-?? ??? 2012, PHP 5.3.9
-- Pdo Firebird:
- . Fixed bug #47415 (PDO_Firebird segfaults when passing lowercased column name to bindColumn).
- . Fixed bug #53280 (PDO_Firebird segfaults if query column count less than param count).
- (Mariuz)
-22 Dec 2011, PHP 5.3.9RC4
+10 Jan 2012, PHP 5.3.9
- Core:
. Added max_input_vars directive to prevent attacks based on hash collisions
-- OpenSSL:
- . Fix segfault with older versions of OpenSSL. (Scott)
-- Streams:
- . Fixed bug #60455 (stream_get_line misbehaves if EOF is not detected together
- with the last read). (Gustavo)
-- Pdo Firebird:
- . Fixed bug #48877 ("bindValue" and "bindParam" do not work for PDO Firebird).
- (Mariuz)
- . Fixed bug #60629 (memory corruption when web server closed the fcgi fd).
- (fat)
- . Fixed bug #60659 (FPM does not clear auth_user on request accept).
- (bonbons at linux-vserver dot org)
-08 Dec 2011, PHP 5.3.9RC3
-- Filter:
- . Fixed Bug #55478 (FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL fails with internationalized
- domain name addresses containing >1 -). (Ilia)
-- cURL:
- . Fixed bug #60439 (curl_copy_handle segfault when used with
-- Date:
- . Fixed bug #54851 (DateTime::createFromFormat() doesn't interpret "D").
- (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #53502 (strtotime with timezone memory leak). (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #52062 (large timestamps with DateTime::getTimestamp and
- DateTime::setTimestamp). (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #51994 (date_parse_from_format is parsing invalid date using 'yz'
- format). (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #52113 (Seg fault while creating (by unserialization)
- DatePeriod). (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #54911 (Access to a undefined member in inherit SoapClient may
- cause Segmentation Fault). (Dmitry)
-24 Nov 2011, PHP 5.3.9RC2
-- Core:
- . Fixed bug #60138 (GC crash with referenced array in RecursiveArrayIterator)
- (Dmitry).
- . Fixed bug #60099 (__halt_compiler() works in braced namespaces). (Felipe)
- . Fixed bug #55874 (GCC does not provide __sync_fetch_and_add on some archs).
- (klightspeed at netspace dot net dot au)
- . Fixed bug #52624 (tempnam() by-pass open_basedir with nonnexistent
- directory). (Felipe)
- . Fixed invalid free in call_user_method() function. (Felipe)
-- Zend Engine:
- . Fixed bug #43200 (Interface implementation / inheritence not possible in
- abstract classes). (Felipe)
- . Fixed bug #60179 (php_flag and php_value does not work properly). (fat)
- . Enhance error log when the primary script can't be open. FR #60199. (fat)
- . Added .phar to default authorized extensions. (fat)
-- BCmath:
- . Fixed bug #60377 (bcscale related crashes on 64bits platforms). (shm)
-- Date:
- . Fixed bug #60373 (Startup errors with log_errors on cause segfault).
- (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #60236 (TLA timezone dates are not converted properly from
- timestamp). (Derick)
- . Fixed bug #55253 (DateTime::add() and sub() result -1 hour on objects with
- time zone type 2). (Derick)
-- EXIF:
- . Fixed bug #60150 (Integer overflow during the parsing of invalid exif
- header). (Stas, flolechaud at gmail dot com)
-- Fileinfo:
- . Fixed possible memory leak in finfo_open(). (Felipe)
- . Fixed memory leak when calling the Finfo constructor twice. (Felipe)
-- Intl:
- . Fixed bug #60192 (SegFault when Collator not constructed
- properly). (Florian)
- . Fixed memory leak in several Intl locale functions. (Felipe)
-- Gd:
- . Fixed bug #60160 (imagefill() doesn't work correctly
- for small images). (Florian)
-- Mbstring:
- . Fixed possible crash in mb_ereg_search_init() using empty pattern. (Felipe)
-- MS SQL:
- . Fixed bug #60267 (Compile failure with freetds 0.91). (Felipe)
-- OpenSSL:
- . Fixed bug #60279 (Fixed NULL pointer dereference in
- stream_socket_enable_crypto, case when ssl_handle of session_stream is not
- initialized.) (shm)
-- Oracle Database extension (OCI8):
- . Fixed bug #59985 (show normal warning text for OCI_NO_DATA).
- (Chris Jones)
-- Phar:
- . Fixed bug #60261 (NULL pointer dereference in phar). (Felipe)
- . Fixed bug #60164 (Stubs of a specific length break phar_open_from_fp
- scanning for __HALT_COMPILER). (Ralph Schindler)
-- Postgres:
- . Fixed bug #60244 (pg_fetch_* functions do not validate that row param
- is >0). (Ilia)
- . Fixed bug #48216 (PHP Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL:
- Extra content at the end of the doc, when server uses chunked transfer
- encoding with spaces after chunk size). (Dmitry)
- . Fixed bug #44686 (SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL with references). (Dmitry)
-- Tidy:
- . Fixed bug #54682 (Tidy::diagnose() NULL pointer dereference).
