+Tue Feb 13 16:33:00 GMT 2001 peter@retep.org.uk
+ - More TestCases implemented. Refined the test suite api's.
+ - Removed need for SimpleDateFormat in ResultSet.getDate() improving
+ performance.
+ - Rewrote ResultSet.getTime() so that it uses JDK api's better.
+Tue Feb 13 10:25:00 GMT 2001 peter@retep.org.uk
+ - Added MiscTest to hold reported problems from users.
+ - Fixed PGMoney.
+ - JBuilder4/JDBCExplorer now works with Money fields. Patched Field &
+ ResultSet (lots of methods) for this one. Also changed cash/money to
+ return type DOUBLE not DECIMAL. This broke JBuilder as zero scale
+ BigDecimal's can't have decimal places!
+ - When a Statement is reused, the previous ResultSet is now closed.
+ - Removed deprecated call in ResultSet.getTime()
+Thu Feb 08 18:53:00 GMT 2001 peter@retep.org.uk
+ - Changed a couple of settings in DatabaseMetaData where 7.1 now
+ supports those features
+ - Implemented the DatabaseMetaData TestCase.
+Wed Feb 07 18:06:00 GMT 2001 peter@retep.org.uk
+ - Added comment to Connection.isClosed() explaining why we deviate from
+ the JDBC2 specification.
+ - Fixed bug where the Isolation Level is lost while in autocommit mode.
+ - Fixed bug where several calls to getTransactionIsolationLevel()
+ returned the first call's result.
Tue Feb 06 19:00:00 GMT 2001 peter@retep.org.uk
- Completed first two TestCase's for the test suite. JUnit is now
recognised by ant.
public int oid; // OID of the type
public int mod; // type modifier of this field
public String name; // Name of this field
protected Connection conn; // Connection Instantation
public int sql_type = -1; // The entry in java.sql.Types for this field
public String type_name = null;// The sql type name
* Construct a field based on the information fed to it.
this.length = length;
this.mod = mod;
* Constructor without mod parameter.
* @return the oid of this Field's data type
return oid;
* the ResultSet and ResultMetaData both need to handle the SQL
* type, which is gained from another query. Note that we cannot
if(sql_type == -1) {
type_name = (String)conn.fieldCache.get(new Integer(oid));
// it's not in the cache, so perform a query, and add the result to
// the cache
if(type_name==null) {
conn.fieldCache.put(new Integer(oid),type_name);
sql_type = getSQLType(type_name);
return sql_type;
* This returns the SQL type. It is called by the Field and DatabaseMetaData classes
* @param type_name PostgreSQL type name
return sql_type;
* This table holds the org.postgresql names for the types supported.
* Any types that map to Types.OTHER (eg POINT) don't go into this table.
* This table holds the JDBC type for each entry above.
+ Types.DOUBLE,Types.DOUBLE,
* We also need to get the type name as returned by the back end.
* This is held in type_name AFTER a call to getSQLType. Since
protected Connection connection; // the connection which we returned from
protected SQLWarning warnings = null; // The warning chain
protected boolean wasNullFlag = false; // the flag for wasNull()
// We can chain multiple resultSets together - this points to
// next resultSet in the chain.
protected ResultSet next = null;
* Create a new ResultSet - Note that we create ResultSets to
* represent the results of everything.
this.this_row = null;
this.current_row = -1;
* Create a new ResultSet - Note that we create ResultSets to
* represent the results of everything.
* We at times need to know if the resultSet we are working
* with is the result of an UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT (in which
return (fields != null);
* Since ResultSets can be chained, we need some method of
* finding the next one in the chain. The method getNext()
return (java.sql.ResultSet)next;
* This following method allows us to add a ResultSet object
* to the end of the current chain.
* If we are just a place holder for results, we still need
* to get an updateCount. This method returns it.
return updateCount;
* We also need to provide a couple of auxiliary functions for
* the implementation of the ResultMetaData functions. In
return rows.size();
* getColumnCount returns the number of columns
return fields.length;
* Returns the status message from the backend.<p>
* It is used internally by the driver.
return status;
* returns the OID of a field.<p>
* It is used internally by the driver.
return fields[field-1].getOID();
* returns the OID of the last inserted row
return insertOID;
* This is part of the JDBC API, but is required by org.postgresql.Field
public abstract void close() throws SQLException;
public abstract boolean next() throws SQLException;
public abstract String getString(int i) throws SQLException;
+ /**
+ * This is used to fix get*() methods on Money fields. It should only be
+ * used by those methods!
