-/* utility function to write .dsp source blocks */
-function write_src_file(fname, arr)
+/* check for duplicate entries */
+function check_duplicates(local, core)
- var src = FSO.CreateTextFile(fname, true);
+ if (!local) {
+ return core;
+ }
+ arr = local.split(" ");
+ for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+ if (core.match(arr[i])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ core += " " + arr[i];
+ }
+ return core;
+/* read .dsp source blocks */
+function read_src_files(ext, tmpl, path)
+ sources = file_get_contents("tmp\\src\\" + ext + ".sources.tmp");
+ sources = (path ? sources.replace(/\.\//g, path) : sources);
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace("SOURCEFILES", sources);
+ FSO.DeleteFile("tmp\\src\\" + ext + ".sources.tmp");
+ headers = file_get_contents("tmp\\src\\" + ext + ".headers.tmp");
+ headers = (path ? headers.replace(/\.\//g, path) : headers);
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace("HEADERFILES", headers);
+ FSO.DeleteFile("tmp\\src\\" + ext + ".headers.tmp");
+ return tmpl;
+/* write a .dsp source block */
+function write_src_file(fname, path, intpath, arr)
+ FSO.FolderExists("tmp\\src") ? "" : FSO.CreateFolder("tmp\\src");
+ var src = FSO.CreateTextFile("tmp\\src\\" + fname, true);
+ var out = get_define("BUILD_DIR");
for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i].length > 1) {
+ if (arr[i].match('alloca.c') ||
+ arr[i].match(/internal_functions_(nw|win32)\.c/) ||
+ arr[i].match(/flock\.(c|h)/) ||
+ arr[i].match(/zend_static_allocator\.(c|h)/) ||
+ arr[i].match(/zend_(ini|language)_scanner_defs\.h/)) {
+ continue;
+ }
src.WriteLine("# Begin Source File");
src.WriteLine("SOURCE=" + arr[i]);
+ src.WriteLine('# PROP Intermediate_Dir "' + intpath + out + '\\' + path + '"');
src.WriteLine("# End Source File");
-/* final stage, all gets cleaned up here */
+/* generate list of text files */
+function generate_text_filelist(ext, ext_dir)
+ var txtdir = FSO.GetFolder(ext_dir);
+ block = '# Begin Group "Text Files"\r\n\# PROP Default_Filter ""\r\n\r\n';
+ txt = new Enumerator(txtdir.Files);
+ for (; !txt.atEnd(); txt.moveNext()) {
+ fname = FSO.GetFileName(txt.item());
+ munged = fname.replace(ext, ""); /* TSRM...! */
+ if (munged.match(/[A-Z]{4}/)){
+ block += "# Begin Source File\r\n";
+ block += "SOURCE=./" + fname + "\r\n";
+ block += "# End Source File\r\n\r\n";
+ }
+ }
+ block += "# End Group\r\n";
+ return block;
+/* generate list of resource files */
+function generate_resource_filelist(ext, ext_dir)
+ var resdir = FSO.GetFolder(ext_dir);
+ res = new Enumerator(resdir.Files);
+ block = "";
+ for (; !res.atEnd(); res.moveNext()) {
+ fname = FSO.GetFileName(res.item());
+ if (fname.match(/\.(ico|rc)/)) {
+ block += "# Begin Source File\r\n";
+ block += "SOURCE=./" + fname + "\r\n";
+ block += "# End Source File\r\n\r\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return block;
+/* generate parser and scanner files for Zend */
+function generate_parsers_or_scanners(arr, type)
+ var filter = (type.match("Parsers") ? "y" : "l");
+ ret = '# Begin Group "' + type + '"\r\n# PROP Default_Filter "' + filter + '"\r\n\r\n';
+ for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+ fl = "zend_" + arr[i] + "_" + type.toLowerCase().substr(0, type.length - 1);
+ ret += "# Begin Source File\r\n";
+ ret += "SOURCE=.\\" + fl + "." + filter + "\r\n\r\n";
+ ret += '# Begin Custom Build\r\n\r\n';
+ if (type.match("Parsers")) {
