gen_salt(type::text, rounds::int4)::text
same as above, but lets user specify iteration count
- for algorithm. Number is algotithm specific:
+ for algorithm. Number is algorithm specific:
type default min max
-The standard functionality at the moment consist of
+The standard functionality at the moment consists of
Hashes: md5, sha1
Ciphers: bf, aes
Modes: cbc, ecb
-TODO: write stardard names for optional ciphers too.
+TODO: write standard names for optional ciphers too.
* other:
-[ This only list of stuff libraries claim to support. So
- pgcrypto may work with all of them. But ATM tested aree only the
+[ This only lists stuff that the libraries claim to support. So
+ pgcrypto may work with all of them. But ATM tested are only the
standard ciphers. On others pgcrypto and library may mess something
up. You have been warned. ]