+ *
+ * It converts ($##.##) to -##.## and $##.## to ##.##
+ */
+ public String getFixedString(int col) throws SQLException {
+ String s = getString(col);
+ // Handle SQL Null
+ if(s==null)
+ return null;
+ // Handle Money
+ if(s.charAt(0)=='(') {
+ s="-"+org.postgresql.util.PGtokenizer.removePara(s).substring(1);
+ }
+ if(s.charAt(0)=='$') {
+ s=s.substring(1);
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
import org.postgresql.util.*;
- * $Id: Connection.java,v 1.6 2001/01/31 08:26:02 peter Exp $
+ * $Id: Connection.java,v 1.7 2001/02/13 16:39:02 peter Exp $
* A Connection represents a session with a specific database. Within the
* context of a Connection, SQL statements are executed and results are
// This is a cache of the DatabaseMetaData instance for this connection
protected DatabaseMetaData metadata;
+ /**
+ * The current type mappings
+ */
protected java.util.Map typemap;
+ /**
+ * Cache of the current isolation level
+ */
+ protected int isolationLevel = java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;
* SQL statements without parameters are normally executed using
* Statement objects. If the same SQL statement is executed many
if (autoCommit)
- else
+ else {
+ doIsolationLevel();
+ }
this.autoCommit = autoCommit;
autoCommit = true;
+ doIsolationLevel();
autoCommit = false;
autoCommit = true;
+ doIsolationLevel();
autoCommit = false;
- * Tests to see if a Connection is closed
+ * Tests to see if a Connection is closed.
+ *
+ * Peter Feb 7 2000: Now I've discovered that this doesn't actually obey the
+ * specifications. Under JDBC2.1, this should only be valid _after_ close()
+ * has been called. It's result is not guraranteed to be valid before, and
+ * client code should not use it to see if a connection is open. The spec says
+ * that the client should monitor the SQLExceptions thrown when their queries
+ * fail because the connection is dead.
+ *
+ * I don't like this definition. As it doesn't hurt breaking it here, our
+ * isClosed() implementation does test the connection, so for PostgreSQL, you
+ * can rely on isClosed() returning a valid result.
* @return the status of the connection
* @exception SQLException (why?)
* @see java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#supportsTransactionIsolationLevel
public void setTransactionIsolation(int level) throws SQLException
+ {
+ isolationLevel = level;
+ doIsolationLevel();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper method used by setTransactionIsolation(), commit(), rollback()
+ * and setAutoCommit(). This sets the current isolation level.
+ */
+ private void doIsolationLevel() throws SQLException
- switch(level) {
+ switch(isolationLevel) {
case java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED:
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.isolevel",new Integer(level));
+ throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.isolevel",new Integer(isolationLevel));
public int getTransactionIsolation() throws SQLException
+ clearWarnings();
ExecSQL("show xactisolevel");
SQLWarning w = getWarnings();
if (w != null) {
- if (w.getMessage().indexOf("READ COMMITTED") != -1) return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED; else
- if (w.getMessage().indexOf("READ UNCOMMITTED") != -1) return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED; else
- if (w.getMessage().indexOf("REPEATABLE READ") != -1) return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ; else
- if (w.getMessage().indexOf("SERIALIZABLE") != -1) return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE;
+ String m = w.getMessage();
+ clearWarnings();
+ if (m.indexOf("READ COMMITTED") != -1) return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED; else
+ if (m.indexOf("READ UNCOMMITTED") != -1) return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED; else
+ if (m.indexOf("REPEATABLE READ") != -1) return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ; else
+ if (m.indexOf("SERIALIZABLE") != -1) return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE;
return java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;
public boolean supportsOuterJoins() throws SQLException
- return false;
+ return true; // yes 7.1 does
public boolean supportsFullOuterJoins() throws SQLException
- return false;
+ return true; // yes in 7.1
public boolean supportsLimitedOuterJoins() throws SQLException
- return false;
+ return true; // yes in 7.1
public boolean supportsUnion() throws SQLException
- return false;
+ return true; // 7.0?