- (Maksymilian Arciemowicz, Felipe)
-- Reflection:
- . Fixed bug #60367 (Reflection and Late Static Binding). (Laruence)
-03 Nov 2011, PHP 5.3.9RC1
-- Core:
+ . Fixed bug #60205 (possible integer overflow in content_length). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #60139 (Anonymous functions create cycles not detected by the
GC). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #60138 (GC crash with referenced array in RecursiveArrayIterator)
+ (Dmitry).
. Fixed bug #60120 (proc_open's streams may hang with stdin/out/err when
the data exceeds or is equal to 2048 bytes). (Pierre, Pascal Borreli)
+ . Fixed bug #60099 (__halt_compiler() works in braced namespaces). (Felipe)
. Fixed bug #60019 (Function time_nanosleep() is undefined on OS X). (Ilia)
+ . Fixed bug #55874 (GCC does not provide __sync_fetch_and_add on some archs).
+ (klightspeed at netspace dot net dot au)
. Fixed bug #55798 (serialize followed by unserialize with numeric object
prop. gives integer prop). (Gustavo)
. Fixed bug #55749 (TOCTOU issue in getenv() on Windows builds). (Pierre)
. Fixed bug #55366 (keys lost when using substr_replace an array). (Arpad)
. Fixed bug #55273 (base64_decode() with strict rejects whitespace after
pad). (Ilia)
+ . Fixed bug #52624 (tempnam() by-pass open_basedir with nonnexistent
+ directory). (Felipe)
. Fixed bug #50982 (incorrect assumption of PAGE_SIZE size). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed invalid free in call_user_method() function. (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #43200 (Interface implementation / inheritence not possible in
+ abstract classes). (Felipe)
+- BCmath:
+ . Fixed bug #60377 (bcscale related crashes on 64bits platforms). (shm)
- Calendar:
. Fixed bug #55797 (Integer overflow in SdnToGregorian leads to segfault (in
optimized builds). (Gustavo)
-- Curl:
+- cURL:
+ . Fixed bug #60439 (curl_copy_handle segfault when used with
. Fixed bug #54798 (Segfault when CURLOPT_STDERR file pointer is closed
before calling curl_exec). (Hannes)
. Fixed issues were curl_copy_handle() would sometimes lose copied
preferences. (Hannes)
- DateTime:
+ . Fixed bug #60373 (Startup errors with log_errors on cause segfault).
+ (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #60236 (TLA timezone dates are not converted properly from
+ timestamp). (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #55253 (DateTime::add() and sub() result -1 hour on objects with
+ time zone type 2). (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #54851 (DateTime::createFromFormat() doesn't interpret "D").
+ (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #53502 (strtotime with timezone memory leak). (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #52062 (large timestamps with DateTime::getTimestamp and
+ DateTime::setTimestamp). (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #51994 (date_parse_from_format is parsing invalid date using 'yz'
+ format). (Derick)
+ . Fixed bug #52113 (Seg fault while creating (by unserialization)
+ DatePeriod). (Derick)
. Fixed bug #48476 (cloning extended DateTime class without calling
parent::__constr crashed PHP). (Hannes)
+- EXIF:
+ . Fixed bug #60150 (Integer overflow during the parsing of invalid exif
+ header). (Stas, flolechaud at gmail dot com)
+- Fileinfo:
+ . Fixed bug #60094 (C++ comment fails in c89). (Laruence)
+ . Fixed possible memory leak in finfo_open(). (Felipe)
+ . Fixed memory leak when calling the Finfo constructor twice. (Felipe)
+- Filter:
+ . Fixed Bug #55478 (FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL fails with internationalized
+ domain name addresses containing >1 -). (Ilia)
+- FTP:
+ . Fixed bug #60183 (out of sync ftp responses). (bram at ebskamp dot me,
+ rasmus)
+- Gd:
+ . Fixed bug #60160 (imagefill() doesn't work correctly
+ for small images). (Florian)
+- Intl:
+ . Fixed bug #60192 (SegFault when Collator not constructed
+ properly). (Florian)
+ . Fixed memory leak in several Intl locale functions. (Felipe)
- Json:
. Fixed bug #55543 (json_encode() with JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK fails on objects
with numeric string properties). (Ilia, dchurch at sciencelogic dot com)
+- Mbstring:
+ . Fixed possible crash in mb_ereg_search_init() using empty pattern. (Felipe)
+- MS SQL:
+ . Fixed bug #60267 (Compile failure with freetds 0.91). (Felipe)
- MySQL:
. Fixed bug #55550 (mysql.trace_mode miscounts result sets). (Johannes)
. Fixed bug #55067 (MySQL doesn't support compression - wrong config option).
