-- but this should be allowed
+-- copy from isn't supported either
+12 3.4
-- constraint exclusion tests
\t on
42 | 324.78
(3 rows)
+-- copy from isn't supported either
+ERROR: cannot insert into foreign table "agg_csv"
-- constraint exclusion tests
\t on
(0 rows)
COPY pt FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/list2.bad' with (format 'csv', delimiter ','); -- ERROR
-ERROR: cannot route inserted tuples to a foreign table
+ERROR: cannot insert into foreign table "p1"
CONTEXT: COPY pt, line 2: "1,qux"
COPY pt FROM '@abs_srcdir@/data/list2.csv' with (format 'csv', delimiter ',');
SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM pt;
(2 rows)
INSERT INTO pt VALUES (1, 'xyzzy'); -- ERROR
-ERROR: cannot route inserted tuples to a foreign table
+ERROR: cannot insert into foreign table "p1"
INSERT INTO pt VALUES (2, 'xyzzy');
UPDATE pt set a = 1 where a = 2; -- ERROR
-ERROR: cannot route inserted tuples to a foreign table
+ERROR: cannot insert into foreign table "p1"
SELECT tableoid::regclass, * FROM pt;
tableoid | a | b
drop table loct1;
drop table loct2;
-- ===================================================================
+-- test tuple routing for foreign-table partitions
+-- ===================================================================
+-- Test insert tuple routing
+create table itrtest (a int, b text) partition by list (a);
+create table loct1 (a int check (a in (1)), b text);
+create foreign table remp1 (a int check (a in (1)), b text) server loopback options (table_name 'loct1');
+create table loct2 (a int check (a in (2)), b text);
+create foreign table remp2 (b text, a int check (a in (2))) server loopback options (table_name 'loct2');
+alter table itrtest attach partition remp1 for values in (1);
+alter table itrtest attach partition remp2 for values in (2);
+insert into itrtest values (1, 'foo');
+insert into itrtest values (1, 'bar') returning *;
+ a | b
+ 1 | bar
+(1 row)
+insert into itrtest values (2, 'baz');
+insert into itrtest values (2, 'qux') returning *;
+ a | b
+ 2 | qux
+(1 row)
+insert into itrtest values (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2') returning *;
+ a | b
+ 1 | test1
+ 2 | test2
+(2 rows)
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM itrtest;
+ tableoid | a | b
+ remp1 | 1 | foo
+ remp1 | 1 | bar
+ remp1 | 1 | test1
+ remp2 | 2 | baz
+ remp2 | 2 | qux
+ remp2 | 2 | test2
+(6 rows)
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM remp1;
+ tableoid | a | b
+ remp1 | 1 | foo
+ remp1 | 1 | bar
+ remp1 | 1 | test1
+(3 rows)
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM remp2;
+ tableoid | b | a
+ remp2 | baz | 2
+ remp2 | qux | 2
+ remp2 | test2 | 2
+(3 rows)
+delete from itrtest;
+create unique index loct1_idx on loct1 (a);
+-- DO NOTHING without an inference specification is supported
+insert into itrtest values (1, 'foo') on conflict do nothing returning *;
+ a | b
+ 1 | foo
+(1 row)
+insert into itrtest values (1, 'foo') on conflict do nothing returning *;
+ a | b
+(0 rows)
+-- But other cases are not supported
+insert into itrtest values (1, 'bar') on conflict (a) do nothing;
+ERROR: there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification
+insert into itrtest values (1, 'bar') on conflict (a) do update set b = excluded.b;
+ERROR: there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM itrtest;
+ tableoid | a | b
+ remp1 | 1 | foo
+(1 row)
+drop table itrtest;
+drop table loct1;
+drop table loct2;
+-- Test update tuple routing
+create table utrtest (a int, b text) partition by list (a);
+create table loct (a int check (a in (1)), b text);
+create foreign table remp (a int check (a in (1)), b text) server loopback options (table_name 'loct');
+create table locp (a int check (a in (2)), b text);
+alter table utrtest attach partition remp for values in (1);
+alter table utrtest attach partition locp for values in (2);
+insert into utrtest values (1, 'foo');
+insert into utrtest values (2, 'qux');
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM utrtest;
+ tableoid | a | b
+ remp | 1 | foo
+ locp | 2 | qux
+(2 rows)
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM remp;
+ tableoid | a | b
+ remp | 1 | foo
+(1 row)
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM locp;
+ tableoid | a | b
+ locp | 2 | qux
+(1 row)
+-- It's not allowed to move a row from a partition that is foreign to another
+update utrtest set a = 2 where b = 'foo' returning *;
+ERROR: new row for relation "loct" violates check constraint "loct_a_check"
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (2, foo).
