always used and even when it is, its usage depends on the input:
-not all control flow paths in lexer ever initialize it.
-Thus for some inputs ``YYMARKER`` is meaningless
-and should be used with care.
-In practice input rarely consists of one giant lexeme: it is usually a sequence of small lexemes.
-In that case lexer runs in a loop and it is convenient to have a special "lexeme start" pointer.
-It can be used as boundary in ``YYFILL``.
-Our example program reads ``stdin`` in chunks of 16 bytes (in real word buffer size is usually ~4Kb)
-and tries to lex numbers separated by newlines.
-`[03_arbitrary_large_input.re] <examples/03_arbitrary_large_input.re>`_
-.. include:: examples/03_arbitrary_large_input.re
- :code: cpp
- :number-lines:
-* ``YYMAXFILL`` bytes at the end of buffer are reserved for padding.
- This memory is unused most of the time, but ``YYMAXFILL`` is usually negligably small compared to buffer size.
-* There is only one successsful way out (line 60): lexer must recognize a standalone
- "end of input" lexeme (``NULL``) exactly at the beginning of padding.
- ``YYFILL`` failure is an error: if the input was correct, lexer should have already stopped.
-* ``YYFILL`` may fail for two reasons:
- either there is no more input (line 23),
- or lexeme is too long: it occupies the whole buffer and nothing can be discarded (line 27).
- We treat both cases in the same way (as error), but a real-world program might handle them differently
- (resize buffer, cut long lexeme in two, etc.).
-* ``@@`` in ``YYFILL`` definition (line 52) is a formal parameter: re2c substitutes it with the actual argument to ``YYFILL``.
-* There is a special ``tok`` pointer: it points at the beginning of lexeme (line 47)
- and serves as a boundary in ``YYFILL``.
-Generate, compile and run:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ re2c -o example.cc 03_arbitrary_large_input.re
- $ g++ -o example example.cc
- $ ./example
- 0
- 11
- 222
- 3333
- 44444
- 555555
- 6666666
- 77777777
- 888888888
- 9999999999
- glorious 10 numbers!
- $ seq 123456789 | ./example
- glorious 123456789 numbers!
- $ seq 123456789 | wc -l
- 123456789
-.. _Parsing integers (multiple re2c blocks):
-Parsing integers (multiple re2c blocks)
-This example is based on `Recognizing integers: the sentinel method`_ example,
-only now integer literals are parsed rather than simply recognized.
-Parsing integers is simple: one can easily do it by hand.
-However, re2c-generated code *does* look like a simple handwritten parser:
-a couple of dereferences and conditional jumps. No overhead. ``:)``
-`[04_parsing_integers_blocks.re] <examples/04_parsing_integers_blocks.re>`_
-.. include:: examples/04_parsing_integers_blocks.re
- :code: cpp
- :number-lines:
-* Configurations and definitions (lines 20 - 26) are not scoped to a single re2c block --- they are global.
- Each block may override configurations, but this affects global scope.
-* Blocks don't have to be in the same function: they can be in separate functions or elsewhere
- as long as the exposed interface fits into lexical scope.
-Generate, compile and run:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ re2c -o example.cc 04_parsing_integers_blocks.re
- $ g++ -o example example.cc
- $ ./example 0 12345678901234567890 0xFFFFffffFFFFffff 0x1FFFFffffFFFFffff 0xAbcDEf 0x00 007 0B0 0b110101010 ""
- 0
- 12345678901234567890
- 18446744073709551615
- error
- 11259375
- 0
- 7
- 0
- 426
- error
-.. _Parsing integers (conditions):
-Parsing integers (conditions)
-This example does exactly the same as `Parsing integers (multiple re2c blocks)`_ example,
-but in a slightly different manner: it uses re2c conditions instead of blocks.
-Conditions allow to encode multiple interconnected lexers within a single re2c block.
-`[05_parsing_integers_conditions.re] <examples/05_parsing_integers_conditions.re>`_
-.. include:: examples/05_parsing_integers_conditions.re
- :code: cpp
- :number-lines:
-* Conditions are enabled with ``-c`` option.
-* Conditions are only syntactic sugar, they can be translated into multiple blocks.
-* Each condition is a standalone lexer (DFA).
-* Each condition has a unique identifier: ``/*!types:re2c*/`` tells re2c to generate
- enumeration of all identifiers (names are prefixed with ``yyc`` by default).
- Lexer uses ``YYGETCONDITION`` to get the identifier of current condition
- and ``YYSETCONDITION`` to set it.
-* Each condition has a unique label (prefixed with ``yyc_`` by default).
-* Conditions are connected: transitions are allowed between final states of one condition
- and start state of another condition (but not between inner states of different conditions).
- The generated code starts with dispatch.