+ pre = (arr[i].match(/ini/) ? "ini_ " : "zend ");
+ ret += fl + ".c " + fl + ".h: " + fl + ".y\r\n";
+ ret += "\tbison --output=" + fl + ".c -v -d -p " + pre + fl + ".y\r\n\r\n";
+ } else {
+ ret += fl + ".c: " + fl + ".l\r\n";
+ ret += "\tre2c --case-inverted -cbdFt " + fl + "_defs.h -o" + fl + ".c " + fl + ".l\r\n\r\n";
+ }
+ ret += "# End Custom Build\r\n";
+ ret += "# End Source File\r\n";
+ }
+ ret += "# End Group\r\n\r\n";
+ return ret;
+/* generate .defs file for php5[ts].dll */
+function generate_php_defs()
+ var defs = get_define("PHP_DLL_DEF_SOURCES").split(" ");
+ var bdir = get_define("BUILD_DIR") + "\\";
+ var file = get_define("PHPLIB").replace("lib", "def");
+ var path = "..\\" + bdir + file;
+ var deps = "USERDEP__PHP5TS=";
+ var cmds = "BuildCmds= \\\r\n";
+ var cmd = '$(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"\r\n\t$(BuildCmds)\r\n';
+ for (i = 0; i < defs.length; i++) {
+ deps += '"..\\' + defs[i] + '" ';
+ cmds += "\ttype ..\\" + defs[i] + (i == 0 ? " > " : " >> ") + path + " \\\r\n";
+ }
+ ret = '# Begin Group "Defs Files"\r\n\r\n';
+ ret += "# Begin Source File\r\nSOURCE=" + path + "\r\n\r\n";
+ ret += deps.substr(0, deps.length-1) + "\r\n# Begin Custom Build - ";
+ ret += "Generating $(InputPath)\r\nInputPath=" + path + "\r\n\r\n";
+ ret += cmds + '\r\n\"' + path + '" : ' + cmd + "\r\n";
+ ret += "# End Custom Build\r\n# End Source File\r\n\r\n";
+ ret += "# End Group\r\n";
+ return ret;
+/* generate win32\wsyslog.h for php5[ts].dll */
+function generate_wsyslog()
+ var path = ".\\build\\wsyslog.mc\r\n\r\n";
+ var intdir = "..\\" + get_define("BUILD_DIR");
+ ret = "# Begin Source File\r\nSOURCE=" + path;
+ ret += "# Begin Custom Build\r\nInputDir=.\\build\r\n";
+ ret += "IntDir=" + intdir + "\r\nInputPath=" + path;
+ ret += '"wsyslog.h" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"\r\n';
+ ret += "\tmc -h $(InputDir)/.. -r $(InputDir) -x $(IntDir) $(InputPath)\r\n\r\n";
+ ret += "# End Custom Build\r\n# End Source File\r\n";
+ return ret;
+/* generate ext\date\lib\timelib_config.h for php5[ts].dll */
+function generate_timelib_conf(headers)
+ var file = "timelib_config.h";
+ var path = "..\\ext\\date\\lib\\timelib_config.h";
+ var pos = headers.search(file);
+ var entry = headers.slice(pos, pos + 64);
+ replace = entry.replace(file, file + ".win32");
+ replace += "\r\n\r\n# Begin Custom Build\r\nInputDir=..\\ext\\date\\lib\r\n";
+ replace += "InputPath=" + path + ".win32\r\n\r\n";
+ replace += '"' + path + '" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"\r\n';
+ replace += "\tcopy $(InputPath) $(InputDir)\\" + file + "\r\n\r\n";
+ replace += "# End Custom Build";
+ headers = headers.replace(entry, replace);
+ return headers;
+/* generate php5dll[ts].dsp */
+function generate_core_dsp(core_headers, core_sources, headers, sources, cflags, ldflags, libs)
+ var ts = (PHP_ZTS != "no" ? "ts" : "");
+ var extname = "php5dll" + ts;
+ var tmpl = generate_dsp_file(extname, ".", false, false);
+ cflags += (get_define("CFLAGS_PHP") ? get_define("CFLAGS_PHP").replace("/D _USRDLL", "") : "");
+ cflags = cflags.replace(/\/(I|D)(\S)/g, "/$1 $2");
+ ldflags += (get_define("LDFLAGS_PHP") ? get_define("LDFLAGS_PHP") : "");
+ libs += (get_define("LIBS_PHP") ? " " + get_define("LIBS_PHP") : "");
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/ LOCALCPP/, cflags.replace(/\"ext/g, '"../ext') + " /c");
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/ LOCALLIBS/, libs.substr(1));
