--- /dev/null
+/* NetHack 3.6 tileset.h $NHDT-Date: 1457207052 2016/03/05 19:44:12 $ $NHDT-Branch: chasonr $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.0 $ */
+/* Copyright (c) Ray Chason, 2016. */
+/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
+/* giftiles.c -- read a tile map in GIF format */
+/* Reference: GIF specification,, retrieved from
+ * http://www.w3.org/Graphics/GIF/spec-gif89a.txt */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "tileset.h"
+#define MIN_LZW_BITS 3
+#define MAX_LZW_BITS 12
+#define END_OF_DATA 0x7FFF
+/* For use when reading the GIF as a bitstream */
+struct Bitstream {
+ /* The file */
+ FILE *fp;
+ /* For unpacking LZW codes */
+ unsigned long bits;
+ unsigned char num_bits;
+ unsigned char bit_width;
+ unsigned char initial_bit_width;
+ unsigned char block_size;
+ /* The dictionary */
+ struct {
+ unsigned char byte;
+ unsigned short next;
+ } dictionary[1 << MAX_LZW_BITS];
+ unsigned short dict_size;
+ /* The string currently being decoded */
+ unsigned char string[1 << MAX_LZW_BITS];
+ unsigned short str_size;
+ unsigned short last_code;
+struct DataBlock {
+ size_t size;
+ size_t index;
+ unsigned char *data;
+static boolean FDECL(read_data_block, (struct Bitstream *gif, struct DataBlock *block));
+static void FDECL(free_data_block, (struct DataBlock *block));
+static unsigned short FDECL(read_u16, (const unsigned char buf[2]));
+static void FDECL(init_decoder, (struct Bitstream *gif, unsigned bit_width));
+static void FDECL(reset_decoder, (struct Bitstream *gif));
+static int FDECL(decode, (struct Bitstream *gif, struct DataBlock *block));
+static int FDECL(get_code, (struct Bitstream *gif, struct DataBlock *block));
+static unsigned FDECL(interlace_incr, (unsigned y, unsigned height));
+ * GIF specifies a canvas, which may have a palette (the "global color table")
+ * of up to 256 colors, of which one is a background color, and zero or more
+ * images, each of which may have its own palette (a "local color table")
+ * independently of the canvas. We will join all palettes found into a single
+ * palette, and indicate that the image uses a palette if, and only if, the
+ * various palettes do not total more than 256 colors.
+ */
+read_gif_tiles(filename, image)
+const char *filename;
+struct TileSetImage *image;
+ struct Bitstream gif;
+ struct DataBlock block;
+ unsigned char buf[1024];
+ size_t size, num_pixels, i;
+ /* Image data not returned to the caller */
+ boolean have_gct; /* global color table is present */
+ unsigned gct_size; /* global color table size */
+ unsigned back_color; /* index for background color */
+ unsigned trans_color = 0xFFFF; /* index for transparent palette entry */
+ block.data = NULL; /* custodial */
+ gif.fp = NULL; /* custodial */
+ image->width = 0;
+ image->height = 0;
+ image->pixels = NULL; /* custodial, returned */
+ image->indexes = NULL; /* custodial, returned */
+ image->image_desc = NULL; /* custodial, returned */
