#include "sdncal.h"
#include <time.h>
-/* {{{ proto int unixtojd([int timestamp])
+/* {{{ proto int unixtojd([int timestamp]) U
Convert UNIX timestamp to Julian Day */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int jdtounix(int jday)
+/* {{{ proto int jdtounix(int jday) U
Convert Julian Day to UNIX timestamp */
-/* {{{ proto int easter_date([int year])
+/* {{{ proto int easter_date([int year]) U
Return the timestamp of midnight on Easter of a given year (defaults to current year) */
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto int easter_days([int year, [int method]])
+/* {{{ proto int easter_days([int year, [int method]]) U
Return the number of days after March 21 that Easter falls on for a given year (defaults to current year) */