* </ol>
* <p>The valid values for the types parameter are:
* @param catalog a catalog name; For org.postgresql, this is ignored, and
* should be set to null
// IMPORTANT: the query must be enclosed in ( )
private static final String getTableTypes[][] = {
{"TABLE", "(relkind='r' and relhasrules='f' and relname !~ '^pg_' and relname !~ '^xinv')"},
- {"VIEW", "(relkind='v' and relname !~ '^pg_' and relname !~ '^xinv')"},
- {"INDEX", "(relkind='i' and relname !~ '^pg_' and relname !~ '^xinx')"},
- {"LARGE OBJECT", "(relkind='r' and relname ~ '^xinv')"},
+ {"VIEW", "(relkind='v' and relname !~ '^pg_')"},
+ {"INDEX", "(relkind='i' and relname !~ '^pg_')"},
{"SEQUENCE", "(relkind='S' and relname !~ '^pg_')"},
{"SYSTEM TABLE", "(relkind='r' and relname ~ '^pg_')"},
{"SYSTEM INDEX", "(relkind='i' and relname ~ '^pg_')"}
StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer("'");
set(parameterIndex, strBuf.toString());
+ // The above works, but so does the following. I'm leaving the above in, but this seems
+ // to be identical. Pays to read the docs ;-)
+ //set(parameterIndex,"'"+x.toString()+"'");
public void close() throws SQLException
//release resources held (memory for tuples)
- rows.setSize(0);
+ if(rows!=null) {
+ rows.setSize(0);
+ rows=null;
+ }
public String getString(int columnIndex) throws SQLException
- //byte[] bytes = getBytes(columnIndex);
- //
- //if (bytes == null)
- //return null;
- //return new String(bytes);
if (columnIndex < 1 || columnIndex > fields.length)
throw new PSQLException("postgresql.res.colrange");
wasNullFlag = (this_row[columnIndex - 1] == null);
return null;
String encoding = connection.getEncoding();
if (encoding == null)
return new String(this_row[columnIndex - 1]);
public short getShort(int columnIndex) throws SQLException
- String s = getString(columnIndex);
+ String s = getFixedString(columnIndex);
if (s != null)
public int getInt(int columnIndex) throws SQLException
- String s = getString(columnIndex);
+ String s = getFixedString(columnIndex);
if (s != null)
public long getLong(int columnIndex) throws SQLException
- String s = getString(columnIndex);
+ String s = getFixedString(columnIndex);
if (s != null)
public float getFloat(int columnIndex) throws SQLException
- String s = getString(columnIndex);
+ String s = getFixedString(columnIndex);
if (s != null)
public double getDouble(int columnIndex) throws SQLException
- String s = getString(columnIndex);
+ String s = getFixedString(columnIndex);
if (s != null)
public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int columnIndex, int scale) throws SQLException
- String s = getString(columnIndex);
+ String s = getFixedString(columnIndex);
BigDecimal val;
if (s != null)
- try
- {
+ try
+ {
val = new BigDecimal(s);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new PSQLException ("postgresql.res.badbigdec",s);
String s = getString(columnIndex);
return null;
- SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
- try {
- return new java.sql.Date(df.parse(s).getTime());
- } catch (ParseException e) {
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.res.baddate",new Integer(e.getErrorOffset()),s);
- }
+ return java.sql.Date.valueOf(s);
String s = getString(columnIndex);
- if (s != null)
- {
- try
- {
- if (s.length() != 5 && s.length() != 8)
- throw new NumberFormatException("Wrong Length!");
- int hr = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0,2));
- int min = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(3,5));
- int sec = (s.length() == 5) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(s.substring(6));
- return new Time(hr, min, sec);
- } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- throw new PSQLException ("postgresql.res.badtime",s);
- }
- }
- return null; // SQL NULL
+ if(s==null)
+ return null; // SQL NULL
+ return java.sql.Time.valueOf(s);
public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int columnIndex) throws SQLException
- try {
- return new BigDecimal(getDouble(columnIndex));
- } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
- throw new PSQLException("postgresql.res.badbigdec",nfe.toString());
- }
+ // Now must call BigDecimal with a scale otherwise JBuilder barfs
+ return getBigDecimal(columnIndex,0);
public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String columnName) throws SQLException
+ // New in 7.1, if we have a previous resultset then force it to close
+ // This brings us nearer to compliance, and helps memory management.
+ // Internal stuff will call ExecSQL directly, bypassing this.
+ if(result!=null) {
+ java.sql.ResultSet rs = getResultSet();
+ if(rs!=null)
+ rs.close();
+ }
// New in 7.1, pass Statement so that ExecSQL can customise to it
result = connection.ExecSQL(sql,this);
import java.sql.*;
- * Executes all known tests for JDBC2
+ * Executes all known tests for JDBC2 and includes some utility methods.