+ . Don't set $_SERVER['HTTPS'] on unsecure connection (bug #55403). (Uwe
+ Schindler)
+- OpenSSL:
+ . Fixed bug #60279 (Fixed NULL pointer dereference in
+ stream_socket_enable_crypto, case when ssl_handle of session_stream is not
+ initialized.) (shm)
+ . Fix segfault with older versions of OpenSSL. (Scott)
- Oracle Database extension (OCI8):
+ . Fixed bug #59985 (show normal warning text for OCI_NO_DATA).
+ (Chris Jones)
. Increased maximum Oracle error message buffer length for new size.
(Chris Jones)
. Improve internal initalization failure error messages. (Chris Jones)
. Fixed bug #55776 (PDORow to session bug). (Johannes)
+- PDO Firebird:
+ . Fixed bug #48877 ("bindValue" and "bindParam" do not work for PDO Firebird).
+ (Mariuz)
+ . Fixed bug #47415 (PDO_Firebird segfaults when passing lowercased column name to bindColumn).
+ . Fixed bug #53280 (PDO_Firebird segfaults if query column count less than param count).
+ (Mariuz)
- PDO MySQL driver:
. Fixed bug #60155 (pdo_mysql.default_socket ignored). (Johannes)
. Fixed bug #55870 (PDO ignores all SSL parameters when used with mysql
killed). (mikhail dot v dot gavrilov at gmail dot com, Chris Jones, Tony)
- Phar:
- . Fixed bug #52013 (Unable to decompress files in a compressed phar). (Hannes)
+ . Fixed bug #60261 (NULL pointer dereference in phar). (Felipe)
+ . Fixed bug #60164 (Stubs of a specific length break phar_open_from_fp
. Fixed bug #53872 (internal corruption of phar). (Hannes)
+ . Fixed bug #52013 (Unable to decompress files in a compressed phar). (Hannes)
+ scanning for __HALT_COMPILER). (Ralph Schindler)
+ . Fixed bug #60659 (FPM does not clear auth_user on request accept).
+ (bonbons at linux-vserver dot org)
+ . Fixed bug #60629 (memory corruption when web server closed the fcgi fd).
+ (fat)
+ . Fixed bug #60179 (php_flag and php_value does not work properly). (fat)
. Fixed bug #55526 (Heartbeat causes a lot of unnecessary events). (fat)
. Fixed bug #55533 (The -d parameter doesn't work). (fat)
. Implemented FR #52569 (Add the "ondemand" process-manager
. Implemented FR #54577 (Enhanced status page with full status and details
about each processes. Also provide a web page (status.html) for
real-time FPM status. (fat)
+ . Enhance error log when the primary script can't be open. FR #60199. (fat)
+ . Added .phar to default authorized extensions. (fat)
+- Postgres:
+ . Fixed bug #60244 (pg_fetch_* functions do not validate that row param
+ is >0). (Ilia)
+- Reflection:
+ . Fixed bug #60367 (Reflection and Late Static Binding). (Laruence)
- Session:
. Fixed bug #55267 (session_regenerate_id fails after header sent). (Hannes)
- . Don't set $_SERVER['HTTPS'] on unsecure connection (bug #55403). (Uwe
- Schindler)
- SimpleXML:
. Reverted the SimpleXML->query() behaviour to returning empty arrays
instead of false when no nodes are found as it was since 5.3.3
(bug #48601). (chregu, rrichards)
+ . Fixed bug #54911 (Access to a undefined member in inherit SoapClient may
+ cause Segmentation Fault). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #48216 (PHP Fatal error: SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL:
+ Extra content at the end of the doc, when server uses chunked transfer
+ encoding with spaces after chunk size). (Dmitry)
+ . Fixed bug #44686 (SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL with references). (Dmitry)
- Sockets:
. Fixed bug #60048 (sa_len a #define on IRIX). (china at thewrittenword dot
(jgotti at modedemploi dot fr, Hannes)
. Fixed bug #54304 (RegexIterator::accept() doesn't work with scalar values).
+- Streams:
+ . Fixed bug #60455 (stream_get_line misbehaves if EOF is not detected together
+ with the last read). (Gustavo)
+- Tidy:
+ . Fixed bug #54682 (Tidy::diagnose() NULL pointer dereference).
+ (Maksymilian Arciemowicz, Felipe)
- XSL:
. Added xsl.security_prefs ini option to define forbidden operations within
XSLT stylesheets, default is not to enable write operations. This option
won't be in 5.4, since there's a new method. Fixes Bug #54446. (Chregu,
Nicolas Gregoire)
-- Fileinfo:
- . Fixed bug #60094 (C++ comment fails in c89). (Laruence)
-- FTP:
- . Fixed bug #60183 (out of sync ftp responses). (bram at ebskamp dot me,
- rasmus)
-- SAPI:
- . Fixed bug #60205 (possible integer overflow in content_length). (Laruence)
23 Aug 2011, PHP 5.3.8
- Core: