# reload()ing. This module is imported by test_import.py:test_infinite_reload
# to make sure this doesn't happen any more.
+import imp
import infinite_reload
fr = inspect.currentframe()
st = inspect.stack()
p = x
- q = y / 0
+ q = y // 0
# line 20
class StupidGit:
import sys
import os
+import warnings
from test import test_support, seq_tests
class CommonTest(seq_tests.CommonTest):
self.assertEqual(str(a0), str(l0))
self.assertEqual(repr(a0), repr(l0))
- self.assertEqual(`a2`, `l2`)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertEqual(eval('`a2`'), eval('`l2`'))
self.assertEqual(str(a2), "[0, 1, 2]")
self.assertEqual(repr(a2), "[0, 1, 2]")
self.assertRaises(TypeError, u.reverse, 42)
def test_sort(self):
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "the cmp argument is not supported",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ self._test_sort()
+ def _test_sort(self):
u = self.type2test([1, 0])
self.assertEqual(u, [0, 1])
# tests common to dict and UserDict
import unittest
import UserDict
+import test_support
class BasicTestMappingProtocol(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(len(p), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(d), len(self.reference))
- #has_key
+ #in
for k in self.reference:
- self.assertTrue(d.has_key(k))
self.assertTrue(k in d)
for k in self.other:
- self.assertFalse(d.has_key(k))
self.assertFalse(k in d)
+ #has_key
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ for k in self.reference:
+ self.assertTrue(d.has_key(k))
+ for k in self.other:
+ self.assertFalse(d.has_key(k))
self.assertEqual(cmp(p,p), 0)
self.assertEqual(cmp(d,d), 0)
import cStringIO
import getopt
import itertools
-import json
import os
import random
import re
import warnings
import unittest
-# I see no other way to suppress these warnings;
-# putting them in test_grammar.py has no effect:
-warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "hex/oct constants", FutureWarning,
- ".*test.test_grammar$")
-if sys.maxint > 0x7fffffff:
- # Also suppress them in <string>, because for 64-bit platforms,
- # that's where test_grammar.py hides them.
- warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "hex/oct constants", FutureWarning,
- "<string>")
+with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tuple parameter unpacking "
+ "has been removed", SyntaxWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "assignment to True or False "
+ "is forbidden", SyntaxWarning)
+ import json
# Ignore ImportWarnings that only occur in the source tree,
# (because of modules with the same name as source-directories in Modules/)
import unittest
import sys
+import test_support
# Various iterables
# This is used for checking the constructor (here and in test_deque.py)
self.assertEqual(a[ -pow(2,128L): 3 ], self.type2test([0,1,2]))
self.assertEqual(a[ 3: pow(2,145L) ], self.type2test([3,4]))
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, u.__getslice__)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, u.__getslice__)
def test_contains(self):
u = self.type2test([0, 1, 2])
def test_main():
- test_support.run_unittest(
- TestStringIO,
- TestcStringIO,
- TestBufferStringIO,
- TestBuffercStringIO
- )
+ test_support.run_unittest(TestStringIO, TestcStringIO)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ test_support.run_unittest(TestBufferStringIO, TestBuffercStringIO)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import os
import unittest
-import anydbm
import glob
from test import test_support
_fname = test_support.TESTFN
+# Silence Py3k warning
+anydbm = test_support.import_module('anydbm', deprecated=True)
def _delete_files():
# we don't know the precise name the underlying database uses
# so we use glob to locate all names
def test_buffer(self):
a = array.array(self.typecode, self.example)
- b = buffer(a)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ b = buffer(a)
self.assertEqual(b[0], a.tostring()[0])
def test_weakref(self):
import sys, itertools, unittest
from test import test_support
import ast
+import warnings
def to_tuple(t):
if t is None or isinstance(t, (basestring, int, long, complex)):
def test_main():
- test_support.run_unittest(AST_Tests, ASTHelpers_Test)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "backquote not supported",
+ SyntaxWarning)
+ test_support.run_unittest(AST_Tests, ASTHelpers_Test)
def main():
if __name__ != '__main__':
from test.test_support import run_unittest
import unittest
+import warnings
class AugAssignTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_main():
- run_unittest(AugAssignTest)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "classic int division",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ run_unittest(AugAssignTest)
if __name__ == '__main__':
def test_encode(self, size):
return self.basic_encode_test(size, 'utf-8')
- @precisionbigmemtest(size=_4G / 6 + 2, memuse=2)
+ @precisionbigmemtest(size=_4G // 6 + 2, memuse=2)
def test_encode_raw_unicode_escape(self, size):
return self.basic_encode_test(size, 'raw_unicode_escape')
except MemoryError:
pass # acceptable on 32-bit
- @precisionbigmemtest(size=_4G / 5 + 70, memuse=3)
+ @precisionbigmemtest(size=_4G // 5 + 70, memuse=3)
def test_encode_utf7(self, size):
return self.basic_encode_test(size, 'utf7')
except MemoryError:
pass # acceptable on 32-bit
- @precisionbigmemtest(size=_4G / 4 + 5, memuse=6)
+ @precisionbigmemtest(size=_4G // 4 + 5, memuse=6)
def test_encode_utf32(self, size):
return self.basic_encode_test(size, 'utf32', expectedsize=4*size+4)
def test_decodeascii(self, size):
return self.basic_encode_test(size, 'ascii', c='A')
- @precisionbigmemtest(size=_4G / 5, memuse=6+2)
+ @precisionbigmemtest(size=_4G // 5, memuse=6+2)
def test_unicode_repr_oflw(self, size):
s = u"\uAAAA"*size
self.assertEquals(s.count('\\'), size)
self.assertEquals(s.count('0'), size * 2)
- @bigmemtest(minsize=2**32 / 5, memuse=6+2)
+ @bigmemtest(minsize=2**32 // 5, memuse=6+2)
def test_unicode_repr(self, size):
s = u"\uAAAA" * size
self.assertTrue(len(repr(s)) > size)
@precisionbigmemtest(size=_1G, memuse=4)
def test_repeat(self, size):
- b = buffer("AAAA")*size
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ b = buffer("AAAA")*size
except MemoryError:
pass # acceptable on 32-bit
prefixes.extend(["crc_", "rlecode_", "rledecode_"])
for prefix in prefixes:
name = prefix + suffix
- self.assertTrue(callable(getattr(binascii, name)))
+ self.assertTrue(hasattr(getattr(binascii, name), '__call__'))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, getattr(binascii, name))
for name in ("hexlify", "unhexlify"):
- self.assertTrue(callable(getattr(binascii, name)))
+ self.assertTrue(hasattr(getattr(binascii, name), '__call__'))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, getattr(binascii, name))
def test_base64valid(self):
"""Compare two Rats for inequality."""
return not self == other
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ __hash__ = None
class RatTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Unit tests for Rat class and its support utilities."""
self.assertEqual(False*1, 0)
self.assertIsNot(False*1, False)
- self.assertEqual(True/1, 1)
- self.assertIsNot(True/1, True)
- self.assertEqual(False/1, 0)
- self.assertIsNot(False/1, False)
+ self.assertEqual(True//1, 1)
+ self.assertIsNot(True//1, True)
+ self.assertEqual(False//1, 0)
+ self.assertIsNot(False//1, False)
for b in False, True:
for i in 0, 1, 2:
self.assertIs(hasattr([], "wobble"), False)
def test_callable(self):
- self.assertIs(callable(len), True)
- self.assertIs(callable(1), False)
+ self.assertTrue(hasattr(len, '__call__'), True)
+ self.assertFalse(hasattr(1, '__call__'), False)
def test_isinstance(self):
self.assertIs(isinstance(True, bool), True)
self.assertIs(issubclass(int, bool), False)
def test_haskey(self):
- self.assertIs({}.has_key(1), False)
- self.assertIs({1:1}.has_key(1), True)
+ self.assertIs(1 in {}, False)
+ self.assertIs(1 in {1:1}, True)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertIs({}.has_key(1), False)
+ self.assertIs({1:1}.has_key(1), True)
def test_string(self):
self.assertIs("xyz".endswith("z"), True)
import operator
self.assertIs(operator.truth(0), False)
self.assertIs(operator.truth(1), True)
- self.assertIs(operator.isCallable(0), False)
- self.assertIs(operator.isCallable(len), True)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertIs(operator.isCallable(0), False)
+ self.assertIs(operator.isCallable(len), True)
self.assertIs(operator.isNumberType(None), False)
self.assertIs(operator.isNumberType(0), True)
self.assertIs(operator.not_(1), False)
import unittest
from test import test_support
+import warnings
class BufferTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_main():
- test_support.run_unittest(BufferTests)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "buffer.. not supported",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ test_support.run_unittest(BufferTests)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from operator import neg
import sys, warnings, cStringIO, random, fractions, UserDict
-warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "hex../oct.. of negative int",
- FutureWarning, __name__)
-warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "integer argument expected",
- DeprecationWarning, "unittest")
# count the number of test runs.
# used to skip running test_execfile() multiple times
f.write('z = z+1\n')
f.write('z = z*2\n')
- execfile(TESTFN)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".+ not supported in 3.x",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ execfile(TESTFN)
def test_execfile(self):
global numruns
data = 'The quick Brown fox Jumped over The lazy Dog'.split()
self.assertRaises(TypeError, sorted, data, None, lambda x,y: 0)
+def _run_unittest(*args):
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".+ not supported in 3.x",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".+ is renamed to imp.reload",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "integer argument expected, got float",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "classic int division",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ run_unittest(*args)
def test_main(verbose=None):
test_classes = (BuiltinTest, TestSorted)
- run_unittest(*test_classes)
+ _run_unittest(*test_classes)
# verify reference counting
if verbose and hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
import gc
counts = [None] * 5
for i in xrange(len(counts)):
- run_unittest(*test_classes)
+ _run_unittest(*test_classes)
counts[i] = sys.gettotalrefcount()
print counts
self.assertRaises(TypeError, {}.has_key)
def test_varargs1(self):
- {}.has_key(0)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ {}.has_key(0)
def test_varargs2(self):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, {}.has_key, 0, 1)
def test_varargs1_ext(self):
- {}.has_key(*(0,))
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ {}.has_key(*(0,))
def test_varargs2_ext(self):
- {}.has_key(*(1, 2))
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ {}.has_key(*(1, 2))
except TypeError:
context = foo()
context.l = []
context.n = 2 #submits per thread
- context.nThreads = n / context.n
+ context.nThreads = n // context.n
context.nFinished = 0
context.lock = threading.Lock()
context.event = threading.Event()
def norm(list):
if type(list) == type([]):
- list.sort()
+ list.sort(key=str)
return list
def first_elts(list):
"Test the functionality of Python classes implementing operators."
