--- /dev/null
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "cdt.h"
+P2trCDT* p2tr_cdt_new (P2tCDT *cdt)
+ P2tTrianglePtrArray *cdt_tris = p2t_cdt_get_triangles (cdt);
+ GHashTable *point_map = g_hash_table_new (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equals);
+ P2trCDT *rmesh = g_slice_new (P2trCDT);
+ gint i, j;
+ rmesh->mesh = p2tr_mesh_new ();
+ rmesh->outline = p2tr_pslg_new ();
+ /* First iteration over the CDT - create all the points */
+ for (i = 0; i < cdt_tris->len; i++)
+ {
+ P2tTriangle *cdt_tri = triangle_index (cdt_tris, i);
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ {
+ P2tPoint *cdt_pt = p2t_triangle_get_point(cdt_tri, j);
+ P2trPoint *new_pt = g_hash_table_lookup (point_map, cdt_pt);
+ if (new_pt == NULL)
+ {
+ new_pt = p2tr_point_new2 (cdt_pt->x, cdt_pt->y);
+ g_hash_table_insert (point_map, cdt_pt, new_pt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Second iteration over the CDT - create all the edges and find the
+ * outline */
+ for (i = 0; i < cdt_tris->len; i++)
+ {
+ P2tTriangle *cdt_tri = triangle_index (cdt_tris, i);
+ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+ {
+ P2tPoint *start = p2t_triangle_get_point (cdt_tri, j);
+ P2tPoint *end = p2t_triangle_get_point (cdt_tri, (j + 1) % 3);
+ int edge_index = p2t_triangle_edge_index (cdt_tri, start, end);
+ P2trPoint *start_new = g_hash_table_lookup (point_map, start);
+ P2trPoint *end_new = g_hash_table_lookup (point_map, end);
+ if (! p2tr_point_has_edge_to (start_new, end_new))
+ {
+ gboolean constrained = cdt_tri->constrained_edge[edge_index];
+ P2trEdge *edge = p2tr_mesh_new_edge (rmesh->mesh, start_new, end_new, constrained);
+ /* If the edge is constrained, we should add it to the
+ * outline */
+ if (constrained)
+ p2tr_pslg_add_new_line(rmesh->outline, &start_new.c,
+ &end_new.c);
+ /* We only wanted to create the edge now. We will use it
+ * later */
+ p2tr_edge_unref (edge);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Third iteration over the CDT - create all the triangles */
+ for (i = 0; i < cdt_tris->len; i++)
+ {
+ P2tTriangle *cdt_tri = triangle_index (cdt_tris, i);
+ P2trPoint *pt1 = g_hash_table_lookup (point_map, p2t_triangle_get_point (cdt_tri, 0));
+ P2trPoint *pt2 = g_hash_table_lookup (point_map, p2t_triangle_get_point (cdt_tri, 1));
+ P2trPoint *pt3 = g_hash_table_lookup (point_map, p2t_triangle_get_point (cdt_tri, 2));
+ P2trTriangle *new_tri = p2tr_mesh_new_triangle (rmesh->mesh,
+ p2tr_point_get_edge_to(pt1, pt2),
+ p2tr_point_get_edge_to(pt2, pt3),
+ p2tr_point_get_edge_to(pt3, pt1));
+ /* We won't do any usage of the triangle, so just unref it */
+ p2tr_triangle_unref (new_tri);
+ }
+ return rmesh;
+p2tr_cdt_validate_edges (P2trCDT *self)
+ P2trHashSetIter iter;
+ P2trEdge *e;
+ p2tr_hash_set_iter_init (&iter, self->mesh->edges);
+ while (p2tr_hash_set_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer*)&e))
+ {
+ if (! e->constrained && e->tri == NULL)
+ p2tr_exception_geometric ("Found a non constrained edge without a triangle");
+ if (e->tri != NULL)
+ {
+ gboolean found = FALSE;
+ gint i = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ if (e->tri->edges[i] == e)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (! found)
+ p2tr_exception_geometric ("An edge has a triangle to which it does not belong!");
+ }
+ }
+p2tr_cdt_visible_from_edge (P2trCDT *self,
+ P2trEdge *e,
+ P2trVector2 *p)
+ P2trBoundedLine line;