- Actions can either jump to the initial dispatch or jump directly to any condition.
-* Rule ``<*>`` is merged to all conditions (low priority).
-* Rules with multiple conditions are merged to each listed condition (normal priority).
-* ``:=>`` jumps directly to the next condition (bypassing the initial dispatch).
-Generate, compile and run:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ re2c -c -o example.cc 05_parsing_integers_conditions.re
- $ g++ -o example example.cc
- $ ./example 0 12345678901234567890 0xFFFFffffFFFFffff 0x1FFFFffffFFFFffff 0xAbcDEf 0x00 007 0B0 0b110101010 ""
- 0
- 12345678901234567890
- 18446744073709551615
- error
- 11259375
- 0
- 7
- 0
- 426
- error
-.. Braille patterns (encodings):
-Braille patterns (encodings)
-This example is about encoding support in re2c.
-It's a partial decoder from Grade-1 (uncontracted) Unicode English Braille to plain English.
-The input may be encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 or UCS-2:
-all of these encodings are capable of representing Braille patterns (code points ``[0x2800 - 0x28ff]``).
-We use ``-r`` option to reuse the same block of re2c rules with different encodings.
-So. The hardest part is to get some input.
-Here is a message out of the void:
-.. include:: examples/06_braille.utf8.txt
-It appears to be UTF-8 encoded `[06_braille.utf8.txt] <examples/06_braille.utf8.txt.html>`_.
-Convert it into UTF-16, UTF-32 or UCS-2:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ iconv -f utf8 -t utf16le 06_braille.utf8.txt > 06_braille.utf16.txt
- $ iconv -f utf8 -t utf32le 06_braille.utf8.txt > 06_braille.utf32.txt
- $ iconv -f utf8 -t ucs2 06_braille.utf8.txt > 06_braille.ucs2.txt
-And the input is ready.
-Grade-1 Braille is quite simple (compared to Grade-2 Braille).
-Patterns map directly to symbols (letters, digits and punctuators) except for a couple of special patterns:
-numeric mode indicator (⠼), letter mode indicator (⠰), capital letter (⠠)
-and some other, which we omit for simplicity (as well as a few ambiguous punctuation patterns).
-Grade-2 Braille allows contractions; they obey complex rules (like those of a natural language)
-and are much harder to implement.
-`[06_braille.re] <examples/06_braille.re>`_
-.. include:: examples/06_braille.re
- :code: cpp
- :number-lines:
-* Reuse mode is enabled with ``-r`` option.
-* In reuse mode re2c expects a single ``/*!rules:re2c ... */`` block
- followed by multiple ``/*!use:re2c ... */`` blocks.
- All blocks can have their own configurations, definitions and rules.
-* Encoding can be enabled either with command-line option or with configuration.
-* Each encoding needs an appropriate code unit type (``YYCTYPE``).
-* We use conditions to switch between numeric and normal modes.
-Generate, compile and run:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ re2c -cr8 -o example.cc 06_braille.re
- $ g++ -o example example.cc
- $ ./example
- utf8:
- All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
- They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
- one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
- utf16:
- All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
- They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
- one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
- utf32:
- All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
- They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
- one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
- ucs2:
- All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
- They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards
- one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
-.. C++98 lexer:
-C++98 lexer
-This is an example of a big real-world re2c program: C++98 lexer.
-It confirms to the C++98 standard (except for a couple of hacks to simulate preprocessor).
-All nontrivial lexemes (integers, floating-point constants, strings and character literals)
-are parsed (not only recognized): numeric literals are converted to numbers, strings are unescaped.
-Some additional checks described in standard (e.g. overflows in integer literals) are also done.
-In fact, C++ is an easy language to lex: unlike many other languages, lexer can proceed without feedback from parser.
-`[07_c++98.re] <examples/07_c++98.re>`_
-.. include:: examples/07_c++98.re
- :code: cpp
- :number-lines:
-* The main lexer is used to lex all trivial lexemes (macros, whitespaces, boolean literals, keywords, operators and punctuators, identifiers),
- recognize numeric literals (which are further parsed by a bunch of auxilary lexers),
- and recognize the start of string and character literals (which are further recognized and parsed by an auxilary lexer).
- Numeric literals are thus lexed twice: this approach may be deemed inefficient,
- but it takes much more effort to validate and parse them at once.
- Besides, a real-world lexer would rather recognize ill-formed lexemes (e.g. overflowed integer literals),
- report them and resume lexing.
-* The main lexer and string lexer both use ``re2c:yyfill:enable = 1;``, other lexers use ``re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;``.
- This is very important: both main lexer and string lexer advance input position to new (yet unseen) input characters,
- so they must check for the end of input and call ``YYFILL``. In conrast, other lexers only parse lexemes that
- have been already recognized by the main lexer: these lexemes are guaranteed to be within buffer bounds
- (they are guarded by ``in.tok`` on the left and ``in.lim`` on the right).