import unittest
+import warnings
from test import test_support
testmeths = [
self.assertCallStack([("__coerce__", (testme, 1)), ('__cmp__', (testme, 1))])
callLst[:] = []
- testme <> 1 # XXX kill this in py3k
+ eval('testme <> 1') # XXX kill this in py3k
self.assertCallStack([("__coerce__", (testme, 1)), ('__cmp__', (testme, 1))])
callLst[:] = []
self.assertCallStack([("__coerce__", (testme, 1)), ('__cmp__', (1, testme))])
callLst[:] = []
- 1 <> testme
+ eval('1 <> testme')
self.assertCallStack([("__coerce__", (testme, 1)), ('__cmp__', (1, testme))])
callLst[:] = []
def test_main():
- test_support.run_unittest(ClassTests)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".+slice__ has been removed",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "classic int division",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "<> not supported",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ test_support.run_unittest(ClassTests)
if __name__=='__main__':
infix_results[key] = res
+with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "classic int division",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ process_infix_results()
# now infix_results has two lists of results for every pairing.
prefix_binops = [ 'divmod' ]
raise exc
def test_main():
- warnings.filterwarnings("ignore",
- r'complex divmod\(\), // and % are deprecated',
- DeprecationWarning,
- r'test.test_coercion$')
- run_unittest(CoercionTest)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore",
+ "complex divmod.., // and % are deprecated",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "classic .+ division",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ run_unittest(CoercionTest)
if __name__ == "__main__":
[('a', 3), ('b', 2), ('c', 1)])
self.assertEqual(c['b'], 2)
self.assertEqual(c['z'], 0)
- self.assertEqual(c.has_key('c'), True)
- self.assertEqual(c.has_key('z'), False)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertEqual(c.has_key('c'), True)
+ self.assertEqual(c.has_key('z'), False)
self.assertEqual(c.__contains__('c'), True)
self.assertEqual(c.__contains__('z'), False)
self.assertEqual(c.get('b', 10), 2)
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', r".*commands.getstatus.. is deprecated",
-from test.test_support import run_unittest, reap_children
+from test.test_support import run_unittest, reap_children, import_module
+# Silence Py3k warning
+import_module('commands', deprecated=True)
from commands import *
# The module says:
import sys
import _ast
from test import test_support
+import textwrap
class TestSpecifics(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(f(5), 0)
def test_complex_args(self):
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ exec textwrap.dedent('''
def comp_args((a, b)):
return a,b
self.assertEqual(comp_args((1, 2)), (1, 2))
return a, b, c
self.assertEqual(comp_args(1, (2, 3)), (1, 2, 3))
self.assertEqual(comp_args(), (2, 3, 4))
+ ''')
def test_argument_order(self):
def testTryExceptFinally(self):
# Test that except and finally clauses in one try stmt are recognized
- c = compiler.compile("try:\n 1/0\nexcept:\n e = 1\nfinally:\n f = 1",
+ c = compiler.compile("try:\n 1//0\nexcept:\n e = 1\nfinally:\n f = 1",
"<string>", "exec")
dct = {}
exec c in dct
import unittest
from test import test_support
+import textwrap
+import warnings
class ComplexArgsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def check(self, func, expected, *args):
self.assertEqual(func(*args), expected)
- # These functions are tested below as lambdas too. If you add a function test,
- # also add a similar lambda test.
+ # These functions are tested below as lambdas too. If you add a
+ # function test, also add a similar lambda test.
+ # Functions are wrapped in "exec" statements in order to
+ # silence Py3k warnings
def test_func_parens_no_unpacking(self):
+ exec textwrap.dedent("""
def f(((((x))))): return x
self.check(f, 1, 1)
# Inner parens are elided, same as: f(x,)
def f(((x)),): return x
self.check(f, 2, 2)
+ """)
def test_func_1(self):
+ exec textwrap.dedent("""
def f(((((x),)))): return x
self.check(f, 3, (3,))
def f(((((x)),))): return x
self.check(f, 5, (5,))
def f(((x),)): return x
self.check(f, 6, (6,))
+ """)
def test_func_2(self):
+ exec textwrap.dedent("""
def f(((((x)),),)): return x
self.check(f, 2, ((2,),))
+ """)
def test_func_3(self):
+ exec textwrap.dedent("""
def f((((((x)),),),)): return x
self.check(f, 3, (((3,),),))
+ """)
def test_func_complex(self):
+ exec textwrap.dedent("""
def f((((((x)),),),), a, b, c): return x, a, b, c
self.check(f, (3, 9, 8, 7), (((3,),),), 9, 8, 7)
def f(a, b, c, ((((((x)),)),),)): return a, b, c, x
self.check(f, (9, 8, 7, 3), 9, 8, 7, (((3,),),))
+ """)
# Duplicate the tests above, but for lambda. If you add a lambda test,
# also add a similar function test above.
def test_lambda_parens_no_unpacking(self):
+ exec textwrap.dedent("""
f = lambda (((((x))))): x
self.check(f, 1, 1)
# Inner parens are elided, same as: f(x,)
f = lambda ((x)),: x
self.check(f, 2, 2)
+ """)
def test_lambda_1(self):
+ exec textwrap.dedent("""
f = lambda (((((x),)))): x
self.check(f, 3, (3,))
f = lambda (((((x)),))): x
self.check(f, 5, (5,))
f = lambda (((x),)): x
self.check(f, 6, (6,))
+ """)
def test_lambda_2(self):
+ exec textwrap.dedent("""
f = lambda (((((x)),),)): x
self.check(f, 2, ((2,),))
+ """)
def test_lambda_3(self):
+ exec textwrap.dedent("""
f = lambda ((((((x)),),),)): x
self.check(f, 3, (((3,),),))
+ """)
def test_lambda_complex(self):
+ exec textwrap.dedent("""
f = lambda (((((x)),),),), a, b, c: (x, a, b, c)
self.check(f, (3, 9, 8, 7), (((3,),),), 9, 8, 7)
f = lambda a, b, c, ((((((x)),)),),): (a, b, c, x)
self.check(f, (9, 8, 7, 3), 9, 8, 7, (((3,),),))
+ """)
def test_main():
- test_support.run_unittest(ComplexArgsTestCase)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tuple parameter unpacking "
+ "has been removed", SyntaxWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "parenthesized argument names "
+ "are invalid", SyntaxWarning)
+ test_support.run_unittest(ComplexArgsTestCase)
if __name__ == "__main__":
v = copy.deepcopy(u)
self.assertNotEqual(v, u)
self.assertEqual(len(v), 2)
- (x, y), (z, t) = sorted(v.items(), key=lambda (k, v): k.i)
+ (x, y), (z, t) = sorted(v.items(), key=lambda k: k[0].i)
self.assertFalse(x is a)
self.assertEqual(x.i, a.i)
self.assertTrue(y is b)
#Skip tests if _ctypes module does not exist
+import warnings
import ctypes.test
def test_main():
skipped, testcases = ctypes.test.get_tests(ctypes.test, "test_*.py", verbosity=0)
suites = [unittest.makeSuite(t) for t in testcases]
- run_unittest(unittest.TestSuite(suites))
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "buffer.. not supported",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "classic long division",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ run_unittest(unittest.TestSuite(suites))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import unittest
from decimal import *
import numbers
-from test.test_support import (run_unittest, run_doctest, is_resource_enabled)
+from test.test_support import (run_unittest, run_doctest,
+ is_resource_enabled, check_warnings)
import random
import threading
if skip_expected:
raise unittest.SkipTest
- for line in open(file).xreadlines():
+ for line in open(file):
line = line.replace('\r\n', '').replace('\n', '')
#print line
myexceptions = self.getexceptions()
- myexceptions.sort()
- theirexceptions.sort()
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with check_warnings():
+ myexceptions.sort()
+ theirexceptions.sort()
self.assertEqual(result, ans,
'Incorrect answer for ' + s + ' -- got ' + result)
('//', '__floordiv__', '__rfloordiv__'),
('**', '__pow__', '__rpow__')
- if 1/2 == 0:
- # testing with classic division, so add __div__
- oplist.append(('/', '__div__', '__rdiv__'))
- else:
- # testing with -Qnew, so add __truediv__
- oplist.append(('/', '__truediv__', '__rtruediv__'))
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with check_warnings():
+ if 1/2 == 0:
+ # testing with classic division, so add __div__
+ oplist.append(('/', '__div__', '__rdiv__'))
+ else:
+ # testing with -Qnew, so add __truediv__
+ oplist.append(('/', '__truediv__', '__rtruediv__'))
for sym, lop, rop in oplist:
setattr(E, lop, lambda self, other: 'str' + lop + str(other))
self.assertEqual(a, b)
# with None
- self.assertFalse(Decimal(1) < None)
- self.assertTrue(Decimal(1) > None)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with check_warnings():
+ self.assertFalse(Decimal(1) < None)
+ self.assertTrue(Decimal(1) > None)
def test_copy_and_deepcopy_methods(self):
d = Decimal('43.24')
for flag in extra_flags:
if flag not in expected_flags:
- expected_flags.sort()
# flags we actually got
new_flags = [k for k,v in context.flags.items() if v]
- new_flags.sort()
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with check_warnings():
+ expected_flags.sort()
+ new_flags.sort()
self.assertEqual(ans, new_ans,
"operation produces different answers depending on flags set: " +
def test_main():
- # Run all local test cases, with PTypesLongInitTest first.
