return false;
-void cleanupClosedTCPConnections(std::map<ComboAddress,int>& sockets)
+static void cleanupClosedTCPConnections(std::map<ComboAddress,int>& sockets)
for(auto it = sockets.begin(); it != sockets.end(); ) {
if (isTCPSocketUsable(it->second)) {
LocalHolders holders;
auto localRespRulactions = g_resprulactions.getLocal();
/* when the answer is encrypted in place, we need to get a copy
of the original header before encryption to fill the ring buffer */
- dnsheader dhCopy;
+ dnsheader cleartextDH;
map<ComboAddress,int> sockets;
for(;;) {
vector<uint8_t> rewrittenResponse;
shared_ptr<DownstreamState> ds;
size_t queriesCount = 0;
- time_t connectionStartTime = time(NULL);
+ time_t connectionStartTime = time(nullptr);
std::vector<char> queryBuffer;
std::vector<char> answerBuffer;
/* allocate a bit more memory to be able to spoof the content,
or to add ECS without allocating a new buffer */
- queryBuffer.resize(qlen + 512);
+ queryBuffer.resize((static_cast<size_t>(qlen) + 512) < 4096 ? (static_cast<size_t>(qlen) + 512) : 4096);
char* query = &queryBuffer[0];, qlen, g_tcpRecvTimeout, remainingTime);
gettime(&queryRealTime, true);
std::shared_ptr<DNSCryptQuery> dnsCryptQuery = nullptr;
auto dnsCryptResponse = checkDNSCryptQuery(*ci.cs, query, qlen, dnsCryptQuery, queryRealTime.tv_sec, true);
if (dnsCryptResponse) {
DNSQuestion dq(&qname, qtype, qclass, consumed, &dest, &ci.remote, dh, queryBuffer.size(), qlen, true, &queryRealTime);
dq.dnsCryptQuery = std::move(dnsCryptQuery);
- responseSender sender = [&handler](const ClientState& cs, const char* data, uint16_t dataSize, int delayMsec, const ComboAddress& dest, const ComboAddress& remote) {
- handler.writeSizeAndMsg(data, dataSize, g_tcpSendTimeout);
- };
+ std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> ds{nullptr};
+ auto result = processQuery(dq, *ci.cs, holders, ds);
- bool dropped = false;
- auto ds = processQuery(dq, *ci.cs, holders, sender, dropped);
- if (!ds) {
- if (dropped) {
- break;
- }
+ if (result == ProcessQueryResult::Drop) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (result == ProcessQueryResult::SendAnswer) {
+ handler.writeSizeAndMsg(reinterpret_cast<char*>(dq.dh), dq.len, g_tcpSendTimeout);
- // check how that would work!!
- char cachedResponse[4096];
- uint16_t cachedResponseSize = sizeof cachedResponse;
+ if (result != ProcessQueryResult::PassToBackend || ds == nullptr) {
+ break;
+ }
int dsock = -1;
uint16_t downstreamFailures=0;
size_t responseSize = rlen;
uint16_t addRoom = 0;
- if (dq.dnsCryptQuery && (UINT16_MAX - rlen) > (uint16_t) DNSCRYPT_MAX_RESPONSE_PADDING_AND_MAC_SIZE) {
+ if (dq.dnsCryptQuery && (UINT16_MAX - rlen) > static_cast<uint16_t>(DNSCRYPT_MAX_RESPONSE_PADDING_AND_MAC_SIZE)) {
- bool zeroScope = false;
- if (!fixUpResponse(&response, &responseLen, &responseSize, qname, dq.origFlags, dq.ednsAdded, dq.ecsAdded, rewrittenResponse, addRoom, dq.useZeroScope ? &zeroScope : nullptr)) {
- break;
- }
- dh = (struct dnsheader*) response;
+ dh = reinterpret_cast<struct dnsheader*>(response);
DNSResponse dr(&qname, qtype, qclass, consumed, &dest, &ci.remote, dh, responseSize, responseLen, true, &queryRealTime);
+ dr.origFlags = dq.origFlags;
+ dr.ecsAdded = dq.ecsAdded;
+ dr.ednsAdded = dq.ednsAdded;
+ dr.useZeroScope = dq.useZeroScope;
+ dr.packetCache = std::move(dq.packetCache);
+ dr.delayMsec = dq.delayMsec;
+ dr.skipCache = dq.skipCache;
+ dr.cacheKey = dq.cacheKey;
+ dr.cacheKeyNoECS = dq.cacheKeyNoECS;
+ dr.dnssecOK = dq.dnssecOK;
+ dr.tempFailureTTL = dq.tempFailureTTL;