public class JDBC2Tests extends TestSuite {
+ /**
+ * Helper - creates a test table for use by a test
+ */
+ public static void createTable(Connection conn,String columns) {
+ try {
+ Statement st = conn.createStatement();
+ // Ignore the drop
+ try {
+ st.executeUpdate("drop table "+getTableName());
+ } catch(SQLException se) {
+ }
+ // Now create the table
+ st.executeUpdate("create table "+getTableName()+" ("+columns+")");
+ st.close();
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ TestCase.assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Variant used when more than one table is required
+ */
+ public static void createTable(Connection conn,String id,String columns) {
+ try {
+ Statement st = conn.createStatement();
+ // Ignore the drop
+ try {
+ st.executeUpdate("drop table "+getTableName(id));
+ } catch(SQLException se) {
+ }
+ // Now create the table
+ st.executeUpdate("create table "+getTableName(id)+" ("+columns+")");
+ st.close();
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ TestCase.assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper - generates INSERT SQL - very simple
+ */
+ public static String insert(String values) {
+ return insert(null,values);
+ }
+ public static String insert(String columns,String values) {
+ String s = "INSERT INTO "+getTableName();
+ if(columns!=null)
+ s=s+" ("+columns+")";
+ return s+" VALUES ("+values+")";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper - generates SELECT SQL - very simple
+ */
+ public static String select(String columns) {
+ return select(columns,null,null);
+ }
+ public static String select(String columns,String where) {
+ return select(columns,where,null);
+ }
+ public static String select(String columns,String where,String other) {
+ String s = "SELECT "+columns+" FROM "+getTableName();
+ if(where!=null)
+ s=s+" WHERE "+where;
+ if(other!=null)
+ s=s+" "+other;
+ return s;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper - returns the test table's name
+ * This is defined by the tablename property. If not defined it defaults to
+ * jdbctest
+ */
+ public static String getTableName() {
+ if(tablename==null)
+ tablename=System.getProperty("tablename","jdbctest");
+ return tablename;
+ }
+ /**
+ * As getTableName() but the id is a suffix. Used when more than one table is
+ * required in a test.
+ */
+ public static String getTableName(String id) {
+ if(tablename==null)
+ tablename=System.getProperty("tablename","jdbctest");
+ return tablename+"_"+id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cache used by getTableName() [its used a lot!]
+ */
+ private static String tablename;
+ /**
+ * Helper to prefix a number with leading zeros - ugly but it works...
+ * @param v value to prefix
+ * @param l number of digits (0-10)
+ */
+ public static String fix(int v,int l) {
+ String s = "0000000000".substring(0,l)+Integer.toString(v);
+ return s.substring(s.length()-l);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Number of milliseconds in a day
+ */
+ public static final long DAYMILLIS = 24*3600*1000;
* The main entry point for JUnit
// Add one line per class in our test cases. These should be in order of
// complexity.
+ // ANTTest should be first as it ensures that test parameters are
+ // being sent to the suite. It also initialises the database (if required)
+ // with some simple global tables (will make each testcase use its own later).
- // ie: ANTTest should be first as it ensures that test parameters are
- // being sent to the suite.
- //
+ suite.addTestSuite(ANTTest.class);
// Basic Driver internals
- suite.addTestSuite(ANTTest.class);
+ suite.addTestSuite(DatabaseMetaDataTest.class);
// Connectivity/Protocols
// ResultSet
+ suite.addTestSuite(DateTest.class);
+ suite.addTestSuite(TimeTest.class);
+ suite.addTestSuite(TimestampTest.class);
// PreparedStatement
// Fastpath/LargeObject
+ // Other misc tests, based on previous problems users have had or specific
+ // features some applications require.
+ suite.addTestSuite(JBuilderTest.class);
+ suite.addTestSuite(MiscTest.class);
// That's all folks
return suite;
\ No newline at end of file
* PS: Do you know how difficult it is to type on a train? ;-)
- * $Id: ConnectionTest.java,v 1.1 2001/02/07 09:13:20 peter Exp $
+ * $Id: ConnectionTest.java,v 1.2 2001/02/13 16:39:05 peter Exp $
public class ConnectionTest extends TestCase {
- * Simple test to see if isClosed works
+ * Simple test to see if isClosed works.
public void testIsClosed() {
try {
+ /**
+ * Test the warnings system
+ */
+ public void testWarnings() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ String testStr = "This Is OuR TeSt message";
+ // The connection must be ours!
+ assert(con instanceof org.postgresql.Connection);
+ // Clear any existing warnings
+ con.clearWarnings();
+ // Set the test warning
+ ((org.postgresql.Connection)con).addWarning(testStr);
+ // Retrieve it
+ SQLWarning warning = con.getWarnings();
+ assert(warning!=null);
+ assert(warning.getMessage().equals(testStr));
+ // Finally test clearWarnings() this time there must be something to delete
+ con.clearWarnings();
+ assert(con.getWarnings()==null);
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Transaction Isolation Levels
+ */
+ public void testTransactionIsolation() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ con.setAutoCommit(false);
+ // These are the currently available ones
+ con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE);
+ assert(con.getTransactionIsolation()==Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE);
+ con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED);
+ assert(con.getTransactionIsolation()==Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED);
+ // Now turn on AutoCommit. Transaction Isolation doesn't work outside of
+ // a transaction, so they should return READ_COMMITTED at all times!
