make baby long worms have lower level than full grown ones
use "your kraken" instead of "a kraken" when searching reveals a tame
hidden monster
+Magicbane should not produce "<something> are confused" message
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
boolean youattack = (magr == &youmonst),
youdefend = (mdef == &youmonst),
resisted = FALSE, do_stun, do_confuse, result;
+ boolean hitteename = (has_name(mdef) && !strcmpi(hittee, MNAME(mdef)));
int attack_indx, scare_dieroll = MB_MAX_DIEROLL / 2;
result = FALSE; /* no message given yet */
if (do_stun) Strcat(buf, "stunned");
if (do_stun && do_confuse) Strcat(buf, " and ");
if (do_confuse) Strcat(buf, "confused");
- pline("%s %s %s%c", hittee, vtense(hittee, "are"),
+ pline("%s %s %s%c", hittee,
+ hitteename ? "is" : vtense(hittee, "are"),
buf, (do_stun && do_confuse) ? '!' : '.');