+++ /dev/null
- PL/pgSQL
- A procedural language for the PostgreSQL RDBMS
- Jan Wieck <jwieck@debis.com>
- Preface
- PL/pgSQL is a procedural language based on SQL designed for
- the PostgreSQL database system.
- The extensibility features of PostgreSQL are mostly based on
- the ability to define functions for various operations.
- Functions could have been written in PostgreSQL's SQL dialect
- or in the C programming language. Functions written in C are
- compiled into a shared object and loaded by the database
- backend process on demand. Also the trigger features of
- PostgreSQL are based on functions but required the use of the
- C language.
- Since version 6.3 PostgreSQL supports the definition of
- procedural languages. In the case of a function or trigger
- procedure defined in a procedural language, the database has
- no builtin knowlege how to interpret the functions source
- text. Instead, the function and trigger calls are passed into
- a handler that knows the details of the language. The
- handler itself is a function compiled into a shared object
- and loaded on demand.
- Overview
- The PL/pgSQL language is case insensitive. All keywords and
- identifiers can be used in upper-/lowercase mixed.
- PL/pgSQL is a block oriented language. A block is defined as
- [<<label>>]
- -- declarations]
- -- statements
- END;
- There can be any number of subblocks in the statements
- section of a block. Subblocks can be used to hide variables
- from outside a block of statements (see Scope and visability
- below). The variables declared in the declarations section
- preceding a block are initialized to their default values
- every time the block is entered, not only once per function
- call.
- It is important not to misunderstand the meaning of BEGIN/END
- for grouping statements in PL/pgSQL and the database commands
- for transaction control. Functions or trigger procedures
- cannot start or commit transactions and PostgreSQL
- transactions cannot have subtransactions.
- Comments
- There are two types of comments in PL/pgSQL. A double dash
- '--' starts a comment that extends to the end of the line. A
- '/*' starts a block comment that extends to the next '*/'.
- Block comments cannot be nested, but double dash comments can
- be enclosed into a block comment and double dashes can hide
- '/*' and '*/'.
- Declarations
- All variables, rows and records used in a block or it's
- subblocks must be declared in the declarations section of the
- block except for the loop variable of a FOR loop iterating
- over a range of integer values. The parameters given to the
- function are automatically declared with the usual
- identifiers $n. The declarations have the following syntax:
- <name> [CONSTANT] <type> [NOT NULL]
- [DEFAULT | := <value>];
- Declares a variable of the specified type. If the
- variable is declared as CONSTANT, the value cannot be
- changed. If NOT NULL is specified, an assignment of a
- NULL value results in a runtime error. Since the
- default value of a variable is the SQL NULL value,
- all variables declared as NOT NULL must also have a
- default value.
- The default value is evaluated at the actual function
- call. So assigning 'now' to an abstime variable
- causes the variable to have the time of the actual
- function call, not when the function was compiled
- (during it's first call since the lifetime of the
- database connection).
- <name> <class>%ROWTYPE;
- Declares a row with the structure of the given class.
- Class must be an existing table- or viewname of the
- database. The fields of the row are accessed in the
- dot notation. Parameters to a procedure could be
- tuple types. In that case the corresponding
- identifier $n will be a rowtype. Only the user
- attributes of a tuple are accessible in the row.
- There must be no whitespaces between the classname,
- the percent and the ROWTYPE keyword.
- The fields of the rowtype inherit the tables
- fieldsizes for char() etc. data types (atttypmod
- from pg_attribute).
- <name> RECORD;
- Records are similar to rowtypes, but they have no
- predefined structure They are used in selections and
- FOR loops to hold one actual database tuple from a
- select operation. One and the same record can be used
- in different selections. Accessing a record or an
- attempt to assign a value to a record field when
- there's no actual tuple in it results in a runtime
- error.
- The new and old tuples in triggers are given to the
- trigger procedure as records. This is necessary,
- because under PostgreSQL one and the same trigger
- procedure can handle trigger events for different
- tables.