+ con.setAutoCommit(true);
+ con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE);
+ assert(con.getTransactionIsolation()==Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED);
+ con.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED);
+ assert(con.getTransactionIsolation()==Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED);
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * JDBC2 Type mappings
+ */
+ public void testTypeMaps() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ // preserve the current map
+ java.util.Map oldmap = con.getTypeMap();
+ // now change it for an empty one
+ java.util.Map newmap = new java.util.HashMap();
+ con.setTypeMap(newmap);
+ assert(con.getTypeMap()==newmap);
+ // restore the old one
+ con.setTypeMap(oldmap);
+ assert(con.getTypeMap()==oldmap);
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+package org.postgresql.test.jdbc2;
+import org.postgresql.test.JDBC2Tests;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import java.sql.*;
+ * TestCase to test the internal functionality of org.postgresql.jdbc2.DatabaseMetaData
+ *
+ * PS: Do you know how difficult it is to type on a train? ;-)
+ *
+ * $Id: DatabaseMetaDataTest.java,v 1.1 2001/02/13 16:39:05 peter Exp $
+ */
+public class DatabaseMetaDataTest extends TestCase {
+ /**
+ * Constructor
+ */
+ public DatabaseMetaDataTest(String name) {
+ super(name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The spec says this may return null, but we always do!
+ */
+ public void testGetMetaData() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
+ assert(dbmd!=null);
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test default capabilities
+ */
+ public void testCapabilities() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
+ assert(dbmd!=null);
+ assert(dbmd.allProceduresAreCallable()==true);
+ assert(dbmd.allTablesAreSelectable()==true); // not true all the time
+ // This should always be false for postgresql (at least for 7.x)
+ assert(!dbmd.isReadOnly());
+ // does the backend support this yet? The protocol does...
+ assert(!dbmd.supportsMultipleResultSets());
+ // yes, as multiple backends can have transactions open
+ assert(dbmd.supportsMultipleTransactions());
+ assert(dbmd.supportsMinimumSQLGrammar());
+ assert(!dbmd.supportsCoreSQLGrammar());
+ assert(!dbmd.supportsExtendedSQLGrammar());
+ assert(!dbmd.supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL());
+ assert(!dbmd.supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL());
+ assert(!dbmd.supportsANSI92FullSQL());
+ assert(!dbmd.supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility());
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testJoins() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
+ assert(dbmd!=null);
+ assert(dbmd.supportsOuterJoins());
+ assert(dbmd.supportsFullOuterJoins());
+ assert(dbmd.supportsLimitedOuterJoins());
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testCursors() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
+ assert(dbmd!=null);
+ assert(!dbmd.supportsPositionedDelete());
+ assert(!dbmd.supportsPositionedUpdate());
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testNulls() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
+ assert(dbmd!=null);
+ // these need double checking
+ assert(!dbmd.nullsAreSortedAtStart());
+ assert(dbmd.nullsAreSortedAtEnd());
+ assert(!dbmd.nullsAreSortedHigh());
+ assert(!dbmd.nullsAreSortedLow());
+ assert(dbmd.nullPlusNonNullIsNull());
+ assert(dbmd.supportsNonNullableColumns());
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testLocalFiles() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
+ assert(dbmd!=null);
+ assert(!dbmd.usesLocalFilePerTable());
+ assert(!dbmd.usesLocalFiles());
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testIdentifiers() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
+ assert(dbmd!=null);
+ assert(!dbmd.supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers()); // always false
+ assert(dbmd.supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()); // always true
+ assert(!dbmd.storesUpperCaseIdentifiers()); // always false
+ assert(dbmd.storesLowerCaseIdentifiers()); // always true
+ assert(!dbmd.storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers()); // always false
+ assert(!dbmd.storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers()); // always false
+ assert(!dbmd.storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers()); // always false
+ assert(dbmd.getIdentifierQuoteString().equals("\""));
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testTables() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
+ assert(dbmd!=null);
+ // we can add columns
+ assert(dbmd.supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn());
+ // we can't drop columns (yet)
+ assert(!dbmd.supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn());
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testSelect() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
+ assert(dbmd!=null);
+ // yes we can?: SELECT col a FROM a;
+ assert(dbmd.supportsColumnAliasing());
+ // yes we can have expressions in ORDERBY
+ assert(dbmd.supportsExpressionsInOrderBy());
