Return in a single string any lines of comments immediately preceding the
object's source code (for a class, function, or method), or at the top of the
- Python source file (if the object is a module).
+ Python source file (if the object is a module). If the object's source code
+ is unavailable, return ``None``. This could happen if the object has been
+ defined in C or the interactive shell.
.. function:: getfile(object)
def test_getcomments(self):
self.assertEqual(inspect.getcomments(mod), '# line 1\n')
self.assertEqual(inspect.getcomments(mod.StupidGit), '# line 20\n')
+ # If the object source file is not available, return None.
+ co = compile('x=1', '', 'exec')
+ self.assertIsNone(inspect.getcomments(co))
+ # If the object has been defined in C, return None.
+ self.assertIsNone(inspect.getcomments(list))
def test_getmodule(self):
# Check actual module