+CONTEXT: remote SQL command: UPDATE public.loct SET a = 2 WHERE ((b = 'foo'::text)) RETURNING a, b
+-- But the reverse is allowed
+update utrtest set a = 1 where b = 'qux' returning *;
+ a | b
+ 1 | qux
+(1 row)
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM utrtest;
+ tableoid | a | b
+ remp | 1 | foo
+ remp | 1 | qux
+(2 rows)
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM remp;
+ tableoid | a | b
+ remp | 1 | foo
+ remp | 1 | qux
+(2 rows)
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM locp;
+ tableoid | a | b
+(0 rows)
+-- The executor should not let unexercised FDWs shut down
+update utrtest set a = 1 where b = 'foo';
+drop table utrtest;
+drop table loct;
+-- Test copy tuple routing
+create table ctrtest (a int, b text) partition by list (a);
+create table loct1 (a int check (a in (1)), b text);
+create foreign table remp1 (a int check (a in (1)), b text) server loopback options (table_name 'loct1');
+create table loct2 (a int check (a in (2)), b text);
+create foreign table remp2 (b text, a int check (a in (2))) server loopback options (table_name 'loct2');
+alter table ctrtest attach partition remp1 for values in (1);
+alter table ctrtest attach partition remp2 for values in (2);
+copy ctrtest from stdin;
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM ctrtest;
+ tableoid | a | b
+ remp1 | 1 | foo
+ remp2 | 2 | qux
+(2 rows)
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM remp1;
+ tableoid | a | b
+ remp1 | 1 | foo
+(1 row)
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM remp2;
+ tableoid | b | a
+ remp2 | qux | 2
+(1 row)
+-- Copying into foreign partitions directly should work as well
+copy remp1 from stdin;
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM remp1;
+ tableoid | a | b
+ remp1 | 1 | foo
+ remp1 | 1 | bar
+(2 rows)
+drop table ctrtest;
+drop table loct1;
+drop table loct2;
+-- ===================================================================
+-- test COPY FROM
+-- ===================================================================
+create table loc2 (f1 int, f2 text);
+alter table loc2 set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
+create foreign table rem2 (f1 int, f2 text) server loopback options(table_name 'loc2');
+-- Test basic functionality
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+select * from rem2;
+ f1 | f2
+ 1 | foo
+ 2 | bar
+(2 rows)
+delete from rem2;
+-- Test check constraints
+alter table loc2 add constraint loc2_f1positive check (f1 >= 0);
+alter foreign table rem2 add constraint rem2_f1positive check (f1 >= 0);
+-- check constraint is enforced on the remote side, not locally
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+copy rem2 from stdin; -- ERROR
+ERROR: new row for relation "loc2" violates check constraint "loc2_f1positive"
+DETAIL: Failing row contains (-1, xyzzy).
+CONTEXT: remote SQL command: INSERT INTO public.loc2(f1, f2) VALUES ($1, $2)
+COPY rem2, line 1: "-1 xyzzy"
+select * from rem2;
+ f1 | f2
+ 1 | foo
+ 2 | bar
+(2 rows)
+alter foreign table rem2 drop constraint rem2_f1positive;
+alter table loc2 drop constraint loc2_f1positive;
+delete from rem2;
+-- Test local triggers
+create trigger trig_stmt_before before insert on rem2
+ for each statement execute procedure trigger_func();
+create trigger trig_stmt_after after insert on rem2
+ for each statement execute procedure trigger_func();
+create trigger trig_row_before before insert on rem2
+ for each row execute procedure trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+create trigger trig_row_after after insert on rem2
+ for each row execute procedure trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+NOTICE: trigger_func(<NULL>) called: action = INSERT, when = BEFORE, level = STATEMENT
+NOTICE: trig_row_before(23, skidoo) BEFORE ROW INSERT ON rem2
+NOTICE: NEW: (1,foo)
+NOTICE: trig_row_before(23, skidoo) BEFORE ROW INSERT ON rem2
+NOTICE: NEW: (2,bar)
+NOTICE: trig_row_after(23, skidoo) AFTER ROW INSERT ON rem2
+NOTICE: NEW: (1,foo)
+NOTICE: trig_row_after(23, skidoo) AFTER ROW INSERT ON rem2
+NOTICE: NEW: (2,bar)
+NOTICE: trigger_func(<NULL>) called: action = INSERT, when = AFTER, level = STATEMENT
+select * from rem2;
+ f1 | f2
+ 1 | foo
+ 2 | bar
+(2 rows)
+drop trigger trig_row_before on rem2;
+drop trigger trig_row_after on rem2;
+drop trigger trig_stmt_before on rem2;
+drop trigger trig_stmt_after on rem2;
+delete from rem2;
+create trigger trig_row_before_insert before insert on rem2
+ for each row execute procedure trig_row_before_insupdate();
+-- The new values are concatenated with ' triggered !'
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+select * from rem2;
+ f1 | f2
+ 1 | foo triggered !
+ 2 | bar triggered !
+(2 rows)
+drop trigger trig_row_before_insert on rem2;
+delete from rem2;
+create trigger trig_null before insert on rem2
+ for each row execute procedure trig_null();
+-- Nothing happens
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+select * from rem2;
+ f1 | f2
+(0 rows)
+drop trigger trig_null on rem2;
+delete from rem2;
+-- Test remote triggers
+create trigger trig_row_before_insert before insert on loc2
+ for each row execute procedure trig_row_before_insupdate();
+-- The new values are concatenated with ' triggered !'
