def test_bigcomp(self):
- DIG10 = 10**50
- for i in xrange(1000):
- for j in xrange(TEST_SIZE):
- digits = random.randrange(DIG10)
+ for ndigs in 5, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 40, 41, 50:
+ dig10 = 10**ndigs
+ for i in xrange(100 * TEST_SIZE):
+ digits = random.randrange(dig10)
exponent = random.randrange(-400, 400)
s = '{}e{}'.format(digits, exponent)
# issue 7632 bug 8: the following produced 10.0
+ # exercise exit conditions in bigcomp comparison loop
+ '2602129298404963083833853479113577253105939995688e2',
+ '260212929840496308383385347911357725310593999568896e0',
+ '26021292984049630838338534791135772531059399956889601e-2',
+ '260212929840496308383385347911357725310593999568895e0',
+ '260212929840496308383385347911357725310593999568897e0',
+ '260212929840496308383385347911357725310593999568996e0',
+ '260212929840496308383385347911357725310593999568866e0',
+ # 2**53
+ '9007199254740992.00',
+ # 2**1024 - 2**970: exact overflow boundary. All values
+ # smaller than this should round to something finite; any value
+ # greater than or equal to this one overflows.
+ '179769313486231580793728971405303415079934132710037' #...
+ '826936173778980444968292764750946649017977587207096' #...
+ '330286416692887910946555547851940402630657488671505' #...
+ '820681908902000708383676273854845817711531764475730' #...
+ '270069855571366959622842914819860834936475292719074' #...
+ '168444365510704342711559699508093042880177904174497792',
+ # 2**1024 - 2**970 - tiny
+ '179769313486231580793728971405303415079934132710037' #...
+ '826936173778980444968292764750946649017977587207096' #...
+ '330286416692887910946555547851940402630657488671505' #...
+ '820681908902000708383676273854845817711531764475730' #...
+ '270069855571366959622842914819860834936475292719074' #...
+ '168444365510704342711559699508093042880177904174497791.999',
+ # 2**1024 - 2**970 + tiny
+ '179769313486231580793728971405303415079934132710037' #...
+ '826936173778980444968292764750946649017977587207096' #...
+ '330286416692887910946555547851940402630657488671505' #...
+ '820681908902000708383676273854845817711531764475730' #...
+ '270069855571366959622842914819860834936475292719074' #...
+ '168444365510704342711559699508093042880177904174497792.001',
+ # 1 - 2**-54, +-tiny
+ '999999999999999944488848768742172978818416595458984375e-54',
+ '9999999999999999444888487687421729788184165954589843749999999e-54',
+ '9999999999999999444888487687421729788184165954589843750000001e-54',
for s in test_strings:
typedef struct BCinfo BCinfo;
BCinfo {
- int dsign, e0, nd, nd0, scale;
+ int e0, nd, nd0, scale;
#define FFFFFFFF 0xffffffffUL
return c;
-/* Given a positive normal double x, return the difference between x and the next
- double up. Doesn't give correct results for subnormals. */
+/* Given a positive normal double x, return the difference between x and the
+ next double up. Doesn't give correct results for subnormals. */
static double
ulp(U *x)
bc is a struct containing information gathered during the parsing and
estimation steps of _Py_dg_strtod. Description of fields follows:
- bc->dsign is 1 if rv < decimal value, 0 if rv >= decimal value. In
- normal use, it should almost always be 1 when bigcomp is entered.
