Special attributes: :attr:`~definition.__name__` is the class name; :attr:`__module__` is
the module name in which the class was defined; :attr:`~object.__dict__` is the
dictionary containing the class's namespace; :attr:`~class.__bases__` is a
- tuple (possibly a singleton) containing the base classes, in the
- order of their occurrence in the base class list; :attr:`__doc__` is the
- class's documentation string, or ``None`` if undefined;
- :attr:`__annotations__` (optional) is a dictionary containing
- :term:`variable annotations <variable annotation>` collected during
+ tuple containing the base classes, in the order of their occurrence in the
- base class list; :attr:`__doc__` is the class's documentation string, or
- ``None`` if undefined.
++ base class list; :attr:`__doc__` is the class's documentation string,
++ or ``None`` if undefined; :attr:`__annotations__` (optional) is a dictionary
++ containing :term:`variable annotations <variable annotation>` collected during
+ class body execution.
Class instances
.. index::