BlockCall += "((struct __block_impl *)";
std::string closureExprBufStr;
llvm::raw_string_ostream closureExprBuf(closureExprBufStr);
- Exp->getCallee()->printPretty(closureExprBuf);
+ Exp->getCallee()->printPretty(closureExprBuf, *Context);
BlockCall += closureExprBuf.str();
BlockCall += ")->FuncPtr)";
E = Exp->arg_end(); I != E; ++I) {
std::string syncExprBufS;
llvm::raw_string_ostream Buf(syncExprBufS);
- (*I)->printPretty(Buf);
+ (*I)->printPretty(Buf, *Context);
BlockCall += ", " + Buf.str();
return BlockCall;
// Get the new text.
std::string SStr;
llvm::raw_string_ostream S(SStr);
- New->printPretty(S);
+ New->printPretty(S, *Context);
const std::string &Str = S.str();
// If replacement succeeded or warning disabled return with no warning.
std::string syncExprBufS;
llvm::raw_string_ostream syncExprBuf(syncExprBufS);
- syncExpr->printPretty(syncExprBuf);
+ syncExpr->printPretty(syncExprBuf, *Context);
buf += syncExprBuf.str();
buf += ");\n";
buf += " if (_rethrow) objc_exception_throw(_rethrow);\n";
// The pretty printer for StringLiteral handles escape characters properly.
std::string prettyBufS;
llvm::raw_string_ostream prettyBuf(prettyBufS);
- Exp->getString()->printPretty(prettyBuf);
+ Exp->getString()->printPretty(prettyBuf, *Context);
Preamble += prettyBuf.str();
Preamble += ",";
// The minus 2 removes the begin/end double quotes.
// Get the new text.
std::string SStr;
llvm::raw_string_ostream Buf(SStr);
- Replacement->printPretty(Buf);
+ Replacement->printPretty(Buf, *Context);
const std::string &Str = Buf.str();
printf("CAST = %s\n", &Str[0]);