bc->e0 gives the exponent of the input value, such that dv = (integer
given by the bd->nd digits of s0) * 10**e0
- /* if b >= d, round down */
- if (cmp(b, d) >= 0) {
+ /* Compare s0 with b/d: set dd to -1, 0, or 1 according as s0 < b/d, s0 ==
+ * b/d, or s0 > b/d. Here the digits of s0 are thought of as representing
+ * a number in the range [0.1, 1). */
+ if (cmp(b, d) >= 0)
+ /* b/d >= 1 */
dd = -1;
- goto ret;
- }
+ else {
+ i = 0;
+ for(;;) {
+ b = multadd(b, 10, 0);
+ if (b == NULL) {
+ Bfree(d);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ dd = s0[i < nd0 ? i : i+1] - '0' - quorem(b, d);
+ i++;
- /* Compare b/d with s0 */
- for(i = 0; i < nd0; i++) {
- b = multadd(b, 10, 0);
- if (b == NULL) {
- Bfree(d);
- return -1;
- }
- dd = *s0++ - '0' - quorem(b, d);
- if (dd)
- goto ret;
- if (!b->x[0] && b->wds == 1) {
- if (i < nd - 1)
- dd = 1;
- goto ret;
- }
- }
- s0++;
- for(; i < nd; i++) {
- b = multadd(b, 10, 0);
- if (b == NULL) {
- Bfree(d);
- return -1;
- }
- dd = *s0++ - '0' - quorem(b, d);
- if (dd)
- goto ret;
- if (!b->x[0] && b->wds == 1) {
- if (i < nd - 1)
- dd = 1;
- goto ret;
+ if (dd)
+ break;
+ if (!b->x[0] && b->wds == 1) {
+ /* b/d == 0 */
+ dd = i < nd;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!(i < nd)) {
+ /* b/d != 0, but digits of s0 exhausted */
+ dd = -1;
+ break;
+ }
- if (b->x[0] || b->wds > 1)
- dd = -1;
- ret:
if (dd > 0 || (dd == 0 && odd))
_Py_dg_strtod(const char *s00, char **se)
- int bb2, bb5, bbe, bd2, bd5, bbbits, bs2, c, e, e1, error;
- int esign, i, j, k, nd, nd0, nf, nz, nz0, sign;
+ int bb2, bb5, bbe, bd2, bd5, bbbits, bs2, c, dsign, e, e1, error;
+ int esign, i, j, k, lz, nd, nd0, sign;
const char *s, *s0, *s1;
double aadj, aadj1;
U aadj2, adj, rv, rv0;
- ULong y, z, abse;
+ ULong y, z, abs_exp;
Long L;
BCinfo bc;
Bigint *bb, *bb1, *bd, *bd0, *bs, *delta;
- sign = nz0 = nz = 0;
dval(&rv) = 0.;
- for(s = s00;;s++) switch(*s) {
- case '-':
- sign = 1;
- /* no break */
- case '+':
- if (*++s)
- goto break2;
- /* no break */
- case 0:
- goto ret0;
- /* modify original dtoa.c so that it doesn't accept leading whitespace
- case '\t':
- case '\n':
- case '\v':
- case '\f':
- case '\r':
- case ' ':
- continue;
- */
- default:
- goto break2;
- }
- break2:
- if (*s == '0') {
- nz0 = 1;
- while(*++s == '0') ;
- if (!*s)
- goto ret;
+ /* Start parsing. */
+ c = *(s = s00);
+ /* Parse optional sign, if present. */
+ sign = 0;
+ switch (c) {
+ case '-':
+ sign = 1;
+ /* no break */
+ case '+':
+ c = *++s;
- s0 = s;
- for(nd = nf = 0; (c = *s) >= '0' && c <= '9'; nd++, s++)
- ;
- nd0 = nd;
+ /* Skip leading zeros: lz is true iff there were leading zeros. */
+ s1 = s;
+ while (c == '0')
+ c = *++s;
+ lz = s != s1;
+ /* Point s0 at the first nonzero digit (if any). nd0 will be the position
+ of the point relative to s0. nd will be the total number of digits
+ ignoring leading zeros. */
+ s0 = s1 = s;
+ while ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
+ c = *++s;
+ nd0 = nd = s - s1;
+ /* Parse decimal point and following digits. */
if (c == '.') {
c = *++s;
if (!nd) {
- for(; c == '0'; c = *++s)
- nz++;
- if (c > '0' && c <= '9') {
- s0 = s;
- nf += nz;
- nz = 0;
- goto have_dig;
- }
- goto dig_done;
- }
- for(; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = *++s) {
- have_dig:
- nz++;
- if (c -= '0') {
- nf += nz;
- nd += nz;
- nz = 0;
- }
+ s1 = s;
+ while (c == '0')
+ c = *++s;
+ lz = lz || s != s1;
+ nd0 -= s - s1;
+ s0 = s;
+ s1 = s;
+ while ('0' <= c && c <= '9')
+ c = *++s;
+ nd += s - s1;
- dig_done:
+ /* Now lz is true if and only if there were leading zero digits, and nd
+ gives the total number of digits ignoring leading zeros. A valid input
+ must have at least one digit. */
+ if (!nd && !lz) {
+ *se = (char *)s00;
+ goto parse_error;
+ }
+ /* Parse exponent. */
e = 0;
if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
- if (!nd && !nz && !nz0) {
- goto ret0;
- }
s00 = s;
+ c = *++s;
+ /* Exponent sign. */
esign = 0;
- switch(c = *++s) {
+ switch (c) {
case '-':
esign = 1;
+ /* no break */
case '+':
c = *++s;
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
- while(c == '0')
- c = *++s;
- if (c > '0' && c <= '9') {
- abse = c - '0';
- s1 = s;
- while((c = *++s) >= '0' && c <= '9')
- abse = 10*abse + c - '0';
- if (s - s1 > 8 || abse > MAX_ABS_EXP)
- /* Avoid confusion from exponents
- * so large that e might overflow.
