size_t didwrite = 0, towrite, justwrote, shouldwrite;
char *freeme = NULL;
+ void *buf_orig = buf.v;
+ int buflen_orig = buflen, conv_err = 0;
/* if we have a seekable stream we need to ensure that data is written at the
* current stream->position. This means invalidating the read buffer and then
stream->ops->seek(stream, stream->position, SEEK_SET, &stream->position TSRMLS_CC);
- /* Sloppy handling, make it a binary buffer */
if (buf_type == IS_UNICODE) {
- buflen = UBYTES(buflen);
+ int len, num_conv, ulen = u_countChar32(buf.u, buflen);
+ char *str;
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ /* Use runtime_encoding to map to binary */
+ num_conv = zend_convert_from_unicode(ZEND_U_CONVERTER(UG(runtime_encoding_conv)), &str, &len, buf.u, buflen, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
+ zend_raise_conversion_error_ex("Unable to convert data to be writen", ZEND_U_CONVERTER(UG(runtime_encoding_conv)),
+ } else {
+ php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_NOTICE, "%d character unicode buffer downcoded for binary stream runtime_encoding", ulen);
+ }
+ if (num_conv < buflen) {
+ conv_err = 1;
+ }
+ freeme = buf.s = str;
+ buflen = len;
shouldwrite = buflen;
if (buf_type == IS_UNICODE) {
- /* Was slopily converted */
- didwrite /= UBYTES(1);
+ /* Map bytes written back to UChars written */
+ if (shouldwrite == didwrite && !conv_err) {
+ /* wrote it all */
+ didwrite = buflen_orig;
+ } else {
+ /* Figure out how didwrite corresponds to the input buffer */
+ char *tmp = emalloc(didwrite + 1), *t = tmp;
+ UChar *s = buf_orig;
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ ucnv_resetFromUnicode(ZEND_U_CONVERTER(UG(runtime_encoding_conv)));
+ ucnv_fromUnicode(ZEND_U_CONVERTER(UG(runtime_encoding_conv)), &t, t + didwrite, &s, s + buflen_orig, NULL, TRUE, &status);
+ didwrite = s - ((UChar*)buf_orig);
+ efree(tmp);
+ }
if (freeme) {