+++ /dev/null
-Bug #42119 (array_push($arr,&$obj) doesn't work with zend.ze1_compatibility_mode On)
-class myclass {
- var $item = 1;
-$arr = array();
-@$myobj = new myclass();
-$myobj->item = 2;
-echo $arr[0]->item,"\n";
+++ /dev/null
-cloning uncloneable object
-<?php if (!extension_loaded("xsl")) die("skip xsl extension is missing");?>
-$new = &new XSLTProcessor();
-echo "Done\n";
-Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in %s on line %d
-Strict Standards: Implicit cloning object of class 'XSLTProcessor' because of 'zend.ze1_compatibility_mode' in %s on line %d
-Fatal error: Trying to clone uncloneable object of class XSLTProcessor in Unknown on line 0