Session *sn;
Request *rq;
int read_post_bytes;
+ char *path_info;
+ int fixed_script; /* 0 if script is from URI, 1 if script is from "script" parameter */
+ short http_error; /* 0 in normal mode; for errors the HTTP error code */
} nsapi_request_context;
static size_t nsapi_reqpb_size = sizeof(nsapi_reqpb)/sizeof(nsapi_reqpb[0]);
static nsapi_equiv nsapi_vars[] = {
- { "PATH_INFO", "path-info" },
- { "SCRIPT_FILENAME", "path" },
{ "AUTH_TYPE", "auth-type" },
{ "CLIENT_CERT", "auth-cert" },
{ "REMOTE_USER", "auth-user" }
static size_t nsapi_client_size = sizeof(nsapi_client)/sizeof(nsapi_client[0]);
-static char *nsapi_exclude_from_ini_entries[] = { "fn", "type", "method", "directive", NULL };
+/* this parameters to "Service"/"Error" are NSAPI ones which should not be php.ini keys and are excluded */
+static char *nsapi_exclude_from_ini_entries[] = { "fn", "type", "method", "directive", "code", "reason", "script", NULL };
static char *nsapi_strdup(char *str)
if (!strcasecmp(header_name, "Content-Type")) {
param_free(pblock_remove("content-type", rc->rq->srvhdrs));
pblock_nvinsert("content-type", header_content, rc->rq->srvhdrs);
- } else if (!strcasecmp(header_name, "Set-Cookie")) {
- pblock_nvinsert("set-cookie", header_content, rc->rq->srvhdrs);
} else {
pblock_nvinsert(header_name, header_content, rc->rq->srvhdrs);
nsapi_request_context *rc = (nsapi_request_context *)SG(server_context);
register size_t i;
+ int pos;
char *value,*p;
char buf[NS_BUF_SIZE + 1];
struct pb_entry *entry;
if (value = request_translate_uri("/", rc->sn)) {
- value[strlen(value) - 1] = 0;
+ value[strlen(value) - 1] = '\0';
php_register_variable("DOCUMENT_ROOT", value, track_vars_array TSRMLS_CC);
- if (value = pblock_findval("path-info", rc->rq->vars)) {
- if (value = request_translate_uri(value, rc->sn)) {
+ if (rc->path_info) {
+ if (value = request_translate_uri(rc->path_info, rc->sn)) {
php_register_variable("PATH_TRANSLATED", value, track_vars_array TSRMLS_CC);
+ php_register_variable("PATH_INFO", rc->path_info, track_vars_array TSRMLS_CC);
- /* Create full Request-URI */
- if (value = pblock_findval("uri", rc->rq->reqpb)) {
- strncpy(buf, value, NS_BUF_SIZE);
+ /* Create full Request-URI & Script-Name */
+ if (SG(request_info).request_uri) {
+ strncpy(buf, SG(request_info).request_uri, NS_BUF_SIZE);
- if (value = pblock_findval("query", rc->rq->reqpb)) {
+ if (SG(request_info).query_string) {
p = strchr(buf, 0);
- snprintf(p, NS_BUF_SIZE-(p-buf), "?%s", value);
+ snprintf(p, NS_BUF_SIZE-(p-buf), "?%s", SG(request_info).query_string);
php_register_variable("REQUEST_URI", buf, track_vars_array TSRMLS_CC);
- }
- /* Create Script-Name */
- if (value = pblock_findval("uri", rc->rq->reqpb)) {
- strncpy(buf, value, NS_BUF_SIZE);
+ strncpy(buf, SG(request_info).request_uri, NS_BUF_SIZE);
- if (value = pblock_findval("path-info", rc->rq->vars)) {
- buf[strlen(buf) - strlen(value)] = '\0';
+ if (rc->path_info) {
+ pos = strlen(SG(request_info).request_uri) - strlen(rc->path_info);
+ if (pos>=0 && pos<=NS_BUF_SIZE && rc->path_info) {
+ buf[pos] = '\0';
+ } else {
+ buf[0]='\0';
+ }
php_register_variable("SCRIPT_NAME", buf, track_vars_array TSRMLS_CC);
+ php_register_variable("SCRIPT_FILENAME", SG(request_info).path_translated, track_vars_array TSRMLS_CC);
+ /* special variables in error mode */
+ if (rc->http_error) {
+ sprintf(buf, "%d", rc->http_error);
+ php_register_variable("ERROR_TYPE", buf, track_vars_array TSRMLS_CC);
+ }
static void nsapi_log_message(char *message)
log_error(LOG_INFORM, "php5_close", NULL, NULL, "Shutdown PHP Module");
+/ init SAF
+/ Init fn="php5_init" [php_ini="/path/to/php.ini"]
+/ Initialize the NSAPI module in magnus.conf
int NSAPI_PUBLIC php5_init(pblock *pb, Session *sn, Request *rq)
php_core_globals *core_globals;
+/ normal use in Service directive:
+/ Service fn="php5_execute" type=... method=... [inikey=inivalue inikey=inivalue...]