+ dr.qTag = std::move(dq.qTag);
+ dr.subnet = std::move(dq.subnet);
- dr.uniqueId = dq.uniqueId;
+ dr.uniqueId = std::move(dq.uniqueId);
- dr.qTag = dq.qTag;
- if (!processResponse(localRespRulactions, dr, &dq.delayMsec)) {
- break;
+ if (dq.dnsCryptQuery) {
+ dr.dnsCryptQuery = std::move(dq.dnsCryptQuery);
- if (dq.packetCache && !dq.skipCache) {
- if (!dq.useZeroScope) {
- /* if the query was not suitable for zero-scope, for
- example because it had an existing ECS entry so the hash is
- not really 'no ECS', so just insert it for the existing subnet
- since:
- - we don't have the correct hash for a non-ECS query
- - inserting with hash computed before the ECS replacement but with
- the subnet extracted _after_ the replacement would not work.
- */
- zeroScope = false;
- }
- // if zeroScope, pass the pre-ECS hash-key and do not pass the subnet to the cache
- dq.packetCache->insert(zeroScope ? dq.cacheKeyNoECS : dq.cacheKey, zeroScope ? boost::none : dq.subnet, dq.origFlags, dq.dnssecOK, qname, qtype, qclass, response, responseLen, true, dh->rcode, dq.tempFailureTTL);
- }
- if (!encryptResponse(response, &responseLen, responseSize, true, dq.dnsCryptQuery, &dh, &dhCopy)) {
+ memcpy(&cleartextDH, dr.dh, sizeof(cleartextDH));
+ if (!processResponse(&response, &responseLen, &responseSize, localRespRulactions, dr, addRoom, rewrittenResponse, false)) {
if (!handler.writeSizeAndMsg(response, responseLen, g_tcpSendTimeout)) {
struct timespec answertime;
unsigned int udiff = 1000000.0*DiffTime(now,answertime);
- g_rings.insertResponse(answertime, ci.remote, qname, dq.qtype, (unsigned int)udiff, (unsigned int)responseLen, *dh, ds->remote);
+ g_rings.insertResponse(answertime, ci.remote, qname, dq.qtype, static_cast<unsigned int>(udiff), static_cast<unsigned int>(responseLen), cleartextDH, ds->remote);
ci = std::unique_ptr<ConnectionInfo>(new ConnectionInfo);
ci->cs = cs;
- ci->fd = accept4(cs->tcpFD, (struct sockaddr*)&remote, &remlen, SOCK_NONBLOCK);
+ ci->fd = accept4(cs->tcpFD, reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr*>(&remote), &remlen, SOCK_NONBLOCK);
- ci->fd = accept(cs->tcpFD, (struct sockaddr*)&remote, &remlen);
+ ci->fd = accept(cs->tcpFD, reinterpret_cast<struct sockaddr*>(&remote), &remlen);
if(ci->fd < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error((boost::format("accepting new connection on socket: %s") % strerror(errno)).str());
- catch(std::exception& e) {
+ catch(const std::exception& e) {
errlog("While reading a TCP question: %s", e.what());
if(tcpClientCountIncremented) {
-DelayPipe<DelayedPacket> * g_delay = 0;
+DelayPipe<DelayedPacket>* g_delay = nullptr;
void doLatencyStats(double udiff)
bool responseContentMatches(const char* response, const uint16_t responseLen, const DNSName& qname, const uint16_t qtype, const uint16_t qclass, const ComboAddress& remote, unsigned int& consumed)
- uint16_t rqtype, rqclass;
- DNSName rqname;
- const struct dnsheader* dh = (struct dnsheader*) response;
if (responseLen < sizeof(dnsheader)) {
return false;
+ const struct dnsheader* dh = reinterpret_cast<const struct dnsheader*>(response);
if (dh->qdcount == 0) {
if ((dh->rcode != RCode::NoError && dh->rcode != RCode::NXDomain) || g_allowEmptyResponse) {
return true;
+ uint16_t rqtype, rqclass;
+ DNSName rqname;
try {
rqname=DNSName(response, responseLen, sizeof(dnsheader), false, &rqtype, &rqclass, &consumed);
- catch(std::exception& e) {
- if(responseLen > (ssize_t)sizeof(dnsheader))
+ catch(const std::exception& e) {
+ if(responseLen > 0 && static_cast<size_t>(responseLen) > sizeof(dnsheader)) {