+ image->tile_width = 0;
+ image->tile_height = 0;
+ gif.fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
+ if (gif.fp == NULL) goto error;
+ /* 17. Header */
+ size = fread(buf, 1, 6, gif.fp);
+ if (size < 6) goto error;
+ if (memcmp(buf, "GIF87a", 6) != 0 && memcmp(buf, "GIF89a", 6) != 0)
+ goto error;
+ /* 18. Logical screen descriptor */
+ size = fread(buf, 1, 7, gif.fp);
+ if (size < 7) goto error;
+ image->width = read_u16(buf + 0);
+ image->height = read_u16(buf + 2);
+ have_gct = (buf[4] & 0x80) != 0;
+ gct_size = 1 << ((buf[4] & 0x07) + 1);
+ back_color = buf[5];
+ if (image->width == 0 || image->height == 0) goto error;
+ /* 19. Global Color Table */
+ for (i = 0; i < SIZE(image->palette); ++i) {
+ image->palette[i].r = 0;
+ image->palette[i].g = 0;
+ image->palette[i].b = 0;
+ image->palette[i].a = 255;
+ }
+ if (have_gct) {
+ size = fread(buf, 3, gct_size, gif.fp);
+ if (size < gct_size) goto error;
+ for (i = 0; i < gct_size; ++i) {
+ image->palette[i].r = buf[i * 3 + 0];
+ image->palette[i].g = buf[i * 3 + 1];
+ image->palette[i].b = buf[i * 3 + 2];
+ image->palette[i].a = 255;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Allocate pixel area; watch out for overflow */
+ num_pixels = (size_t) image->width * (size_t) image->height;
+ if (num_pixels / image->width != image->height) goto error; /* overflow */
+ size = num_pixels * sizeof(image->pixels[0]);
+ if (size / sizeof(image->pixels[0]) != num_pixels) goto error; /* overflow */
+ image->pixels = (struct Pixel *) alloc(size);
+ image->indexes = (unsigned char *) alloc(num_pixels);
+ /* Fill with the background color */
+ for (i = 0; i < num_pixels; ++i) {
+ image->pixels[i] = image->palette[back_color];
+ image->indexes[i] = back_color;
+ }
+ /* Read the image data */
+ while (TRUE) {
+ int b = fgetc(gif.fp);
+ if (b == EOF) goto error;
+ /* 27. Trailer (0x3B) */
+ if (b == 0x3B) break;
+ switch (b) {
+ case 0x2C:
+ /* 20. Image descriptor (0x2C) */
+ {
+ unsigned img_left, img_top, img_width, img_height;
+ boolean have_lct, interlace;
+ unsigned lct_start, lct_size;
+ struct Pixel lct[256];
+ int b;
+ unsigned x, y, x2, y2;
+ size = fread(buf, 1, 9, gif.fp);
+ if (size < 9) goto error;
+ img_left = read_u16(buf + 0);
+ img_top = read_u16(buf + 2);
+ img_width = read_u16(buf + 4);
+ img_height = read_u16(buf + 6);
+ have_lct = (buf[8] & 0x80) != 0;
+ interlace = (buf[8] & 0x40) != 0;
+ lct_size = 1 << ((buf[8] & 0x07) + 1);
+ /* 21. Local color table */
+ lct_start = 0;
+ memcpy(lct, image->palette, sizeof(lct));
+ if (have_lct) {
+ size = fread(buf, 3, lct_size, gif.fp);
+ if (size < lct_size) goto error;
+ for (i = 0; i < lct_size; ++i) {
+ lct[i].r = buf[i * 3 + 0];
+ lct[i].g = buf[i * 3 + 1];
+ lct[i].b = buf[i * 3 + 2];
+ lct[i].a = 255;
+ }
+ /*
+ * The combined palette may exceed 256 colors, in which
+ * case the indexes array will be discarded, indicating a
+ * full-color image.