-* The hardest part is (unsurprisingly) floating-point literals.
- They are just as hard to lex as to use. ``:)``
-Generate, compile and run:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ re2c -o example.cc 07_c++98.re
- $ g++ -o example example.cc
- $ ./example 07_c++98.re | fold
- STATIC CONST size_t SIZE = 64 * 1024; STRUCT input_t { UNSIGNED CHAR buf[SIZE +
- D CHAR *tok; BOOL eof; FILE *CONST file; input_t(FILE *f) : buf() , lim(buf + SI
- ZE) , cur(lim) , mar(lim) , tok(lim) , eof(false) , file(f) {} BOOL fill(size_t
- need) { IF (eof) { RETURN false; } CONST size_t free = tok - buf; IF (free < nee
- d) { RETURN false; } memmove(buf, tok, lim - tok); lim -= free; cur -= free; mar
- -= free; tok -= free; lim += fread(lim, 1, free, file); IF (lim < buf + SIZE) {
- eof = true; memset(lim, 0, YYMAXFILL); lim += YYMAXFILL; } RETURN true; } }; TE
- (ULONG_MAX - d) / base) { RETURN false; } u = u * base + d; RETURN true; } STAT
- _oct(CONST UNSIGNED CHAR *s, BOOL sfx, UNSIGNED LONG &u) { FOR (u = 0, ++s;;) {
- R (u = 0;;) { } } STATIC BOOL lex_hex(CONST UNSIGNED CHAR *s, BOOL sfx, UNSIGNED
- LONG &u) { FOR (u = 0, s += 2;;) { } } STATIC BOOL lex_str(input_t &in, UNSIGNE
- D CHAR q) { printf("\x25\x63", q); FOR (UNSIGNED LONG u = q;; printf("\x5c\x78\x
- 25\x6c\x78", u)) { in.tok = in.cur; } printf("\x25\x63", q); RETURN true; } STAT
- IC BOOL lex_flt(CONST UNSIGNED CHAR *s) { DOUBLE d = 0; DOUBLE x = 1; INT e = 0;
- mant_int: mant_frac: exp_sign: exp: sfx: end: printf("\x25\x67", d); RETURN tru
- e; } STATIC BOOL lex(input_t &in) { UNSIGNED LONG u; FOR (;;) { in.tok = in.cur;
- } } INT main(INT argc, CHAR **argv) { IF (argc != 2) { printf ("\x75\x73\x61\x6
- 7\x65\x3a\x20\x2e\x2f\x65\x78\x61\x6d\x70\x6c\x65\x20\x3c\x66\x69\x6c\x65\x6e\x6
- 1\x6d\x65\x3e\xa"); RETURN 1; } FILE *file = fopen(argv[1], "\x72\x62"); IF (!fi
- le) { printf("\x65\x72\x72\x6f\x72\x3a\x20\x63\x61\x6e\x6e\x6f\x74\x20\x6f\x70\x
- 65\x6e\x20\x66\x69\x6c\x65\x3a\x20\x25\x73\xa", argv[1]); RETURN 1; } input_t in
- (file); IF (!lex(in)) { printf("\x2e\x2e\x2e\x20\x65\x72\x72\x6f\x72\xa"); } ELS
- E { printf("\xa"); } fclose(file); RETURN 0; }
+.. header:: `[home] <index.html>`_
+.. footer:: `[home] <index.html>`_
+.. contents:: ★
+ :backlinks: none
+ :depth: 2
+.. include:: example_intro.rst
+.. include:: example_01.rst
+.. include:: example_02.rst
+.. include:: example_03.rst
+.. include:: example_04.rst
+.. include:: example_05.rst
+.. include:: example_06.rst
+.. include:: example_07.rst
re2c is a lexer generator for C/C++.
-The generated code is fast (direct-coded DFA, at least as good as handwritten)
+The generated code is fast (direct-coded DFA, as good as handwritten)
and flexible (easy to embed into existing environment).