- test_support.run_unittest(PTypesLongInitTest, OperatorsTest,
- ClassPropertiesAndMethods, DictProxyTests)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "classic .+ division",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "coerce.. not supported",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "Overriding __cmp__ ",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".+slice__ has been removed",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ # Run all local test cases, with PTypesLongInitTest first.
+ test_support.run_unittest(PTypesLongInitTest, OperatorsTest,
+ ClassPropertiesAndMethods, DictProxyTests)
if __name__ == "__main__":
statement or the built-in function eval():
>>> def sorted(seq):
- ... seq.sort()
+ ... seq.sort(key=str)
... return seq
>>> print sorted(a.keys())
[1, 2]
self.assertEqual(d.keys(), [])
d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
k = d.keys()
- self.assertTrue(d.has_key('a'))
- self.assertTrue(d.has_key('b'))
+ self.assertTrue('a' in d)
+ self.assertTrue('b' in d)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertTrue(d.has_key('a'))
+ self.assertTrue(d.has_key('b'))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, d.keys, None)
def test_has_key(self):
d = {}
- self.assertTrue(not d.has_key('a'))
+ self.assertTrue('a' not in d)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertTrue(not d.has_key('a'))
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, d.has_key)
d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
k = d.keys()
self.assertEqual(k, ['a', 'b'])
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, d.has_key)
def test_contains(self):
d = {}
self.assertTrue(not ('a' in d))
self.assertRaises(Exc, repr, d)
def test_le(self):
- self.assertTrue(not ({} < {}))
- self.assertTrue(not ({1: 2} < {1L: 2L}))
class Exc(Exception): pass
d1 = {BadCmp(): 1}
d2 = {1: 1}
- try:
- d1 < d2
- except Exc:
- pass
- else:
- self.fail("< didn't raise Exc")
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertTrue(not ({} < {}))
+ self.assertTrue(not ({1: 2} < {1L: 2L}))
+ try:
+ d1 < d2
+ except Exc:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self.fail("< didn't raise Exc")
def test_missing(self):
# Make sure dict doesn't have a __missing__ method
'd.update({x2: 2})']:
- exec stmt in locals()
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ exec stmt in locals()
except CustomException:
# Bug #3537: if an empty but presized dict with a size larger
# than 7 was in the freelist, it triggered an assertion failure
- d = {'a': 1/0, 'b': None, 'c': None, 'd': None, 'e': None,
+ d = {'a': 1 // 0, 'b': None, 'c': None, 'd': None, 'e': None,
'f': None, 'g': None, 'h': None}
except ZeroDivisionError:
import warnings
from test.test_support import TESTFN, unlink, run_unittest, captured_output
-from test.test_pep352 import ignore_message_warning
+from test.test_pep352 import ignore_deprecation_warnings
# XXX This is not really enough, each *operation* should be tested!
# Reloading the built-in exceptions module failed prior to Py2.2, while it
# should act the same as reloading built-in sys.
+ from imp import reload
import exceptions
except ImportError, e:
self.assertRaises(ValueError, chr, 10000)
self.raise_catch(ZeroDivisionError, "ZeroDivisionError")
- try: x = 1/0
+ try: x = 1 // 0
except ZeroDivisionError: pass
self.raise_catch(Exception, "Exception")
- try: x = 1/0
+ try: x = 1 // 0
except Exception, e: pass
def testSyntaxErrorMessage(self):
self.assertEqual(WindowsError(1001, "message").errno, 22)
self.assertEqual(WindowsError(1001, "message").winerror, 1001)
+ @ignore_deprecation_warnings
def testAttributes(self):
# test that exception attributes are happy
except NameError:
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- ignore_message_warning()
- for exc, args, expected in exceptionList:
- try:
- raise exc(*args)
- except BaseException, e:
- if type(e) is not exc:
- raise
- # Verify module name
- self.assertEquals(type(e).__module__, 'exceptions')
- # Verify no ref leaks in Exc_str()
- s = str(e)
- for checkArgName in expected:
- self.assertEquals(repr(getattr(e, checkArgName)),
- repr(expected[checkArgName]),
- 'exception "%s", attribute "%s"' %
- (repr(e), checkArgName))
- # test for pickling support
- for p in pickle, cPickle:
- for protocol in range(p.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
- new = p.loads(p.dumps(e, protocol))
- for checkArgName in expected:
- got = repr(getattr(new, checkArgName))
- want = repr(expected[checkArgName])
- self.assertEquals(got, want,
- 'pickled "%r", attribute "%s"' %
- (e, checkArgName))
+ for exc, args, expected in exceptionList:
+ try:
+ raise exc(*args)
+ except BaseException, e:
+ if type(e) is not exc:
+ raise
+ # Verify module name
+ self.assertEquals(type(e).__module__, 'exceptions')
+ # Verify no ref leaks in Exc_str()
+ s = str(e)
+ for checkArgName in expected:
+ self.assertEquals(repr(getattr(e, checkArgName)),
+ repr(expected[checkArgName]),
+ 'exception "%s", attribute "%s"' %
+ (repr(e), checkArgName))
+ # test for pickling support
+ for p in pickle, cPickle:
+ for protocol in range(p.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1):
+ new = p.loads(p.dumps(e, protocol))
+ for checkArgName in expected:
+ got = repr(getattr(new, checkArgName))
+ want = repr(expected[checkArgName])
+ self.assertEquals(got, want,
+ 'pickled "%r", attribute "%s"' %
+ (e, checkArgName))
def testDeprecatedMessageAttribute(self):
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
+ @ignore_deprecation_warnings
def testPickleMessageAttribute(self):
# Pickling with message attribute must work, as well.
e = Exception("foo")
f.message = "bar"
for p in pickle, cPickle:
ep = p.loads(p.dumps(e))
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- ignore_message_warning()
- self.assertEqual(ep.message, "foo")
+ self.assertEqual(ep.message, "foo")
fp = p.loads(p.dumps(f))
self.assertEqual(fp.message, "bar")
# going through the 'args' attribute.
args = (1, 2, 3)
exc = BaseException(*args)
- self.assertEqual(exc[:], args)
+ self.assertEqual(exc.args[:], args)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "__getslice__ not supported for "
+ "exception classes", DeprecationWarning)
+ self.assertEqual(exc[:], args)
def testKeywordArgs(self):
# test that builtin exception don't take keyword args,
self.assertEquals(self.f.__exit__(None, None, None), None)
# it must also return None if an exception was given
- 1/0
+ 1 // 0
self.assertEquals(self.f.__exit__(*sys.exc_info()), None)
def testAttributes(self):
# verify expected attributes exist
f = self.f
- softspace = f.softspace
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ softspace = f.softspace
f.name # merely shouldn't blow up
f.mode # ditto
f.closed # ditto
- # verify softspace is writable
- f.softspace = softspace # merely shouldn't blow up
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ # verify softspace is writable
+ f.softspace = softspace # merely shouldn't blow up
# verify the others aren't
for attr in 'name', 'mode', 'closed':
def testMethods(self):
methods = ['fileno', 'flush', 'isatty', 'next', 'read', 'readinto',
'readline', 'readlines', 'seek', 'tell', 'truncate',
- 'write', 'xreadlines', '__iter__']
+ 'write', '__iter__']
+ deprecated_methods = ['xreadlines']
if sys.platform.startswith('atheos'):
method = getattr(self.f, methodname)
# should raise on closed file
self.assertRaises(ValueError, method)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ for methodname in deprecated_methods:
+ method = getattr(self.f, methodname)
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, method)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.f.writelines, [])
# file is closed, __exit__ shouldn't do anything
self.assertEquals(self.f.__exit__(None, None, None), None)
# it must also return None if an exception was given
- 1/0
+ 1 // 0
self.assertEquals(self.f.__exit__(*sys.exc_info()), None)
f = open(TESTFN, bad_mode)
except ValueError, msg:
- if msg[0] != 0:
+ if msg.args[0] != 0:
s = str(msg)
if s.find(TESTFN) != -1 or s.find(bad_mode) == -1:
self.fail("bad error message for invalid mode: %s" % s)
- # if msg[0] == 0, we're probably on Windows where there may be
- # no obvious way to discover why open() failed.