+ */
+ if (lct_size + gct_size <= 256) {
+ memcpy(image->palette, lct, sizeof(lct[0]) * lct_size);
+ }
+ lct_start = gct_size;
+ gct_size += lct_start;
+ }
+ if (trans_color != 0xFFFF) {
+ lct[trans_color].a = 0;
+ if (!have_lct) {
+ /* FIXME: this will affect all images using the global
+ * color table, not just the current one */
+ image->palette[trans_color].a = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* 22. Table based image data */
+ b = fgetc(gif.fp);
+ if (b == EOF) goto error;
+ if (b < MIN_LZW_BITS - 1 || MAX_LZW_BITS - 1 < b) goto error;
+ init_decoder(&gif, b);
+ x = 0;
+ y = 0;
+ if (!read_data_block(&gif, &block)) goto error;
+ while (TRUE) {
+ b = decode(&gif, &block);
+ if (b == EOF) goto error;
+ if (b == END_OF_DATA) break;
+ if (y >= img_height) goto error;
+ x2 = img_left + x;
+ y2 = img_top + y;
+ if (x2 < image->width && y2 < image->height) {
+ image->pixels[y2 * image->width + x2] = lct[b];
+ image->indexes[y2 * image->width + x2] = b + lct_start;
+ }
+ ++x;
+ if (x >= img_width) {
+ x = 0;
+ if (interlace) {
+ y = interlace_incr(y, img_height);
+ } else {
+ ++y;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ free_data_block(&block);
+ trans_color = 0xFFFF;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x21:
+ /* Extension blocks */
+ {
+ int label;
+ label = fgetc(gif.fp);
+ if (label == EOF) goto error;
+ if (!read_data_block(&gif, &block)) goto error;
+ switch (label) {
+ case 0xF9:
+ /* 23. Graphic control extension (0xF9) */
+ if (block.size >= 4 && (block.data[0] & 0x01) != 0) {
+ /* image has a transparent index */
+ trans_color = block.data[3];
+ }
+ break;
+#if 0
+ case 0xFE:
+ /* 24. Comment extension (0xFE) */
+ break;
+ case 0x01:
+ /* 25. Plain text extension (0x01) */
+ break;
+ case 0xFF:
+ /* 26. Application extension (0xFF) */
+ if (block.size > 11
+ && memcmp(block.data, "NETHACK3GIF", 11) == 0
+ && image->image_desc == NULL) {
+ memmove(block.data, block.data + 11, block.size - 11);
+ block.data[block.size - 11] = '\0';
+ image->image_desc = (char *) block.data;
+ block.data = NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Unknown extension type */
+ break;
+ }
+ free_data_block(&block);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(gif.fp);
+ free_data_block(&block);
+ if (gct_size > 256) {
+ /* Max palette size exceeded; indexes array is not meaningful */
+ free(image->indexes);
+ image->indexes = NULL;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ if (gif.fp) fclose(gif.fp);
+ free_data_block(&block);
+ free(image->pixels);
+ image->pixels = NULL;
+ free(image->indexes);
+ image->indexes = NULL;
+ free(image->image_desc);
+ image->image_desc = NULL;
+ return FALSE;
+static void
+init_decoder(gif, bit_width)
+struct Bitstream *gif;
+unsigned bit_width;
+ unsigned i;
+ unsigned clear;
+ gif->bits = 0;
+ gif->num_bits = 0;
+ gif->initial_bit_width = bit_width;
+ gif->block_size = 0;
+ clear = 1 << bit_width;
+ gif->dict_size = clear + 2;
+ for (i = 0; i < clear; ++i) {
+ gif->dictionary[i].byte = i;
+ gif->dictionary[i].next = 0xFFFF;
+ }
+ gif->str_size = 0;
+ reset_decoder(gif);
+static void
+struct Bitstream *gif;
+ /* Set the bit width */
+ gif->bit_width = gif->initial_bit_width + 1;
+ /* Reset the dictionary */
+ gif->dict_size = (1 << gif->initial_bit_width) + 2;
+ /* No last code */
+ gif->last_code = 0xFFFF;
+static int
+decode(gif, block)
+struct Bitstream *gif;
+struct DataBlock *block;