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+select * from rem2;
+ f1 | f2
+ 1 | foo triggered !
+ 2 | bar triggered !
+(2 rows)
+drop trigger trig_row_before_insert on loc2;
+delete from rem2;
+create trigger trig_null before insert on loc2
+ for each row execute procedure trig_null();
+-- Nothing happens
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+select * from rem2;
+ f1 | f2
+(0 rows)
+drop trigger trig_null on loc2;
+delete from rem2;
+-- Test a combination of local and remote triggers
+create trigger rem2_trig_row_before before insert on rem2
+ for each row execute procedure trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+create trigger rem2_trig_row_after after insert on rem2
+ for each row execute procedure trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+create trigger loc2_trig_row_before_insert before insert on loc2
+ for each row execute procedure trig_row_before_insupdate();
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+NOTICE: rem2_trig_row_before(23, skidoo) BEFORE ROW INSERT ON rem2
+NOTICE: NEW: (1,foo)
+NOTICE: rem2_trig_row_before(23, skidoo) BEFORE ROW INSERT ON rem2
+NOTICE: NEW: (2,bar)
+NOTICE: rem2_trig_row_after(23, skidoo) AFTER ROW INSERT ON rem2
+NOTICE: NEW: (1,"foo triggered !")
+NOTICE: rem2_trig_row_after(23, skidoo) AFTER ROW INSERT ON rem2
+NOTICE: NEW: (2,"bar triggered !")
+select * from rem2;
+ f1 | f2
+ 1 | foo triggered !
+ 2 | bar triggered !
+(2 rows)
+drop trigger rem2_trig_row_before on rem2;
+drop trigger rem2_trig_row_after on rem2;
+drop trigger loc2_trig_row_before_insert on loc2;
+delete from rem2;
+-- ===================================================================
-- ===================================================================
CREATE SCHEMA import_source;
TupleTableSlot *planSlot);
static void postgresEndForeignModify(EState *estate,
ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo);
+static void postgresBeginForeignInsert(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
+ ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo);
+static void postgresEndForeignInsert(EState *estate,
+ ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo);
static int postgresIsForeignRelUpdatable(Relation rel);
static bool postgresPlanDirectModify(PlannerInfo *root,
ModifyTable *plan,
routine->ExecForeignUpdate = postgresExecForeignUpdate;
routine->ExecForeignDelete = postgresExecForeignDelete;
routine->EndForeignModify = postgresEndForeignModify;
+ routine->BeginForeignInsert = postgresBeginForeignInsert;
+ routine->EndForeignInsert = postgresEndForeignInsert;
routine->IsForeignRelUpdatable = postgresIsForeignRelUpdatable;
routine->PlanDirectModify = postgresPlanDirectModify;
routine->BeginDirectModify = postgresBeginDirectModify;
+ * postgresBeginForeignInsert
+ * Begin an insert operation on a foreign table
+ */
+static void
+postgresBeginForeignInsert(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
+ ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo)
+ PgFdwModifyState *fmstate;
+ Plan *plan = mtstate->ps.plan;
+ Relation rel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc;
+ RangeTblEntry *rte;
+ Query *query;
+ PlannerInfo *root;
+ TupleDesc tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
+ int attnum;
+ StringInfoData sql;
+ List *targetAttrs = NIL;
+ List *retrieved_attrs = NIL;
+ bool doNothing = false;
+ initStringInfo(&sql);
+ /* Set up largely-dummy planner state. */
+ rte = makeNode(RangeTblEntry);
+ rte->rtekind = RTE_RELATION;
+ rte->relid = RelationGetRelid(rel);
+ rte->relkind = RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE;
+ query = makeNode(Query);
+ query->commandType = CMD_INSERT;
+ query->resultRelation = 1;
+ query->rtable = list_make1(rte);
+ root = makeNode(PlannerInfo);
+ root->parse = query;
+ /* We transmit all columns that are defined in the foreign table. */
+ for (attnum = 1; attnum <= tupdesc->natts; attnum++)
+ {
+ Form_pg_attribute attr = TupleDescAttr(tupdesc, attnum - 1);
+ if (!attr->attisdropped)
+ targetAttrs = lappend_int(targetAttrs, attnum);
+ }
+ /* Check if we add the ON CONFLICT clause to the remote query. */
+ if (plan)
+ {
+ OnConflictAction onConflictAction = ((ModifyTable *) plan)->onConflictAction;
+ /* We only support DO NOTHING without an inference specification. */
+ if (onConflictAction == ONCONFLICT_NOTHING)
+ doNothing = true;
+ else if (onConflictAction != ONCONFLICT_NONE)
+ elog(ERROR, "unexpected ON CONFLICT specification: %d",
+ (int) onConflictAction);
+ }
+ /* Construct the SQL command string. */
+ deparseInsertSql(&sql, root, 1, rel, targetAttrs, doNothing,
+ resultRelInfo->ri_returningList, &retrieved_attrs);
+ /* Construct an execution state. */
+ fmstate = create_foreign_modify(mtstate->ps.state,
+ resultRelInfo,
+ sql.data,
+ targetAttrs,
+ retrieved_attrs != NIL,
+ retrieved_attrs);
+ resultRelInfo->ri_FdwState = fmstate;
+ * postgresEndForeignInsert
+ * Finish an insert operation on a foreign table
+ */
+static void
+postgresEndForeignInsert(EState *estate,
+ ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo)
+ PgFdwModifyState *fmstate = (PgFdwModifyState *) resultRelInfo->ri_FdwState;
+ Assert(fmstate != NULL);
+ /* Destroy the execution state */
+ finish_foreign_modify(fmstate);
* postgresIsForeignRelUpdatable
* Determine whether a foreign table supports INSERT, UPDATE and/or
drop table loct1;
drop table loct2;
+-- ===================================================================
+-- test tuple routing for foreign-table partitions
+-- ===================================================================
+-- Test insert tuple routing