+ # if msg.args[0] == 0, we're probably on Windows where there may
+ # be no obvious way to discover why open() failed.
self.fail("no error for invalid mode: %s" % bad_mode)
assert False, "__sub__ should not be invoked for comparisons"
__rsub__ = __sub__
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ def __hash__(self):
+ assert False, "__hash__ should not be invoked for comparisons"
class DummyRational(object):
"""Test comparison of Fraction with a naive rational implementation."""
def __float__(self):
assert False, "__float__ should not be invoked"
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ def __hash__(self):
+ assert False, "__hash__ should not be invoked for comparisons"
class GcdTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testMisc(self):
ip, port = sock.getsockname()[:2]
- ip = ip.replace('.', ','); p1 = port / 256; p2 = port % 256
+ ip = ip.replace('.', ','); p1, p2 = divmod(port, 256)
self.push('227 entering passive mode (%s,%d,%d)' %(ip, p1, p2))
conn, addr = sock.accept()
self.dtp = self.dtp_handler(conn, baseclass=self)
def test_error_propagation(self):
def f(x, y):
- x / y
+ x // y
self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, self.thetype(f, 1, 0))
self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, self.thetype(f, 1), 0)
self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, self.thetype(f), 1, 0)
from test.test_support import run_unittest, check_syntax_error
import unittest
import sys
+import warnings
# testing import *
from sys import *
f1(*(), **{})
def f2(one_argument): pass
def f3(two, arguments): pass
- def f4(two, (compound, (argument, list))): pass
- def f5((compound, first), two): pass
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ exec('def f4(two, (compound, (argument, list))): pass')
+ exec('def f5((compound, first), two): pass')
self.assertEquals(f2.func_code.co_varnames, ('one_argument',))
self.assertEquals(f3.func_code.co_varnames, ('two', 'arguments'))
if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
def v0(*rest): pass
def v1(a, *rest): pass
def v2(a, b, *rest): pass
- def v3(a, (b, c), *rest): return a, b, c, rest
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ exec('def v3(a, (b, c), *rest): return a, b, c, rest')
d22v(*(1, 2, 3, 4))
d22v(1, 2, *(3, 4, 5))
d22v(1, *(2, 3), **{'d': 4})
- def d31v((x)): pass
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ exec('def d31v((x)): pass')
+ exec('def d32v((x,)): pass')
- def d32v((x,)): pass
# keyword arguments after *arglist
- if count > 2 or big_hippo <> 1:
+ if count > 2 or big_hippo != 1:
self.fail("continue then break in try/except in loop broken!")
x = (1 == 1)
if 1 == 1: pass
if 1 != 1: pass
- if 1 <> 1: pass
if 1 < 1: pass
if 1 > 1: pass
if 1 <= 1: pass
if 1 is not 1: pass
if 1 in (): pass
if 1 not in (): pass
- if 1 < 1 > 1 == 1 >= 1 <= 1 <> 1 != 1 in 1 not in 1 is 1 is not 1: pass
+ if 1 < 1 > 1 == 1 >= 1 <= 1 != 1 in 1 not in 1 is 1 is not 1: pass
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ if eval('1 <> 1'): pass
+ if eval('1 < 1 > 1 == 1 >= 1 <= 1 <> 1 != 1 in 1 not in 1 is 1 is not 1'): pass
def testBinaryMaskOps(self):
x = 1 & 1
x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2,}
x = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4, 'five': 5, 'six': 6}
- x = `x`
- x = `1 or 2 or 3`
- self.assertEqual(`1,2`, '(1, 2)')
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ x = eval('`x`')
+ x = eval('`1 or 2 or 3`')
+ self.assertEqual(eval('`1,2`'), '(1, 2)')
x = x
x = 'x'
def test_main():
- run_unittest(TokenTests, GrammarTests)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "backquote not supported",
+ SyntaxWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tuple parameter unpacking has been removed",
+ SyntaxWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "parenthesized argument names are invalid",
+ SyntaxWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "classic int division",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".+ not supported in 3.x",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ run_unittest(TokenTests, GrammarTests)
if __name__ == '__main__':
self.fail("__enter__ on a closed file didn't raise an exception")
with gzip.GzipFile(self.filename, "wb") as f:
- 1/0
+ 1 // 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
- self.fail("1/0 didn't raise an exception")
+ self.fail("1 // 0 didn't raise an exception")
def test_main(verbose=None):
for f in (self.module.nlargest, self.module.nsmallest):
for s in ("123", "", range(1000), ('do', 1.2), xrange(2000,2200,5)):
for g in (G, I, Ig, L, R):
- self.assertEqual(f(2, g(s)), f(2,s))
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertEqual(f(2, g(s)), f(2,s))
self.assertEqual(f(2, S(s)), [])
self.assertRaises(TypeError, f, 2, X(s))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, f, 2, N(s))
-import hotshot
-import hotshot.log
import os
import pprint
import unittest
from test import test_support
+# Silence Py3k warning
+hotshot = test_support.import_module('hotshot', deprecated=True)
from hotshot.log import ENTER, EXIT, LINE
import py_compile
import warnings
import marshal
+from imp import reload
from test.test_support import (unlink, TESTFN, unload, run_unittest,
check_warnings, TestFailed, EnvironmentVarGuard)
- try:
- mod = __import__(TESTFN)
- except ImportError, err:
- self.fail("import from %s failed: %s" % (ext, err))
+ mod = __import__(TESTFN)
+ except ImportError, err:
+ self.fail("import from %s failed: %s" % (ext, err))
+ else:
self.assertEquals(mod.a, a,
"module loaded (%s) but contents invalid" % mod)
self.assertEquals(mod.b, b,
- try:
- reload(mod)
- except ImportError, err:
- self.fail("import from .pyc/.pyo failed: %s" % err)
+ reload(mod)
+ except ImportError, err:
+ self.fail("import from .pyc/.pyo failed: %s" % err)
def test_failing_import_sticks(self):
source = TESTFN + os.extsep + "py"
f = open(source, "w")
- print >> f, "a = 1/0"
+ print >> f, "a = 1 // 0"
# New in 2.4, we shouldn't be able to import that no matter how often
TestImporter.modules['reloadmodule'] = (False, reload_co)
- reload(reloadmodule)
+ imp.reload(reloadmodule)
import hooktestpackage.oldabs
for n in sys.modules.keys():
if n.startswith(parent):
del sys.modules[n]
- for mname in mnames:
- m = __import__(mname, globals(), locals(), ["__dummy__"])
- m.__loader__ # to make sure we actually handled the import
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ for mname in mnames:
+ m = __import__(mname, globals(), locals(), ["__dummy__"])
+ m.__loader__ # to make sure we actually handled the import
def test_main():
import inspect
import datetime
-from test.test_support import TESTFN, run_unittest
+from test.test_support import TESTFN, run_unittest, check_warnings
-from test import inspect_fodder as mod
-from test import inspect_fodder2 as mod2
+with check_warnings():
+ from test import inspect_fodder as mod
+ from test import inspect_fodder2 as mod2
# C module for test_findsource_binary
import unicodedata
import __builtin__
- 1/0
+ 1 // 0
tb = sys.exc_traceback
self.assertEqual(git.tr[1][1:], (modfile, 9, 'spam',
[' eggs(b + d, c + f)\n'], 0))
self.assertEqual(git.tr[2][1:], (modfile, 18, 'eggs',
- [' q = y / 0\n'], 0))
+ [' q = y // 0\n'], 0))
def test_frame(self):
args, varargs, varkw, locals = inspect.getargvalues(mod.fr)
self.assertArgSpecEquals(A.m, ['self'])
def test_getargspec_sublistofone(self):
- def sublistOfOne((foo,)): return 1
- self.assertArgSpecEquals(sublistOfOne, [['foo']])
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with check_warnings():
+ exec 'def sublistOfOne((foo,)): return 1'
+ self.assertArgSpecEquals(sublistOfOne, [['foo']])
- def fakeSublistOfOne((foo)): return 1
- self.assertArgSpecEquals(fakeSublistOfOne, ['foo'])
+ exec 'def fakeSublistOfOne((foo)): return 1'
+ self.assertArgSpecEquals(fakeSublistOfOne, ['foo'])
def test_classify_oldstyle(self):
class A:
f = None
with self.open(support.TESTFN, "wb", bufsize) as f:
- 1/0
+ 1 // 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
self.assertEqual(f.closed, True)
- self.fail("1/0 didn't raise an exception")
+ self.fail("1 // 0 didn't raise an exception")
# issue 5008
def test_append_mode_tell(self):
# Test iterators.
import unittest
-from test.test_support import run_unittest, TESTFN, unlink, have_unicode
+from test.test_support import run_unittest, TESTFN, unlink, have_unicode, \
+ check_warnings
# Test result of triple loop (too big to inline)
TRIPLETS = [(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2),
# Test map()'s use of iterators.
- def test_builtin_map(self):
+ def test_deprecated_builtin_map(self):
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with check_warnings():
+ self._test_builtin_map()
+ def _test_builtin_map(self):
self.assertEqual(map(None, SequenceClass(5)), range(5))
self.assertEqual(map(lambda x: x+1, SequenceClass(5)), range(1, 6))
self.assertEqual(zip(x, y), expected)
# Test reduces()'s use of iterators.
- def test_builtin_reduce(self):
+ def test_deprecated_builtin_reduce(self):
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with check_warnings():
+ self._test_builtin_reduce()
+ def _test_builtin_reduce(self):
from operator import add
self.assertEqual(reduce(add, SequenceClass(5)), 10)
self.assertEqual(reduce(add, SequenceClass(5), 42), 52)
import random
import copy
import pickle
+from functools import reduce
maxsize = test_support.MAX_Py_ssize_t
minsize = -maxsize-1
values = [5*x-12 for x in range(n)]
for r in range(n+2):
result = list(combinations(values, r))
- self.assertEqual(len(result), 0 if r>n else fact(n) / fact(r) / fact(n-r)) # right number of combs
+ self.assertEqual(len(result), 0 if r>n else fact(n) // fact(r) // fact(n-r)) # right number of combs
self.assertEqual(len(result), len(set(result))) # no repeats
self.assertEqual(result, sorted(result)) # lexicographic order
for c in result:
def numcombs(n, r):
if not n:
return 0 if r else 1
- return fact(n+r-1) / fact(r)/ fact(n-1)
+ return fact(n+r-1) // fact(r) // fact(n-1)
for n in range(7):
values = [5*x-12 for x in range(n)]
values = [5*x-12 for x in range(n)]
for r in range(n+2):
result = list(permutations(values, r))
- self.assertEqual(len(result), 0 if r>n else fact(n) / fact(n-r)) # right number of perms
+ self.assertEqual(len(result), 0 if r>n else fact(n) // fact(n-r)) # right number of perms
self.assertEqual(len(result), len(set(result))) # no repeats
self.assertEqual(result, sorted(result)) # lexicographic order
for p in result:
# Check size
self.assertEquals(len(prod), n**r)
- self.assertEquals(len(cwr), (fact(n+r-1) / fact(r)/ fact(n-1)) if n else (not r))
- self.assertEquals(len(perm), 0 if r>n else fact(n) / fact(n-r))
- self.assertEquals(len(comb), 0 if r>n else fact(n) / fact(r) / fact(n-r))
+ self.assertEquals(len(cwr), (fact(n+r-1) // fact(r) // fact(n-1)) if n else (not r))
+ self.assertEquals(len(perm), 0 if r>n else fact(n) // fact(n-r))
+ self.assertEquals(len(comb), 0 if r>n else fact(n) // fact(r) // fact(n-r))
# Check lexicographic order without repeated tuples
self.assertEquals(prod, sorted(set(prod)))
[range(1000), range(0), range(3000,3050), range(1200), range(1500)],
[range(1000), range(0), range(3000,3050), range(1200), range(1500), range(0)],
- target = map(None, *args)
+ target = [tuple([arg[i] if i < len(arg) else None for arg in args])
+ for i in range(max(map(len, args)))]
self.assertEqual(list(izip_longest(*args)), target)
self.assertEqual(list(izip_longest(*args, **{})), target)
target = [tuple((e is None and 'X' or e) for e in t) for t in target] # Replace None fills with 'X'
self.assertEqual(list(izip_longest([])), zip([]))
self.assertEqual(list(izip_longest('abcdef')), zip('abcdef'))
- self.assertEqual(list(izip_longest('abc', 'defg', **{})), map(None, 'abc', 'defg')) # empty keyword dict
+ self.assertEqual(list(izip_longest('abc', 'defg', **{})),
+ zip(list('abc') + [None], 'defg')) # empty keyword dict
self.assertRaises(TypeError, izip_longest, 3)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, izip_longest, range(3), 3)