+ int code;
+ unsigned clear = 1 << gif->initial_bit_width;
+ /* If a string is being decoded, return the next byte */
+ if (gif->str_size != 0) {
+ return gif->string[--gif->str_size];
+ }
+ /* Get the next code, until code other than clear */
+ while (TRUE) {
+ code = get_code(gif, block);
+ if (code != clear) break;
+ reset_decoder(gif);
+ }
+ if (code == EOF) return EOF;
+ if (code == clear + 1) return END_OF_DATA;
+ if (code > gif->dict_size) return EOF;
+ /* Add a new string to the dictionary */
+ if (gif->last_code != 0xFFFF && gif->dict_size < SIZE(gif->dictionary)) {
+ unsigned next_code;
+ if (code < gif->dict_size) {
+ next_code = code;
+ } else {
+ next_code = gif->last_code;
+ }
+ while (next_code >= clear) {
+ next_code = gif->dictionary[next_code].next;
+ }
+ gif->dictionary[gif->dict_size].next = gif->last_code;
+ gif->dictionary[gif->dict_size].byte = next_code;
+ ++gif->dict_size;
+ if (gif->dict_size >= 1 << gif->bit_width
+ && gif->bit_width < MAX_LZW_BITS) {
+ ++gif->bit_width;
+ }
+ }
+ gif->last_code = code;
+ /* code is less than gif->dict_size and not equal to clear or clear + 1 */
+ /* Prepare the decoded string for return; note that it is stored in
+ * reverse order */
+ while (code >= clear) {
+ gif->string[gif->str_size++] = gif->dictionary[code].byte;
+ code = gif->dictionary[code].next;
+ }
+ return code;
+static int
+get_code(gif, block)
+struct Bitstream *gif;
+struct DataBlock *block;
+ int code;
+ while (gif->num_bits < gif->bit_width) {
+ unsigned char b;
+ if (block->index >= block->size) return EOF;
+ b = block->data[block->index++];
+ gif->bits |= (unsigned long)b << gif->num_bits;
+ gif->num_bits += 8;
+ }
+ code = (int) (gif->bits & ((1UL << gif->bit_width) - 1));
+ gif->bits >>= gif->bit_width;
+ gif->num_bits -= gif->bit_width;
+ return code;
+static unsigned
+interlace_incr(y, height)
+unsigned y;
+unsigned height;
+ static const unsigned char incr[] = { 8, 2, 4, 2 };
+ /* The lower three bits indicate the current pass */
+ /* Advance to the next row of the current pass */
+ y += incr[y & 0x3];
+ /* Go to the next pass if y exceeds height */
+ /* Might not be the immediately following pass if height is small */
+ if (y >= height && (y & 0x7) == 0) {
+ /* Pass 1 -> Pass 2 */
+ y = 4;
+ }
+ if (y >= height && (y & 0x7) == 4) {
+ /* Pass 2 -> Pass 3 */
+ y = 2;
+ }
+ if (y >= height && (y & 0x3) == 2) {
+ /* Pass 3 -> Pass 4 */
+ y = 1;
+ }
+ return y;
+/* Decode an unsigned 16 bit quantity */
+static unsigned short
+const unsigned char buf[2];
+ return ((unsigned short)buf[0] << 0)
+ | ((unsigned short)buf[1] << 8);
+static boolean
+read_data_block(gif, block)
+struct Bitstream *gif;
+struct DataBlock *block;
+ long pos = ftell(gif->fp);
+ int b;
+ size_t i;
+ free_data_block(block);
+ /* Get the length of the data block */
+ while (TRUE) {
+ b = fgetc(gif->fp);
+ if (b == EOF) return FALSE;
+ if (b == 0) break;
+ block->size += b;
+ fseek(gif->fp, b, SEEK_CUR);
+ }
+ fseek(gif->fp, pos, SEEK_SET);
+ /* Allocate memory */
+ block->data = (unsigned char *) alloc(block->size);
+ /* Read the data from the file */
+ i = 0;
+ while (TRUE) {
+ b = fgetc(gif->fp);
+ if (b == EOF) return FALSE;
+ if (b == 0) break;
+ if (fread(block->data + i, 1, b, gif->fp) != b) return FALSE;
+ i += b;
+ }
+ block->index = 0;
+ return TRUE;
+static void
+struct DataBlock *block;
+ free(block->data);
+ block->size = 0;
+ block->data = NULL;