+/ use in Service for a directory to supply a php-made directory listing instead of server default:
+/ Service fn="php5_execute" type="magnus-internal/directory" script="/path/to/script.php" [inikey=inivalue inikey=inivalue...]
+/ use in Error SAF to display php script as error page:
+/ Error fn="php5_execute" code=XXX script="/path/to/script.php" [inikey=inivalue inikey=inivalue...]
+/ Error fn="php5_execute" reason="Reason" script="/path/to/script.php" [inikey=inivalue inikey=inivalue...]
int NSAPI_PUBLIC php5_execute(pblock *pb, Session *sn, Request *rq)
int retval;
zend_file_handle file_handle = {0};
struct stat fst;
+ char *path_info;
char *query_string = pblock_findval("query", rq->reqpb);
char *uri = pblock_findval("uri", rq->reqpb);
- char *path_info = pblock_findval("path-info", rq->vars);
char *request_method = pblock_findval("method", rq->reqpb);
char *content_type = pblock_findval("content-type", rq->headers);
char *content_length = pblock_findval("content-length", rq->headers);
- char *path_translated = pblock_findval("path", rq->vars);
+ char *directive = pblock_findval("Directive", pb);
+ int error_directive = (directive && !strcasecmp(directive, "error"));
+ int fixed_script = 1;
+ /* try to use script parameter -> Error or Service for directory listing */
+ char *path_translated = pblock_findval("script", pb);
+ /* if script parameter is missing: normal use as Service SAF */
+ if (!path_translated) {
+ path_translated = pblock_findval("path", rq->vars);
+ path_info = pblock_findval("path-info", rq->vars);
+ fixed_script = 0;
+ if (error_directive) {
+ /* go to next error directive if script parameter is missing */
+ log_error(LOG_WARN, pblock_findval("fn", pb), sn, rq, "Missing 'script' parameter");
+ return REQ_NOACTION;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* in error the path_info is the uri to the requested page */
+ path_info = pblock_findval("uri", rq->reqpb);
+ }
/* check if this uri was included in an other PHP script with nsapi_virtual()
by looking for a request context in the current thread */
if (SG(server_context)) {
/* send 500 internal server error */
log_error(LOG_WARN, pblock_findval("fn", pb), sn, rq, "Cannot make nesting PHP requests with nsapi_virtual()");
- protocol_status(sn, rq, 500, NULL);
- return REQ_ABORTED;
+ if (error_directive) {
+ return REQ_NOACTION;
+ } else {
+ protocol_status(sn, rq, 500, NULL);
+ return REQ_ABORTED;
+ }
request_context = (nsapi_request_context *)MALLOC(sizeof(nsapi_request_context));
request_context->sn = sn;
request_context->rq = rq;
request_context->read_post_bytes = 0;
+ request_context->fixed_script = fixed_script;
+ request_context->http_error = (error_directive) ? rq->status_num : 0;
+ request_context->path_info = nsapi_strdup(path_info);
SG(server_context) = request_context;
SG(request_info).query_string = nsapi_strdup(query_string);
SG(request_info).path_translated = nsapi_strdup(path_translated);
SG(request_info).content_type = nsapi_strdup(content_type);
SG(request_info).content_length = (content_length == NULL) ? 0 : strtoul(content_length, 0, 0);
- SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code = 200;
+ SG(sapi_headers).http_response_code = (error_directive) ? rq->status_num : 200;
nsapi_php_ini_entries(NSLS_C TSRMLS_CC);
} else {
/* send 500 internal server error */
log_error(LOG_WARN, pblock_findval("fn", pb), sn, rq, "Cannot prepare PHP engine!");
- protocol_status(sn, rq, 500, NULL);
- retval=REQ_ABORTED;
+ if (error_directive) {
+ retval=REQ_NOACTION;
+ } else {
+ protocol_status(sn, rq, 500, NULL);
+ retval=REQ_ABORTED;
+ }
} else {
/* send 404 because file not found */
- log_error(LOG_WARN, pblock_findval("fn", pb), sn, rq, "Cannot execute PHP script: %s", SG(request_info).path_translated);
- protocol_status(sn, rq, 404, NULL);
- retval=REQ_ABORTED;
+ log_error(LOG_WARN, pblock_findval("fn", pb), sn, rq, "Cannot execute PHP script: %s (File not found)", SG(request_info).path_translated);
+ if (error_directive) {
+ retval=REQ_NOACTION;
+ } else {
+ protocol_status(sn, rq, 404, NULL);
+ retval=REQ_ABORTED;
+ }
+ nsapi_free(request_context->path_info);