If the master has a SOA record for a domain but
no NS records, we tried to look up the SOA record
in the supermasters table.
return RCode::ServFail;
+ // check if the returned records are NS records
+ bool haveNS=false;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const DNSResourceRecord& ns, nsset) {
+ if(ns.qtype.getCode()==QType::NS)
+ haveNS=true;
+ }
+ if(!haveNS) {
+ L<<Logger::Error<<"Error resolving NS for "<<p->qdomain<<" at: "<< p->getRemote()<<endl;
+ return RCode::ServFail;
+ }
string nameserver, account;
DNSBackend *db;
if(!B.superMasterBackend(p->getRemote(), p->qdomain, nsset, &nameserver, &account, &db)) {