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/ LOCALLDFLAGS/, ldflags);
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(extname + ".dll", get_define("PHPDLL"));
+ wsyslog = (core_headers.match("wsyslog.h") ? "" : generate_wsyslog(core_headers));
+ core_sources = '# Begin Group "CORE"\r\n' + core_sources + "# End Group\r\n";
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/CORESOURCES/, core_sources);
+ core_headers = '# Begin Group "CORE "\r\n' + core_headers + "# End Group\r\n";
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/COREHEADERS/, core_headers + wsyslog);
+ headers = generate_timelib_conf(headers);
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/SOURCEFILES/, sources);
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/HEADERFILES/, headers);
+ defs = generate_php_defs();
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/DEFS/, defs);
+ dsp = FSO.CreateTextFile("win32\\php5dll" + ts + ".dsp", true);
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("\tGenerating win32\\php5dll" + ts + ".dsp");
+ dsp.Write(tmpl);
+ dsp.Close();
+ return;
+/* generate .dsw files */
+function generate_dsw_files(sblocks, mblocks)
+ var stmpl = file_get_contents("win32\\build\\template.dsw");
+ var mtmpl = file_get_contents("win32\\build\\template.dsw");
+ var ts = (PHP_ZTS != "no" ? "ts" : "");
+ /* push all the sapi blocks to the same tag */
+ stmpl = stmpl.replace("INSERT", sblocks);
+ stmpl = (PHP_ZTS != "no" ? stmpl : stmpl.replace(/dllts/g, "dll"));
+ sdsw = FSO.CreateTextFile("win32\\php5" + ts + ".dsw", true);
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("\tGenerating win32\\php5" + ts + ".dsw");
+ sdsw.Write(stmpl);
+ sdsw.Close();
+ /* same for shared modules - except that nothing else goes in here */
+ garbage = mtmpl.slice(200, mtmpl.search("INSERT"));
+ mtmpl = mtmpl.replace(garbage, "\r\n");
+ mtmpl = mtmpl.replace("INSERT", mblocks);
+ mtmpl = (PHP_ZTS != "no" ? mtmpl : mtmpl.replace(/dllts/g, "dll"));
+ mdsw = FSO.CreateTextFile("win32\\php_modules.dsw", true);
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("\tGenerating win32\\php_modules.dsw");
+ mdsw.Write(mtmpl);
+ mdsw.Close();
+ return;
+/* finalize .dsp files and copy to final destination */
function copy_dsp_files()
var tmp = FSO.GetFolder("tmp");
- var core = "TSRM Zend main streams win32 standard";
- var tmpl = file_get_contents("win32\\build\\template.dsw");
+ var CORE_HEADERS = "";
+ var CORE_SOURCES = "";
+ var EXT_HEADERS = "";
+ var EXT_SOURCES = "";
+ var EXT_CFLAGS = "";
+ var EXT_LDFLAGS = "";
+ var EXT_LIBS = "";
+ var sblocks = ""; /* for sapis */
+ var mblocks = ""; /* for modules */
f = new Enumerator(tmp.Files);
- blocks = "";
for (; !f.atEnd(); f.moveNext()) {
- /* retrieve the final path for the .dsp */
+ /* retrieve the path */
contents = file_get_contents(f.item());
address = contents.slice(0, contents.indexOf("#"));
+ contents = contents.slice(contents.indexOf("#")+1);
+ shared = contents.slice(0, contents.indexOf("#"));
contents = contents.slice(contents.indexOf("#"));
- dsp = FSO.CreateTextFile(address, true);
- dsp.Write(contents);
- dsp.Close();
- /* pick up module name, check it isn't already in template.dsw */
+ /* pick up module name and path */
+ path = address.slice(0, address.lastIndexOf("\\")+1);
ext = address.slice(address.lastIndexOf("\\")+1, address.length-4);
- /* if not, write the workspace block */
- if (!core.match(ext)) {
