{ "forw_decode", DT_SYN, R_NONE, UL "forward_decode", 0 },
+ { "forward_decrypt", DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTFORWDECRYPT, 1 },
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** Controls the handling of encrypted messages when forwarding a message.
+ ** When \fIset\fP, the outer layer of encryption is stripped off. This
+ ** variable is only used if $$mime_forward is \fIset\fP and
+ ** $$mime_forward_decode is \fIunset\fP.
+ ** (PGP only)
+ */
+ { "forw_decrypt", DT_SYN, R_NONE, UL "forward_decrypt", 0 },
+ /*
+ */
{ "forward_edit", DT_QUAD, R_NONE, OPT_FORWEDIT, M_YES },
** .pp
** If \Fi``no''\fP, never attempt to verify cryptographic signatures.
** (Crypto only)
- { "smime_is_default", DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTSMIMEISDEFAULT, 0},
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** The default behaviour of mutt is to use PGP on all auto-sign/encryption
- ** operations. To override and to use OpenSSL instead this must be \fIset\fP.
- ** However, this has no effect while replying, since mutt will automatically
- ** select the same application that was used to sign/encrypt the original
- ** message. (Note that this variable can be overridden by unsetting $$crypt_autosmime.)
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_ask_cert_label", DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTASKCERTLABEL, 1 },
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This flag controls whether you want to be asked to enter a label
- ** for a certificate about to be added to the database or not. It is
- ** \fIset\fP by default.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_decrypt_use_default_key", DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTSDEFAULTDECRYPTKEY, 1 },
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** If \fIset\fP (default) this tells mutt to use the default key for decryption. Otherwise,
- ** if managing multiple certificate-key-pairs, mutt will try to use the mailbox-address
- ** to determine the key to use. It will ask you to supply a key, if it can't find one.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
{ "pgp_entry_format", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &PgpEntryFormat, UL "%4n %t%f %4l/0x%k %-4a %2c %u" },
** .pp
** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
** (PGP only)
- { "forward_decrypt", DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTFORWDECRYPT, 1 },
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** Controls the handling of encrypted messages when forwarding a message.
- ** When \fIset\fP, the outer layer of encryption is stripped off. This
- ** variable is only used if $$mime_forward is \fIset\fP and
- ** $$mime_forward_decode is \fIunset\fP.
- ** (PGP only)
- */
- { "forw_decrypt", DT_SYN, R_NONE, UL "forward_decrypt", 0 },
- /*
- */
- { "smime_timeout", DT_NUM, R_NONE, UL &SmimeTimeout, 300 },
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** The number of seconds after which a cached passphrase will expire if
- ** not used.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_encrypt_with", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeCryptAlg, 0 },
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This sets the algorithm that should be used for encryption.
- ** Valid choices are ``des'', ``des3'', ``rc2-40'', ``rc2-64'', ``rc2-128''.
- ** If \fIunset\fP, ``3des'' (TripleDES) is used.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_keys", DT_PATH, R_NONE, UL &SmimeKeys, 0 },
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** Since for S/MIME there is no pubring/secring as with PGP, mutt has to handle
- ** storage and retrieval of keys/certs by itself. This is very basic right now,
- ** and stores keys and certificates in two different directories, both
- ** named as the hash-value retrieved from OpenSSL. There is an index file
- ** which contains mailbox-address keyid pair, and which can be manually
- ** edited. This option points to the location of the private keys.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_ca_location", DT_PATH, R_NONE, UL &SmimeCALocation, 0 },
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This variable contains the name of either a directory, or a file which
- ** contains trusted certificates for use with OpenSSL.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_certificates", DT_PATH, R_NONE, UL &SmimeCertificates, 0 },
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** Since for S/MIME there is no pubring/secring as with PGP, mutt has to handle
- ** storage and retrieval of keys by itself. This is very basic right
- ** now, and keys and certificates are stored in two different
- ** directories, both named as the hash-value retrieved from
- ** OpenSSL. There is an index file which contains mailbox-address
- ** keyid pairs, and which can be manually edited. This option points to
- ** the location of the certificates.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_decrypt_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeDecryptCommand, 0},
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This format string specifies a command which is used to decrypt
- ** \fCapplication/x-pkcs7-mime\fP attachments.
- ** .pp
- ** The OpenSSL command formats have their own set of \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences
- ** similar to PGP's:
- ** .dl
- ** .dt %f .dd Expands to the name of a file containing a message.
- ** .dt %s .dd Expands to the name of a file containing the signature part
- ** . of a \fCmultipart/signed\fP attachment when verifying it.
- ** .dt %k .dd The key-pair specified with $$smime_default_key
- ** .dt %c .dd One or more certificate IDs.
- ** .dt %a .dd The algorithm used for encryption.