infolog("Backend %s sent us a response with id %d that did not parse: %s", remote.toStringWithPort(), ntohs(dh->id), e.what());
+ }
return false;
return addEDNSToQueryTurnedResponse(dq);
-bool fixUpResponse(char** response, uint16_t* responseLen, size_t* responseSize, const DNSName& qname, uint16_t origFlags, bool ednsAdded, bool ecsAdded, std::vector<uint8_t>& rewrittenResponse, uint16_t addRoom, bool* zeroScope)
+static bool fixUpResponse(char** response, uint16_t* responseLen, size_t* responseSize, const DNSName& qname, uint16_t origFlags, bool ednsAdded, bool ecsAdded, std::vector<uint8_t>& rewrittenResponse, uint16_t addRoom, bool* zeroScope)
- struct dnsheader* dh = (struct dnsheader*) *response;
if (*responseLen < sizeof(dnsheader)) {
return false;
+ struct dnsheader* dh = reinterpret_cast<struct dnsheader*>(*response);
restoreFlags(dh, origFlags);
if (*responseLen == sizeof(dnsheader)) {
-bool encryptResponse(char* response, uint16_t* responseLen, size_t responseSize, bool tcp, std::shared_ptr<DNSCryptQuery> dnsCryptQuery, dnsheader** dh, dnsheader* dhCopy)
+static bool encryptResponse(char* response, uint16_t* responseLen, size_t responseSize, bool tcp, std::shared_ptr<DNSCryptQuery> dnsCryptQuery, dnsheader** dh, dnsheader* dhCopy)
if (dnsCryptQuery) {
uint16_t encryptedResponseLen = 0;
-static bool sendUDPResponse(int origFD, const char* response, uint16_t responseLen, int delayMsec, const ComboAddress& origDest, const ComboAddress& origRemote)
+static bool applyRulesToResponse(LocalStateHolder<vector<DNSDistResponseRuleAction> >& localRespRulactions, DNSResponse& dr)
+ DNSResponseAction::Action action=DNSResponseAction::Action::None;
+ std::string ruleresult;
+ for(const auto& lr : *localRespRulactions) {
+ if(lr.d_rule->matches(&dr)) {
+ lr.d_rule->d_matches++;
+ action=(*lr.d_action)(&dr, &ruleresult);
+ switch(action) {
+ case DNSResponseAction::Action::Allow:
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case DNSResponseAction::Action::Drop:
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case DNSResponseAction::Action::HeaderModify:
+ return true;
+ break;
+ case DNSResponseAction::Action::ServFail:
+ dr.dh->rcode = RCode::ServFail;
+ return true;
+ break;
+ /* non-terminal actions follow */
+ case DNSResponseAction::Action::Delay:
+ dr.delayMsec = static_cast<int>(pdns_stou(ruleresult)); // sorry
+ break;
+ case DNSResponseAction::Action::None:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool processResponse(char** response, uint16_t* responseLen, size_t* responseSize, LocalStateHolder<vector<DNSDistResponseRuleAction> >& localRespRulactions, DNSResponse& dr, size_t addRoom, std::vector<uint8_t>& rewrittenResponse, bool muted)
+ if (!applyRulesToResponse(localRespRulactions, dr)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool zeroScope = false;
+ if (!fixUpResponse(response, responseLen, responseSize, *dr.qname, dr.origFlags, dr.ednsAdded, dr.ecsAdded, rewrittenResponse, addRoom, dr.useZeroScope ? &zeroScope : nullptr)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (dr.packetCache && !dr.skipCache) {
+ if (!dr.useZeroScope) {
+ /* if the query was not suitable for zero-scope, for
+ example because it had an existing ECS entry so the hash is
+ not really 'no ECS', so just insert it for the existing subnet
+ since:
+ - we don't have the correct hash for a non-ECS query
+ - inserting with hash computed before the ECS replacement but with
+ the subnet extracted _after_ the replacement would not work.