- blocks += file_get_contents("win32\\build\\block.template.dsw");
- blocks = blocks.replace("ADDRESS", address);
- blocks = blocks.replace("EXTNAME", ext);
+ EXT = ext.toUpperCase();
+ /* pick up local flags and libs */
+ cflags = (get_define("CFLAGS_" + EXT) ? get_define("CFLAGS_" + EXT) : "");
+ cflags += (ext.match(/(TSRM|Zend)/) ? "/D TSRM_EXPORTS " : "");
+ cflags += (ext.match(/Zend/) ? "/D LIBZEND_EXPORTS " : "");
+ libs = get_define("LIBS_" + EXT);
+ ldflags = get_define("LDFLAGS_" + EXT);
+ contents = contents.replace(/LOCALCPP/, cflags + "/c");
+ contents = contents.replace(/LOCALLIBS\s/, (libs ? libs + " " : ""));
+ contents = contents.replace(/LOCALLDFLAGS\s/, (ldflags ? ldflags + " " : ""));
+ if (ext.match("Zend")) {
+ arr = new Array("ini", "language");
+ parsers = generate_parsers_or_scanners(arr, "Parsers");
+ scanners = generate_parsers_or_scanners(arr, "Scanners");
+ contents = contents.replace(/DEFS/, parsers + scanners);
- FSO.DeleteFile(f.item());
- }
+ /* none of these are core... */
+ contents = contents.replace(/\r\n(CORESOURCES|COREHEADERS|EXTSOURCES|EXTHEADERS|DEFS)\r\n/g, "");
- /* push all the blocks to the same tag */
- tmpl = tmpl.replace("INSERT", blocks);
+ if (address.match("sapi")) {
+ /* most sapis are .dlls, just not cgi, cli, embed */
- dsw = FSO.CreateTextFile("win32\\php.dsw", true);
- dsw.Write(tmpl);
- dsw.Close();
+ if (ext == "cli") {
- /* goodnight vienna */
- FSO.DeleteFolder("tmp");
+ /* change of address: php5ts.dsp */
+ newext = "php5" + (PHP_ZTS != "no" ? "ts" : "");
+ address = "win32\\" + newext + ".dsp";
+ srcpath = "..\\" + path;
+ contents = contents.replace(/\"cli/g, '"' + newext);
+ contents = contents.replace(/cli\.exe/g, "php.exe");
-function generate_dsp_flags()
- for (i = 0; i < DSP_FLAGS.length; i++) {
- name = DSP_FLAGS[i][0];
- /* it's apparently not possible to key a javascript
- array using strings, much less dual-key it */
- if (DSP_FLAGS.length == i+1 || name != DSP_FLAGS[i+1][0]) {
- ext = name.substr(7).toLowerCase();
- src = file_get_contents("tmp\\" + ext + ".dsp");
- have = "/D HAVE_" + ext.toUpperCase() + "=1";
- src = src.replace(have, have + " " + DSP_FLAGS[i][1]);
- dsp = FSO.CreateTextFile("tmp\\" + ext + ".dsp", true);
- dsp.Write(src);
+ } else if (ext == "cgi") {
+ /* change of address: php5ts_cgi.dsp */
+ newext = "php5" + (PHP_ZTS != "no" ? "ts" : "") + "_cgi";
+ address = "win32\\" + newext + ".dsp";
+ srcpath = "..\\" + path;
+ contents = contents.replace(/\"cgi/g, '"' + newext);
+ contents = contents.replace(/cgi\.exe/g, "php-cgi.exe");
+ } else if (ext == "embed") {
+ /* leave embed alone for now */
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ /* change of address: server modules get a prefix */
+ continue;
+ newext = "php5" + ext;
+ address = address.replace(ext + ".dsp", newext + ".dsp");
+ }
+ contents = contents.replace("CFG=" + ext, "CFG=" + newext);
+ contents = read_src_files(ext, contents, (srcpath ? srcpath : false));
+ dsp = FSO.CreateTextFile(address, true);
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("\tGenerating " + address);
+ dsp.Write(contents);
+ /* add all configured sapis to the list in php5ts.dsw */
+ sblocks += file_get_contents("win32\\build\\block.template.dsw");
+ sblocks = sblocks.replace("ADDRESS", address);
+ sblocks = sblocks.replace("EXTNAME", newext);
+ } else if (address.match("ext") && shared == "true") {
+ /* independent modules with their own .dsp */
+ contents = read_src_files(ext, contents, false);
