-function output_node($node, $level=0) {
- switch($node->type) {
- for($i=0; $i<$level; $i++)
- echo " ";
- echo "<".$node->name;
- $attributes = $node->attributes();
- if(is_array($attributes)) {
- foreach($attributes as $attribute)
- echo " ".$attribute->name."=".$node->getattr($attribute->name);
- }
- echo ">\n";
- $children = $node->children();
- for($i=0; $i < count($children); $i++)
- output_node($children[$i], $level+1);
- for($i=0; $i<$level; $i++)
- echo " ";
- echo "</".$node->name.">\n";
- break;
- for($i=0; $i<$level; $i++)
- echo " ";
- echo $node->content;
- break;
- echo $node->content;
- break;
- for($i=0; $i<$level; $i++)
- echo " ";
- echo "<!--".$node->content."-->";
- echo "\n";
- break;
- }
-function list_attr($node) {
- $attr = domxml_attributes($node);
- for(reset($attr); $key = key($attr); next($attr)) {
- echo $key."=".$attr[$key]."\n";
- }
$xmlstr = "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
<!DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM '/share/sgml/Norman_Walsh/db3xml10/db3xml10.dtd'
[ <!ENTITY sp \"spanish\">
</chapter> ";
-/* The following code traverses the xml tree node by node
- by using the methods of the xmlnode object
echo "Test 1: accessing single nodes from php\n";
-if(!$dom = xmldoc($xmlstr)) {
+$dom = xmldoc($xmlstr);
+if(!$dom) {
echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
-echo "XML Version: ".$dom->version."\n";
-echo "Standalone: ".$dom->standalone."\n";
-$dtd = $dom->dtd();
-$rootnode = $dom->children();
-foreach($rootnode as $root)
- output_node($root);
-$rootnode = $dom->root();
- output_node($rootnode);
-/* This one creates a dom tree made of php objects */
-echo "Test 2: creating a tree with php objects\n";
-$dom = xmltree($xmlstr);
-$dom->root->name = "section";
-echo $dom->root->name;
-echo "\n";
-/* xmltree() creates a tree which is readonly. This means that a
- function like
- $dom->root->new_child("TEST", "ljdf");
- won't work
+$children = $dom->childNodes();
-/* The following builds a xml document from scratch */
-echo "Test 3: building a xml document from scratch\n";
-$doc = new_xmldoc("1.0");
-$root = $doc->add_root("HTML");
-$head = $root->new_child("HEAD", "");
-$head->new_child("TITLE", "Hier der Titel");
-$body = $root->new_child("BODY", "");
-$table = $body->new_child("TABLE", "");
-$table->setattr("WIDTH", "100%");
-$table->new_child("TR", " ");
-echo $doc->dumpmem();
+echo "--------- root\n";
+$rootnode = $dom->documentElement();
-/* The following does some testing of the xpath support */
-echo "Test 4: See if XPath works\n";
-if(!$dom = xmldoc($xmlstr)) {
- echo "Error while parsing the document\n";
- exit;
+echo "--------- children of root\n";
+$children = $rootnode->childNodes();
-if(false === ($xpathctx = xpath_new_context($dom))) {
- echo "Error in xpath_new_context()\n";
- exit;
+// The last node should be identical with the last entry in the children array
+echo "--------- last\n";
+$last = $rootnode->lastChild();
+// The parent of this last node is the root again
+echo "--------- parent\n";
+$parent = $last->parent();
+// The children of this parent are the same children as one above
+echo "--------- children of parent\n";
+$children = $parent->childNodes();
+echo "--------- creating a new attribute\n";
+$attr = $dom->createAttribute("src", "picture.gif");
+$rootnode->setAttributeNode($attr); /* Not implemented */
+$attr = $rootnode->setAttribute("src", "picture.gif");
+$attr = $rootnode->getAttribute("src");
+echo "--------- attribute of rootnode\n";
+$attrs = $rootnode->attributes();
+echo "--------- children of an attribute\n";
+$children = $attrs[0]->childNodes();
-/* What you get back is an object of type XPathObject.
- Depending on the sub type of XPathObject, the property
- 'value' or 'nodeset' contains the result.
- The sub type is in property 'type'.
- See docs for libxml for valid types.
- 1 means XPATH_NODESET which is in PHP an array of DomNodes.
-$xpathobj = xpath_eval($xpathctx, "/child::*");
-echo $xpathobj->type."\n";
-foreach($xpathobj->nodeset as $node)
- echo $node->name."\n";