propagate = 1
logger = logging.getLogger(qn)
if qn in existing:
- i = existing.index(qn)
+ i = existing.index(qn) + 1 # start with the entry after qn
prefixed = qn + "."
pflen = len(prefixed)
num_existing = len(existing)
- i = i + 1 # look at the entry after qn
- while (i < num_existing) and (existing[i][:pflen] == prefixed):
- child_loggers.append(existing[i])
- i = i + 1
+ while i < num_existing:
+ if existing[i][:pflen] == prefixed:
+ child_loggers.append(existing[i])
+ i += 1
if "level" in opts:
level = cp.get(sectname, "level")
+ # config1a moves the handler to the root.
+ config1a = """
+ [loggers]
+ keys=root,parser
+ [handlers]
+ keys=hand1
+ [formatters]
+ keys=form1
+ [logger_root]
+ level=WARNING
+ handlers=hand1
+ [logger_parser]
+ level=DEBUG
+ handlers=
+ propagate=1
+ qualname=compiler.parser
+ [handler_hand1]
+ class=StreamHandler
+ level=NOTSET
+ formatter=form1
+ args=(sys.stdout,)
+ [formatter_form1]
+ format=%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s
+ datefmt=
+ """
# config2 has a subtle configuration error that should be reported
config2 = config1.replace("sys.stdout", "sys.stbout")
+ # config7 adds a compiler logger.
+ config7 = """
+ [loggers]
+ keys=root,parser,compiler
+ [handlers]
+ keys=hand1
+ [formatters]
+ keys=form1
+ [logger_root]
+ level=WARNING
+ handlers=hand1
+ [logger_compiler]
+ level=DEBUG
+ handlers=
+ propagate=1
+ qualname=compiler
+ [logger_parser]
+ level=DEBUG
+ handlers=
+ propagate=1
+ qualname=compiler.parser
+ [handler_hand1]
+ class=StreamHandler
+ level=NOTSET
+ formatter=form1
+ args=(sys.stdout,)
+ [formatter_form1]
+ format=%(levelname)s ++ %(message)s
+ datefmt=
+ """
def apply_config(self, conf):
fn = tempfile.mktemp(".ini")
def test_config6_ok(self):
+ def test_config7_ok(self):
+ with captured_stdout() as output:
+ self.apply_config(self.config1a)
+ logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser")
+ # See issue #11424. compiler-hyphenated sorts
+ # between compiler and and this
+ # was preventing from being included
+ # in the child loggers of compiler because of an
+ # overzealous loop termination condition.
+ hyphenated = logging.getLogger('compiler-hyphenated')
+ # All will output a message
+ logger.error(self.next_message())
+ hyphenated.critical(self.next_message())
+ self.assert_log_lines([
+ ('INFO', '1'),
+ ('ERROR', '2'),
+ ('CRITICAL', '3'),
+ ], stream=output)
+ # Original logger output is empty.
+ self.assert_log_lines([])
+ with captured_stdout() as output:
+ self.apply_config(self.config7)
+ logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.parser")
+ self.assertFalse(logger.disabled)
+ # Both will output a message
+ logger.error(self.next_message())
+ logger = logging.getLogger("compiler.lexer")
+ # Both will output a message
+ logger.error(self.next_message())
+ # Will not appear
+ hyphenated.critical(self.next_message())
+ self.assert_log_lines([
+ ('INFO', '4'),
+ ('ERROR', '5'),
+ ('INFO', '6'),
+ ('ERROR', '7'),
+ ], stream=output)
+ # Original logger output is empty.
+ self.assert_log_lines([])
class LogRecordStreamHandler(StreamRequestHandler):
"""Handler for a streaming logging request. It saves the log message in the