but keeps weak references to its elements, just like a
:class:`WeakKeyDictionary` does.
-:class:`finalize` provides a straight forward way to register a
-cleanup function to be called when an object is garbage collected.
-This is simpler to use than setting up a callback function on a raw
-weak reference.
-Most programs should find that using one of these weak container types
-or :class:`finalize` is all they need -- it's not usually necessary to
-create your own weak references directly. The low-level machinery is
-exposed by the :mod:`weakref` module for the benefit of advanced uses.
+Most programs should find that using one of these weak container types is all
+they need -- it's not usually necessary to create your own weak references
+directly. The low-level machinery used by the weak dictionary implementations
+is exposed by the :mod:`weakref` module for the benefit of advanced uses.
Not all objects can be weakly referenced; those objects which can include class
instances, functions written in Python (but not in C), instance methods, sets,
weakref. If there is no callback or if the referent of the weakref is
no longer alive then this attribute will have value ``None``.
- .. note::
- Like :meth:`__del__` methods, weak reference callbacks can be
- called during interpreter shutdown when module globals have been
- overwritten with :const:`None`. This can make writing robust
- weak reference callbacks a challenge. Callbacks registered
- using :class:`finalize` do not have to worry about this issue
- because they will not be run after module teardown has begun.
- .. versionchanged:: 3.4
+ .. versionadded:: 3.4
Added the :attr:`__callback__` attribute.
.. versionadded:: 3.4
-.. class:: finalize(obj, func, *args, **kwargs)
- Return a callable finalizer object which will be called when *obj*
- is garbage collected. A finalizer is *alive* until it is called
- (either explicitly or at garbage collection), and after that it is
- *dead*. Calling a live finalizer returns the result of evaluating
- ``func(*arg, **kwargs)``, whereas calling a dead finalizer returns
- :const:`None`.
- Exceptions raised by finalizer callbacks during garbage collection
- will be shown on the standard error output, but cannot be
- propagated. They are handled in the same way as exceptions raised
- from an object's :meth:`__del__` method or a weak reference's
- callback.
- When the program exits, each remaining live finalizer is called
- unless its :attr:`atexit` attribute has been set to false. They
- are called in reverse order of creation.
- A finalizer will never invoke its callback during the later part of
- the interpreter shutdown when module globals are liable to have
- been replaced by :const:`None`.
- .. method:: __call__()
- If *self* is alive then mark it as dead and return the result of
- calling ``func(*args, **kwargs)``. If *self* is dead then return
- :const:`None`.
- .. method:: detach()
- If *self* is alive then mark it as dead and return the tuple
- ``(obj, func, args, kwargs)``. If *self* is dead then return
- :const:`None`.
- .. method:: peek()
- If *self* is alive then return the tuple ``(obj, func, args,
- kwargs)``. If *self* is dead then return :const:`None`.
- .. attribute:: alive
- Property which is true if the finalizer is alive, false otherwise.
- .. attribute:: atexit
- A writable boolean property which by default is true. When the
- program exits, it calls all remaining live finalizers for which
- :attr:`.atexit` is true. They are called in reverse order of
- creation.
- .. note::
- It is important to ensure that *func*, *args* and *kwargs* do
- not own any references to *obj*, either directly or indirectly,
- since otherwise *obj* will never be garbage collected. In
- particular, *func* should not be a bound method of *obj*.
- .. versionadded:: 3.4
.. data:: ReferenceType
def id2obj(oid):
return _id2obj_dict[oid]
-.. _finalize-examples:
-Finalizer Objects
-Often one uses :class:`finalize` to register a callback without
-bothering to keep the returned finalizer object. For instance
- >>> import weakref
- >>> class Object:
- ... pass
- ...
- >>> kenny = Object()
- >>> weakref.finalize(kenny, print, "You killed Kenny!") #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
- <finalize object at ...; for 'Object' at ...>
- >>> del kenny
- You killed Kenny!
-The finalizer can be called directly as well. However the finalizer
-will invoke the callback at most once.
