targeting an Apple platform. For all other targets the ``extra_sources`` will be
evaluated as empty before add_executable is given its arguments.
-One big "Gotcha" with variable dereferencing is that ``if`` commands implicitly
-dereference values. This has some unexpected results. For example:
-.. code-block:: cmake
-In this code sample MSVC will be implicitly dereferenced, which will result in
-the if command comparing the value of the dereferenced variables ``SOME_VAR``
-and ``MSVC``. A common workaround to this solution is to prepend strings being
-compared with an ``x``.
-.. code-block:: cmake
-This works because while ``MSVC`` is a defined variable, ``xMSVC`` is not. This
-pattern is uncommon, but it does occur in LLVM's CMake scripts.
-.. note::
- Once the LLVM project upgrades its minimum CMake version to 3.1 or later we
- can prevent this behavior by setting CMP0054 to new. For more information on
- CMake policies please see the cmake-policies manpage or the `cmake-policies
- online documentation
- <>`_.