# is differencing with a range so that consecutive numbers all appear in
# same group.
>>> data = [ 1, 4,5,6, 10, 15,16,17,18, 22, 25,26,27,28]
->>> for k, g in groupby(enumerate(data), lambda (i,x):i-x):
+>>> for k, g in groupby(enumerate(data), lambda t:t[0]-t[1]):
... print map(operator.itemgetter(1), g)
import json.tests
import test.test_support
+import warnings
def test_main():
- test.test_support.run_unittest(json.tests.test_suite())
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "comparing unequal types "
+ "not supported", DeprecationWarning)
+ test.test_support.run_unittest(json.tests.test_suite())
if __name__ == "__main__":
from test.test_support import findfile, run_unittest
import errno
-linuxaudiodev = test_support.import_module('linuxaudiodev', deprecated=True)
import sys
-import sunaudio
import audioop
import unittest
+linuxaudiodev = test_support.import_module('linuxaudiodev', deprecated=True)
+sunaudio = test_support.import_module('sunaudio', deprecated=True)
class LinuxAudioDevTests(unittest.TestCase):
def __getslice__(self, i, j):
return i, j
- self.assertEqual(X()[-5L:7L], (-5, 7))
- # use the clamping effect to test the smallest and largest longs
- # that fit a Py_ssize_t
- slicemin, slicemax = X()[-2L**100:2L**100]
- self.assertEqual(X()[slicemin:slicemax], (slicemin, slicemax))
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertEqual(X()[-5L:7L], (-5, 7))
+ # use the clamping effect to test the smallest and largest longs
+ # that fit a Py_ssize_t
+ slicemin, slicemax = X()[-2L**100:2L**100]
+ self.assertEqual(X()[slicemin:slicemax], (slicemin, slicemax))
# ----------------------------------- tests of auto int->long conversion
checkit(x, '*', y)
if y:
- expected = longx / longy
- got = x / y
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ expected = longx / longy
+ got = x / y
checkit(x, '/', y)
expected = longx // longy
import socket
import email
import email.message
-import rfc822
import re
import StringIO
from test import test_support
except ImportError:
+# Silence Py3k warning
+rfc822 = test_support.import_module('rfc822')
class TestBase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_buffer(self):
for s in ["", "Andrè Previn", "abc", " "*10000]:
- b = buffer(s)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ b = buffer(s)
new = marshal.loads(marshal.dumps(b))
self.assertEqual(s, new)
marshal.dump(b, file(test_support.TESTFN, "wb"))
unich = unichrs(data[1])
- if ord(unich) == 0xfffd or urt_wa.has_key(unich):
+ if ord(unich) == 0xfffd or unich in urt_wa:
urt_wa[unich] = csetch
from test import test_support
-import mimetools
+mimetools = test_support.import_module("mimetools", deprecated=True)
multifile = test_support.import_module('multifile', deprecated=True)
import cStringIO
import logging
from test import test_support
from StringIO import StringIO
+import warnings
_multiprocessing = test_support.import_module('_multiprocessing')
loadTestsFromTestCase = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase
suite = unittest.TestSuite(loadTestsFromTestCase(tc) for tc in testcases)
- run(suite)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".+slice__ has been removed",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ run(suite)
# Tim sez: "luck of the draw; crashes with or without for me."
print >> f
- return `"machiavelli"`
+ return repr("machiavelli")
def __hash__(self):
return 0
from test.test_support import run_unittest
import unittest
+import warnings
class OpcodeTest(unittest.TestCase):
n = 0
for i in range(10):
n = n+i
- try: 1/0
+ try: 1 // 0
except NameError: pass
except ZeroDivisionError: pass
except TypeError: pass
def test_main():
- run_unittest(OpcodeTest)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "exceptions must derive from "
+ "BaseException", DeprecationWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "catching classes that don't "
+ "inherit from BaseException is not allowed",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ run_unittest(OpcodeTest)
if __name__ == '__main__':
class C:
def check(self, o, v):
- self.assertTrue(operator.isCallable(o) == callable(o) == v)
- check(self, 4, 0)
- check(self, operator.isCallable, 1)
- check(self, C, 1)
- check(self, C(), 0)
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertTrue(operator.isCallable(o) == callable(o) == v)
+ check(self, 4, False)
+ check(self, operator.isCallable, True)
+ check(self, C, True)
+ check(self, C(), False)
def test_isMappingType(self):
self.assertRaises(TypeError, operator.isMappingType)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, operator.contains, None, None)
self.assertTrue(operator.contains(range(4), 2))
self.assertFalse(operator.contains(range(4), 5))
- self.assertTrue(operator.sequenceIncludes(range(4), 2))
- self.assertFalse(operator.sequenceIncludes(range(4), 5))
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertTrue(operator.sequenceIncludes(range(4), 2))
+ self.assertFalse(operator.sequenceIncludes(range(4), 5))
def test_setitem(self):
a = range(3)
from optparse import _match_abbrev
from optparse import _parse_num
-# Do the right thing with boolean values for all known Python versions.
- True, False
-except NameError:
- (True, False) = (1, 0)
retype = type(re.compile(''))
class InterceptedError(Exception):
self.fail("dsp.%s not read-only" % attr)
# Compute expected running time of sound sample (in seconds).
- expected_time = float(len(data)) / (ssize/8) / nchannels / rate
+ expected_time = float(len(data)) / (ssize//8) / nchannels / rate
# set parameters based on .au file headers
dsp.setparameters(AFMT_S16_NE, nchannels, rate)
def test_main(verbose=None):
import sys
from test import test_support
+ import warnings
test_classes = (TestTranforms,)
- test_support.run_unittest(*test_classes)
- # verify reference counting
- if verbose and hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
- import gc
- counts = [None] * 5
- for i in xrange(len(counts)):
- test_support.run_unittest(*test_classes)
- gc.collect()
- counts[i] = sys.gettotalrefcount()
- print counts
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "backquote not supported",
+ SyntaxWarning)
+ test_support.run_unittest(*test_classes)
+ # verify reference counting
+ if verbose and hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
+ import gc
+ counts = [None] * 5
+ for i in xrange(len(counts)):
+ test_support.run_unittest(*test_classes)
+ gc.collect()
+ counts[i] = sys.gettotalrefcount()
+ print counts
if __name__ == "__main__":
import os
from platform import system as platform_system
-def ignore_message_warning():
- """Ignore the DeprecationWarning for BaseException.message."""
- warnings.resetwarnings()
- warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "BaseException.message",
- DeprecationWarning)
+ "BaseException.message has been deprecated",
+ "exceptions must derive from BaseException",
+ "catching classes that don't inherit from BaseException is not allowed",
+ "__getitem__ not supported for exception classes",
+# Silence Py3k and other deprecation warnings
+def ignore_deprecation_warnings(func):
+ """Ignore the known DeprecationWarnings."""
