2``) and the sole argument of the callback function as the third one of the
broker function (``i64 3``).
-.. code-block:: llvm
+.. FIXME why does the llvm-sphinx-docs builder give a highlighting
+ error if the below is set to highlight as 'llvm', despite that we
+ have misc.highlighting_failure set?
+.. code-block:: text
declare !callback !1 dso_local i32 @pthread_create(i64*, %union.pthread_attr_t*, i8* (i8*)*, i8*)
variadic arguments that are passed to the ``__kmpc_fork_call`` call (due to the
final ``i1 true``).
-.. code-block:: llvm
+.. FIXME why does the llvm-sphinx-docs builder give a highlighting
+ error if the below is set to highlight as 'llvm', despite that we
+ have misc.highlighting_failure set?
+.. code-block:: text
declare !callback !0 dso_local void @__kmpc_fork_call(%struct.ident_t*, i32, void (i32*, i32*, ...)*, ...)