- <name> ALIAS FOR $n;
- For better readability of the code it's possible to
- define an alias for a positional parameter to the
- function.
- RENAME <oldname> TO <newname>;
- Change the name of a variable, record or rowtype.
- This is useful if new or old should be referenced by
- another name inside a trigger procedure.
- Datatypes
- The type of a variable can be any of the existing data types
- of the database. <type> above is defined as:
- postgesql-basetype
- or variable%TYPE
- or rowtype.field%TYPE
- or class.field%TYPE
- As for the rowtype declaration, there must be no whitespaces
- between the classname, the percent and the TYPE keyword.
- Expressions
- All expressions used in PL/pgSQL statements are processed
- using the backends executor. Since even a constant looking
- expression can have a totally different meaning for a
- particular data type (as 'now' for abstime), it is impossible
- for the PL/pgSQL parser to identify real constant values
- other than the NULL keyword. The expressions are evaluated by
- internally executing a query
- SELECT <expr>
- over the SPI manager. In the expression, occurences of
- variable identifiers are substituted by parameters and the
- actual values from the variables are passed to the executor
- as query parameters. All the expressions used in a PL/pgSQL
- function are only prepared and saved once.
- If record fields are used in expressions or database
- statements, the data types of the fields should not change
- between calls of one and the same expression. Keep this in
- mind when writing trigger procedures that handle events for
- more than one table.
- Statements
- Anything not understood by the parser as specified below will
- be put into a query and sent down to the database engine to
- execute. The resulting query should not return any data
- (insert, update, delete queries and all utility statements).
- Assignment
- An assignment of a value to a variable or rowtype field
- is written as:
- <identifier> := <expr>;
- If the expressions result data type doesn't match the
- variables data type, or the variables atttypmod value is
- known (as for char(20)), the result value will be
- implicitly casted by the PL/pgSQL executor using the
- result types output- and the variables type input-
- functions. Note that this could potentially result in
- runtime errors generated by the types input functions.
- An assignment of a complete selection into a record or
- rowtype can be done as:
- SELECT expressions INTO <target> FROM fromlist;
- Target can be a record or rowtype variable, or a comma
- separated list of variables and record/row fields.
- If a rowtype or a variable list is used as target, the
- selected values must exactly match the structure of the
- target(s) or a runtime error occurs. The fromlist can be
- followed by any valid qualification, grouping, sorting
- etc.
- There is a special condition [NOT] FOUND that can be used
- immediately after a SELECT INTO to check if the data has
- been found.
- SELECT * INTO myrec FROM EMP WHERE empname = myname;
- RAISE EXCEPTION 'employee % not found', myname;
- If the selection returns multiple rows, only the first is
- moved into the target fields. All others are discarded.
- Calling another function
- If a function should be called, this is normally done by
- a SELECT query. But there are cases where someone isn't
- interested in the functions result.
- PERFORM querystring;
- executes a 'SELECT querystring' over the SPI manager and
- discards the result.
- Returning from the function
- RETURN <expr>;
- The function terminates and the value of <expr> will be
- returned to the upper executor. The return value of a
- function cannot be undefined. If control reaches the end
- of the toplevel block of the function without hitting a
- RETURN statement, a runtime error will occur.
- Aborting and messages
- As indicated above there is an RAISE statement that can
- throw messages into the PostgreSQL elog mechanism.
- RAISE level 'format' [, identifier [...]];
- Inside the format, % can be used as a placeholder for the
- following, comma separated identifiers. The identifiers
- must specify an existing variable or row/record field.
- Conditionals
- IF <expr> THEN
- -- statements
- -- statements]
- The expression <expr> must return a value that at least
- can be casted into a boolean.
- Loops
- There are multiple types of loops.