+create table itrtest (a int, b text) partition by list (a);
+create table loct1 (a int check (a in (1)), b text);
+create foreign table remp1 (a int check (a in (1)), b text) server loopback options (table_name 'loct1');
+create table loct2 (a int check (a in (2)), b text);
+create foreign table remp2 (b text, a int check (a in (2))) server loopback options (table_name 'loct2');
+alter table itrtest attach partition remp1 for values in (1);
+alter table itrtest attach partition remp2 for values in (2);
+insert into itrtest values (1, 'foo');
+insert into itrtest values (1, 'bar') returning *;
+insert into itrtest values (2, 'baz');
+insert into itrtest values (2, 'qux') returning *;
+insert into itrtest values (1, 'test1'), (2, 'test2') returning *;
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM itrtest;
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM remp1;
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM remp2;
+delete from itrtest;
+create unique index loct1_idx on loct1 (a);
+-- DO NOTHING without an inference specification is supported
+insert into itrtest values (1, 'foo') on conflict do nothing returning *;
+insert into itrtest values (1, 'foo') on conflict do nothing returning *;
+-- But other cases are not supported
+insert into itrtest values (1, 'bar') on conflict (a) do nothing;
+insert into itrtest values (1, 'bar') on conflict (a) do update set b = excluded.b;
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM itrtest;
+drop table itrtest;
+drop table loct1;
+drop table loct2;
+-- Test update tuple routing
+create table utrtest (a int, b text) partition by list (a);
+create table loct (a int check (a in (1)), b text);
+create foreign table remp (a int check (a in (1)), b text) server loopback options (table_name 'loct');
+create table locp (a int check (a in (2)), b text);
+alter table utrtest attach partition remp for values in (1);
+alter table utrtest attach partition locp for values in (2);
+insert into utrtest values (1, 'foo');
+insert into utrtest values (2, 'qux');
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM utrtest;
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM remp;
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM locp;
+-- It's not allowed to move a row from a partition that is foreign to another
+update utrtest set a = 2 where b = 'foo' returning *;
+-- But the reverse is allowed
+update utrtest set a = 1 where b = 'qux' returning *;
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM utrtest;
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM remp;
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM locp;
+-- The executor should not let unexercised FDWs shut down
+update utrtest set a = 1 where b = 'foo';
+drop table utrtest;
+drop table loct;
+-- Test copy tuple routing
+create table ctrtest (a int, b text) partition by list (a);
+create table loct1 (a int check (a in (1)), b text);
+create foreign table remp1 (a int check (a in (1)), b text) server loopback options (table_name 'loct1');
+create table loct2 (a int check (a in (2)), b text);
+create foreign table remp2 (b text, a int check (a in (2))) server loopback options (table_name 'loct2');
+alter table ctrtest attach partition remp1 for values in (1);
+alter table ctrtest attach partition remp2 for values in (2);
+copy ctrtest from stdin;
+1 foo
+2 qux
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM ctrtest;
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM remp1;
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM remp2;
+-- Copying into foreign partitions directly should work as well
+copy remp1 from stdin;
+1 bar
+select tableoid::regclass, * FROM remp1;
+drop table ctrtest;
+drop table loct1;
+drop table loct2;
+-- ===================================================================
+-- test COPY FROM
+-- ===================================================================
+create table loc2 (f1 int, f2 text);
+alter table loc2 set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
+create foreign table rem2 (f1 int, f2 text) server loopback options(table_name 'loc2');
+-- Test basic functionality
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+1 foo
+2 bar
+select * from rem2;
+delete from rem2;
+-- Test check constraints
+alter table loc2 add constraint loc2_f1positive check (f1 >= 0);
+alter foreign table rem2 add constraint rem2_f1positive check (f1 >= 0);
+-- check constraint is enforced on the remote side, not locally
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+1 foo
+2 bar
+copy rem2 from stdin; -- ERROR
+-1 xyzzy
+select * from rem2;
+alter foreign table rem2 drop constraint rem2_f1positive;
+alter table loc2 drop constraint loc2_f1positive;
+delete from rem2;
+-- Test local triggers
+create trigger trig_stmt_before before insert on rem2
+ for each statement execute procedure trigger_func();
+create trigger trig_stmt_after after insert on rem2
+ for each statement execute procedure trigger_func();
+create trigger trig_row_before before insert on rem2
+ for each row execute procedure trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+create trigger trig_row_after after insert on rem2
+ for each row execute procedure trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+1 foo
+2 bar
+select * from rem2;
+drop trigger trig_row_before on rem2;
+drop trigger trig_row_after on rem2;
+drop trigger trig_stmt_before on rem2;
+drop trigger trig_stmt_after on rem2;
+delete from rem2;
+create trigger trig_row_before_insert before insert on rem2
+ for each row execute procedure trig_row_before_insupdate();
+-- The new values are concatenated with ' triggered !'