- */
- e = (int)MAX_ABS_EXP; /* safe for 16 bit ints */
- else
- e = (int)abse;
- if (esign)
- e = -e;
- }
- else
- e = 0;
+ /* Skip zeros. lz is true iff there are leading zeros. */
+ s1 = s;
+ while (c == '0')
+ c = *++s;
+ lz = s != s1;
+ /* Get absolute value of the exponent. */
+ s1 = s;
+ abs_exp = 0;
+ while ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
+ abs_exp = 10*abs_exp + (c - '0');
+ c = *++s;
+ /* abs_exp will be correct modulo 2**32. But 10**9 < 2**32, so if
+ there are at most 9 significant exponent digits then overflow is
+ impossible. */
+ if (s - s1 > 9 || abs_exp > MAX_ABS_EXP)
+ e = (int)MAX_ABS_EXP;
+ e = (int)abs_exp;
+ if (esign)
+ e = -e;
+ /* A valid exponent must have at least one digit. */
+ if (s == s1 && !lz)
s = s00;
- if (!nd) {
- if (!nz && !nz0) {
- ret0:
- s = s00;
- sign = 0;
- }
- goto ret;
- }
- e -= nf;
- if (!nd0)
+ /* Adjust exponent to take into account position of the point. */
+ e -= nd - nd0;
+ if (nd0 <= 0)
nd0 = nd;
- /* strip trailing zeros */
+ /* Finished parsing. Set se to indicate how far we parsed */
+ if (se)
+ *se = (char *)s;
+ /* If all digits were zero, exit with return value +-0.0. Otherwise,
+ strip trailing zeros: scan back until we hit a nonzero digit. */
+ if (!nd)
+ goto ret;
for (i = nd; i > 0; ) {
- /* scan back until we hit a nonzero digit. significant digit 'i'
- is s0[i] if i < nd0, s0[i+1] if i >= nd0. */
if (s0[i < nd0 ? i : i+1] != '0') {
if (nd0 > nd)
nd0 = nd;
- /* Now we have nd0 digits, starting at s0, followed by a
- * decimal point, followed by nd-nd0 digits. The number we're
- * after is the integer represented by those digits times
- * 10**e */
- bc.e0 = e1 = e;
- /* Summary of parsing results. The parsing stage gives values
- * s0, nd0, nd, e, sign, where:
+ /* Summary of parsing results. After parsing, and dealing with zero
+ * inputs, we have values s0, nd0, nd, e, sign, where:
- * - s0 points to the first significant digit of the input string s00;
+ * - s0 points to the first significant digit of the input string
* - nd is the total number of significant digits (here, and
* below, 'significant digits' means the set of digits of the
* significand of the input that remain after ignoring leading
- * and trailing zeros.
+ * and trailing zeros).
- * - nd0 indicates the position of the decimal point (if
- * present): so the nd significant digits are in s0[0:nd0] and
- * s0[nd0+1:nd+1] using the usual Python half-open slice
- * notation. (If nd0 < nd, then s0[nd0] necessarily contains
- * a '.' character; if nd0 == nd, then it could be anything.)
+ * - nd0 indicates the position of the decimal point, if present; it
+ * satisfies 1 <= nd0 <= nd. The nd significant digits are in
+ * s0[0:nd0] and s0[nd0+1:nd+1] using the usual Python half-open slice
+ * notation. (If nd0 < nd, then s0[nd0] contains a '.' character; if
+ * nd0 == nd, then s0[nd0] could be any non-digit character.)
* - e is the adjusted exponent: the absolute value of the number
* represented by the original input string is n * 10**e, where
* gives the value represented by the first min(16, nd) sig. digits.
