re2c is a free and open-source lexer generator for C and C++.
Its main goal is generating fast lexers: at least as fast as their reasonably
Another distinctive feature is its flexible interface: instead of assuming a
fixed program template, re2c lets the programmer write most of the interface
code and adapt the generated lexer to any particular environment.
-Man page:
- $ man re2c
-Official website:
- re2c.org
-Examples can also be found in 'examples' directory.
+Official re2c website is [re2c.org](http://re2c.org).
- https://github.com/skvadrik/re2c/releases
+Release tarballs: https://github.com/skvadrik/re2c/releases
+Source code:
-Source code (github is the primary repo, sf can be a bit outdated):
- $ git clone https://github.com/skvadrik/re2c.git
- $ git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/re2c/code-git
+$ git clone https://github.com/skvadrik/re2c.git
+$ git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/re2c/code-git
+Github is the main repo, sourceforge is a mirror and can be slightly outdated.
- 1. simple build
- 2. bootstrap
- 3. out-of-source build
- 4. testing
- 5. rebuild documentation
- 6. build for windows with mingw
- 7. build from git
-1. Simplest possible build:
- $ ./configure [--prefix=<prefix>]
- $ make
- $ make install
-This will build re2c and install it (binary and man page) to <prefix> (defaults
-to /usr/local).
-2. Bootstrap and rebuild:
- $ ./configure [--prefix=<prefix>]
- $ make bootstrap
- $ make install
-Usual bootstrap procedure: re2c uses re2c to compile its lexer.
-1. build lexer (if make finds re2c binary in build directory, it will build lexer
- from source, otherwize it will use prebuilt lexer)
-2. build re2c
-3. build lexer from source using re2c binary in build directory
-4. rebuild re2c
-3. Out-of-source build:
- $ mkdir <build-directory>
- $ cd <build-directory>
- $ <path-to-configure>/configure [--prefix=<prefix>]
- $ make
- $ make install
-4. Testing:
- $ make check
-This will redirect test script output to file. If you want to see progress:
- $ make tests
-Testing under valgrind (takes a long time):
- $ make vtests
-5. Rebuild documentation (requires rst2man.py):
- $ ./configure --enable-docs [--prefix=<prefix>]
- $ make docs
- $ make install
-6. Build for windows using mingw:
- $ ../configure --host i686-w64-mingw32 [--prefix=<prefix>]
- $ make
-This will result into an executable re2c.exe, which can be tested with wine:
- $ make wtests
-7. If you want to build from git, you'll first need to generate autotools files:
- $ ./autogen.sh
+The simplest possible way to build re2c is this:
+$ ./configure [--prefix=<prefix>]
+$ make
+$ make install
+See the [official documantation](http://re2c.org/install/install.html) for full details on more sophisticated build types.
+If you want to build from git, you will first need to generate autotools files:
+$ ./autogen.sh
- re2c-general@lists.sourceforge.net
- re2c-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
+- re2c-general@lists.sourceforge.net
+- re2c-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
-You are welcome to ask for help or share your thoughts and ideas about re2c :)
+You are welcome to ask for help or share your thoughts and ideas.
-Please report any bugs and send feature requests to:
- https://github.com/skvadrik/re2c/issues
+Please report any bugs and send feature requests to https://github.com/skvadrik/re2c/issues.
-Originally written by Peter Bumbulis (peter@csg.uwaterloo.ca)
-Currently maintained by:
- Ulya Trofimovich <skvadrik@gmail.com>
- Dan Nuffer <nuffer@users.sourceforge.net>
- Marcus Boerger <helly@users.sourceforge.net>
- Hartmut Kaiser <hkaiser@users.sourceforge.net>
+Re2c was originally written by Peter Bumbulis <peter@csg.uwaterloo.ca>.
+Since then many people contributed to the project.
+Current maintainers are Ulya Trofimovich <skvadrik@gmail.com> and Dan Nuffer <nuffer@users.sourceforge.net>.