+ */
+ zeroScope = false;
+ }
+ // if zeroScope, pass the pre-ECS hash-key and do not pass the subnet to the cache
+ dr.packetCache->insert(zeroScope ? dr.cacheKeyNoECS : dr.cacheKey, zeroScope ? boost::none : dr.subnet, dr.origFlags, dr.dnssecOK, *dr.qname, dr.qtype, dr.qclass, *response, *responseLen, dr.tcp, dr.dh->rcode, dr.tempFailureTTL);
+ }
+ if (!muted) {
+ if (!encryptResponse(*response, responseLen, *responseSize, dr.tcp, dr.dnsCryptQuery, nullptr, nullptr)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool sendUDPResponse(int origFD, const char* response, const uint16_t responseLen, const int delayMsec, const ComboAddress& origDest, const ComboAddress& origRemote)
if(delayMsec && g_delay) {
DelayedPacket dp{origFD, string(response,responseLen), origRemote, origDest};
else {
ssize_t res;
if(origDest.sin4.sin_family == 0) {
- res = sendto(origFD, response, responseLen, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&origRemote, origRemote.getSocklen());
+ res = sendto(origFD, response, responseLen, 0, reinterpret_cast<const struct sockaddr*>(&origRemote), origRemote.getSocklen());
else {
res = sendfromto(origFD, response, responseLen, 0, origDest, origRemote);
auto localRespRulactions = g_resprulactions.getLocal();
- /* when the answer is encrypted in place, we need to get a copy
- of the original header before encryption to fill the ring buffer */
- dnsheader dhCopy;
char packet[4096];
static_assert(sizeof(packet) <= UINT16_MAX, "Packet size should fit in a uint16_t");
+ /* when the answer is encrypted in place, we need to get a copy
+ of the original header before encryption to fill the ring buffer */
+ dnsheader cleartextDH;
vector<uint8_t> rewrittenResponse;
uint16_t queryId = 0;
char * response = packet;
size_t responseSize = sizeof(packet);
- if (got < (ssize_t) sizeof(dnsheader))
+ if (got < static_cast<ssize_t>(sizeof(dnsheader)))
- uint16_t responseLen = (uint16_t) got;
+ uint16_t responseLen = static_cast<uint16_t>(got);
queryId = dh->id;
if(queryId >= dss->idStates.size())
uint16_t addRoom = 0;
DNSResponse dr(&ids->qname, ids->qtype, ids->qclass, consumed, &ids->origDest, &ids->origRemote, dh, sizeof(packet), responseLen, false, &ids->sentTime.d_start);
+ dr.origFlags = ids->origFlags;
+ dr.ecsAdded = ids->ecsAdded;
+ dr.ednsAdded = ids->ednsAdded;
+ dr.useZeroScope = ids->useZeroScope;
+ dr.packetCache = std::move(ids->packetCache);
+ dr.delayMsec = ids->delayMsec;
+ dr.skipCache = ids->skipCache;
+ dr.cacheKey = ids->cacheKey;
+ dr.cacheKeyNoECS = ids->cacheKeyNoECS;
+ dr.dnssecOK = ids->dnssecOK;
+ dr.tempFailureTTL = ids->tempFailureTTL;
+ dr.qTag = std::move(ids->qTag);
+ dr.subnet = std::move(ids->subnet);
- dr.uniqueId = ids->uniqueId;
+ dr.uniqueId = std::move(ids->uniqueId);
- dr.qTag = ids->qTag;
- if (!processResponse(localRespRulactions, dr, &ids->delayMsec)) {
- continue;
- }
if (ids->dnsCryptQuery) {
+ dr.dnsCryptQuery = std::move(ids->dnsCryptQuery);
- bool zeroScope = false;
- if (!fixUpResponse(&response, &responseLen, &responseSize, ids->qname, ids->origFlags, ids->ednsAdded, ids->ecsAdded, rewrittenResponse, addRoom, ids->useZeroScope ? &zeroScope : nullptr)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (ids->packetCache && !ids->skipCache) {
- if (!ids->useZeroScope) {
- /* if the query was not suitable for zero-scope, for
- example because it had an existing ECS entry so the hash is
- not really 'no ECS', so just insert it for the existing subnet
- since:
- - we don't have the correct hash for a non-ECS query
- - inserting with hash computed before the ECS replacement but with
- the subnet extracted _after_ the replacement would not work.