- >>> def callback(x, y, z):
- ... print("CALLBACK")
- ... return x + y + z
- ...
- >>> obj = Object()
- >>> f = weakref.finalize(obj, callback, 1, 2, z=3)
- >>> assert f.alive
- >>> assert f() == 6
- >>> assert not f.alive
- >>> f() # callback not called because finalizer dead
- >>> del obj # callback not called because finalizer dead
-You can unregister a finalizer using its :meth:`~finalize.detach`
-method. This kills the finalizer and returns the arguments passed to
-the constructor when it was created.
- >>> obj = Object()
- >>> f = weakref.finalize(obj, callback, 1, 2, z=3)
- >>> f.detach() #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
- (<__main__.Object object ...>, <function callback ...>, (1, 2), {'z': 3})
- >>> newobj, func, args, kwargs = _
- >>> assert not f.alive
- >>> assert newobj is obj
- >>> assert func(*args, **kwargs) == 6
-Unless you set the :attr:`~finalize.atexit` attribute to
-:const:`False`, a finalizer will be called when the program exit if it
-is still alive. For instance
- >>> obj = Object()
- >>> weakref.finalize(obj, print, "obj dead or exiting") #doctest:+ELLIPSIS
- <finalize object at ...; for 'Object' at ...>
- >>> exit() #doctest:+SKIP
- obj dead or exiting
-Comparing finalizers with :meth:`__del__` methods
-Suppose we want to create a class whose instances represent temporary
-directories. The directories should be deleted with their contents
-when the first of the following events occurs:
-* the object is garbage collected,
-* the object's :meth:`remove` method is called, or
-* the program exits.
-We might try to implement the class using a :meth:`__del__` method as
- class TempDir:
- def __init__(self):
- self.name = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- def remove(self):
- if self.name is not None:
- shutil.rmtree(self.name)
- self.name = None
- @property
- def removed(self):
- return self.name is None
- def __del__(self):
- self.remove()
-This solution has a couple of serious problems:
-* There is no guarantee that the object will be garbage collected
- before the program exists, so the directory might be left. This is
- because reference cycles containing an object with a :meth:`__del__`
- method can never be collected. And even if the :class:`TempDir`
- object is not itself part of a reference cycle, it may still be kept
- alive by some unkown uncollectable reference cycle.
-* The :meth:`__del__` method may be called at shutdown after the
- :mod:`shutil` module has been cleaned up, in which case
- :attr:`shutil.rmtree` will have been replaced by :const:`None`.
- This will cause the :meth:`__del__` method to fail and the directory
- will not be removed.
-Using finalizers we can avoid these problems::
- class TempDir:
- def __init__(self):
- self.name = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- self._finalizer = weakref.finalize(self, shutil.rmtree, self.name)
- def remove(self):
- self._finalizer()
- @property
- def removed(self):
- return not self._finalizer.alive
-Defined like this, even if a :class:`TempDir` object is part of a
-reference cycle, that reference cycle can still be garbage collected.
-If the object never gets garbage collected the finalizer will still be
-called at exit.
-.. note::
- If you create a finalizer object in a daemonic thread just as the
- the program exits then there is the possibility that the finalizer
- does not get called at exit. However, in a daemonic thread
- :func:`atexit.register`, ``try: ... finally: ...`` and ``with: ...``
- do not guarantee that cleanup occurs either.
import contextlib
import copy
-from test import support, script_helper
+from test import support
# Used in ReferencesTestCase.test_ref_created_during_del() .
ref_from_del = None
-# Used by FinalizeTestCase as a global that may be replaced by None
-# when the interpreter shuts down.