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+1 foo
+2 bar
+select * from rem2;
+drop trigger trig_row_before_insert on rem2;
+delete from rem2;
+create trigger trig_null before insert on rem2
+ for each row execute procedure trig_null();
+-- Nothing happens
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+1 foo
+2 bar
+select * from rem2;
+drop trigger trig_null on rem2;
+delete from rem2;
+-- Test remote triggers
+create trigger trig_row_before_insert before insert on loc2
+ for each row execute procedure trig_row_before_insupdate();
+-- The new values are concatenated with ' triggered !'
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+1 foo
+2 bar
+select * from rem2;
+drop trigger trig_row_before_insert on loc2;
+delete from rem2;
+create trigger trig_null before insert on loc2
+ for each row execute procedure trig_null();
+-- Nothing happens
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+1 foo
+2 bar
+select * from rem2;
+drop trigger trig_null on loc2;
+delete from rem2;
+-- Test a combination of local and remote triggers
+create trigger rem2_trig_row_before before insert on rem2
+ for each row execute procedure trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+create trigger rem2_trig_row_after after insert on rem2
+ for each row execute procedure trigger_data(23,'skidoo');
+create trigger loc2_trig_row_before_insert before insert on loc2
+ for each row execute procedure trig_row_before_insupdate();
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+1 foo
+2 bar
+select * from rem2;
+drop trigger rem2_trig_row_before on rem2;
+drop trigger rem2_trig_row_after on rem2;
+drop trigger loc2_trig_row_before_insert on loc2;
+delete from rem2;
-- ===================================================================
-- ===================================================================
- Partitions can also be foreign tables
- (see <xref linkend="sql-createforeigntable"/>),
- although these have some limitations that normal tables do not. For
- example, data inserted into the partitioned table is not routed to
- foreign table partitions.
+ Partitions can also be foreign tables, although they have some limitations
+ that normal tables do not; see <xref linkend="sql-createforeigntable"> for
+ more information.
<literal>NULL</literal>, no action is taken during executor shutdown.
+ <para>
+ Tuples inserted into a partitioned table by <command>INSERT</command> or
+ <command>COPY FROM</command> are routed to partitions. If an FDW
+ supports routable foreign-table partitions, it should also provide the
+ following callback functions. These functions are also called when
+ <command>COPY FROM</command> is executed on a foreign table.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+BeginForeignInsert(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
+ ResultRelInfo *rinfo);
+ Begin executing an insert operation on a foreign table. This routine is
+ called right before the first tuple is inserted into the foreign table
+ in both cases when it is the partition chosen for tuple routing and the
+ target specified in a <command>COPY FROM</command> command. It should
+ perform any initialization needed prior to the actual insertion.
+ Subsequently, <function>ExecForeignInsert</function> will be called for
+ each tuple to be inserted into the foreign table.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ <literal>mtstate</literal> is the overall state of the
+ <structname>ModifyTable</structname> plan node being executed; global data about
+ the plan and execution state is available via this structure.
+ <literal>rinfo</literal> is the <structname>ResultRelInfo</structname> struct describing
+ the target foreign table. (The <structfield>ri_FdwState</structfield> field of
+ <structname>ResultRelInfo</structname> is available for the FDW to store any
+ private state it needs for this operation.)
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ When this is called by a <command>COPY FROM</command> command, the
+ plan-related global data in <literal>mtstate</literal> is not provided
+ and the <literal>planSlot</literal> parameter of
+ <function>ExecForeignInsert</function> subsequently called for each
+ inserted tuple is <literal>NULL</literal>, whether the foreign table is
+ the partition chosen for tuple routing or the target specified in the
+ command.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If the <function>BeginForeignInsert</function> pointer is set to
+ <literal>NULL</literal>, no action is taken for the initialization.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+EndForeignInsert(EState *estate,
+ ResultRelInfo *rinfo);
+ End the insert operation and release resources. It is normally not important
+ to release palloc'd memory, but for example open files and connections
+ to remote servers should be cleaned up.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If the <function>EndForeignInsert</function> pointer is set to
+ <literal>NULL</literal>, no action is taken for the termination.
+ </para>
- <command>COPY FROM</command> can be used with plain tables and with views
- that have <literal>INSTEAD OF INSERT</literal> triggers.
+ <command>COPY FROM</command> can be used with plain, foreign, or
+ partitioned tables or with views that have
+ <literal>INSTEAD OF INSERT</literal> triggers.
concurrent <command>UPDATE</command> or <command>DELETE</command> on the
same row may miss this row. For details see the section
<xref linkend="ddl-partitioning-declarative-limitations"/>.