+ dsp = FSO.CreateTextFile(address, true);
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("\tGenerating " + address);
+ dsp.Write(contents);
+ dsp.Close();
+ mblocks += file_get_contents("win32\\build\\block.template.dsw");
+ mblocks = mblocks.replace("ADDRESS", address);
+ mblocks = mblocks.replace("EXTNAME", ext);
+ } else if (ext.match(/(TSRM|Zend)/)) {
+ contents = read_src_files(ext, contents, false);
+ dsp = FSO.CreateTextFile(address, true);
+ STDOUT.WriteLine("\tGenerating " + address);
+ dsp.Write(contents);
+ dsp.Close();
+ } else {
+ /* bound for php5dll[ts].dsp */
+ cflags = get_define("CFLAGS_" + EXT);
+ cflags = cflags ? cflags.replace(/-(I|D)/g, " /$1") : "";
+ cflags = cflags? cflags.replace(/\/(I|D)\s+/g, "/$1") : "";
+ cflags = cflags ? cflags.replace(/\/I(?!\")(\S+)/g, '/I"$1"') : "";
+ EXT_CFLAGS = check_duplicates(cflags, EXT_CFLAGS);
+ EXT_LDFLAGS = check_duplicates(ldflags, EXT_LDFLAGS);
+ EXT_LIBS = check_duplicates(libs, EXT_LIBS);
+ beginh = '# Begin Group "' + ext + ' "\r\n';
+ begins = '# Begin Group "' + ext + '"\r\n';
+ hdr = file_get_contents("tmp\\src\\" + ext + ".headers.tmp");
+ hdr = hdr.replace(/\.\//g, "..\\" + path);
+ hdr = hdr.replace(/\.\.\\\.\.\\/g, "..\\");
+ src = file_get_contents("tmp\\src\\" + ext + ".sources.tmp");
+ src = src.replace(/\.\//g, "..\\" + path);
+ src = src.replace(/\.\.\\\.\.\\/g, "..\\");
+ if (ext.match(/(main|standard|streams|win32)/)) {
+ CORE_HEADERS += beginh + hdr + "# End Group\r\n";
+ CORE_SOURCES += begins + src + "# End Group\r\n";
+ } else {
+ EXT_HEADERS += beginh + hdr + "# End Group\r\n";
+ EXT_SOURCES += begins + src + "# End Group\r\n";
+ }
+ FSO.DeleteFile("tmp\\src\\" + ext + ".headers.tmp");
+ FSO.DeleteFile("tmp\\src\\" + ext + ".sources.tmp");
+ FSO.DeleteFile(f.item());
- /* now we have flags (and potentially other stuff) for
- all configured modules, so finish off the process */
- copy_dsp_files();
- return;
+ generate_dsw_files(sblocks, mblocks);
+ /* goodnight vienna */
+ FSO.DeleteFolder("tmp\\src");
+ FSO.DeleteFolder("tmp");
-function generate_dsp_filelist(ext, ext_dir, files)
+/* generate source and header entries for .dsp files */
+function generate_dsp_filelist(ext, ext_dir, files, intpath)
var EXT = ext.toUpperCase();
var tabs = new RegExp("[\t\r\n\'\"]", "gm");
var dir = FSO.GetFolder(ext_dir);
var configfile = FSO.BuildPath(ext_dir, "config.w32");
var headers = "";
+ var path = "";
if (!files) {
/* module either lacks a config.w32 or is core
sources = new RegExp("ADD_SOURCES\\([^,]*\\s*,\\s*['\"]([^'\"]+)['\"].*\\)", "gm");
arr = config.match(sources);
line = arr[0].replace(tabs, "");
+ line = line.replace(/ADD_SOURCES\((.+)\)/, "$1");
newarr = line.split(',');
- orig_path = newarr[0].replace("ADD_SOURCES(", "");
- munged_dir = ext_dir.replace(/\\/g, '/');
- orig_path = orig_path.replace("configure_module_dirname", munged_dir);
- orig_path = orig_path.replace(" + ", "");
- path = orig_path.replace(munged_dir + '/', "");
+ orig_path = newarr[0].replace(/\//g, "\\");
+ orig_path = orig_path.replace(/configure_module_dirname(\s?\+\s?)?/, ext_dir);
+ path = orig_path.replace(ext_dir + '\\', "");
- if (path.length > 0 && path != ext) {
+ if (path.length > 0 && path != ext_dir) {
subdir = FSO.GetFolder(orig_path);
lib = new Enumerator(subdir.Files);
libheaders = "";
name = FSO.GetFileName(lib.item());
if (name.substr(name.length-2) == ".h") {
- libheaders += " ./" + path + "/" + name;
+ libheaders += " ./" + path + "\\" + name;
