-void jp2_write_jp2h(opj_jp2_t *jp2, opj_cio_t *cio) {
- opj_jp2_box_t box;
- box.init_pos = cio_tell(cio);
- cio_skip(cio, 4);
- cio_write(cio, JP2_JP2H, 4); /* JP2H */
- jp2_write_ihdr(jp2, cio);
- if (jp2->bpc == 255) {
- jp2_write_bpcc(jp2, cio);
- }
- jp2_write_colr(jp2, cio);
- box.length = cio_tell(cio) - box.init_pos;
- cio_seek(cio, box.init_pos);
- cio_write(cio, box.length, 4); /* L */
- cio_seek(cio, box.init_pos + box.length);
* Writes the Jpeg2000 file Header box - JP2 Header box (warning, this is a super box).
/** @name Exported functions */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-Write the JP2H box - JP2 Header box (used in MJ2)
-@param jp2 JP2 handle
-@param cio Output buffer stream
-void jp2_write_jp2h(opj_jp2_t *jp2, opj_cio_t *cio);
* Writes the Jpeg2000 file Header box - JP2 Header box (warning, this is a super box).