+ Currently, rows cannot be moved from a partition that is a
+ foreign table to some other partition, but they can be moved into a foreign
+ table if the foreign data wrapper supports it.
#include "commands/trigger.h"
#include "executor/execPartition.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
+#include "foreign/fdwapi.h"
#include "libpq/libpq.h"
#include "libpq/pqformat.h"
#include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;
ResultRelInfo *saved_resultRelInfo = NULL;
EState *estate = CreateExecutorState(); /* for ExecConstraints() */
+ ModifyTableState *mtstate;
ExprContext *econtext;
TupleTableSlot *myslot;
MemoryContext oldcontext = CurrentMemoryContext;
- * The target must be a plain relation or have an INSTEAD OF INSERT row
- * trigger. (Currently, such triggers are only allowed on views, so we
- * only hint about them in the view case.)
+ * The target must be a plain, foreign, or partitioned relation, or have
+ * an INSTEAD OF INSERT row trigger. (Currently, such triggers are only
+ * allowed on views, so we only hint about them in the view case.)
if (cstate->rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION &&
+ cstate->rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE &&
cstate->rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE &&
!(cstate->rel->trigdesc &&
errmsg("cannot copy to materialized view \"%s\"",
- else if (cstate->rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("cannot copy to foreign table \"%s\"",
- RelationGetRelationName(cstate->rel))));
else if (cstate->rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
+ /* Verify the named relation is a valid target for INSERT */
+ CheckValidResultRel(resultRelInfo, CMD_INSERT);
ExecOpenIndices(resultRelInfo, false);
estate->es_result_relations = resultRelInfo;
/* Triggers might need a slot as well */
estate->es_trig_tuple_slot = ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate, NULL);
+ /*
+ * Set up a ModifyTableState so we can let FDW(s) init themselves for
+ * foreign-table result relation(s).
+ */
+ mtstate = makeNode(ModifyTableState);
+ mtstate->ps.plan = NULL;
+ mtstate->ps.state = estate;
+ mtstate->operation = CMD_INSERT;
+ mtstate->resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relations;
+ if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
+ resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignInsert != NULL)
+ resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignInsert(mtstate,
+ resultRelInfo);
/* Prepare to catch AFTER triggers. */
* expressions. Such triggers or expressions might query the table we're
* inserting to, and act differently if the tuples that have already been
* processed and prepared for insertion are not there. We also can't do
- * it if the table is partitioned.
+ * it if the table is foreign or partitioned.
if ((resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc != NULL &&
(resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_before_row ||
resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_instead_row)) ||
+ resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL ||
cstate->partition_tuple_routing != NULL ||
resultRelInfo = proute->partitions[leaf_part_index];
if (resultRelInfo == NULL)
- resultRelInfo = ExecInitPartitionInfo(NULL,
+ resultRelInfo = ExecInitPartitionInfo(mtstate,
proute, estate,
Assert(resultRelInfo != NULL);
- /* We do not yet have a way to insert into a foreign partition */
- if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine)
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("cannot route inserted tuples to a foreign table")));
* For ExecInsertIndexTuples() to work on the partition's indexes
check_partition_constr = false;
- /* Check the constraints of the tuple */
- if (resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_att->constr ||
- check_partition_constr)
+ /*
+ * If the target is a plain table, check the constraints of
+ * the tuple.
+ */
+ if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine == NULL &&
+ (resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_att->constr ||
+ check_partition_constr))
ExecConstraints(resultRelInfo, slot, estate, true);
if (useHeapMultiInsert)
List *recheckIndexes = NIL;
- /* OK, store the tuple and create index entries for it */
- heap_insert(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc, tuple, mycid,
- hi_options, bistate);
+ /* OK, store the tuple */
+ if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL)
+ {
+ slot = resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->ExecForeignInsert(estate,
+ resultRelInfo,
+ slot,
+ NULL);
+ if (slot == NULL) /* "do nothing" */
+ goto next_tuple;
+ /* FDW might have changed tuple */
+ tuple = ExecMaterializeSlot(slot);
+ /*
+ * AFTER ROW Triggers might reference the tableoid
+ * column, so initialize t_tableOid before evaluating
+ * them.
+ */
+ tuple->t_tableOid = RelationGetRelid(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc);
+ }
+ else
+ heap_insert(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc, tuple,
+ mycid, hi_options, bistate);
+ /* And create index entries for it */
if (resultRelInfo->ri_NumIndices > 0)
recheckIndexes = ExecInsertIndexTuples(slot,
- * We count only tuples not suppressed by a BEFORE INSERT trigger;
- * this is the same definition used by execMain.c for counting
- * tuples inserted by an INSERT command.
+ * We count only tuples not suppressed by a BEFORE INSERT trigger
+ * or FDW; this is the same definition used by nodeModifyTable.c
+ * for counting tuples inserted by an INSERT command.