DSP_HEADERS = DSP_HEADERS.concat(libheaders.split(" "));
- sources = newarr[1].replace(/\\/g, "");
- sources = sources.replace(ws, " ");
- path = path ? " ./" + path + "/" : " ./";
- sources = sources.replace(/ /g, path);
- DSP_SOURCES = DSP_SOURCES.concat(sources.split(" "));
+ } else {
+ path = "";
+ sources = newarr[1].replace(/\\/g, ""); /* continuation lines */
+ sources = sources.replace(ws, " ");
+ sources = sources.replace(/\s/g, (path ? " ./" + path + "\\" : " ./"));
+ sources = check_duplicates(DSP_SOURCES.join(" "), sources);
+ DSP_SOURCES = sources.split(" ");
- /* store the array contents in temp files
- waiting for CFLAGS etc to be populated */
- write_src_file("tmp\\" + ext + ".headers.tmp", DSP_HEADERS);
- write_src_file("tmp\\" + ext + ".sources.tmp", DSP_SOURCES);
+ /* store the array contents in temp files for now */
+ write_src_file(ext + ".headers.tmp", ext_dir, intpath, DSP_HEADERS);
+ write_src_file(ext + ".sources.tmp", ext_dir, intpath, DSP_SOURCES);
-/* entry point. Called from EXTENSION(), from SAPI() and (for
- core modules) from generate_files(), all in confutils.js */
+/* entry point. Called from EXTENSION(), SAPI() and generate_files() (confutils.js) */
function generate_dsp_file(ext, ext_dir, files, shared)
var dsp = FSO.CreateTextFile("tmp\\" + ext + ".dsp", true);
var tmpl = file_get_contents("win32\\build\\template.dsp");
- var EXT = ext.toUpperCase();
- /* store the final path in the head of the tmp file */
- tmpl = ext_dir + "\\" + ext + ".dsp" + tmpl;
- extname = new RegExp("extname", "gm");
- EXTNAME = new RegExp("EXTNAME", "gm");
- tmpl = tmpl.replace(extname, ext);
- tmpl = tmpl.replace(EXTNAME, EXT);
- status = PHP_DEBUG == "no" ? 'Release' : 'Debug';
- STATUS = new RegExp("Status", "gm");
- tmpl = tmpl.replace(STATUS, status);
- if (PHP_ZTS == "no") {
- zts = new RegExp("_TS", "gmi");
- tmpl = tmpl.replace(zts, '');
+ var ts = (PHP_ZTS != "no" ? "ts" : "");
+ var debug = (PHP_DEBUG != "no" ? " /debug" : "");
+ var ld = (debug ? "/LDd" : "/LD");
+ var status = (PHP_DEBUG == "no" ? 'Release' : 'Debug');
+ var statusts = status + (ts ? "_" + ts.toUpperCase() : "");
+ var baseflags = "";
+ /* store the final path and value of shared in the tmp file */
+ if (!ext.match("php5dll")) {
+ tmpl = ext_dir + "\\" + ext + ".dsp#" + shared + tmpl;
- if (PHP_DEBUG != "no") {
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/extname/g, ext);
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/Status_TS/g, statusts);
+ if (debug) {
tmpl = tmpl.replace(/Use_Debug_Libraries 0/g, "Use_Debug_Libraries 1");
tmpl = tmpl.replace(/NDEBUG/g, "_DEBUG");
- cflags = get_define("CFLAGS").replace("$(BASE_INCLUDES)", '/I "..\\.." /I "..\\..\\..\\Zend" /I "..\\..\\TSRM" /I "..\\..\\main" ');
- basecpp = cflags = cflags.replace('/I "..\\bindlib_w32"', '/I "..\\..\\..\\bindlib_w32"');
+ if (ext == "cli" || ext == "cgi") {
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/Dynamic-Link Library/g, "Console Application");
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/0x0102/, "0x0103");
+ path = "..\\";
+ type = ".exe";
+ } else if (ext == "embed" || ext == "TSRM" || ext == "Zend") {
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/Dynamic-Link/g, "Static");
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/0x0102/, "0x0104");
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/LINK32/g, "LIB32");
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace("link.exe", "link.exe -lib");