- ** .dt %C .dd CA location: Depending on whether $$smime_ca_location
- ** . points to a directory or file, this expands to
- ** . ``-CApath $$smime_ca_location'' or ``-CAfile $$smime_ca_location''.
- ** .de
- ** .pp
- ** For examples on how to configure these formats, see the \fCsmime.rc\fP in
- ** the \fCsamples/\fP subdirectory which has been installed on your system
- ** alongside the documentation.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_verify_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeVerifyCommand, 0},
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This command is used to verify S/MIME signatures of type \fCmultipart/signed\fP.
- ** .pp
- ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
- ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_verify_opaque_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeVerifyOpaqueCommand, 0},
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This command is used to verify S/MIME signatures of type
- ** \fCapplication/x-pkcs7-mime\fP.
- ** .pp
- ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
- ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_sign_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeSignCommand, 0},
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This command is used to created S/MIME signatures of type
- ** \fCmultipart/signed\fP, which can be read by all mail clients.
- ** .pp
- ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
- ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_sign_opaque_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeSignOpaqueCommand, 0},
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This command is used to created S/MIME signatures of type
- ** \fCapplication/x-pkcs7-signature\fP, which can only be handled by mail
- ** clients supporting the S/MIME extension.
- ** .pp
- ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
- ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_encrypt_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeEncryptCommand, 0},
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This command is used to create encrypted S/MIME messages.
- ** .pp
- ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
- ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_pk7out_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimePk7outCommand, 0},
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This command is used to extract PKCS7 structures of S/MIME signatures,
- ** in order to extract the public X509 certificate(s).
- ** .pp
- ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
- ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_get_cert_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeGetCertCommand, 0},
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This command is used to extract X509 certificates from a PKCS7 structure.
- ** .pp
- ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
- ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_get_signer_cert_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeGetSignerCertCommand, 0},
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This command is used to extract only the signers X509 certificate from a S/MIME
- ** signature, so that the certificate's owner may get compared to the
- ** email's ``From:'' field.
- ** .pp
- ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
- ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_import_cert_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeImportCertCommand, 0},
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This command is used to import a certificate via smime_keys.
- ** .pp
- ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
- ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_get_cert_email_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeGetCertEmailCommand, 0},
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This command is used to extract the mail address(es) used for storing
- ** X509 certificates, and for verification purposes (to check whether the
- ** certificate was issued for the sender's mailbox).
- ** .pp
- ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
- ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
- { "smime_sign_as", DT_SYN, R_NONE, UL "smime_default_key", 0 },
- { "smime_default_key", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeDefaultKey, 0 },
- /*
- ** .pp
- ** This is the default key-pair to use for signing. This must be set to the
- ** keyid (the hash-value that OpenSSL generates) to work properly
- ** (S/MIME only)
- */
{ "pipe_decode", DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTPIPEDECODE, 0 },
** .pp
** a line quoted text if it also matches $$smileys. This mostly
** happens at the beginning of a line.
+ { "smime_ask_cert_label", DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTASKCERTLABEL, 1 },
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This flag controls whether you want to be asked to enter a label
+ ** for a certificate about to be added to the database or not. It is
+ ** \fIset\fP by default.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_ca_location", DT_PATH, R_NONE, UL &SmimeCALocation, 0 },
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This variable contains the name of either a directory, or a file which
+ ** contains trusted certificates for use with OpenSSL.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_certificates", DT_PATH, R_NONE, UL &SmimeCertificates, 0 },
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** Since for S/MIME there is no pubring/secring as with PGP, mutt has to handle
+ ** storage and retrieval of keys by itself. This is very basic right
+ ** now, and keys and certificates are stored in two different
+ ** directories, both named as the hash-value retrieved from
+ ** OpenSSL. There is an index file which contains mailbox-address
+ ** keyid pairs, and which can be manually edited. This option points to
+ ** the location of the certificates.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_decrypt_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeDecryptCommand, 0},
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This format string specifies a command which is used to decrypt
+ ** \fCapplication/x-pkcs7-mime\fP attachments.
+ ** .pp
+ ** The OpenSSL command formats have their own set of \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences
+ ** similar to PGP's:
+ ** .dl
+ ** .dt %f .dd Expands to the name of a file containing a message.
+ ** .dt %s .dd Expands to the name of a file containing the signature part
+ ** . of a \fCmultipart/signed\fP attachment when verifying it.
+ ** .dt %k .dd The key-pair specified with $$smime_default_key
+ ** .dt %c .dd One or more certificate IDs.
+ ** .dt %a .dd The algorithm used for encryption.
+ ** .dt %C .dd CA location: Depending on whether $$smime_ca_location
+ ** . points to a directory or file, this expands to
+ ** . ``-CApath $$smime_ca_location'' or ``-CAfile $$smime_ca_location''.