/* Restore the saved ResultRelInfo */
if (saved_resultRelInfo)
ExecResetTupleTable(estate->es_tupleTable, false);
+ /* Allow the FDW to shut down */
+ if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
+ resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->EndForeignInsert != NULL)
+ resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->EndForeignInsert(estate,
+ resultRelInfo);
/* Close all the partitioned tables, leaf partitions, and their indices */
if (cstate->partition_tuple_routing)
- ExecCleanupTupleRouting(cstate->partition_tuple_routing);
+ ExecCleanupTupleRouting(mtstate, cstate->partition_tuple_routing);
/* Close any trigger target relations */
switch (operation)
- /*
- * If foreign partition to do tuple-routing for, skip the
- * check; it's disallowed elsewhere.
- */
- if (resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot)
- break;
if (fdwroutine->ExecForeignInsert == NULL)
resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionCheck = partition_check;
resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot = partition_root;
+ resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionReadyForRouting = false;
#include "catalog/pg_type.h"
#include "executor/execPartition.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
+#include "foreign/fdwapi.h"
#include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
* see ExecInitPartitionInfo. However, if the function is invoked for update
* tuple routing, caller would already have initialized ResultRelInfo's for
* some of the partitions, which are reused and assigned to their respective
- * slot in the aforementioned array.
+ * slot in the aforementioned array. For such partitions, we delay setting
+ * up objects such as TupleConversionMap until those are actually chosen as
+ * the partitions to route tuples to. See ExecPrepareTupleRouting.
PartitionTupleRouting *
ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting(ModifyTableState *mtstate, Relation rel)
- TupleDesc tupDesc = RelationGetDescr(rel);
List *leaf_parts;
ListCell *cell;
int i;
if (update_rri_index < num_update_rri &&
RelationGetRelid(update_rri[update_rri_index].ri_RelationDesc) == leaf_oid)
- Relation partrel;
- TupleDesc part_tupdesc;
leaf_part_rri = &update_rri[update_rri_index];
- partrel = leaf_part_rri->ri_RelationDesc;
* This is required in order to convert the partition's tuple to
proute->subplan_partition_offsets[update_rri_index] = i;
- part_tupdesc = RelationGetDescr(partrel);
- /*
- * Save a tuple conversion map to convert a tuple routed to this
- * partition from the parent's type to the partition's.
- */
- proute->parent_child_tupconv_maps[i] =
- convert_tuples_by_name(tupDesc, part_tupdesc,
- gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));
- /*
- * Verify result relation is a valid target for an INSERT. An
- * UPDATE of a partition-key becomes a DELETE+INSERT operation, so
- * this check is required even when the operation is CMD_UPDATE.
- */
- CheckValidResultRel(leaf_part_rri, CMD_INSERT);
proute->partitions[i] = leaf_part_rri;
PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
EState *estate, int partidx)
+ ModifyTable *node = (ModifyTable *) mtstate->ps.plan;
Relation rootrel = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc,
ResultRelInfo *leaf_part_rri;
- ModifyTable *node = mtstate ? (ModifyTable *) mtstate->ps.plan : NULL;
MemoryContext oldContext;
leaf_part_rri->ri_PartitionLeafIndex = partidx;
- /*
- * Verify result relation is a valid target for an INSERT. An UPDATE of a
- * partition-key becomes a DELETE+INSERT operation, so this check is still
- * required when the operation is CMD_UPDATE.
- */
- CheckValidResultRel(leaf_part_rri, CMD_INSERT);
* Since we've just initialized this ResultRelInfo, it's not in any list
* attached to the estate as yet. Add it, so that it can be found later.
+ /* Set up information needed for routing tuples to this partition. */
+ ExecInitRoutingInfo(mtstate, estate, proute, leaf_part_rri, partidx);
* Open partition indices. The user may have asked to check for conflicts
* within this leaf partition and do "nothing" instead of throwing an
returningList = map_partition_varattnos(returningList, firstVarno,
partrel, firstResultRel,
+ leaf_part_rri->ri_returningList = returningList;
* Initialize the projection itself.
&mtstate->ps, RelationGetDescr(partrel));
- /*
- * Save a tuple conversion map to convert a tuple routed to this partition
- * from the parent's type to the partition's.
- */
- proute->parent_child_tupconv_maps[partidx] =
- convert_tuples_by_name(RelationGetDescr(rootrel),
- RelationGetDescr(partrel),
- gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));
* If there is an ON CONFLICT clause, initialize state for it.
return leaf_part_rri;
+ * ExecInitRoutingInfo
+ * Set up information needed for routing tuples to a leaf partition if
+ * routable; else abort the operation
+ */
+ExecInitRoutingInfo(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
+ EState *estate,
+ PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
+ ResultRelInfo *partRelInfo,
+ int partidx)
+ MemoryContext oldContext;
+ /* Verify the partition is a valid target for INSERT */
+ CheckValidResultRel(partRelInfo, CMD_INSERT);
+ /*
+ * Switch into per-query memory context.
+ */
+ oldContext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);
+ /*
+ * Set up a tuple conversion map to convert a tuple routed to the
+ * partition from the parent's type to the partition's.