+ assert(!dbmd.supportsOrderByUnrelated());
+ assert(dbmd.supportsGroupBy());
+ assert(dbmd.supportsGroupByUnrelated());
+ assert(dbmd.supportsGroupByBeyondSelect()); // needs checking
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testDBParams() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
+ assert(dbmd!=null);
+ assert(dbmd.getURL().equals(JDBC2Tests.getURL()));
+ assert(dbmd.getUserName().equals(JDBC2Tests.getUser()));
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testDbProductDetails() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ assert(con instanceof org.postgresql.Connection);
+ org.postgresql.Connection pc = (org.postgresql.Connection) con;
+ DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
+ assert(dbmd!=null);
+ assert(dbmd.getDatabaseProductName().equals("PostgreSQL"));
+ assert(dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion().startsWith(Integer.toString(pc.this_driver.getMajorVersion())+"."+Integer.toString(pc.this_driver.getMinorVersion())));
+ assert(dbmd.getDriverName().equals("PostgreSQL Native Driver"));
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ public void testDriverVersioning() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ assert(con instanceof org.postgresql.Connection);
+ org.postgresql.Connection pc = (org.postgresql.Connection) con;
+ DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData();
+ assert(dbmd!=null);
+ assert(dbmd.getDriverVersion().equals(pc.this_driver.getVersion()));
+ assert(dbmd.getDriverMajorVersion()==pc.this_driver.getMajorVersion());
+ assert(dbmd.getDriverMinorVersion()==pc.this_driver.getMinorVersion());
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(SQLException ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+package org.postgresql.test.jdbc2;
+import org.postgresql.test.JDBC2Tests;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import java.sql.*;
+ * $Id: DateTest.java,v 1.1 2001/02/13 16:39:05 peter Exp $
+ *
+ * Some simple tests based on problems reported by users. Hopefully these will
+ * help prevent previous problems from re-occuring ;-)
+ *
+ */
+public class DateTest extends TestCase {
+ public DateTest(String name) {
+ super(name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the time methods in ResultSet
+ */
+ public void testGetDate() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ Statement st=con.createStatement();
+ JDBC2Tests.createTable(con,"dt date");
+ st.executeUpdate(JDBC2Tests.insert("'1950-02-07'"));
+ st.executeUpdate(JDBC2Tests.insert("'1970-06-02'"));
+ st.executeUpdate(JDBC2Tests.insert("'1999-08-11'"));
+ st.executeUpdate(JDBC2Tests.insert("'2001-02-13'"));
+ // Fall through helper
+ checkTimeTest(con,st);
+ st.close();
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(Exception ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the time methods in PreparedStatement
+ */
+ public void testSetDate() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ Statement st=con.createStatement();
+ JDBC2Tests.createTable(con,"dt date");
+ PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(JDBC2Tests.insert("?"));
+ ps.setDate(1,getDate(1950,2,7));
+ assert(!ps.execute()); // false as its an update!
+ ps.setDate(1,getDate(1970,6,2));
+ assert(!ps.execute()); // false as its an update!
+ ps.setDate(1,getDate(1999,8,11));
+ assert(!ps.execute()); // false as its an update!
+ ps.setDate(1,getDate(2001,2,13));
+ assert(!ps.execute()); // false as its an update!
+ // Fall through helper
+ checkTimeTest(con,st);
+ ps.close();
+ st.close();
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(Exception ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper for the TimeTests. It tests what should be in the db
+ */
+ private void checkTimeTest(Connection con,Statement st) throws SQLException {
+ ResultSet rs=null;
+ java.sql.Date t=null;
+ rs=st.executeQuery(JDBC2Tests.select("dt"));
+ assert(rs!=null);
+ assert(rs.next());
+ t = rs.getDate(1);
+ assert(t!=null);
+ assert(t.equals(getDate(1950,2,7)));
+ assert(rs.next());
+ t = rs.getDate(1);
+ assert(t!=null);
+ assert(t.equals(getDate(1970,6,2)));
+ assert(rs.next());
+ t = rs.getDate(1);
+ assert(t!=null);
+ assert(t.equals(getDate(1999,8,11)));
+ assert(rs.next());
+ t = rs.getDate(1);
+ assert(t!=null);
+ assert(t.equals(getDate(2001,2,13)));
+ assert(!rs.next());
+ rs.close();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Yes this is ugly, but it gets the test done ;-)
+ */
+ private java.sql.Date getDate(int y,int m,int d) {
+ return java.sql.Date.valueOf(JDBC2Tests.fix(y,4)+"-"+JDBC2Tests.fix(m,2)+"-"+JDBC2Tests.fix(d,2));
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.postgresql.test.jdbc2;
+import org.postgresql.test.JDBC2Tests;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import java.sql.*;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+ * $Id: JBuilderTest.java,v 1.1 2001/02/13 16:39:05 peter Exp $
+ *
+ * Some simple tests to check that the required components needed for JBuilder
+ * stay working
+ *
+ */
+public class JBuilderTest extends TestCase {
+ public JBuilderTest(String name) {
+ super(name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This tests that Money types work. JDBCExplorer barfs if this fails.