- */
- zeroScope = false;
- }
- // if zeroScope, pass the pre-ECS hash-key and do not pass the subnet to the cache
- ids->packetCache->insert(zeroScope ? ids->cacheKeyNoECS : ids->cacheKey, zeroScope ? boost::none : ids->subnet, ids->origFlags, ids->dnssecOK, ids->qname, ids->qtype, ids->qclass, response, responseLen, false, dh->rcode, ids->tempFailureTTL);
+ memcpy(&cleartextDH, dr.dh, sizeof(cleartextDH));
+ if (!processResponse(&response, &responseLen, &responseSize, localRespRulactions, dr, addRoom, rewrittenResponse, ids->cs && ids->cs->muted)) {
+ continue;
if (ids->cs && !ids->cs->muted) {
- if (!encryptResponse(response, &responseLen, responseSize, false, ids->dnsCryptQuery, &dh, &dhCopy)) {
- continue;
- }
ComboAddress empty;
empty.sin4.sin_family = 0;
/* if ids->destHarvested is false, origDest holds the listening address.
We don't want to use that as a source since it could be for example. */
- sendUDPResponse(origFD, response, responseLen, ids->delayMsec, ids->destHarvested ? ids->origDest : empty, ids->origRemote);
+ sendUDPResponse(origFD, response, responseLen, dr.delayMsec, ids->destHarvested ? ids->origDest : empty, ids->origRemote);
double udiff = ids->sentTime.udiff();
- vinfolog("Got answer from %s, relayed to %s, took %f usec", dss->remote.toStringWithPort(), ids->origRemote.toStringWithPort(), udiff);
+ vinfolog("Got answer from %s, relayed to %s, took %f usec", dss->remote.toStringWithPort(), dr.remote->toStringWithPort(), udiff);
struct timespec ts;
- g_rings.insertResponse(ts, ids->origRemote, ids->qname, ids->qtype, (unsigned int)udiff, (unsigned int)got, *dh, dss->remote);
+ g_rings.insertResponse(ts, *dr.remote, *dr.qname, dr.qtype, static_cast<unsigned int>(udiff), static_cast<unsigned int>(got), cleartextDH, dss->remote);
switch (dh->rcode) {
case RCode::NXDomain:
- /* if the FD is not -1, the state has been actively reused and we should
- not alter anything */
- if (ids->origFD == -1) {
- ids->dnsCryptQuery = nullptr;
- }
return true;
-bool processResponse(LocalStateHolder<vector<DNSDistResponseRuleAction> >& localRespRulactions, DNSResponse& dr, int* delayMsec)
- DNSResponseAction::Action action=DNSResponseAction::Action::None;
- std::string ruleresult;
- for(const auto& lr : *localRespRulactions) {
- if(lr.d_rule->matches(&dr)) {
- lr.d_rule->d_matches++;
- action=(*lr.d_action)(&dr, &ruleresult);
- switch(action) {
- case DNSResponseAction::Action::Allow:
- return true;
- break;
- case DNSResponseAction::Action::Drop:
- return false;
- break;
- case DNSResponseAction::Action::HeaderModify:
- return true;
- break;
- case DNSResponseAction::Action::ServFail:
- dr.dh->rcode = RCode::ServFail;
- return true;
- break;
- /* non-terminal actions follow */
- case DNSResponseAction::Action::Delay:
- *delayMsec = static_cast<int>(pdns_stou(ruleresult)); // sorry
- break;
- case DNSResponseAction::Action::None:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
static ssize_t udpClientSendRequestToBackend(const std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState>& ss, const int sd, const char* request, const size_t requestLen, bool healthCheck=false)