-`Install <install.html>`_
-`Manual <manual.html>`_
-`News <news.html>`_
+★ `Install <install.html>`_
+★ `Manual <manual.html>`_
+★ `Examples <examples.html>`_
+★ `News <news.html>`_
-`[home] <index.html>`_
-* `Download`_
- - `Tarballs`_
- - `Sources`_
- - `Distributions`_
-* `Build`_
- - `Simple`_
- - `Bootstrap`_
- - `Out-of-source`_
- - `Windows`_
-* `Test`_
-.. _Download:
+.. header:: `[home] <index.html>`_
+.. footer:: `[home] <index.html>`_
+.. contents:: ★
+ :backlinks: none
+ :depth: 2
-.. _Tarballs:
* `re2c-0.13.6.tar.gz <https://github.com/skvadrik/re2c/releases/download/0.13.6/re2c-0.13.6.tar.gz>`_
* `re2c-0.13.5.tar.gz <http://sourceforge.net/projects/re2c/files/re2c/0.13.5/re2c-0.13.5.tar.gz/download>`_
-.. _Sources:
$ git clone ssh://git.code.sf.net/p/re2c/code-git re2c
-.. _Distributions:
* `NetBSD <ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/current/pkgsrc/devel/re2c/README.html>`_
* `OpenBSD <http://www.openbsd.org/4.5_packages/sh/re2c-0.13.5.tgz-long.html>`_
-.. _Build:
You only need C++98 compier to build re2c from tarball.
If you have bison, re2c will use it (otherwise it will use precompiled files).
$ make
$ make install
-.. _Bootstrap:
$ make bootstrap
-.. _Out-of-source:
$ make
$ make install
-.. _Windows:
(mingw builds are supported and tested regularly).
-.. _Test:
re2c has a main test suite and a couple of small tests. Run them all:
-`[home] <index.html>`_
-* `About`_
- - `Authors`_
- - `License`_
- - `Version`_
-* `Run`_
- - `Synopsis`_
- - `Options`_
- - `Warnings`_
-* `Syntax`_
- - `Rules`_
- - `Definitions`_
- - `Configurations`_
- - `Regular expressions`_
- - `Interface`_
-* `Features`_
- - `Conditions`_
- - `State`_
- - `Reuse`_
- - `Encodings`_
- - `Generic interface`_
-* `Examples`_
- - `Recognizing integers: the sentinel method`_
- - `Recognizing strings: the need for YYMAXFILL`_
- - `Arbitrary large input and YYFILL`_
- - `Parsing integers (multiple re2c blocks)`_
- - `Parsing integers (conditions)`_
- - `Braille patterns (encodings)`_
- - `C++98 lexer`_
-* `Changelog`_
-.. _About:
+.. header:: `[home] <index.html>`_
+.. footer:: `[home] <index.html>`_
+.. contents:: ★
+ :backlinks: none
+ :depth: 2
-.. _Authors:
Let me know if I missed someone!
-.. _License:
acknowledgement somewhere (documentation, research report, etc.) would
be appreciated.
-.. _Version:
This page describes ``re2c`` version 0.14.1.dev, package date 15 Oct 2015.
-.. _Run:
-.. _Synopsis:
-.. _Options:
.. include:: options/options_list.rst
-.. _Warnings:
.. include:: options/warnings_list.rst
-.. _Syntax:
Code for ``re2c`` consists of a set of `rules`_, `definitions`_ and
-.. _Rules:
``<!> := C/C++ code``
-.. _Definitions:
``name { regular-expression }``
-.. _Configurations:
``re2c:variable:yytarget = "yytarget";``
Allows to overwrite the name of the variable ``yytarget``.
-.. _Regular expressions:
Regular expressions
The only portable "any" rule is the default rule ``*``.
-.. _Interface:
generated code will contain both ``YYSETSTATE (s)`` and ``YYGETSTATE`` even
if ``YYFILL (n)`` is being disabled.
-.. _Features:
-.. _Conditions:
setup rule and a star'd setup rule is present, than that code will be
used as setup code.
-.. _State:
generated code can be tweaked using inplace configurations ``state:abort``
and ``state:nextlabel``.
-.. _Reuse:
The ``/*!use:re2c */`` blocks can also contain additional rules that will be appended
to the set of rules in ``/*!rules:re2c */``.
-.. _Encodings:
rule ``*``. Note, that full range rule ``[^]`` won't catch invalid code units when variable-length encoding is used
(``[^]`` means "all valid code points", while default rule ``*`` means "all possible code units").
-.. _Generic interface:
Generic interface
has more details, and you can find some usage examples
`here <http://skvadrik.github.io/aleph_null/posts/re2c/2015-01-15-input_model_custom.html>`_.
-.. _Examples:
-All examples are written in C++-98.
-`Do let me know <skvadik@gmail.com>`_ if you notice any obvious lies and errors.
-You can find more examples in subdirectory ``examples`` of the ``re2c`` distribution.
-.. include:: examples.rst
-.. _Changelog:
+.. include:: example_intro.rst
+.. include:: example_01.rst
+.. include:: example_02.rst
+.. include:: example_03.rst
+.. include:: example_04.rst
+.. include:: example_05.rst
+.. include:: example_06.rst
+.. include:: example_07.rst
.. include:: changelog.rst
+.. header:: `[home] <index.html>`_
+.. footer:: `[home] <index.html>`_
+.. contents:: ★
+ :backlinks: none
+ :depth: 2