. Fixed bug #75093 (OpenSSL support not detected). (Remi)
+ . Better fix for #74125 (use pkg-config instead of curl-config). (Remi)
+- GD:
+ . Fixed bug #75111 (Memory disclosure or DoS via crafted .bmp image). (cmb)
+ - Intl:
+ . Fixed bug #75090 (IntlGregorianCalendar doesn't have constants from parent
+ class). (tpunt)
+- PCRE:
+ . Fixed bug #75089 (preg_grep() is not reporting PREG_BAD_UTF8_ERROR after
+ first input string). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #74631 (PDO_PCO with PHP-FPM: OCI environment initialized
before PHP-FPM sets it up). (Ingmar Runge)