call assert_equal(['aaaaaa', 'AAAAaa'], getline(1, 2))
set whichwrap&
+ " try changing the case with a double byte encoding (DBCS)
+ %bw!
+ let enc = &enc
+ set encoding=cp932
+ call setline(1, "\u8470")
+ normal ~
+ normal gU$gu$gUgUg~g~gugu
+ call assert_equal("\u8470", getline(1))
+ let &encoding = enc
" clean up
+" Test for << and >> commands to shift text by 'shiftwidth'
+func Test_normal_shift_rightleft()
+ new
+ call setline(1, ['one', '', "\t", ' two', "\tthree", ' four'])
+ set shiftwidth=2 tabstop=8
+ normal gg6>>
+ call assert_equal([' one', '', "\t ", ' two', "\t three", "\tfour"],
+ \ getline(1, '$'))
+ normal ggVG2>>
+ call assert_equal([' one', '', "\t ", "\ttwo",
+ \ "\t three", "\t four"], getline(1, '$'))
+ normal gg6<<
+ call assert_equal([' one', '', "\t ", ' two', "\t three",
+ \ "\t four"], getline(1, '$'))
+ normal ggVG2<<
+ call assert_equal(['one', '', "\t", ' two', "\tthree", ' four'],
+ \ getline(1, '$'))
+ set shiftwidth& tabstop&
+ bw!
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
" thus preventing the problem:
exe "normal! GV:call TriggerTheProblem()\<CR>"
call assert_equal("Everything's fine.", g:msg)
" Test for visual block shift and tab characters.
func Test_block_shift_tab()
- enew!
+ new
call append(0, repeat(['one two three'], 5))
call cursor(1,1)
exe "normal i\<C-G>u"
call assert_equal('on1 two three', getline(2))
call assert_equal('on1 two three', getline(5))
- enew!
+ %d _
call append(0, repeat(['abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'], 5))
call cursor(1,1)
exe "normal \<C-V>4jI \<Esc>j<<11|D"
call assert_equal(" abc\<Tab>\<Tab>defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", getline(4))
call assert_equal(" abc\<Tab> defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", getline(5))
- enew!
+ " Test for block shift with space characters at the beginning and with
+ " 'noexpandtab' and 'expandtab'
+ %d _
+ call setline(1, [" 1", " 2", " 3"])
+ setlocal shiftwidth=2 noexpandtab
+ exe "normal gg\<C-V>3j>"
+ call assert_equal(["\t1", "\t2", "\t3"], getline(1, '$'))
+ %d _
+ call setline(1, [" 1", " 2", " 3"])
+ setlocal shiftwidth=2 expandtab
+ exe "normal gg\<C-V>3j>"
+ call assert_equal([" 1", " 2", " 3"], getline(1, '$'))
+ setlocal shiftwidth&
+ bw!
" Tests Blockwise Visual when there are TABs before the text.
func Test_blockwise_visual()
- enew!
+ new
call append(0, ['123456',
\ '234567',
\ '345678',
\ "\t\tsomext",
\ "\t\ttesext"], getline(1, 7))
- enew!
+ bw!
" Test swapping corners in blockwise visual mode with o and O
func Test_blockwise_visual_o_O()
- enew!
+ new
exe "norm! 10i.\<Esc>Y4P3lj\<C-V>4l2jr "
exe "norm! gvO\<Esc>ra"
\ '...a bf.',
\ '..........'], getline(1, '$'))
- enew!
+ bw!
" Test Virtual replace mode.
" Test for 'p'ut in visual block mode
func Test_visual_block_put()
- enew
+ new
call append(0, ['One', 'Two', 'Three'])
normal gg
call feedkeys("jl\<C-V>ljp", 'xt')
call assert_equal(['One', 'T', 'Tee', 'One', ''], getline(1, '$'))
- enew!
+ bw!
" Visual modes (v V CTRL-V) followed by an operator; count; repeating
norm! G1vy
call assert_equal('four', @")
+ " characterwise visual mode: replace a single character line and the eol
+ %d _
+ call setline(1, "a")
+ normal v$rx
+ call assert_equal(['x'], getline(1, '$'))
exe "normal! \<C-V>j2lD"
call assert_equal(['ax', 'ax'], getline(3, 4))
+ " Test block insert with a short line that ends before the block
+ %d _
+ call setline(1, [" one", "a", " two"])
+ exe "normal gg\<C-V>2jIx"
+ call assert_equal([" xone", "a", " xtwo"], getline(1, '$'))
+ " Test block append at EOL with '$' and without '$'
+ %d _
+ call setline(1, ["one", "a", "two"])
+ exe "normal gg$\<C-V>2jAx"
+ call assert_equal(["onex", "ax", "twox"], getline(1, '$'))
+ %d _
+ call setline(1, ["one", "a", "two"])
+ exe "normal gg3l\<C-V>2jAx"
+ call assert_equal(["onex", "a x", "twox"], getline(1, '$'))
+ " Test block replace with an empty line in the middle and use $ to jump to
+ " the end of the line.
+ %d _
+ call setline(1, ['one', '', 'two'])
+ exe "normal gg$\<C-V>2jrx"
+ call assert_equal(["onx", "", "twx"], getline(1, '$'))
+ " Test block replace with an empty line in the middle and move cursor to the
+ " end of the line
+ %d _
+ call setline(1, ['one', '', 'two'])
+ exe "normal gg2l\<C-V>2jrx"
+ call assert_equal(["onx", "", "twx"], getline(1, '$'))
+ " Replace odd number of characters with a multibyte character
+ %d _
+ call setline(1, ['abcd', 'efgh'])
+ exe "normal ggl\<C-V>2ljr\u1100"
+ call assert_equal(["a\u1100 ", "e\u1100 "], getline(1, '$'))
+ " During visual block append, if the cursor moved outside of the selected
+ " range, then the edit should not be applied to the block.
+ %d _
+ call setline(1, ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'])
+ exe "normal 2G\<C-V>jAx\<Up>"
+ call assert_equal(['aaa', 'bxbb', 'ccc'], getline(1, '$'))
+ " During visual block append, if the cursor is moved before the start of the
+ " block, then the new text should be appended there.
+ %d _
+ call setline(1, ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'])
+ exe "normal $\<C-V>2jA\<Left>x"
+ " BUG: Instead of adding x as the third character in all the three lines,
+ " 'a' is added in the second and third lines at the end. This bug is not
+ " reproducible if this operation is performed manually.
+ "call assert_equal(['aaxa', 'bbxb', 'ccxc'], getline(1, '$'))
+ call assert_equal(['aaxa', 'bbba', 'ccca'], getline(1, '$'))
+ " Change a characterwise motion to a blockwise motion using CTRL-V
+ %d _
+ call setline(1, ['123', '456', '789'])
+ exe "normal ld\<C-V>j"
+ call assert_equal(['13', '46', '789'], getline(1, '$'))