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/BASELIBS/g, "/nologo");
+ path = "..\\";
+ if (ext == "embed") {
+ path += "..\\";
+ }
+ type = ".lib";
+ } else if (ext.match("php5dll")) {
+ path = "..\\";
+ type = ".dll";
+ } else {
+ path = "..\\..\\";
+ type = ".dll";
+ }
- if (shared) {
- basecpp += " /D COMPILE_DL_" + EXT;
+ outpath = path + get_define("BUILD_DIR");
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/OUTPUTDIR/g, outpath);
+ /* populate the baseline CFLAGS and libs */
+ cflags = get_define("CFLAGS").replace(/\s+/g, " ");
+ cflags = cflags.replace('/I "..\\bindlib_w32" ', "");
+ bcflags = (cflags.replace(/\/([A-Z])\s/g, "/$1")).split(" ");
+ for (i= 0; i < bcflags.length; i++) {
+ baseflags += (bcflags[i].match(/(PHP|ZEND|ZTS|BASE|FD|WINDOWS)/) ? "" : bcflags[i]);
- tmpl = tmpl.replace("BASECPP", basecpp);
- tmpl = tmpl.replace("BASECPP", cflags + " /D HAVE_" + EXT + "=1");
- tmpl = tmpl.replace(/BASELIBS/g, get_define("LIBS"));
- tmpl = tmpl.replace("LOCALLIBS", get_define("PHPLIB"));
+ baseflags = baseflags.replace(/\//g, " /");
+ baseflags = baseflags.substr(1).replace(/(\/D)/g, "$1 ") + " /c";
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/BASECPP/, (type == ".dll" ? baseflags : baseflags.replace(ld + " ", "")));
- debug = PHP_DEBUG != "no" ? " /debug" : "";
- dll = shared ? ' /dll /out:"..\\..\\Debug_TS\\php_' + ext + '.dll"' : "";
- tmpl = tmpl.replace(/BASELDFLAGS/g, "/nologo" + debug + dll);
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/BASELIBS/, "/nologo " + get_define("LIBS").replace(/\sresolv.lib/, ""));
- /* call to generate source and header blocks for .dsp */
- generate_dsp_filelist(ext, ext_dir, files);
+ /* now populate the bases in the 'local' lines */
+ incs = get_define("BASE_INCLUDES").replace(/\/I (\S+)/g, '/I "' + path + '$1"');
+ incs = incs.replace('"' + path + '."', '".."');
+ lcflags = cflags.replace(/\$\(BASE_INCLUDES\)/, incs + (type == ".exe" ? '/I "..\\sapi" ' : "") + '/I "' + path + '..\\bindlib_w32"');
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/BASECPP/, (type == ".dll" ? lcflags : lcflags.replace(ld + " ", "")));
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/BASELIBS/, "/nologo " + get_define("LIBS") + " " + (ext.match("php5dll") ? "" : get_define("PHPLIB")));
+ ldflags = get_define("LDFLAGS").replace(/\s?(\/nologo|\/libpath:\S+)\s?/g, "");
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/BASELDFLAGS/, ldflags + (type == ".dll" ? " " + get_define("DLL_LDFLAGS") : "") + (debug ? ' /nodefaultlib:"msvcrt"' : ""));
+ out = '/out:"' + outpath + "\\" + ext + type + '"' + ' /libpath:"' + outpath + '"' + ' /libpath:"..\\' + path + 'bindlib_w32\\' + status + '"';
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/OUTPATH/, out);
- sources = file_get_contents("tmp\\" + ext + ".sources.tmp");
- tmpl = tmpl.replace("SOURCEFILES", sources);
- FSO.DeleteFile("tmp\\" + ext + ".sources.tmp");
+ txt = generate_text_filelist(ext, ext_dir);
+ res = generate_resource_filelist(ext, ext_dir);
- headers = file_get_contents("tmp\\" + ext + ".headers.tmp");
- tmpl = tmpl.replace("HEADERFILES", headers);
- FSO.DeleteFile("tmp\\" + ext + ".headers.tmp");
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/TEXTFILES/, txt);
+ tmpl = tmpl.replace(/RESOURCEFILES/, res);
+ if (ext.match("php5dll")) {
+ return tmpl;
+ }
+ /* generate source and header blocks for .dsp */
+ generate_dsp_filelist(ext, ext_dir, files, path);