+ p2tr_bounded_line_init (&line, &e->start->c, &e->end->c);
+ return p2tr_visibility_is_visible_from_edges (self->outline, p, &line, 1);
+p2tr_cdt_visible_from_tri (P2trCDT *self,
+ P2trTriangle *tri,
+ P2trVector2 *p)
+ P2trBoundedLine *lines[3];
+ gint i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ p2tr_bounded_line_init (&line[i], P2TR_EDGE_START(tri->edges[i]), tri->edges[i]->end);
+ return p2tr_visibility_is_visible_from_edges (self->outline, p, lines, 3);
+p2tr_cdt_has_empty_circum_circle (P2trCDT *self,
+ P2trTriangle *tri)
+ P2trCircle circum;
+ P2trPoint *p;
+ P2trHashSet iter;
+ p2tr_triangle_get_circum_circle (tri, &circum);
+ p2tr_hash_set_iter_init (&iter, self->mesh->points);
+ while (p2tr_hash_set_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer*)&p))
+ {
+ /** TODO: FIXME - is a point on a constrained edge really not a
+ * problem?! */
+ if (p2tr_point_has_constrained_edge (p)
+ /* The points of a triangle can't violate its own empty
+ * circumcircle property */
+ || p == tri->edges[0]->end
+ || p == tri->edges[1]->end
+ || p == tri->edges[2]->end)
+ continue;
+ if (! p2tr_circle_test_point_outside(&circum, &p->c)
+ && p2tr_cdt_visible_from_tri (cdt, tri, &p.c))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+p2tr_cdt_validate_cdt (P2trCDT *self)
+ P2trHashSetIter *iter;
+ P2trTriangle *tri;
+ p2tr_hash_set_iter_init (&iter, self->mesh->triangles);
+ while (p2tr_hash_set_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer*)&tri))
+ if (! p2tr_cdt_has_empty_circum_circle(self, tri))
+ p2tr_exception_geometric ("Not a CDT!");
+p2tr_cdt_is_encroached (P2trEdge *E)
+ P2trTriangle *T1 = E->tri;
+ P2trTriangle *T2 = E->mirror->tri;
+ if (! E->constrained)
+ return FALSE;
+ return (T1 != NULL && p2tr_cdt_test_encroachment_ignore_visibility (p2tr_triangle_get_opposite_point (T1, E)->c, E))
+ || (T2 != NULL && p2tr_cdt_test_encroachment_ignore_visibility (p2tr_triangle_get_opposite_point (T2, E)->c, E));
+p2tr_cdt_get_segments_encroached_by (P2trCDT *self,
+ P2trVector2 *C)
+ P2trHashSet *encroached_edges = p2tr_hash_set_new (g_direct_hash,
+ g_direct_equal, (GDestroyNotify) p2tr_edge_unref);
+ P2trHashSetIter iter;
+ P2trEdge *e;
+ p2tr_hash_set_iter_init (&iter, self->mesh->edges);
+ while (p2tr_hash_set_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer*)&e))
+ if (e->constrained
+ && p2tr_hash_set_contains (encroached_edges, e->mirror) == FALSE
+ && p2tr_cdt_edge_will_be_encroached_by (self, e, C))
+ {
+ p2tr_hash_set_insert (encroached_edges, e);
+ }
+ return encroached_edges;
+p2tr_cdt_insert_point (P2trCDT *self,
+ const P2trVector2 *pc)
+ P2trTriangle *tri = this.p2tr_triangulation_rough_find_point(Pc);
+ P2trPoint *pt;
+ gboolean inserted = FALSE;
+ if (tri == NULL)
+ p2tr_exception_geometric ("Tried to add point outside of domain!");
+ pt = new P2trPoint(pc.x, pc.y, this);
+ /* If the point falls on a line, we should split the line */
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ P2trEdge *edge = tri->edges[i];
+ if (p2tr_math_orient2d (& P2TR_EDGE_START(edge)->c,
+ &edge->end->c, pc) == Orientation.LINEAR)
+ {
+ p2tr_cdt_split_edge (edge, pt);
+ inserted = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! inserted)
+ /* If we reached this line, then the point is inside the triangle */
+ p2tr_cdt_insert_point_into_triangle (self, pt, tri);
+ p2tr_cdt_on_new_point (self, pt);
+ return pt;
+static GList*
+p2tr_cdt_new_reversed_pointer_list (int count, ...)