ssize_t result;
#endif /* defined(HAVE_RECVMMSG) && defined(HAVE_SENDMMSG) && defined(MSG_WAITFORONE) */
-static int sendResponse(LocalHolders& holders, ClientState& cs, DNSQuestion& dq, char* response, uint16_t responseLen, bool cacheHit, responseSender sender)
+/* self-generated responses or cache hits */
+static bool prepareOutgoingResponse(LocalHolders& holders, ClientState& cs, DNSQuestion& dq, bool cacheHit)
- DNSResponse dr(dq.qname, dq.qtype, dq.qclass, dq.consumed, dq.local, dq.remote, reinterpret_cast<dnsheader*>(response), dq.size, responseLen, dq.tcp, dq.queryTime);
+ DNSResponse dr(dq.qname, dq.qtype, dq.qclass, dq.consumed, dq.local, dq.remote, reinterpret_cast<dnsheader*>(dq.dh), dq.size, dq.len, dq.tcp, dq.queryTime);
dr.uniqueId = dq.uniqueId;
dr.qTag = dq.qTag;
+ dr.delayMsec = dq.delayMsec;
- if (!processResponse(cacheHit ? holders.cacheHitRespRulactions : holders.selfAnsweredRespRulactions, dr, &dq.delayMsec)) {
- return -1;
+ if (!applyRulesToResponse(cacheHit ? holders.cacheHitRespRulactions : holders.selfAnsweredRespRulactions, dr)) {
+ return false;
+ /* in case a rule changed it */
+ dq.delayMsec = dr.delayMsec;
if (!cs.muted) {
- if (!encryptResponse(response, &responseLen, dq.size, dq.tcp, dq.dnsCryptQuery, nullptr, nullptr)) {
- return -1;
+ if (!encryptResponse(reinterpret_cast<char*>(dq.dh), &dq.len, dq.size, dq.tcp, dq.dnsCryptQuery, nullptr, nullptr)) {
+ return false;
- sender(cs, response, responseLen, dq.delayMsec, *dq.local, *dq.remote);
if (cacheHit) {
switch (dr.dh->rcode) {
case RCode::NXDomain:
doLatencyStats(0); // we're not going to measure this
- return 0;
+ return true;
-/* returns nullptr if the query has been taken care of (cache-hit, self-answered or discarded) and a backend it should be sent to otherwise */
-std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> processQuery(DNSQuestion& dq, ClientState& cs, LocalHolders& holders, responseSender sender, bool& dropped)
+ProcessQueryResult processQuery(DNSQuestion& dq, ClientState& cs, LocalHolders& holders, std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState>& selectedBackend)
const uint16_t queryId = ntohs(dq.dh->id);
string poolname;
if (!applyRulesToQuery(holders, dq, poolname, now)) {
- dropped = true;
- return nullptr;
+ return ProcessQueryResult::Drop;
if(dq.dh->qr) { // something turned it into a response
fixUpQueryTurnedResponse(dq, dq.origFlags);
- if (!cs.muted) {
- char* response = reinterpret_cast<char*>(dq.dh);
- uint16_t responseLen = dq.len;
- sendResponse(holders, cs, dq, response, responseLen, false, sender);
- ++g_stats.selfAnswered;
+ if (!prepareOutgoingResponse(holders, cs, dq, false)) {
+ return ProcessQueryResult::Drop;
- return nullptr;
+ ++g_stats.selfAnswered;
+ return ProcessQueryResult::SendAnswer;
- std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> ss{nullptr};
std::shared_ptr<ServerPool> serverPool = getPool(*holders.pools, poolname);
dq.packetCache = serverPool->packetCache;
