.. XXX add optimize flags for py_compile/compileall (issue10553)
+* The new :mod:`sysconfig` module makes it straight-forward to discover
+ installation paths and configuration variables which vary across platforms and
+ installs.
+ The module offers access simple access functions for platform and version
+ information:
+ * :func:`~sysconfig.get_platform` returning values like *linux-i586* or
+ *macosx-10.6-ppc*.
+ * :func:`~sysconfig.get_python_version` returns a Python version string in
+ the form, "3.2".
+ It also provides access to the paths and variables corresponding to one of
+ seven named schemes used by :mod:`distutils`. Those include *posix_prefix*,
+ *posix_home*, *posix_user*, *nt*, *nt_user*, *os2*, *os2_home*:
+ * :func:`~sysconfig.get_paths` makes a dictionary containing installation paths
+ for the current installation scheme.
+ * :func:`~sysconfig.get_config_vars` returns a dictionary of platform specific
+ variables.
+ There is also a convenient command-line interface::
+ C:\Python32>python -m sysconfig
+ Platform: "win32"
+ Python version: "3.2"
+ Current installation scheme: "nt"
+ Paths:
+ data = "C:\Python32"
+ include = "C:\Python32\Include"
+ platinclude = "C:\Python32\Include"
+ platlib = "C:\Python32\Lib\site-packages"
+ platstdlib = "C:\Python32\Lib"
+ purelib = "C:\Python32\Lib\site-packages"
+ scripts = "C:\Python32\Scripts"
+ stdlib = "C:\Python32\Lib"
+ Variables:
+ BINDIR = "C:\Python32"
+ BINLIBDEST = "C:\Python32\Lib"
+ EXE = ".exe"
+ INCLUDEPY = "C:\Python32\Include"
+ LIBDEST = "C:\Python32\Lib"
+ SO = ".pyd"
+ VERSION = "32"
+ abiflags = ""
+ base = "C:\Python32"
+ exec_prefix = "C:\Python32"
+ platbase = "C:\Python32"
+ prefix = "C:\Python32"
+ projectbase = "C:\Python32"
+ py_version = "3.2b1"
+ py_version_nodot = "32"
+ py_version_short = "3.2"
+ srcdir = "C:\Python32"
+ userbase = "C:\Documents and Settings\Raymond\Application Data\Python"