- [<<label>>]
- -- statements
- An unconditional loop that must be terminated explicitly
- by an EXIT statement. The optional label can be used by
- EXIT statements of nested loops to specify which level of
- nesting should be terminated.
- [<<label>>]
- WHILE <expr> LOOP
- -- statements
- A conditional loop that is executed as long as the
- evaluation of <expr> returns true.
- [<<label>>]
- FOR <name> IN [REVERSE] <expr>..<expr> LOOP
- -- statements
- A loop that iterates over a range of integer values. The
- variable <name> is automatically created as type integer
- and exists only inside the loop. The two expressions
- giving the lower and upper bound of the range are
- evaluated only when entering the loop. The iteration step
- is 1.
- FOR <recname|rowname> IN <select_clause> LOOP
- -- statements
- The record or row is assigned all the rows resulting from
- the select clause and the statements executed for each.
- If the loop is terminated with an EXIT statement, the
- last accessed row is still accessible in the record or
- rowtype.
- EXIT [label] [WHEN <expr>];
- If no label given, the innermost loop is terminated and
- the statement following END LOOP is executed next. If
- label is given, it must be the label of the current or an
- upper level of nested loops or blocks. Then the named
- loop or block is terminated and control continues with
- the statement after the loops/blocks corresponding END.
- Trigger procedures
- PL/pgSQL can also be used to define trigger procedures. They
- are created using CREATE FUNCTION as a function with no
- arguments and a return type of opaque.
- There are some PostgreSQL specific details in functions used
- as trigger procedures.
- First they have some special variables created above the
- toplevel statement block. These are:
- new (record)
- The new database tuple on INSERT/UPDATE operations at
- ROW level.
- old (record)
- The old database tuple on UPDATE/DELETE operations at
- ROW level.
- tg_name (type name)
- The triggers name from pg_trigger.
- tg_when (type text)
- A string of either 'BEFORE' or 'AFTER' depending on
- the triggers definition.
- tg_level (type text)
- A string of either 'ROW' or 'STATEMENT' depending on
- the triggers definition.
- tg_op (type text)
- A string of 'INSERT', 'UPDATE' or 'DELETE' telling
- for which operation the trigger is actually fired.
- tg_relid (type oid)
- The Oid of the relation for which the trigger is
- actually fired.
- tg_relname (type name)
- The relations name for which the trigger is actually
- fired.
- tg_nargs (type integer)
- The number of arguments given to the trigger
- procedure in the CREATE TRIGGER statement.
- tg_argv[] (types text)
- The arguments from the CREATE TRIGGER statement. The
- index counts from 0 and can be given as expression.
- Invalid indices (< 0 or >= tg_nargs) result in a NULL
- value.
- Second, they must return either NULL, or a record/rowtype
- containing exactly the structure of the table the trigger was
- fired for. Triggers fired AFTER might allways return NULL
- with no effect. Triggers fired BEFORE signal the trigger
- manager to skip the operation for this actual row when
- returning NULL. Otherwise, the returned record/rowtype
- replaces the inserted/updated tuple in the operation. It is
- possible to replace single values directly in new and return
- that, or to build a complete new record/rowtype to return.
- Exceptions
- PostgreSQL doesn't have a very smart exception handling
- model. Whenever the parser, planner/optimizer or executor
- decide that a statement cannot be processed any longer, the
- whole transaction gets aborted and the the system jumps back
- into the mainloop using longjmp() to get the next query from
- the client application.
- It is possible to hook into the longjmp() mechanism to notice
- that this happens. But currently it's impossible to tell what
- really caused the abort (input/output conversion error,
- floating point error, parse error) And it's possible that the
- backend is in an inconsistent state at this point so
- returning to the upper executor or issuing more commands
- might corrupt the whole database.
- Thus, the only thing PL/pgSQL currently does when it
- encounters an abort during execution of a function or trigger
- procedure is to write some additional DEBUG log messages
- telling in which function and where (line number and type of
- statement) this happened.
- This might change in the future.