+ */
+ public void testMoney() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ Statement st=con.createStatement();
+ ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select cost from test_c");
+ assert(rs!=null);
+ while(rs.next()){
+ double bd = rs.getDouble(1);
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ st.close();
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(Exception ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.postgresql.test.jdbc2;
+import org.postgresql.test.JDBC2Tests;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import java.sql.*;
+ * $Id: MiscTest.java,v 1.1 2001/02/13 16:39:05 peter Exp $
+ *
+ * Some simple tests based on problems reported by users. Hopefully these will
+ * help prevent previous problems from re-occuring ;-)
+ *
+ */
+public class MiscTest extends TestCase {
+ public MiscTest(String name) {
+ super(name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Some versions of the driver would return rs as a null?
+ *
+ * Sasha <ber0806@iperbole.bologna.it> was having this problem.
+ *
+ * Added Feb 13 2001
+ */
+ public void testDatabaseSelectNullBug() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ Statement st=con.createStatement();
+ ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("select datname from pg_database");
+ assert(rs!=null);
+ while(rs.next()){
+ String s = rs.getString(1);
+ }
+ rs.close();
+ st.close();
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(Exception ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.postgresql.test.jdbc2;
+import org.postgresql.test.JDBC2Tests;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import java.sql.*;
+ * $Id: TimeTest.java,v 1.1 2001/02/13 16:39:05 peter Exp $
+ *
+ * Some simple tests based on problems reported by users. Hopefully these will
+ * help prevent previous problems from re-occuring ;-)
+ *
+ */
+public class TimeTest extends TestCase {
+ public TimeTest(String name) {
+ super(name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the time methods in ResultSet
+ */
+ public void testGetTime() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ Statement st=con.createStatement();
+ JDBC2Tests.createTable(con,"tm time");
+ st.executeUpdate(JDBC2Tests.insert("'01:02:03'"));
+ st.executeUpdate(JDBC2Tests.insert("'23:59:59'"));
+ // Fall through helper
+ checkTimeTest(con,st);
+ st.close();
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(Exception ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the time methods in PreparedStatement
+ */
+ public void testSetTime() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ Statement st=con.createStatement();
+ JDBC2Tests.createTable(con,"tm time");
+ PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(JDBC2Tests.insert("?"));
+ ps.setTime(1,getTime(1,2,3));
+ assert(!ps.execute()); // false as its an update!
+ ps.setTime(1,getTime(23,59,59));
+ assert(!ps.execute()); // false as its an update!
+ // Fall through helper
+ checkTimeTest(con,st);
+ ps.close();
+ st.close();
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(Exception ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper for the TimeTests. It tests what should be in the db
+ */
+ private void checkTimeTest(Connection con,Statement st) throws SQLException {
+ ResultSet rs=null;
+ Time t=null;
+ rs=st.executeQuery(JDBC2Tests.select("tm"));
+ assert(rs!=null);
+ assert(rs.next());
+ t = rs.getTime(1);
+ assert(t!=null);
+ assert(getHours(t)==1);
+ assert(getMinutes(t)==2);
+ assert(getSeconds(t)==3);
+ assert(rs.next());
+ t = rs.getTime(1);
+ assert(t!=null);
+ assert(getHours(t)==23);
+ assert(getMinutes(t)==59);
+ assert(getSeconds(t)==59);
+ assert(!rs.next());
+ rs.close();
+ }
+ /**
+ * These implement depreciated methods in java.sql.Time
+ */
+ private static long getHours(Time t) {
+ return (t.getTime() % JDBC2Tests.DAYMILLIS)/3600000;
+ }
+ private static long getMinutes(Time t) {
+ return ((t.getTime() % JDBC2Tests.DAYMILLIS)/60000)%60;
+ }
+ private static long getSeconds(Time t) {
+ return ((t.getTime() % JDBC2Tests.DAYMILLIS)/1000)%60;
+ }
+ private Time getTime(int h,int m,int s) {
+ return new Time(1000*(s+(m*60)+(h*3600)));
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package org.postgresql.test.jdbc2;
+import org.postgresql.test.JDBC2Tests;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import java.sql.*;
+ * $Id: TimestampTest.java,v 1.1 2001/02/13 16:39:05 peter Exp $
+ *
+ * This has been the most controversial pair of methods since 6.5 was released!
+ *
+ * From now on, any changes made to either getTimestamp or setTimestamp
+ * MUST PASS this TestCase!!!