auto policy = *(holders.policy);
auto servers = serverPool->getServers();
if (policy.isLua) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_luamutex);
- ss = policy.policy(servers, &dq);
+ selectedBackend = policy.policy(servers, &dq);
else {
- ss = policy.policy(servers, &dq);
+ selectedBackend = policy.policy(servers, &dq);
uint16_t cachedResponseSize = dq.size;
- uint32_t allowExpired = ss ? 0 : g_staleCacheEntriesTTL;
+ uint32_t allowExpired = selectedBackend ? 0 : g_staleCacheEntriesTTL;
if (dq.packetCache && !dq.skipCache) {
dq.dnssecOK = (getEDNSZ(dq) & EDNS_HEADER_FLAG_DO);
- if (dq.useECS && ((ss && ss->useECS) || (!ss && serverPool->getECS()))) {
+ if (dq.useECS && ((selectedBackend && selectedBackend->useECS) || (!selectedBackend && serverPool->getECS()))) {
// we special case our cache in case a downstream explicitly gave us a universally valid response with a 0 scope
- if (dq.packetCache && !dq.skipCache && (!ss || !ss->disableZeroScope) && dq.packetCache->isECSParsingEnabled()) {
+ if (dq.packetCache && !dq.skipCache && (!selectedBackend || !selectedBackend->disableZeroScope) && dq.packetCache->isECSParsingEnabled()) {
if (dq.packetCache->get(dq, dq.consumed, dq.dh->id, reinterpret_cast<char*>(dq.dh), &cachedResponseSize, &dq.cacheKeyNoECS, dq.subnet, dq.dnssecOK, allowExpired)) {
- sendResponse(holders, cs, dq, reinterpret_cast<char*>(dq.dh), cachedResponseSize, true, sender);
- return nullptr;
+ dq.len = cachedResponseSize;
+ if (!prepareOutgoingResponse(holders, cs, dq, true)) {
+ return ProcessQueryResult::Drop;
+ }
+ return ProcessQueryResult::SendAnswer;
if (!dq.subnet) {
if (!handleEDNSClientSubnet(dq, &(dq.ednsAdded), &(dq.ecsAdded), g_preserveTrailingData)) {
vinfolog("Dropping query from %s because we couldn't insert the ECS value", dq.remote->toStringWithPort());
- dropped = true;
- return nullptr;
+ return ProcessQueryResult::Drop;
if (dq.packetCache && !dq.skipCache) {
if (dq.packetCache->get(dq, dq.consumed, dq.dh->id, reinterpret_cast<char*>(dq.dh), &cachedResponseSize, &dq.cacheKey, dq.subnet, dq.dnssecOK, allowExpired)) {
- sendResponse(holders, cs, dq, reinterpret_cast<char*>(dq.dh), cachedResponseSize, true, sender);
- return nullptr;
+ dq.len = cachedResponseSize;
+ if (!prepareOutgoingResponse(holders, cs, dq, true)) {
+ return ProcessQueryResult::Drop;
+ }
+ return ProcessQueryResult::SendAnswer;
- if(!ss) {
+ if(!selectedBackend) {
- if (g_servFailOnNoPolicy && !cs.muted) {
- char* response = reinterpret_cast<char*>(dq.dh);
- uint16_t responseLen = dq.len;
+ vinfolog("%s query for %s|%s from %s, no policy applied", g_servFailOnNoPolicy ? "ServFailed" : "Dropped", dq.qname->toString(), QType(dq.qtype).getName(), dq.remote->toStringWithPort());
+ if (g_servFailOnNoPolicy) {
restoreFlags(dq.dh, dq.origFlags);
dq.dh->rcode = RCode::ServFail;
dq.dh->qr = true;
- sendResponse(holders, cs, dq, response, responseLen, false, sender);
+ if (!prepareOutgoingResponse(holders, cs, dq, false)) {
+ return ProcessQueryResult::Drop;
+ }
// no response-only statistics counter to update.