+ int i;
+ va_list args;
+ GList *result = NULL;
+ va_start (args, count);
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ result = g_list_prepend (result, va_arg (args, gpointer));
+ va_end (args);
+ return result;
+/** Insert a point into a triangle. This function assumes the point is
+ * inside the triangle - not on one of its edges and not outside of it.
+ */
+p2tr_cdt_insert_point_into_triangle (P2trCDT *self,
+ P2trPoint *pt,
+ P2trTriangle *tri)
+ GList *new_tris;
+ P2trPoint *A = tri->edges[0]->end;
+ P2trPoint *B = tri->edges[1]->end;
+ P2trPoint *C = tri->edges[2]->end;
+ P2trEdge *CA = tri->edges[1];
+ P2trEdge *AB = tri->edges[2];
+ P2trEdge *BC = tri->edges[0];
+ p2tr_triangle_remove (tri);
+ P2trEdge *AP = p2tr_mesh_new_edge (self->mesh, A, P, FALSE);
+ P2trEdge *BP = p2tr_mesh_new_edge (self->mesh, B, P, FALSE);
+ P2trEdge *CP = p2tr_mesh_new_edge (self->mesh, C, P, FALSE);
+ new_tris = p2tr_cdt_new_reversed_pointer_list (3,
+ p2tr_mesh_new_triangle (self->mesh, AB, BP, AP->mirror);
+ p2tr_mesh_new_triangle (self->mesh, BC, CP, BP->mirror);
+ p2tr_mesh_new_triangle (self->mesh, CA, AP, CP->mirror));
+ p2tr_edge_unref (CP);
+ p2tr_edge_unref (BP);
+ p2tr_edge_unref (AP);
+ /* Flip fix the newly created triangles to preserve the the
+ * constrained delaunay property. The flip-fix function will unref the
+ * new triangles for us! */
+ p2tr_cdt_flip_fix (self, new_tris);
+ g_list_free (new_tris);
+/* This function returns an existing edge between two points, or
+ * alternativly a new unconstrained edge between the two points.
+ */
+static P2trEdge*
+p2tr_cdt_existing_or_new_unconstrained_edge (P2trCDT *self,
+ P2trPoint *start,
+ P2trPoint *end)
+ P2trEdge *result = p2tr_point_has_edge_to (start, end);
+ if (result)
+ p2tr_edge_ref (result);
+ else
+ result = p2tr_mesh_new_edge (self->mesh, start, end, FALSE);
+ return result;
+ * Triangulate a polygon by creating edges to a center point.
+ * 1. If there is a NULL point in the polygon, two triangles are not
+ * created (these are the two that would have used it)
+ */
+static GList*
+p2tr_cdt_triangulate_fan (P2trCDT *self,
+ P2trPoint *center,
+ GList *edge_pts)
+ GList *new_tris = NULL;
+ GList *iter;
+ /* We can not triangulate unless at least two points are given */
+ if (edge_pts == NULL || edge_pts->next == NULL)
+ {
+ p2tr_exception_programmatic ("Not enough points to triangulate as"
+ " a star!");
+ }
+ for (iter = edge_pts; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)
+ {
+ P2trPoint *A = (P2trPoint*) iter->data;
+ P2trPoint *B = (P2trPoint*) g_list_cyclic_next (edge_pts, iter)->data;
+ P2trEdge *AB, *BC, *CA;
+ P2trTriangle *tri;
+ if (A == NULL || B == NULL)
+ continue;
+ AB = p2tr_point_get_edge_to (A, B);
+ BC = p2tr_cdt_existing_or_new_unconstrained_edge (self, B, center);
+ CA = p2tr_cdt_existing_or_new_unconstrained_edge (self, center, A);
+ tri = p2tr_mesh_new_triangle (self->mesh, AB, BC, CA);
+ new_tris = g_list_prepend (new_tris, tri);
+ p2tr_edge_unref (BC);
+ p2tr_edge_unref (CA);
+ }
+ return new_tris;
+ * Insert a point so that is splits an existing edge. This function
+ * assumes that the point is on the edge itself and between its
+ * end-points.
