# VISUAL mode. The line or region is extended to the next bigger syntactic
# entity.
+# You can also pass in the variable "l:lines" to choose the range for
+# formatting. This variable can either contain "<start line>:<end line>" or
+# "all" to format the full file. So, to format the full file, write a function
+# like:
+# :function FormatFile()
+# : let l:lines="all"
+# : pyf <path-to-this-file>/clang-format.py
+# :endfunction
# It operates on the current, potentially unsaved buffer and does not create
# or save any files. To revert a formatting, just undo.
text = '\n'.join(buf)
# Determine range to format.
- lines = '%s:%s' % (vim.current.range.start + 1, vim.current.range.end + 1)
+ if vim.eval('exists("l:lines")') == '1':
+ lines = vim.eval('l:lines')
+ else:
+ lines = '%s:%s' % (vim.current.range.start + 1, vim.current.range.end + 1)
# Determine the cursor position.
cursor = int(vim.eval('line2byte(line("."))+col(".")')) - 2
startupinfo.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE
# Call formatter.
- command = [binary, '-lines', lines, '-style', style, '-cursor', str(cursor)]
+ command = [binary, '-style', style, '-cursor', str(cursor)]
+ if lines != 'all':
+ command.extend(['-lines', lines])
if fallback_style:
command.extend(['-fallback-style', fallback_style])
if vim.current.buffer.name: