set raw_tty [ exec tty ]
regexp "/dev/(.+)" $raw_tty > tty
+set test "pgprep with no arguments"
+spawn $pgrep
+expect_pass "$test" "^\(lt-\)\?pgrep: no matching criteria specified\\s*"
+# Tests that don't need the test process go above here
+if { [ catch { exec sh -c "command -v kill" } kill_path] } {
+ untested { kill path not found }
+ return
set testproc_len [ string length $testproc_comm ]
set testproc_trim [ string range $testproc_comm 0 [ expr { $testproc_len - 2 } ] ]
set testproc1_sid [ string trim [ exec $ps --no-headers -o sid $testproc1_pid ] ]
-set test "pgprep with no arguments"
-spawn $pgrep
-expect_pass "$test" "^\(lt-\)\?pgrep: no matching criteria specified\\s*"
set test "pgrep find both test pids"
spawn $pgrep $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc1_pid\\s+$testproc2_pid\\s*$"
# Cleanup
-exec kill $testproc1_pid
-exec kill $testproc2_pid
-exec rm $testproc_path
+eval exec "$kill_path $testproc1_pid"
+eval exec "$kill_path $testproc2_pid"
+file delete $testproc_path
set raw_tty [ exec tty ]
regexp "/dev/(.+)" $raw_tty > tty
+set test "pkill with no arguments"
+spawn $pkill
+expect_pass "$test" "^\(lt-\)\?pkill: no matching criteria specified\\s*"
+# Tests that don't need the test process go above here
+if { [ catch { exec sh -c "command -v kill" } kill_path] } {
+ untested { kill path not found }
+ return
set testproc_len [ string length $testproc_comm ]
set testproc_trim [ string range $testproc_comm 0 [ expr { $testproc_len - 2 } ] ]
set testproc1_sid [ exec $ps --no-headers -o sid $testproc1_pid ]
-set test "pkill with no arguments"
-spawn $pkill
-expect_pass "$test" "^\(lt-\)\?pkill: no matching criteria specified\\s*"
set test "pkill find both test pids"
spawn $pkill -0 -e $testproc_comm
expect_pass "$test" "^$testproc_comm killed \\(pid $testproc1_pid\\)\\s+$testproc_comm killed \\(pid $testproc2_pid\\)\\s*$"
# Cleanup
-exec kill $testproc1_pid
-exec kill $testproc2_pid
+eval exec "$kill_path $testproc1_pid"
+eval exec "$kill_path $testproc2_pid"
exec rm $testproc_path