Datum pgis_union_geometry_array(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
+ /*
+ ** For GEOS >= 3.3, use the new UnaryUnion functionality to merge the
+ ** terminal collection from the ST_Union aggregate
+ */
+ Datum datum;
+ ArrayType *array;
+ int is3d = LW_FALSE, gotsrid = LW_FALSE;
+ int nelems = 0, i = 0, geoms_size = 0, curgeom = 0;
+ GSERIALIZED *gser_out = NULL;
+ GEOSGeometry *g = NULL;
+ GEOSGeometry *g_union = NULL;
+ GEOSGeometry **geoms = NULL;
+ int srid = SRID_UNKNOWN;
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ bits8 *bitmap;
+ int bitmask;
+ int empty_type = 0;
+ datum = PG_GETARG_DATUM(0);
+ /* Null array, null geometry (should be empty?) */
+ if ( (Pointer *)datum == NULL ) PG_RETURN_NULL();
+ array = DatumGetArrayTypeP(datum);
+ /* How many things in our array? */
+ nelems = ArrayGetNItems(ARR_NDIM(array), ARR_DIMS(array));
+ /* PgSQL supplies a bitmap of which array entries are null */
+ bitmap = ARR_NULLBITMAP(array);
+ /* Empty array? Null return */
+ if ( nelems == 0 ) PG_RETURN_NULL();
+ /* One-element union is the element itself! */
+ if ( nelems == 1 )
+ {
+ /* If the element is a NULL then we need to handle it separately */
+ if (bitmap && (*bitmap & 1) == 0)
+ else
+ }
+ /* Ok, we really need GEOS now ;) */
+ initGEOS(lwnotice, lwgeom_geos_error);
+ /*
+ ** Collect the non-empty inputs and stuff them into a GEOS collection
+ */
+ geoms_size = nelems;
+ geoms = palloc( sizeof(GEOSGeometry*) * geoms_size );
+ /*
+ ** We need to convert the array of GSERIALIZED into a GEOS collection.
+ ** First make an array of GEOS geometries.
+ */
+ offset = 0;
+ bitmap = ARR_NULLBITMAP(array);
+ bitmask = 1;
+ for ( i = 0; i < nelems; i++ )
+ {
+ /* Only work on non-NULL entries in the array */
+ if ((bitmap && (*bitmap & bitmask) != 0) || !bitmap)
+ {
+ GSERIALIZED *gser_in = (GSERIALIZED *)(ARR_DATA_PTR(array)+offset);
+ /* Check for SRID mismatch in array elements */
+ if ( gotsrid )
+ {
+ error_if_srid_mismatch(srid, gserialized_get_srid(gser_in));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Initialize SRID/dimensions info */
+ srid = gserialized_get_srid(gser_in);
+ is3d = gserialized_has_z(gser_in);
+ gotsrid = 1;
+ }
+ /* Don't include empties in the union */
+ if ( gserialized_is_empty(gser_in) )
+ {
+ int gser_type = gserialized_get_type(gser_in);
+ if (gser_type > empty_type)
+ {
+ empty_type = gser_type;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ g = (GEOSGeometry *)POSTGIS2GEOS(gser_in);
+ /* Uh oh! Exception thrown at construction... */
+ if ( ! g )
+ {
+ lwerror("One of the geometries in the set "
+ "could not be converted to GEOS: %s", lwgeom_geos_errmsg);
+ }
+ /* Ensure we have enough space in our storage array */
+ if ( curgeom == geoms_size )
+ {
+ geoms_size *= 2;
+ geoms = repalloc( geoms, sizeof(GEOSGeometry*) * geoms_size );
+ }
+ offset += INTALIGN(VARSIZE(gser_in));
+ geoms[curgeom] = g;
+ curgeom++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Advance NULL bitmap */
+ if (bitmap)
+ {
+ bitmask <<= 1;
+ if (bitmask == 0x100)
+ {
+ bitmap++;
+ bitmask = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ ** Take our GEOS geometries and turn them into a GEOS collection,
+ ** then pass that into cascaded union.
+ */
+ if (curgeom > 0)
+ {
+ g = GEOSGeom_createCollection(GEOS_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, geoms, curgeom);
+ if ( ! g )
+ {
+ lwerror("Could not create GEOS COLLECTION from geometry array: %s", lwgeom_geos_errmsg);
+ }
+ g_union = GEOSUnaryUnion(g);
+ GEOSGeom_destroy(g);
+ if ( ! g_union )
+ {
+ lwerror("GEOSUnaryUnion: %s",
+ lwgeom_geos_errmsg);
+ }
+ GEOSSetSRID(g_union, srid);
+ gser_out = GEOS2POSTGIS(g_union, is3d);
+ GEOSGeom_destroy(g_union);
+ }
+ /* No real geometries in our array, any empties? */
+ else
+ {
+ /* If it was only empties, we'll return the largest type number */
+ if ( empty_type > 0 )
+ {
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(geometry_serialize(lwgeom_construct_empty(empty_type, srid, is3d, 0)));
+ }
+ /* Nothing but NULL, returns NULL */
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ if ( ! gser_out )
+ {
+ /* Union returned a NULL geometry */
+ }
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(gser_out);
+/* For GEOS < 3.3, use the old CascadedUnion function for polygons and
+ brute force two-by-two for other types. */
Datum datum;
ArrayType *array;
int is3d = 0;
+#endif /* POSTGIS_GEOS_VERSION >= 33 */
* @example ST_UnaryUnion {@link #geomunion} SELECT ST_UnaryUnion(
E25|7|MULTILINESTRING((9 35,13 35))
R1a|8|MULTILINESTRING((9 14,21 14,35 14))
S1S2|MULTIPOINT(21 14,35 14)
-R1R2|MULTILINESTRING((36 38,38 35,41 34,42 33,45 32,47 28,50 28,52 32,57 33,57 36,59 39,61 38,62 41,47 42,45 40,41 40),(9 14,21 14,35 14))
+R1R2|MULTILINESTRING((9 14,21 14,35 14),(36 38,38 35,41 34,42 33,45 32,47 28,50 28,52 32,57 33,57 36,59 39,61 38,62 41,47 42,45 40,41 40))
R4|MULTILINESTRING((25 30,25 35))
P1P2|MULTIPOLYGON(((21 6,9 6,9 14,9 22,21 22,35 22,35 14,35 6,21 6)))
P3P4|MULTIPOLYGON(((47 14,47 6,35 6,35 14,35 22,47 22,47 14)),((25 30,17 30,17 40,31 40,31 30,25 30)))