+ def wrapper(*args, **kw):
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.resetwarnings()
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", text, DeprecationWarning)
+ return func(*args, **kw)
+ return wrapper
class ExceptionClassTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_builtins_new_style(self):
self.assertTrue(issubclass(Exception, object))
+ @ignore_deprecation_warnings
def verify_instance_interface(self, ins):
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- ignore_message_warning()
- for attr in ("args", "message", "__str__", "__repr__",
- "__getitem__"):
- self.assertTrue(hasattr(ins, attr),
- "%s missing %s attribute" %
- (ins.__class__.__name__, attr))
+ for attr in ("args", "message", "__str__", "__repr__", "__getitem__"):
+ self.assertTrue(hasattr(ins, attr),
+ "%s missing %s attribute" %
+ (ins.__class__.__name__, attr))
def test_inheritance(self):
# Make sure the inheritance hierarchy matches the documentation
self.assertEqual(given, expected, "%s: %s != %s" % (test_name,
given, expected))
+ @ignore_deprecation_warnings
def test_interface_single_arg(self):
# Make sure interface works properly when given a single argument
arg = "spam"
exc = Exception(arg)
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- ignore_message_warning()
- results = ([len(exc.args), 1], [exc.args[0], arg],
- [exc.message, arg],
- [str(exc), str(arg)], [unicode(exc), unicode(arg)],
- [repr(exc), exc.__class__.__name__ + repr(exc.args)], [exc[0],
- arg])
- self.interface_test_driver(results)
+ results = ([len(exc.args), 1], [exc.args[0], arg], [exc.message, arg],
+ [str(exc), str(arg)], [unicode(exc), unicode(arg)],
+ [repr(exc), exc.__class__.__name__ + repr(exc.args)],
+ [exc[0], arg])
+ self.interface_test_driver(results)
+ @ignore_deprecation_warnings
def test_interface_multi_arg(self):
# Make sure interface correct when multiple arguments given
arg_count = 3
args = tuple(range(arg_count))
exc = Exception(*args)
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- ignore_message_warning()
- results = ([len(exc.args), arg_count], [exc.args, args],
- [exc.message, ''], [str(exc), str(args)],
- [unicode(exc), unicode(args)],
- [repr(exc), exc.__class__.__name__ + repr(exc.args)],
- [exc[-1], args[-1]])
- self.interface_test_driver(results)
+ results = ([len(exc.args), arg_count], [exc.args, args],
+ [exc.message, ''], [str(exc), str(args)],
+ [unicode(exc), unicode(args)],
+ [repr(exc), exc.__class__.__name__ + repr(exc.args)],
+ [exc[-1], args[-1]])
+ self.interface_test_driver(results)
+ @ignore_deprecation_warnings
def test_interface_no_arg(self):
# Make sure that with no args that interface is correct
exc = Exception()
- with warnings.catch_warnings():
- ignore_message_warning()
- results = ([len(exc.args), 0], [exc.args, tuple()],
- [exc.message, ''],
- [str(exc), ''], [unicode(exc), u''],
- [repr(exc), exc.__class__.__name__ + '()'], [True, True])
- self.interface_test_driver(results)
+ results = ([len(exc.args), 0], [exc.args, tuple()],
+ [exc.message, ''],
+ [str(exc), ''], [unicode(exc), u''],
+ [repr(exc), exc.__class__.__name__ + '()'], [True, True])
+ self.interface_test_driver(results)
def test_message_deprecation(self):
self.fail("TypeError expected when catching %s as specified in a "
"tuple" % type(object_))
+ @ignore_deprecation_warnings
def test_raise_classic(self):
# Raising a classic class is okay (for now).
class ClassicClass:
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.package_name = 'PACKAGE_'
- while sys.modules.has_key(self.package_name):
+ while self.package_name in sys.modules:
self.package_name += random.choose(string.letters)
self.module_name = self.package_name + '.foo'
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
def remove_modules(self):
for module_name in (self.package_name, self.module_name):
- if sys.modules.has_key(module_name):
+ if module_name in sys.modules:
del sys.modules[module_name]
def setUp(self):
try: __import__(self.module_name)
except SyntaxError: pass
else: raise RuntimeError, 'Failed to induce SyntaxError'
- self.assertTrue(not sys.modules.has_key(self.module_name) and
+ self.assertTrue(self.module_name not in sys.modules and
not hasattr(sys.modules[self.package_name], 'foo'))
# ...make up a variable name that isn't bound in __builtins__
Test cases for pyclbr.py
Nick Mathewson
-from test.test_support import run_unittest
+from test.test_support import run_unittest, import_module
import sys
from types import ClassType, FunctionType, MethodType, BuiltinFunctionType
import pyclbr
# This next line triggers an error on old versions of pyclbr.
+# Silence Py3k warning
+import_module('commands', deprecated=True)
from commands import getstatus
# Here we test the python class browser code.
def assertHaskey(self, obj, key, ignore):
- ''' succeed iff obj.has_key(key) or key in ignore. '''
+ ''' succeed iff key in obj or key in ignore. '''
if key in ignore: return
- if not obj.has_key(key):
- print >>sys.stderr, "***",key
- self.assertTrue(obj.has_key(key))
+ if key not in obj:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "***", key
+ self.assertTrue(key in obj)
def assertEqualsOrIgnored(self, a, b, ignore):
''' succeed iff a == b or a in ignore or b in ignore '''
def test_easy(self):
self.checkModule('doctest', ignore=("DocTestCase",))
- self.checkModule('rfc822')
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ rfc822 = import_module('rfc822', deprecated=True)
+ self.checkModule('rfc822', rfc822)
def test_decorators(self):
parser.Parse(xml1, 0)
- parser.buffer_size /= 2
+ parser.buffer_size //= 2
self.assertEquals(parser.buffer_size, 1024)
parser.Parse(xml2, 1)
self.assertEquals(self.n, 4)
import unittest
from test import test_support
# A thread to run a function that unclogs a blocked Queue.
class _TriggerThread(threading.Thread):
self.assertTrue(not q.empty(), "Queue should not be empty")
self.assertTrue(not q.full(), "Queue should not be full")
- q.put("last")
+ q.put(LAST)
self.assertTrue(q.full(), "Queue should be full")
- q.put("full", block=0)
+ q.put(FULL, block=0)
self.fail("Didn't appear to block with a full queue")
except Queue.Full:
- q.put("full", timeout=0.01)
+ q.put(FULL, timeout=0.01)
self.fail("Didn't appear to time-out with a full queue")
except Queue.Full:
# Test a blocking put
- self.do_blocking_test(q.put, ("full",), q.get, ())
- self.do_blocking_test(q.put, ("full", True, 10), q.get, ())
+ self.do_blocking_test(q.put, (FULL,), q.get, ())
+ self.do_blocking_test(q.put, (FULL, True, 10), q.get, ())
# Empty it
for i in range(QUEUE_SIZE):
import pickle
import warnings
from math import log, exp, sqrt, pi, fsum, sin
+from functools import reduce
from test import test_support
class TestBasicOps(unittest.TestCase):
import shutil
import unittest
-from test.test_support import run_unittest
+from test.test_support import run_unittest, check_warnings
from repr import repr as r # Don't shadow builtin repr
from repr import Repr
def test_buffer(self):
# XXX doesn't test buffers with no b_base or read-write buffers (see
# bufferobject.c). The test is fairly incomplete too. Sigh.
- x = buffer('foo')
+ # Silence the Py3k warning
+ with check_warnings():
+ x = buffer('foo')
self.assertTrue(repr(x).startswith('<read-only buffer for 0x'))
def test_cell(self):
i = i + 1
self.assertEqual(mn, n,
- "Un-expected name: %s != %s" % (`mn`, `n`))
+ "Un-expected name: %r != %r" % (mn, n))
self.assertEqual(ma, a,
- "Un-expected address: %s != %s" % (`ma`, `a`))
+ "Un-expected address: %r != %r" % (ma, a))
if mn == n and ma == a:
import unittest
from test import test_support
+import warnings
import operator
self.assertIs(op(x, y), True)
def test_main():
- test_support.run_unittest(VectorTest, NumberTest, MiscTest, DictTest, ListTest)
+ test_support.run_unittest(VectorTest, NumberTest, MiscTest, ListTest)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "dict inequality comparisons "
+ "not supported in 3.x", DeprecationWarning)
+ test_support.run_unittest(DictTest)
if __name__ == "__main__":
self.assertEqual(makeReturner2(a=11)()['a'], 11)
- def makeAddPair((a, b)):
- def addPair((c, d)):
- return (a + c, b + d)
- return addPair
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tuple parameter unpacking "
+ "has been removed", SyntaxWarning)
+ exec """\
+def makeAddPair((a, b)):
+ def addPair((c, d)):
+ return (a + c, b + d)
+ return addPair
+""" in locals()
self.assertEqual(makeAddPair((1, 2))((100, 200)), (101,202))
return g
d = f(2)(4)
- self.assertTrue(d.has_key('h'))
+ self.assertTrue('h' in d)
del d['h']
self.assertEqual(d, {'x': 2, 'y': 7, 'w': 6})
self.assertEqual(self.set != self.other, True)
def test_ge_gt_le_lt(self):
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set < self.other)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set <= self.other)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set > self.other)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set >= self.other)
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set < self.other)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set <= self.other)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set > self.other)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set >= self.other)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other < self.set)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other <= self.set)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other > self.set)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other >= self.set)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other < self.set)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other <= self.set)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other > self.set)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other >= self.set)
def test_update_operator(self):
def test_copy(self):
dup = self.set.copy()
- dup_list = list(dup); dup_list.sort()
- set_list = list(self.set); set_list.sort()
+ dup_list = list(dup)
+ set_list = list(self.set)
self.assertEqual(len(dup_list), len(set_list))
- for i in range(len(dup_list)):
- self.assertTrue(dup_list[i] is set_list[i])
+ for elt in dup_list:
+ self.assertTrue(elt in set_list)
def test_deep_copy(self):
dup = copy.deepcopy(self.set)
##print type(dup), repr(dup)
- dup_list = list(dup); dup_list.sort()
- set_list = list(self.set); set_list.sort()
+ dup_list = list(dup)
+ set_list = list(self.set)
self.assertEqual(len(dup_list), len(set_list))
- for i in range(len(dup_list)):
- self.assertEqual(dup_list[i], set_list[i])
+ for elt in dup_list:
+ self.assertTrue(elt in set_list)
for cons in (set, frozenset):
for s in ("123", "", range(1000), ('do', 1.2), xrange(2000,2200,5)):
for g in (G, I, Ig, S, L, R):
- self.assertEqual(sorted(cons(g(s))), sorted(g(s)))
+ self.assertSameElements(cons(g(s)), g(s))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, cons , X(s))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, cons , N(s))
self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, cons , E(s))
if isinstance(expected, bool):
self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
- self.assertEqual(sorted(actual), sorted(expected))
+ self.assertSameElements(actual, expected)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, meth, X(s))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, meth, N(s))
self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, meth, E(s))
t = s.copy()
getattr(s, methname)(list(g(data)))
getattr(t, methname)(g(data))
- self.assertEqual(sorted(s), sorted(t))
+ self.assertSameElements(s, t)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, getattr(set('january'), methname), X(data))
self.assertRaises(TypeError, getattr(set('january'), methname), N(data))
self.assertEqual(self.set != self.other, True)
def test_ge_gt_le_lt(self):
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set < self.other)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set <= self.other)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set > self.other)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set >= self.other)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other < self.set)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other <= self.set)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other > self.set)
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other >= self.set)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set < self.other)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set <= self.other)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set > self.other)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.set >= self.other)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other < self.set)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other <= self.set)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other > self.set)
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.other >= self.set)
def test_union_update_operator(self):
def test_copy(self):
dup = self.set.copy()
- dup_list = list(dup); dup_list.sort()
- set_list = list(self.set); set_list.sort()
+ dup_list = list(dup)
+ set_list = list(self.set)
self.assertEqual(len(dup_list), len(set_list))
- for i in range(len(dup_list)):
- self.assertTrue(dup_list[i] is set_list[i])
+ for elt in dup_list:
+ self.assertTrue(elt in set_list)
def test_deep_copy(self):
dup = copy.deepcopy(self.set)
##print type(dup), repr(dup)
- dup_list = list(dup); dup_list.sort()
- set_list = list(self.set); set_list.sort()
+ dup_list = list(dup)
+ set_list = list(self.set)
self.assertEqual(len(dup_list), len(set_list))
- for i in range(len(dup_list)):
- self.assertEqual(dup_list[i], set_list[i])
+ for elt in dup_list:
+ self.assertTrue(elt in set_list)
import glob
from test import test_support
+test_support.import_module('anydbm', deprecated=True)
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
fn = "shelftemp" + os.extsep + "db"
for module in (sys, os, __builtin__):
- self.assertTrue(os.path.isabs(module.__file__), `module`)
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isabs(module.__file__), repr(module))
except AttributeError:
# We could try everything in sys.modules; however, when regrtest.py
def test_sitecustomize_executed(self):
