-<description>Configure usable SSL protocol flavors</description>
+<description>Configure usable SSL protocol versions</description>
<syntax>SSLProtocol [+|-]<em>protocol</em> ...</syntax>
<default>SSLProtocol all</default>
<contextlist><context>server config</context>
<context>virtual host</context></contextlist>
-<usage><!-- XXX Why does this have an override and not .htaccess context? -->
-This directive can be used to control the SSL protocol flavors mod_ssl should
-use when establishing its server environment. Clients then can only connect
-with one of the provided protocols.</p>
+This directive can be used to control which versions of the SSL protocol
+will be accepted in new connections.</p>
The available (case-insensitive) <em>protocol</em>s are:</p>
This is a shortcut for ``<code>+SSLv2 +SSLv3 +TLSv1</code>'' and a
- convinient way for enabling all protocols except one when used in
+ convenient way for enabling all protocols except one when used in
combination with the minus sign on a protocol as the example above