static bool safeRemoveBBDomainInfo(const std::string& name);
bool GetBBDomainInfo(int id, BB2DomainInfo** bbd);
shared_ptr<SSQLite3> d_dnssecdb;
- bool d_hybrid;
bool getNSEC3PARAM(const std::string& zname, NSEC3PARAMRecordContent* ns3p);
class handle
recordstorage_t::const_iterator d_qname_end;
string qname;
string domain;
int id;
QType qtype;
bool d_list;
handle(const handle &);
- static int s_first; //!< this is raised on construction to prevent multiple instances of us being generated
- static bool s_ignore_broken_records;
+ SSqlStatement* d_getAllDomainMetadataQuery_stmt;
+ SSqlStatement* d_getDomainMetadataQuery_stmt;
+ SSqlStatement* d_deleteDomainMetadataQuery_stmt;
+ SSqlStatement* d_insertDomainMetadataQuery_stmt;
+ SSqlStatement* d_getDomainKeysQuery_stmt;
+ SSqlStatement* d_deleteDomainKeyQuery_stmt;
+ SSqlStatement* d_insertDomainKeyQuery_stmt;
+ SSqlStatement* d_activateDomainKeyQuery_stmt;
+ SSqlStatement* d_deactivateDomainKeyQuery_stmt;
+ SSqlStatement* d_getTSIGKeyQuery_stmt;
+ SSqlStatement* d_setTSIGKeyQuery_stmt;
+ SSqlStatement* d_deleteTSIGKeyQuery_stmt;
+ SSqlStatement* d_getTSIGKeysQuery_stmt;
- static string s_binddirectory; //!< this is used to store the 'directory' setting of the bind configuration
+ string d_transaction_tmpname;
string d_logprefix;
set<string> alsoNotify; //!< this is used to store the also-notify list of interested peers.
- BB2DomainInfo createDomainEntry(const string &domain, const string &filename); //!< does not insert in s_state
- int d_transaction_id;
- string d_transaction_tmpname;
ofstream *d_of;
handle d_handle;
+ static string s_binddirectory; //!< this is used to store the 'directory' setting of the bind configuration
+ static int s_first; //!< this is raised on construction to prevent multiple instances of us being generated
+ int d_transaction_id;
+ static bool s_ignore_broken_records;
+ bool d_hybrid;
+ BB2DomainInfo createDomainEntry(const string &domain, const string &filename); //!< does not insert in s_state
void queueReloadAndStore(unsigned int id);
bool findBeforeAndAfterUnhashed(BB2DomainInfo& bbd, const std::string& qname, std::string& unhashed, std::string& before, std::string& after);
void loadConfig(string *status=0);
static void nukeZoneRecords(BB2DomainInfo *bbd);
- SSqlStatement* d_getAllDomainMetadataQuery_stmt;
- SSqlStatement* d_getDomainMetadataQuery_stmt;
- SSqlStatement* d_deleteDomainMetadataQuery_stmt;
- SSqlStatement* d_insertDomainMetadataQuery_stmt;
- SSqlStatement* d_getDomainKeysQuery_stmt;
- SSqlStatement* d_deleteDomainKeyQuery_stmt;
- SSqlStatement* d_insertDomainKeyQuery_stmt;
- SSqlStatement* d_activateDomainKeyQuery_stmt;
- SSqlStatement* d_deactivateDomainKeyQuery_stmt;
- SSqlStatement* d_getTSIGKeyQuery_stmt;
- SSqlStatement* d_setTSIGKeyQuery_stmt;
- SSqlStatement* d_deleteTSIGKeyQuery_stmt;
- SSqlStatement* d_getTSIGKeysQuery_stmt;