# If sitecustomize is available, it should have been imported.
- if not sys.modules.has_key("sitecustomize"):
+ if "sitecustomize" not in sys.modules:
import sitecustomize
except ImportError:
tmp.append((i, j, k))
x = X()
- x[1:2] = 42
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ x[1:2] = 42
self.assertEquals(tmp, [(1, 2, 42)])
def test_pickle(self):
- if not callable(test_func):
+ if not hasattr(test_func, '__call__'):
raise TypeError, "test_func must be a callable function"
orig = sys.getrefcount(__name__)
except TypeError:
- if sys.getrefcount(__name__) <> orig:
+ if sys.getrefcount(__name__) != orig:
self.fail("socket.getnameinfo loses a reference")
def testInterpreterCrash(self):
self.assertEqual(msg, MSG)
def _testRecvInto(self):
- buf = buffer(MSG)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ buf = buffer(MSG)
def testRecvFromInto(self):
self.assertEqual(msg, MSG)
def _testRecvFromInto(self):
- buf = buffer(MSG)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ buf = buffer(MSG)
import random
import sys
import unittest
+import warnings
verbose = test_support.verbose
nerrors = 0
def test_stability(self):
data = [(random.randrange(100), i) for i in xrange(200)]
copy = data[:]
- data.sort(key=lambda (x,y): x) # sort on the random first field
+ data.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) # sort on the random first field
copy.sort() # sort using both fields
self.assertEqual(data, copy) # should get the same result
# Verify that the wrapper has been removed
data = range(-2,2)
dup = data[:]
- self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, data.sort, None, lambda x: 1/x)
+ self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, data.sort, None, lambda x: 1 // x)
self.assertEqual(data, dup)
def test_key_with_mutation(self):
- test_support.run_unittest(*test_classes)
- # verify reference counting
- if verbose and hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
- import gc
- counts = [None] * 5
- for i in xrange(len(counts)):
- test_support.run_unittest(*test_classes)
- gc.collect()
- counts[i] = sys.gettotalrefcount()
- print counts
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "the cmp argument is not supported",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ test_support.run_unittest(*test_classes)
+ # verify reference counting
+ if verbose and hasattr(sys, "gettotalrefcount"):
+ import gc
+ counts = [None] * 5
+ for i in xrange(len(counts)):
+ test_support.run_unittest(*test_classes)
+ gc.collect()
+ counts[i] = sys.gettotalrefcount()
+ print counts
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Skip test if _sqlite3 module was not built.
+import warnings
from sqlite3.test import (dbapi, types, userfunctions, py25tests,
factory, transactions, hooks, regression,
def test_main():
- run_unittest(dbapi.suite(), types.suite(), userfunctions.suite(),
- py25tests.suite(), factory.suite(), transactions.suite(),
- hooks.suite(), regression.suite(), dump.suite())
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "buffer.. not supported",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "classic int division",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ run_unittest(dbapi.suite(), types.suite(), userfunctions.suite(),
+ py25tests.suite(), factory.suite(), transactions.suite(),
+ hooks.suite(), regression.suite(), dump.suite())
if __name__ == "__main__":
if test_support.verbose:
sys.stdout.write(pprint.pformat(cert) + '\n')
sys.stdout.write("Connection cipher is " + str(cipher) + '.\n')
- if not cert.has_key('subject'):
+ if 'subject' not in cert:
raise test_support.TestFailed(
"No subject field in certificate: %s." %
# now fetch the same data from the HTTPS server
url = '' % (
server.port, os.path.split(CERTFILE)[1])
- f = urllib.urlopen(url)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ f = urllib.urlopen(url)
dlen = f.info().getheader("content-length")
if dlen and (int(dlen) > 0):
d2 = f.read(int(dlen))
def test_bool(self):
for prefix in tuple("<>!=")+('',):
false = (), [], [], '', 0
- true = [1], 'test', 5, -1, 0xffffffffL+1, 0xffffffff/2
+ true = [1], 'test', 5, -1, 0xffffffffL+1, 0xffffffff//2
falseFormat = prefix + '?' * len(false)
packedFalse = struct.pack(falseFormat, *false)
def test_main():
- run_unittest(StructTest)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "buffer.. not supported",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ run_unittest(StructTest)
if __name__ == '__main__':
def test_main():
from test import test_syntax
- test_support.run_doctest(test_syntax, verbosity=True)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "backquote not supported",
+ SyntaxWarning)
+ test_support.run_doctest(test_syntax, verbosity=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Python/pythonrun.c::PyErr_PrintEx() is tricky.
def test_exc_clear(self):
- self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.exc_clear, 42)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test.test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, sys.exc_clear, 42)
# Verify that exc_info is present and matches exc, then clear it, and
# check that it worked.
self.assertTrue(value is exc)
self.assertTrue(traceback is not None)
- sys.exc_clear()
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test.test_support.check_warnings():
+ sys.exc_clear()
typ, value, traceback = sys.exc_info()
self.assertTrue(typ is None)
# bool
check(True, size(h + 'l'))
# buffer
- check(buffer(''), size(h + '2P2Pil'))
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test.test_support.check_warnings():
+ check(buffer(''), size(h + '2P2Pil'))
# builtin_function_or_method
check(len, size(h + '3P'))
# bytearray
return os.path.isfile(name)
tar = tarfile.open(tmpname, self.mode, encoding="iso8859-1")
- tar.add(tempdir, arcname="empty_dir", exclude=exclude)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ tar.add(tempdir, arcname="empty_dir", exclude=exclude)
tar = tarfile.open(tmpname, "r")
-def registerSignals((for_usr1, for_usr2, for_alrm)):
+def registerSignals(for_usr1, for_usr2, for_alrm):
usr1 = signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, for_usr1)
usr2 = signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, for_usr2)
alrm = signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, for_alrm)
signal.SIGUSR2 : {'tripped': 0, 'tripped_by': 0 },
signal.SIGALRM : {'tripped': 0, 'tripped_by': 0 } }
- oldsigs = registerSignals((handle_signals, handle_signals, handle_signals))
+ oldsigs = registerSignals(handle_signals, handle_signals, handle_signals)
- registerSignals(oldsigs)
+ registerSignals(*oldsigs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
we're testing, so that the 'exception' trace event fires."""
