:property string content: The content of this record
:property bool disabled: Whether or not this record is disabled
:property bool set-ptr: If set to true, the server will find the matching reverse zone and create a PTR there. Existing PTR records are replaced. If no matching reverse :json:object:`Zone`, an error is thrown. Only valid in client bodies, only valid for A and AAAA types. Not returned by the server.
+ This feature (set-ptr) is deprecated and will be removed in 4.3.0.
description: 'Whether or not this record is disabled'
type: boolean
- description: 'If set to true, the server will find the matching reverse zone and create a PTR there. Existing PTR records are replaced. If no matching reverse Zone, an error is thrown. Only valid in client bodies, only valid for A and AAAA types. Not returned by the server.'
+ description: 'If set to true, the server will find the matching reverse zone and create a PTR there. Existing PTR records are replaced. If no matching reverse Zone, an error is thrown. Only valid in client bodies, only valid for A and AAAA types. Not returned by the server. This feature is deprecated and will be removed in 4.3.0.'
title: Comment
-static void gatherRecords(const Json container, const DNSName& qname, const QType qtype, const int ttl, vector<DNSResourceRecord>& new_records, vector<DNSResourceRecord>& new_ptrs) {
+static void gatherRecords(const string& logprefix, const Json container, const DNSName& qname, const QType qtype, const int ttl, vector<DNSResourceRecord>& new_records, vector<DNSResourceRecord>& new_ptrs) {
UeberBackend B;
DNSResourceRecord rr;
rr.qname = qname;
if ((rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::A || rr.qtype.getCode() == QType::AAAA) &&
boolFromJson(record, "set-ptr", false) == true) {
+ g_log<<Logger::Warning<<logprefix<<"API call uses deprecated set-ptr feature, please remove it"<<endl;
DNSResourceRecord ptr;
makePtr(rr, &ptr);
if (rrset["records"].is_array()) {
int ttl = intFromJson(rrset, "ttl");
- gatherRecords(rrset, qname, qtype, ttl, new_records, new_ptrs);
+ gatherRecords(req->logprefix, rrset, qname, qtype, ttl, new_records, new_ptrs);
if (rrset["comments"].is_array()) {
gatherComments(rrset, qname, qtype, new_comments);
// ttl shouldn't be part of DELETE, and it shouldn't be required if we don't get new records.
int ttl = intFromJson(rrset, "ttl");
// new_ptrs is merged.
- gatherRecords(rrset, qname, qtype, ttl, new_records, new_ptrs);
+ gatherRecords(req->logprefix, rrset, qname, qtype, ttl, new_records, new_ptrs);
for(DNSResourceRecord& rr : new_records) {
rr.domain_id = di.id;