+ ** .de
+ ** .pp
+ ** For examples on how to configure these formats, see the \fCsmime.rc\fP in
+ ** the \fCsamples/\fP subdirectory which has been installed on your system
+ ** alongside the documentation.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_decrypt_use_default_key", DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTSDEFAULTDECRYPTKEY, 1 },
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** If \fIset\fP (default) this tells mutt to use the default key for decryption. Otherwise,
+ ** if managing multiple certificate-key-pairs, mutt will try to use the mailbox-address
+ ** to determine the key to use. It will ask you to supply a key, if it can't find one.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_sign_as", DT_SYN, R_NONE, UL "smime_default_key", 0 },
+ { "smime_default_key", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeDefaultKey, 0 },
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This is the default key-pair to use for signing. This must be set to the
+ ** keyid (the hash-value that OpenSSL generates) to work properly
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_encrypt_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeEncryptCommand, 0},
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This command is used to create encrypted S/MIME messages.
+ ** .pp
+ ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
+ ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_encrypt_with", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeCryptAlg, 0 },
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This sets the algorithm that should be used for encryption.
+ ** Valid choices are ``des'', ``des3'', ``rc2-40'', ``rc2-64'', ``rc2-128''.
+ ** If \fIunset\fP, ``3des'' (TripleDES) is used.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_get_cert_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeGetCertCommand, 0},
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This command is used to extract X509 certificates from a PKCS7 structure.
+ ** .pp
+ ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
+ ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_get_cert_email_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeGetCertEmailCommand, 0},
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This command is used to extract the mail address(es) used for storing
+ ** X509 certificates, and for verification purposes (to check whether the
+ ** certificate was issued for the sender's mailbox).
+ ** .pp
+ ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
+ ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_get_signer_cert_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeGetSignerCertCommand, 0},
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This command is used to extract only the signers X509 certificate from a S/MIME
+ ** signature, so that the certificate's owner may get compared to the
+ ** email's ``From:'' field.
+ ** .pp
+ ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
+ ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_import_cert_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeImportCertCommand, 0},
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This command is used to import a certificate via smime_keys.
+ ** .pp
+ ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
+ ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_is_default", DT_BOOL, R_NONE, OPTSMIMEISDEFAULT, 0},
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** The default behaviour of mutt is to use PGP on all auto-sign/encryption
+ ** operations. To override and to use OpenSSL instead this must be \fIset\fP.
+ ** However, this has no effect while replying, since mutt will automatically
+ ** select the same application that was used to sign/encrypt the original
+ ** message. (Note that this variable can be overridden by unsetting $$crypt_autosmime.)
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_keys", DT_PATH, R_NONE, UL &SmimeKeys, 0 },
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** Since for S/MIME there is no pubring/secring as with PGP, mutt has to handle
+ ** storage and retrieval of keys/certs by itself. This is very basic right now,
+ ** and stores keys and certificates in two different directories, both
+ ** named as the hash-value retrieved from OpenSSL. There is an index file
+ ** which contains mailbox-address keyid pair, and which can be manually
+ ** edited. This option points to the location of the private keys.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_pk7out_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimePk7outCommand, 0},
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This command is used to extract PKCS7 structures of S/MIME signatures,
+ ** in order to extract the public X509 certificate(s).
+ ** .pp
+ ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
+ ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_sign_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeSignCommand, 0},
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This command is used to created S/MIME signatures of type
+ ** \fCmultipart/signed\fP, which can be read by all mail clients.
+ ** .pp
+ ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
+ ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_sign_opaque_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeSignOpaqueCommand, 0},
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This command is used to created S/MIME signatures of type
+ ** \fCapplication/x-pkcs7-signature\fP, which can only be handled by mail
+ ** clients supporting the S/MIME extension.
+ ** .pp
+ ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
+ ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_timeout", DT_NUM, R_NONE, UL &SmimeTimeout, 300 },
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** The number of seconds after which a cached passphrase will expire if
+ ** not used.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_verify_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeVerifyCommand, 0},
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This command is used to verify S/MIME signatures of type \fCmultipart/signed\fP.
+ ** .pp
+ ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
+ ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
+ { "smime_verify_opaque_command", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmimeVerifyOpaqueCommand, 0},
+ /*
+ ** .pp
+ ** This command is used to verify S/MIME signatures of type
+ ** \fCapplication/x-pkcs7-mime\fP.
+ ** .pp
+ ** This is a format string, see the $$smime_decrypt_command command for
+ ** possible \fCprintf(3)\fP-like sequences.
+ ** (S/MIME only)
+ */
#ifdef USE_SMTP
# ifdef USE_SASL
{ "smtp_authenticators", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &SmtpAuthenticators, UL 0 },