+ * If the edge being split is constrained, then the function returns a
+ * list containing both parts resulted from the splitting. In that case,
+ */
+p2tr_cdt_split_edge (P2trCDT *self,
+ P2trEdge *e,
+ P2trPoint *C)
+ // W
+ // /|\
+ // / | \
+ // / | \ E.Mirror.Tri: YXW
+ // X*---*---*Y E: X->Y
+ // \ |C / E.Tri: XYV
+ // \ | /
+ // \|/
+ // V
+ P2trPoint *X = P2TR_EDGE_START (e), Y = e->end;
+ P2trPoint *V = (e->tri != NULL) ? p2tr_triangle_get_opposite_point(e->tri, e) : NULL;
+ P2trPoint *W = (e->mirror->tri != NULL) ? p2tr_triangle_get_opposite_point (e->mirror->tri, e->mirror) : NULL;
+ gboolean constrained = e->constrained;
+ P2trEdge *XC, *CY;
+ GList *new_tris = NULL, fan = NULL, new_edges = NULL;
+ p2tr_edge_remove (e);
+ XC = p2tr_mesh_new_edge (mesh, X, C, constrained);
+ CY = p2tr_mesh_new_edge (mesh, C, Y, constrained);
+ fan = p2tr_cdt_new_reversed_pointer_list (4, W, X, V, Y);
+ new_tris = p2tr_cdt_triangulate_star (self, C, fan);
+ g_list_free (fan);
+ /* Now make this a CDT again
+ * The new triangles will be unreffed by the flip_fix function, which
+ * is good since we receive them with an extra reference!
+ */
+ p2tr_cdt_flip_fix (self, new_tris);
+ g_list_free (new_tris);
+ if (constrained)
+ {
+ /* If this was a subsegment, then both parts of the subsegment
+ * should exist */
+ if (p2tr_edge_is_removed (XC) || p2tr_edge_is_removed (CY))
+ p2tr_exception_geometric ("Subsegments gone!");
+ else
+ {
+ new_edges = g_list_prepend (new_edges, CY);
+ new_edges = g_list_prepend (new_edges, XC);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p2tr_edge_unref (XC);
+ p2tr_edge_unref (CY);
+ }
+ p2tr_cdt_on_new_point (self, C);
+ return new_edges;
+/* This function implements "Lawson's algorithm", also known as "The
+ * diagonal swapping algorithm". This algorithm takes a CDT, and a list
+ * of triangles that were formed by the insertion of a new point into
+ * the triangular mesh, and makes the triangulation a CDT once more. Its
+ * logic is explained below:
+ *
+ * If a point is added to an existing triangular mesh then
+ * circumcircles are formed for all new triangles formed. If any of
+ * the neighbours lie inside the circumcircle of any triangle, then a
+ * quadrilateral is formed using the triangle and its neighbour. The
+ * diagonals of this quadrilateral are swapped to give a new
+ * triangulation. This process is continued till there are no more
+ * faulty triangles and no more swaps are required.
+ *
+ * The description above is slightly inaccurate, as it does not consider
+ * the case were the diagonals can not be swapped since the
+ * quadrilateral is concave (then swapping the diagonals would result in
+ * a diagonal outside the quad, which is undesired). This code does also
+ * handle that case.