if self.raiseOnEvent == 'exception':
x = 0
- y = 1/x
+ y = 1 // x
return 1
from StringIO import StringIO
import sys
import unittest
+from imp import reload
from test.test_support import run_unittest, is_jython, Error
import traceback
def test_format_exception_only_bad__str__(self):
class X(Exception):
def __str__(self):
- 1/0
+ 1 // 0
err = traceback.format_exception_only(X, X())
self.assertEqual(len(err), 1)
str_value = '<unprintable %s object>' % X.__name__
import unittest
from test import test_support
+# Silence Py3k warning
+test_support.import_module('compiler', deprecated=True)
from compiler import transformer, ast
from compiler import compile
import unittest
import sys
import locale
+import warnings
class TypesTests(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 0, ',' + code)
def test_main():
- run_unittest(TypesTests)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "buffer.. not supported",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "classic long division",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ run_unittest(TypesTests)
if __name__ == '__main__':
-from test.test_support import run_unittest, have_unicode
+from test.test_support import run_unittest, check_warnings
import unittest
import sys
self.assertTrue(g_cell != h_cell)
def test_main():
- run_unittest(TestImplementationComparisons)
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
+ with check_warnings():
+ run_unittest(TestImplementationComparisons)
if __name__ == '__main__':
self.assertRaises(KeyError, lambda: None)
except self.failureException as e:
- self.assert_("KeyError not raised" in e, str(e))
+ self.assert_("KeyError not raised" in e.args, str(e))
self.fail("assertRaises() didn't fail")
with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
except self.failureException as e:
- self.assert_("KeyError not raised" in e, str(e))
+ self.assert_("KeyError not raised" in e.args, str(e))
self.fail("assertRaises() didn't fail")
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.path == other.path
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ __hash__ = None
loader._get_module_from_name = lambda name: Module(name)
def loadTestsFromModule(module, use_load_tests):
if use_load_tests:
def test_execfile(self):
namespace = {}
- execfile(test_support.TESTFN, namespace)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ execfile(test_support.TESTFN, namespace)
func = namespace['line3']
self.assertEqual(func.func_code.co_firstlineno, 3)
self.assertEqual(namespace['line4'], FATX)
from test import test_support
import os
import mimetools
+import random
import tempfile
import StringIO
# Records changes to env vars
self.env = test_support.EnvironmentVarGuard()
# Delete all proxy related env vars
- for k, v in os.environ.iteritems():
+ for k in os.environ.keys():
if 'proxy' in k.lower():
self.assertEqual(urllib.quote_plus('alpha+beta gamma', '+'),
+ def test_quote_leak(self):
+ # bug 5596 - highlight the refleak in the internal _safemaps cache
+ safe = ''.join(chr(random.randrange(128)) for i in '123456')
+ text = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
+ result = urllib.quote(text, safe=safe)
+ self.assertEqual(result, text)
class UnquotingTests(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for unquote() and unquote_plus()
#!/usr/bin/env python
-import mimetools
import threading
import urlparse
import urllib2
import unittest
import hashlib
from test import test_support
+mimetools = test_support.import_module('mimetools', deprecated=True)
# Loopback http server infrastructure
if len(self._users) == 0:
return True
- if not request_handler.headers.has_key('Proxy-Authorization'):
+ if 'Proxy-Authorization' not in request_handler.headers:
return self._return_auth_challenge(request_handler)
auth_dict = self._create_auth_dict(
- if self._users.has_key(auth_dict["username"]):
+ if auth_dict["username"] in self._users:
password = self._users[ auth_dict["username"] ]
return self._return_auth_challenge(request_handler)
import urllib
import sys
import os
-import mimetools
+mimetools = test_support.import_module("mimetools", deprecated=True)
def _open_with_retry(func, host, *args, **kwargs):
# Test __repr__
self.assertEqual(str(u0), str(d0))
self.assertEqual(repr(u1), repr(d1))
- self.assertEqual(`u2`, `d2`)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertEqual(eval('`u2`'), eval('`d2`'))
# Test __cmp__ and __len__
all = [d0, d1, d2, u, u0, u1, u2, uu, uu0, uu1, uu2]
# Test has_key and "in".
for i in u2.keys():
- self.assertTrue(u2.has_key(i))
self.assertTrue(i in u2)
- self.assertEqual(u1.has_key(i), d1.has_key(i))
self.assertEqual(i in u1, i in d1)
- self.assertEqual(u0.has_key(i), d0.has_key(i))
self.assertEqual(i in u0, i in d0)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertTrue(u2.has_key(i))
+ self.assertEqual(u1.has_key(i), d1.has_key(i))
+ self.assertEqual(u0.has_key(i), d0.has_key(i))
# Test update
t = UserDict.UserDict()
from UserList import UserList
from test import test_support, list_tests
+import warnings
class UserListTest(list_tests.CommonTest):
type2test = UserList
self.assertEqual(iter(T((1,2))).next(), "0!!!")
def test_main():
- test_support.run_unittest(UserListTest)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".+slice__ has been removed",
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ test_support.run_unittest(UserListTest)
if __name__ == "__main__":
def test_main():
with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ # Silence Py3k warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".*MutableString",
+ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".+slice__ has been removed",
+ DeprecationWarning)
test_support.run_unittest(UserStringTest, MutableStringTest)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Live reference:
o = C()
wr = weakref.ref(o)
- `wr`
+ repr(wr)
# Dead reference:
del o
- `wr`
+ repr(wr)
def test_basic_callback(self):
self.assertEqual(len(L), 1)
self.assertTrue(p, "proxy for non-empty UserList should be true")
- p[:] = [2, 3]
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ p[:] = [2, 3]
self.assertEqual(len(L), 2)
self.assertEqual(len(p), 2)
self.assertTrue(3 in p,
## self.assertEqual(repr(L2), repr(p2))
L3 = UserList.UserList(range(10))
p3 = weakref.proxy(L3)
- self.assertEqual(L3[:], p3[:])
- self.assertEqual(L3[5:], p3[5:])
- self.assertEqual(L3[:5], p3[:5])
- self.assertEqual(L3[2:5], p3[2:5])
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ with test_support.check_warnings():
+ self.assertEqual(L3[:], p3[:])
+ self.assertEqual(L3[5:], p3[5:])
+ self.assertEqual(L3[:5], p3[:5])
+ self.assertEqual(L3[2:5], p3[2:5])
def test_proxy_unicode(self):
# See bug 5037
def test_weak_keys(self):
# This exercises d.copy(), d.items(), d[] = v, d[], del d[],
- # len(d), d.has_key().
+ # len(d), in d.
dict, objects = self.make_weak_keyed_dict()
for o in objects:
"deleting the keys did not clear the dictionary")
o = Object(42)
dict[o] = "What is the meaning of the universe?"
- self.assertTrue(dict.has_key(o))
- self.assertTrue(not dict.has_key(34))
+ self.assertTrue(o in dict)
+ self.assertTrue(34 not in dict)
def test_weak_keyed_iters(self):
dict, objects = self.make_weak_keyed_dict()
objects2 = list(objects)
for wr in refs:
ob = wr()
- self.assertTrue(dict.has_key(ob))
+ self.assertTrue(ob in dict)
self.assertTrue(ob in dict)
self.assertEqual(ob.arg, dict[ob])
self.assertEqual(len(list(dict.iterkeyrefs())), len(objects))
for wr in dict.iterkeyrefs():
ob = wr()
- self.assertTrue(dict.has_key(ob))
self.assertTrue(ob in dict)
self.assertEqual(ob.arg, dict[ob])
weakdict = klass()
o = weakdict.setdefault(key, value1)
self.assertTrue(o is value1)
- self.assertTrue(weakdict.has_key(key))
+ self.assertTrue(key in weakdict)
self.assertTrue(weakdict.get(key) is value1)
self.assertTrue(weakdict[key] is value1)
o = weakdict.setdefault(key, value2)
self.assertTrue(o is value1)
- self.assertTrue(weakdict.has_key(key))
+ self.assertTrue(key in weakdict)
self.assertTrue(weakdict.get(key) is value1)
self.assertTrue(weakdict[key] is value1)
def check_update(self, klass, dict):
- # This exercises d.update(), len(d), d.keys(), d.has_key(),
+ # This exercises d.update(), len(d), d.keys(), in d,
# d.get(), d[].
weakdict = klass()
self.assertTrue(len(weakdict) == len(dict))
for k in weakdict.keys():
- self.assertTrue(dict.has_key(k),
+ self.assertTrue(k in dict,
"mysterious new key appeared in weak dict")
v = dict.get(k)
self.assertTrue(v is weakdict[k])
self.assertTrue(v is weakdict.get(k))
for k in dict.keys():
- self.assertTrue(weakdict.has_key(k),
+ self.assertTrue(k in weakdict,
"original key disappeared in weak dict")
v = dict[k]
self.assertTrue(v is weakdict[k])
import test.test_support
import unittest
import whichdb
-import anydbm
import glob
_fname = test.test_support.TESTFN
+# Silence Py3k warning
+anydbm = test.test_support.import_module('anydbm', deprecated=True)
def _delete_files():
# we don't know the precise name the underlying database uses
# so we use glob to locate all names
# we define a new test method for each
# candidate database module.
- mod = __import__(name)
- except ImportError:
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ mod = test.test_support.import_module(name, deprecated=True)
+ except unittest.SkipTest:
def test_whichdb_name(self, name=name, mod=mod):
self.assertRaises(AssertionError, falseAsBool)
def failAsBool():
- with cm(lambda: 1//0):
+ with cm(lambda: 1 // 0):
self.fail("Should NOT see this")
self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, failAsBool)
def __exit__(self, t, v, tb): return True
with AfricanSwallow():
- 1/0
+ 1 // 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
self.fail("ZeroDivisionError should have been swallowed")
def __exit__(self, t, v, tb): return False
with EuropeanSwallow():
- 1/0
+ 1 // 0
except ZeroDivisionError:
env = handler.environ
from os import environ
for k,v in environ.items():
- if not empty.has_key(k):
+ if k not in empty:
for k,v in empty.items():
- self.assertTrue(env.has_key(k))
+ self.assertTrue(k in env)
def testEnviron(self):
h = TestHandler(X="Y")
h = BaseCGIHandler(None,None,None,{})
for key in 'wsgi.url_scheme', 'wsgi.input', 'wsgi.errors':
- self.assertTrue(h.environ.has_key(key))
+ self.assertTrue(key in h.environ)
def testScheme(self):
h=TestHandler(HTTPS="on"); h.setup_environ()
nsdoc = "<foo xmlns='URI' attr='val'/>"
-import warnings
-warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".* xmllib .* obsolete.*",
- DeprecationWarning, r'xmllib$')
from test import test_support
import unittest
-import xmllib
+# Silence Py3k warning
+xmllib = test_support.import_module('xmllib', deprecated=True)
class XMLParserTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
mod_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
pickletester = types.ModuleType("test.pickletester")
-execfile(mod_path, pickletester.__dict__, pickletester.__dict__)
+exec compile(open(mod_path).read(), mod_path, 'exec') in pickletester.__dict__
AbstractPickleTests = pickletester.AbstractPickleTests
if pickletester.__name__ in sys.modules:
raise RuntimeError("Did not expect to find test.pickletester loaded")
- for obj in known_good_tests:
- _run_object_doctest(obj, test_zipped_doctest)
+ # Silence Py3k warning
+ # Needed for test_DocTestParser and test_debug
+ with test.test_support.check_warnings():
+ for obj in known_good_tests:
+ _run_object_doctest(obj, test_zipped_doctest)
def test_doctest_main_issue4197(self):
test_src = textwrap.dedent("""\