+ *
+ */
+public class TimestampTest extends TestCase {
+ public TimestampTest(String name) {
+ super(name);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the time methods in ResultSet
+ */
+ public void testGetTimestamp() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ Statement st=con.createStatement();
+ JDBC2Tests.createTable(con,"ts timestamp");
+ st.executeUpdate(JDBC2Tests.insert("'1950-02-07 15:00:00'"));
+ // Before you ask why 8:13:00 and not 7:13:00, this is a problem with the
+ // getTimestamp method in this TestCase. It's simple, brain-dead. It
+ // simply doesn't know about summer time. As this date is in June, it's
+ // summer (GMT wise).
+ //
+ // This case needs some work done on it.
+ //
+ st.executeUpdate(JDBC2Tests.insert("'"+getTimestamp(1970,6,2,8,13,0).toString()+"'"));
+ //st.executeUpdate(JDBC2Tests.insert("'1950-02-07'"));
+ // Fall through helper
+ checkTimeTest(con,st);
+ st.close();
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(Exception ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests the time methods in PreparedStatement
+ */
+ public void testSetTimestamp() {
+ try {
+ Connection con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
+ Statement st=con.createStatement();
+ JDBC2Tests.createTable(con,"ts timestamp");
+ PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(JDBC2Tests.insert("?"));
+ ps.setTimestamp(1,getTimestamp(1950,2,7,15,0,0));
+ assert(!ps.execute()); // false as its an update!
+ // Before you ask why 8:13:00 and not 7:13:00, this is a problem with the
+ // getTimestamp method in this TestCase. It's simple, brain-dead. It
+ // simply doesn't know about summer time. As this date is in June, it's
+ // summer (GMT wise).
+ //
+ // This case needs some work done on it.
+ //
+ ps.setTimestamp(1,getTimestamp(1970,6,2,7,13,0));
+ assert(!ps.execute()); // false as its an update!
+ // Fall through helper
+ checkTimeTest(con,st);
+ ps.close();
+ st.close();
+ JDBC2Tests.closeDB(con);
+ } catch(Exception ex) {
+ assert(ex.getMessage(),false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper for the TimeTests. It tests what should be in the db
+ */
+ private void checkTimeTest(Connection con,Statement st) throws SQLException {
+ ResultSet rs=null;
+ java.sql.Timestamp t=null;
+ rs=st.executeQuery(JDBC2Tests.select("ts"));
+ assert(rs!=null);
+ assert(rs.next());
+ t = rs.getTimestamp(1);
+ assert(t!=null);
+ assert(t.equals(getTimestamp(1950,2,7,15,0,0)));
+ assert(rs.next());
+ t = rs.getTimestamp(1);
+ assert(t!=null);
+ assert(t.equals(getTimestamp(1970,6,2,7,13,0)));
+ assert(!rs.next()); // end of table. Fail if more entries exist.
+ rs.close();
+ }
+ /**
+ * These implement depreciated methods in java.sql.Time
+ */
+ private static final long dayms = 24*3600*1000;
+ /**
+ * Yes this is ugly, but it gets the test done ;-)
+ *
+ * Actually its buggy. We need a better solution to this, then the hack of adding 1 hour to
+ * entries in June above don't need setting.
+ */
+ private java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int y,int m,int d,int h,int mn,int se) {
+ return java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(JDBC2Tests.fix(y,4)+"-"+JDBC2Tests.fix(m,2)+"-"+JDBC2Tests.fix(d,2)+" "+JDBC2Tests.fix(h,2)+":"+JDBC2Tests.fix(mn,2)+":"+JDBC2Tests.fix(se,2)+"."+JDBC2Tests.fix(0,9));
+ }
* The value of the field
public double val;
* @param value of field
val = value;
* This is called mainly from the other geometric types, when a
* point is imbeded within their definition.
* Required by the driver
* @param s Definition of this point in PostgreSQL's syntax
* @exception SQLException on conversion failure
String s1;
boolean negative;
- negative = (s.charAt(0) == '-') ;
+ negative = (s.charAt(0) == '(') ;
- s1 = s.substring(negative ? 2 : 1);
+ // Remove any () (for negative) & currency symbol
+ s1 = PGtokenizer.removePara(s).substring(1);
+ // Strip out any , in currency
int pos = s1.indexOf(',');
while (pos != -1) {
s1 = s1.substring(0,pos) + s1.substring(pos +1);
throw new PSQLException("postgresql.money",e);
* @param obj Object to compare with
* @return true if the two boxes are identical
return false;
* This must be overidden to allow the object to be cloned
return new PGmoney(val);
* @return the PGpoint in the syntax expected by org.postgresql