--- /dev/null
+|~+0#4040ff13#ffffff0| @73
+|~| @73
+|E+0#ffffff16#e000002|r@1|o|r| |d|e|t|e|c|t|e|d| |w|h|i|l|e| |p|r|o|c|e|s@1|i|n|g| |f|u|n|c|t|i|o|n| |<|S|N|R|>|9|_|O|p|f|u|n|c|:| +0#0000000#ffffff0@19
+|l+0#af5f00255&|i|n|e| @3|2|:| +0#0000000&@64
+|E+0#ffffff16#e000002|6|8|4|:| |l|i|s|t| |i|n|d|e|x| |o|u|t| |o|f| |r|a|n|g|e|:| |0| +0#0000000#ffffff0@42
+|P+0#00e0003&|r|e|s@1| |E|N|T|E|R| |o|r| |t|y|p|e| |c|o|m@1|a|n|d| |t|o| |c|o|n|t|i|n|u|e> +0#0000000&@35
func Test_silent_echo()
+ call Run_Test_silent_echo()
- let lines =<< trim END
+def Run_Test_silent_echo()
+ var lines =<< trim END
def EchoNothing()
silent echo ''
- call writefile(lines, 'XTest_silent_echo')
+ writefile(lines, 'XTest_silent_echo')
- " Check that the balloon shows up after a mouse move
- let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTest_silent_echo', {'rows': 6})
- call term_sendkeys(buf, ":abc")
- call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_vim9_silent_echo', {})
+ # Check that the balloon shows up after a mouse move
+ var buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTest_silent_echo', {'rows': 6})
+ term_sendkeys(buf, ":abc")
+ VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_vim9_silent_echo', {})
- " clean up
- call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
- call delete('XTest_silent_echo')
+ # clean up
+ StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+ delete('XTest_silent_echo')
def SilentlyError()
execute('silent! invalid')
nunmap <F3>
+func Test_opfunc_error()
+ CheckScreendump
+ call Run_Test_opfunc_error()
+def Run_Test_opfunc_error()
+ # test that the error from Opfunc() is displayed right away
+ var lines =<< trim END
+ vim9script
+ def Opfunc(type: string)
+ try
+ eval [][0]
+ catch /nothing/ # error not caught
+ endtry
+ enddef
+ &operatorfunc = Opfunc
+ nnoremap <expr> l <SID>L()
+ def L(): string
+ return 'l'
+ enddef
+ 'x'->repeat(10)->setline(1)
+ feedkeys('g@l', 'n')
+ feedkeys('llll')
+ call writefile(lines, 'XTest_opfunc_error')
+ var buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTest_opfunc_error', {rows: 6, wait_for_ruler: 0})
+ VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_opfunc_error', {})
+ # clean up
+ StopVimInTerminal(buf)
+ delete('XTest_opfunc_error')
" this was crashing on exit
def Test_nested_lambda_in_closure()
var lines =<< trim END
ret = call_func(callback->cb_name, len, rettv, argcount, argvars, &funcexe);
+ // When a :def function was called that uses :try an error would be turned
+ // into an exception. Need to give the error here.
+ if (need_rethrow && current_exception != NULL)
+ {
+ need_rethrow = FALSE;
+ handle_did_throw();
+ }
return ret;