for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
populateData((ICUResourceBundle) r.get(i), result);
- fillInMissingAndFixRedundant(result);
+ fillInMissing(result);
return result;
ICUResourceBundle other = (ICUResourceBundle) divisorData.get("other");
- populatePrefixSuffix(other.getString(), thisIndex, result);
+ int numZeros = populatePrefixSuffix(other.getString(), thisIndex, result);
+ for (int i = 1; i < numZeros; i++) {
+ divisor /= 10;
+ }
result.divisors[thisIndex] = divisor;
* @param template the number template, e.g 000K
* @param idx the index to store the extracted prefix and suffix
* @param result Data object modified in-place here.
+ * @return number of zeros found before any decimal point in template.
- private static void populatePrefixSuffix(String template, int idx, Data result) {
+ private static int populatePrefixSuffix(String template, int idx, Data result) {
int firstIdx = template.indexOf("0");
int lastIdx = template.lastIndexOf("0");
result.prefixes[idx] = template.substring(0, firstIdx);
result.suffixes[idx] = template.substring(lastIdx + 1);
+ // Calculate number of zeros before decimal point.
+ int i = firstIdx + 1;
+ while (i <= lastIdx && template.charAt(i) == '0') {
+ i++;
+ }
+ return i - firstIdx;
* After reading information from resource bundle into a Data object, there
- * is no guarantee that every index of the arrays will be filled. Moreover,
- * the resource bundle may contain redundant information. After reading
- * the resource for english, we may end up with:
- * <pre>
- * index divisor prefix suffix
- * 0 <none> <none> <none>
- * 1 <none> <none> <none>
- * 2 <none> <none> <none>
- * 3 1000 K
- * 4 10000 K
- * 5 100000 K
- * 6 1000000 M
- * ...
- * </pre>
- * The 10000 and 100000 are redundant. In fact, this data will cause CompactDecimalFormatter
- * to format 12345 as 1.2K instead of 12K. Moreover, no data was populated for
- * indexes 0, 1, or 2. What we want is something like this:
- * <pre>
- * index divisor prefix suffix
- * 0 1
- * 1 1
- * 2 1
- * 3 1000 K
- * 4 1000 K
- * 5 1000 K
- * 6 1000000 M
- * ...
- * </pre>
- * This function walks through the arrays filling in missing data and replacing
- * redundant data. If prefix is missing for an index, we fill in that index
- * with the values from the previous index. If prefix and suffix for an index
- * are the same as the previous index, we consider that redundant data and we
- * replace the divisor with the one from the previous index.
+ * is no guarantee that every index of the arrays will be filled.
+ *
+ * This function walks through the arrays filling in indexes with missing
+ * data from the previous index. If the first indexes are missing data,
+ * they are assumed to have no prefixes or suffixes and a divisor of 1.
+ * We assume an index has missing data if the corresponding element in the
+ * prefixes array is null.
* @param result this instance is fixed in-place.
- private static void fillInMissingAndFixRedundant(Data result) {
+ private static void fillInMissing(Data result) {
// Initially we assume that previous divisor is 1 with no prefix or suffix.
long lastDivisor = 1L;
String lastPrefix = "";
result.divisors[i] = lastDivisor;
result.prefixes[i] = lastPrefix;
result.suffixes[i] = lastSuffix;
- } else if (result.prefixes[i].equals(lastPrefix) && result.suffixes[i].equals(lastSuffix)) {
- result.divisors[i] = lastDivisor;
} else {
lastDivisor = result.divisors[i];
lastPrefix = result.prefixes[i];
{123456789012345f, "120T"},
{12345678901234567890f, "12000000T"},
+ Object[][] SerbianTestData = {
+ {1234, "1200"},
+ {12345, "12 хиљ"},
+ {123456, "120 хиљ"},
+ {1234567, "1,2 мил"},
+ {12345678, "12 мил"},
+ {123456789, "120 мил"},
+ {1234567890, "1,2 млрд"},
+ {12345678901f, "12 млрд"},
+ {123456789012f, "120 млрд"},
+ {1234567890123f, "1,2 бил"},
+ {12345678901234f, "12 бил"},
+ {123456789012345f, "120 бил"},
+ };
Object[][] JapaneseTestData = {
{1234, "1200"},
public void TestEnglish() {
checkLocale(ULocale.ENGLISH, EnglishTestData);
+ public void TestSerbian() {
+ checkLocale(ULocale.forLanguageTag("sr"), SerbianTestData);
+ }
public void TestJapanese() {
// checkLocale(ULocale.JAPANESE, JapaneseTestData); Not decided yet by CLDR TC.