+ return ProcessQueryResult::SendAnswer;
- vinfolog("%s query for %s|%s from %s, no policy applied", g_servFailOnNoPolicy ? "ServFailed" : "Dropped", dq.qname->toString(), QType(dq.qtype).getName(), dq.remote->toStringWithPort());
- return nullptr;
+ return ProcessQueryResult::Drop;
- if (dq.addXPF && ss->xpfRRCode != 0) {
- addXPF(dq, ss->xpfRRCode, g_preserveTrailingData);
+ if (dq.addXPF && selectedBackend->xpfRRCode != 0) {
+ addXPF(dq, selectedBackend->xpfRRCode, g_preserveTrailingData);
- ss->queries++;
- return ss;
+ selectedBackend->queries++;
+ return ProcessQueryResult::PassToBackend;
catch(const std::exception& e){
vinfolog("Got an error while parsing a %s query from %s, id %d: %s", (dq.tcp ? "TCP" : "UDP"), dq.remote->toStringWithPort(), queryId, e.what());
- dropped = true;
- return nullptr;
+ return ProcessQueryResult::Drop;
static void processUDPQuery(ClientState& cs, LocalHolders& holders, const struct msghdr* msgh, const ComboAddress& remote, ComboAddress& dest, char* query, uint16_t len, size_t queryBufferSize, struct mmsghdr* responsesVect, unsigned int* queuedResponses, struct iovec* respIOV, char* respCBuf)
to store into the IDS, but not for insertion into the
rings for example */
struct timespec queryRealTime;
- struct timespec now;
- gettime(&now);
gettime(&queryRealTime, true);
std::shared_ptr<DNSCryptQuery> dnsCryptQuery = nullptr;
auto dnsCryptResponse = checkDNSCryptQuery(cs, query, len, dnsCryptQuery, queryRealTime.tv_sec, false);
if (dnsCryptResponse) {
DNSName qname(query, len, sizeof(dnsheader), false, &qtype, &qclass, &consumed);
DNSQuestion dq(&qname, qtype, qclass, consumed, dest.sin4.sin_family != 0 ? &dest : &cs.local, &remote, dh, queryBufferSize, len, false, &queryRealTime);
dq.dnsCryptQuery = std::move(dnsCryptQuery);
+ std::shared_ptr<DownstreamState> ss{nullptr};
+ auto result = processQuery(dq, cs, holders, ss);
- responseSender sender = [&responsesVect, &queuedResponses, &respIOV, &respCBuf](const ClientState& cs, const char* data, uint16_t dataSize, int delayMsec, const ComboAddress& dest, const ComboAddress& remote) -> void {
+ if (result == ProcessQueryResult::Drop) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (result == ProcessQueryResult::SendAnswer) {
#if defined(HAVE_RECVMMSG) && defined(HAVE_SENDMMSG) && defined(MSG_WAITFORONE)
- if (delayMsec == 0 && responsesVect != nullptr) {
- queueResponse(cs, data, dataSize, dest, remote, responsesVect[*queuedResponses], respIOV, respCBuf);
+ if (dq.delayMsec == 0 && responsesVect != nullptr) {
+ queueResponse(cs, reinterpret_cast<char*>(dq.dh), dq.len, *dq.local, *dq.remote, responsesVect[*queuedResponses], respIOV, respCBuf);
#endif /* defined(HAVE_RECVMMSG) && defined(HAVE_SENDMMSG) && defined(MSG_WAITFORONE) */
- sendUDPResponse(cs.udpFD, data, dataSize, delayMsec, dest, remote);
- };
- bool dropped = false;
- auto ss = processQuery(dq, cs, holders, sender, dropped);
+ sendUDPResponse(cs.udpFD, reinterpret_cast<char*>(dq.dh), dq.len, dq.delayMsec, *dq.local, *dq.remote);
+ return;
+ }
- if (!ss) {
+ if (result != ProcessQueryResult::PassToBackend || ss == nullptr) {
unsigned int got = msgVec[msgIdx].msg_len;
const ComboAddress& remote = recvData[msgIdx].remote;
- if (got < sizeof(struct dnsheader)) {
- g_stats.nonCompliantQueries++;
+ if (got < 0 || static_cast<size_t>(got) < sizeof(struct dnsheader)) {
+ ++g_stats.nonCompliantQueries;
- ssize_t sent = udpClientSendRequestToBackend(ds, sock.getHandle(), (char*)&packet[0], packet.size(), true);
+ ssize_t sent = udpClientSendRequestToBackend(ds, sock.getHandle(), reinterpret_cast<char*>(&packet[0]), packet.size(), true);
if (sent < 0) {
int ret = errno;
if (g_verboseHealthChecks)