+ bc.e0 = e1 = e;
y = z = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
if (i < 9)
if ((i = e1 & 15))
dval(&rv) *= tens[i];
if (e1 &= ~15) {
- if (e1 > DBL_MAX_10_EXP) {
- ovfl:
- errno = ERANGE;
- /* Can't trust HUGE_VAL */
- word0(&rv) = Exp_mask;
- word1(&rv) = 0;
- goto ret;
- }
+ if (e1 > DBL_MAX_10_EXP)
+ goto ovfl;
e1 >>= 4;
for(j = 0; e1 > 1; j++, e1 >>= 1)
if (e1 & 1)
word1(&rv) &= 0xffffffff << j;
- if (!dval(&rv)) {
- undfl:
- dval(&rv) = 0.;
- errno = ERANGE;
- goto ret;
- }
+ if (!dval(&rv))
+ goto undfl;
goto failed_malloc;
- bc.dsign = delta->sign;
+ dsign = delta->sign;
delta->sign = 0;
i = cmp(delta, bs);
if (bc.nd > nd && i <= 0) {
- if (bc.dsign)
+ if (dsign)
break; /* Must use bigcomp(). */
/* Here rv overestimates the truncated decimal value by at most
rv / 2^bc.scale >= 2^-1021. */
if (j - bc.scale >= 2) {
dval(&rv) -= 0.5 * sulp(&rv, &bc);
- break;
+ break; /* Use bigcomp. */
/* Error is less than half an ulp -- check for
* special case of mantissa a power of two.
- if (bc.dsign || word1(&rv) || word0(&rv) & Bndry_mask
+ if (dsign || word1(&rv) || word0(&rv) & Bndry_mask
|| (word0(&rv) & Exp_mask) <= (2*P+1)*Exp_msk1
) {
if (i == 0) {
/* exactly half-way between */
- if (bc.dsign) {
+ if (dsign) {
if ((word0(&rv) & Bndry_mask1) == Bndry_mask1
&& word1(&rv) == (
(bc.scale &&
+ Exp_msk1
word1(&rv) = 0;
- bc.dsign = 0;
+ dsign = 0;
/* accept rv */
/* rv = smallest denormal */
- if (bc.nd >nd)
+ if (bc.nd > nd)
goto undfl;
if (!(word1(&rv) & LSB))
- if (bc.dsign)
+ if (dsign)
dval(&rv) += ulp(&rv);
else {
dval(&rv) -= ulp(&rv);
goto undfl;
- bc.dsign = 1 - bc.dsign;
+ dsign = 1 - dsign;
if ((aadj = ratio(delta, bs)) <= 2.) {
- if (bc.dsign)
+ if (dsign)
aadj = aadj1 = 1.;
else if (word1(&rv) || word0(&rv) & Bndry_mask) {
if (word1(&rv) == Tiny1 && !word0(&rv)) {
else {
aadj *= 0.5;
- aadj1 = bc.dsign ? aadj : -aadj;
+ aadj1 = dsign ? aadj : -aadj;
if (Flt_Rounds == 0)
aadj1 += 0.5;
if ((z = (ULong)aadj) <= 0)
z = 1;
aadj = z;
- aadj1 = bc.dsign ? aadj : -aadj;
+ aadj1 = dsign ? aadj : -aadj;
dval(&aadj2) = aadj1;
word0(&aadj2) += (2*P+1)*Exp_msk1 - y;
L = (Long)aadj;
aadj -= L;
/* The tolerances below are conservative. */
- if (bc.dsign || word1(&rv) || word0(&rv) & Bndry_mask) {
+ if (dsign || word1(&rv) || word0(&rv) & Bndry_mask) {
if (aadj < .4999999 || aadj > .5000001)
word0(&rv0) = Exp_1 - 2*P*Exp_msk1;
word1(&rv0) = 0;
dval(&rv) *= dval(&rv0);
- /* try to avoid the bug of testing an 8087 register value */
- if (!(word0(&rv) & Exp_mask))
- errno = ERANGE;
- if (se)
- *se = (char *)s;
return sign ? -dval(&rv) : dval(&rv);
+ parse_error:
+ return 0.0;
- if (se)
- *se = (char *)s00;
errno = ENOMEM;
return -1.0;
+ undfl:
+ return sign ? -0.0 : 0.0;
+ ovfl:
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ /* Can't trust HUGE_VAL */
+ word0(&rv) = Exp_mask;
+ word1(&rv) = 0;
+ return sign ? -dval(&rv) : dval(&rv);
static char *