+ */
+ */
+p2tr_cdt_flip_fix (P2trCDT *self,
+ GList *initial_triangles)
+ GQueue flipped_edges, tris_to_fix;
+ GList *iter;
+ g_queue_init (&flipped_edges);
+ g_queue_init (&tris_to_fix);
+ for (iter = initial_triangles; iter != NULL; iter = iter->next)
+ g_queue_push_tail (&tris_to_fix, iter->data);
+ while (! g_queue_is_empty (&tris_to_fix))
+ {
+ P2trTriangle *tri = (P2trTriangle*)g_queue_pop_head (&tris_to_fix);
+ P2trCircle circum_circle;
+ gint i;
+ if (p2tr_triangle_is_removed (tris_to_fix))
+ {
+ p2tr_triangle_unref (tri);
+ continue;
+ }
+ p2tr_triangle_get_circum_circle (tri, &circum_circle);
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ P2trEdge *e = tri.edges[i];
+ P2trPoint *opposite;
+ if (e->constrained || e->delaunay)
+ continue;
+ opposite = p2tr_triangle_get_opposite_point (e->mirror->tri, e->mirror);
+ if (! p2tr_circle_test_point_outside(&circum_circle, &opposite->c))
+ {
+ P2trEdge *flipped;
+ if (p2tr_cdt_try_flip (self, e, tris_to_fix, &flipped))
+ {
+ g_queue_push_tail (flipped_edges, flipped);
+ /* Stop iterating this triangle since it doesn't exist
+ * any more */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* We are finished with the triangle, so unref it as promised */
+ p2tr_triangle_unref (tri);
+ }
+ while (! g_queue_is_empty (flipped_edges))
+ {
+ P2trEdge *e = (P2trEdge*) g_queue_pop_head (flipped_edges);
+ e->delaunay = e->mirror->delaunay = FALSE;
+ p2tr_edge_unref (e);
+ }
+ * Try to flip a given edge. If successfull, return the new edge on
+ * @ref new_edge, append the new triangles to @ref new_tris and return
+ * TRUE.
+ */
+p2tr_cdt_try_flip (P2trCDT *self,
+ P2trEdge *to_flip,
+ GQueue *new_tris,
+ P2trEdge **new_edge)
+ new_edge = NULL;
+ if (to_flip->constrained || to_flip->flip_fixed)
+ {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ // C
+ // / | \
+ // B-----A to_flip: A->B
+ // \ | / to_flip.Tri: ABC
+ // D
+ P2trPoint *A = P2TR_EDGE_START (e);
+ P2trPoint *B = to_flip->end;
+ P2trPoint *C = p2tr_triangle_get_opposite_point (to_flip->tri, to_flip);
+ P2trPoint *D = p2tr_triangle_get_opposite_point (to_flip->mirror->tri, to_flip->mirror);
+ P2trTriangle *ABC = to_flip->tri;
+ P2trTriangle *ADB = to_flip->mirror->tri;
+ /* Check if the quadriliteral ADBC is concave (because if it is, we
+ * can't flip the edge) */
+ if (p2tr_triangle_get_angle_at(ABC, A) + p2tr_triangle_get_angle_at(ADB, A) >= Math.PI)
+ return FALSE;
+ if (p2tr_triangle_get_angle_at(ABC, B) + p2tr_triangle_get_angle_at(ADB, B) >= Math.PI)
+ return FALSE;
+ p2tr_edge_remove (to_flip);
+ P2trEdge *DC = p2tr_mesh_new_edge (self->mesh, D, C, FALSE);
+ DC->delaunay = DC->mirror->delaunay = TRUE;
+ g_queue_push_tail (p2tr_mesh_new_triangle (self->mesh,
+ p2tr_point_get_edge_to (C, A),
+ p2tr_point_get_edge_to (A, D),
+ DC));
+ g_queue_push_tail (p2tr_mesh_new_triangle (self->mesh,
+ p2tr_point_get_edge_to (D, B),
+ p2tr_point_get_edge_to (B, C),
+ DC->mirror));
+ *new_edge = DC;
+ return TRUE;
+/* Whenever a new point was inserted, it may disturb triangles
+ * that are extremly skinny and therefor their circumscribing
+ * circles are very large and will contain that point, even though they
+ * may be very far from that point.
+ * We have no choice but to check these and fix them if necessary
+ */
+p2tr_cdt_on_new_point (P2trCDT *self,
+ P2trPoint *pt)
+ GList *bad_tris = NULL;
+ P2trTriangle *tri;
+ P2trHashSetIter iter
+ p2tr_hash_set_iter_init (&iter, self->mesh->triangles)
+ while (p2tr_hash_set_iter_next (&iter, (gpointer*)&tri))
+ {
+ if (p2tr_triangle_circumcircle_contains_point (tri, &pt->c)
+ {
+ bad_tris = g_list_prepend (bad_tris, tri);
+ p2tr_triangle_ref (tri);
+ }
+ }
+ p2tr_cdt_flip_fix (self, bad_tris);
+ g_list_free (bad_tris);