+ */
+ proute->parent_child_tupconv_maps[partidx] =
+ convert_tuples_by_name(RelationGetDescr(partRelInfo->ri_PartitionRoot),
+ RelationGetDescr(partRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc),
+ gettext_noop("could not convert row type"));
+ /*
+ * If the partition is a foreign table, let the FDW init itself for
+ * routing tuples to the partition.
+ */
+ if (partRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
+ partRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignInsert != NULL)
+ partRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignInsert(mtstate, partRelInfo);
+ MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldContext);
+ partRelInfo->ri_PartitionReadyForRouting = true;
* ExecSetupChildParentMapForLeaf -- Initialize the per-leaf-partition
* child-to-root tuple conversion map array.
* Close all the partitioned tables, leaf partitions, and their indices.
-ExecCleanupTupleRouting(PartitionTupleRouting *proute)
+ExecCleanupTupleRouting(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
+ PartitionTupleRouting *proute)
int i;
int subplan_index = 0;
if (resultRelInfo == NULL)
+ /* Allow any FDWs to shut down if they've been exercised */
+ if (resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionReadyForRouting &&
+ resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
+ resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->EndForeignInsert != NULL)
+ resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->EndForeignInsert(mtstate->ps.state,
+ resultRelInfo);
* If this result rel is one of the UPDATE subplan result rels, let
* ExecEndPlan() close it. For INSERT or COPY,
proute, estate,
- /* We do not yet have a way to insert into a foreign partition */
- if (partrel->ri_FdwRoutine)
- ereport(ERROR,
- errmsg("cannot route inserted tuples to a foreign table")));
+ /*
+ * Set up information needed for routing tuples to the partition if we
+ * didn't yet (ExecInitRoutingInfo would abort the operation if the
+ * partition isn't routable).
+ *
+ * Note: an UPDATE of a partition key invokes an INSERT that moves the
+ * tuple to a new partition. This setup would be needed for a subplan
+ * partition of such an UPDATE that is chosen as the partition to route
+ * the tuple to. The reason we do this setup here rather than in
+ * ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting is to avoid aborting such an UPDATE
+ * unnecessarily due to non-routable subplan partitions that may not be
+ * chosen for update tuple movement after all.
+ */
+ if (!partrel->ri_PartitionReadyForRouting)
+ ExecInitRoutingInfo(mtstate, estate, proute, partrel, partidx);
* Make it look like we are inserting into the partition.
List *rlist = (List *) lfirst(l);
+ resultRelInfo->ri_returningList = rlist;
resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning =
ExecBuildProjectionInfo(rlist, econtext, slot, &mtstate->ps,
/* Close all the partitioned tables, leaf partitions, and their indices */
if (node->mt_partition_tuple_routing)
- ExecCleanupTupleRouting(node->mt_partition_tuple_routing);
+ ExecCleanupTupleRouting(node, node->mt_partition_tuple_routing);
* Free the exprcontext
ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
EState *estate, int partidx);
+extern void ExecInitRoutingInfo(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
+ EState *estate,
+ PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
+ ResultRelInfo *partRelInfo,
+ int partidx);
extern void ExecSetupChildParentMapForLeaf(PartitionTupleRouting *proute);
extern TupleConversionMap *TupConvMapForLeaf(PartitionTupleRouting *proute,
ResultRelInfo *rootRelInfo, int leaf_index);
HeapTuple tuple,
TupleTableSlot *new_slot,
TupleTableSlot **p_my_slot);
-extern void ExecCleanupTupleRouting(PartitionTupleRouting *proute);
+extern void ExecCleanupTupleRouting(ModifyTableState *mtstate,
+ PartitionTupleRouting *proute);
#endif /* EXECPARTITION_H */
typedef void (*EndForeignModify_function) (EState *estate,
ResultRelInfo *rinfo);
+typedef void (*BeginForeignInsert_function) (ModifyTableState *mtstate,
+ ResultRelInfo *rinfo);
+typedef void (*EndForeignInsert_function) (EState *estate,
+ ResultRelInfo *rinfo);
typedef int (*IsForeignRelUpdatable_function) (Relation rel);
typedef bool (*PlanDirectModify_function) (PlannerInfo *root,
ExecForeignUpdate_function ExecForeignUpdate;
ExecForeignDelete_function ExecForeignDelete;
EndForeignModify_function EndForeignModify;
+ BeginForeignInsert_function BeginForeignInsert;
+ EndForeignInsert_function EndForeignInsert;
IsForeignRelUpdatable_function IsForeignRelUpdatable;
PlanDirectModify_function PlanDirectModify;
BeginDirectModify_function BeginDirectModify;
/* for removing junk attributes from tuples */
JunkFilter *ri_junkFilter;
+ /* list of RETURNING expressions */
+ List *ri_returningList;
/* for computing a RETURNING list */
ProjectionInfo *ri_projectReturning;
/* relation descriptor for root partitioned table */
Relation ri_PartitionRoot;
+ /* true if ready for tuple routing */
+ bool ri_PartitionReadyForRouting;
int ri_PartitionLeafIndex;
/* for running MERGE on this result relation */
MergeState *ri_mergeState;