-_global_var = 'foobar'
class C:
def method(self):
def _reference(self):
return self.__ref.copy()
-class FinalizeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- class A:
- pass
- def _collect_if_necessary(self):
- # we create no ref-cycles so in CPython no gc should be needed
- if sys.implementation.name != 'cpython':
- support.gc_collect()
- def test_finalize(self):
- def add(x,y,z):
- res.append(x + y + z)
- return x + y + z
- a = self.A()
- res = []
- f = weakref.finalize(a, add, 67, 43, z=89)
- self.assertEqual(f.alive, True)
- self.assertEqual(f.peek(), (a, add, (67,43), {'z':89}))
- self.assertEqual(f(), 199)
- self.assertEqual(f(), None)
- self.assertEqual(f(), None)
- self.assertEqual(f.peek(), None)
- self.assertEqual(f.detach(), None)
- self.assertEqual(f.alive, False)
- self.assertEqual(res, [199])
- res = []
- f = weakref.finalize(a, add, 67, 43, 89)
- self.assertEqual(f.peek(), (a, add, (67,43,89), {}))
- self.assertEqual(f.detach(), (a, add, (67,43,89), {}))
- self.assertEqual(f(), None)
- self.assertEqual(f(), None)
- self.assertEqual(f.peek(), None)
- self.assertEqual(f.detach(), None)
- self.assertEqual(f.alive, False)
- self.assertEqual(res, [])
- res = []
- f = weakref.finalize(a, add, x=67, y=43, z=89)
- del a
- self._collect_if_necessary()
- self.assertEqual(f(), None)
- self.assertEqual(f(), None)
- self.assertEqual(f.peek(), None)
- self.assertEqual(f.detach(), None)
- self.assertEqual(f.alive, False)
- self.assertEqual(res, [199])
- def test_order(self):
- a = self.A()
- res = []
- f1 = weakref.finalize(a, res.append, 'f1')
- f2 = weakref.finalize(a, res.append, 'f2')
- f3 = weakref.finalize(a, res.append, 'f3')
- f4 = weakref.finalize(a, res.append, 'f4')
- f5 = weakref.finalize(a, res.append, 'f5')
- # make sure finalizers can keep themselves alive
- del f1, f4
- self.assertTrue(f2.alive)
- self.assertTrue(f3.alive)
- self.assertTrue(f5.alive)
- self.assertTrue(f5.detach())
- self.assertFalse(f5.alive)
- f5() # nothing because previously unregistered
- res.append('A')
- f3() # => res.append('f3')
- self.assertFalse(f3.alive)
- res.append('B')
- f3() # nothing because previously called
- res.append('C')
- del a
- self._collect_if_necessary()
- # => res.append('f4')
- # => res.append('f2')
- # => res.append('f1')
- self.assertFalse(f2.alive)
- res.append('D')
- f2() # nothing because previously called by gc
- expected = ['A', 'f3', 'B', 'C', 'f4', 'f2', 'f1', 'D']
- self.assertEqual(res, expected)
- def test_all_freed(self):
- # we want a weakrefable subclass of weakref.finalize
- class MyFinalizer(weakref.finalize):
- pass
- a = self.A()
- res = []
- def callback():
- res.append(123)
- f = MyFinalizer(a, callback)
- wr_callback = weakref.ref(callback)
- wr_f = weakref.ref(f)
- del callback, f
- self.assertIsNotNone(wr_callback())
- self.assertIsNotNone(wr_f())
- del a
- self._collect_if_necessary()
- self.assertIsNone(wr_callback())
- self.assertIsNone(wr_f())
- self.assertEqual(res, [123])
- @classmethod
- def run_in_child(cls):
- def error():
- # Create an atexit finalizer from inside a finalizer called
- # at exit. This should be the next to be run.
- g1 = weakref.finalize(cls, print, 'g1')
- print('f3 error')
- 1/0
- # cls should stay alive till atexit callbacks run
- f1 = weakref.finalize(cls, print, 'f1', _global_var)
- f2 = weakref.finalize(cls, print, 'f2', _global_var)
- f3 = weakref.finalize(cls, error)
- f4 = weakref.finalize(cls, print, 'f4', _global_var)
- assert f1.atexit == True
- f2.atexit = False
- assert f3.atexit == True
- assert f4.atexit == True
- def test_atexit(self):
- prog = ('from test.test_weakref import FinalizeTestCase;'+
- 'FinalizeTestCase.run_in_child()')
- rc, out, err = script_helper.assert_python_ok('-c', prog)
- out = out.decode('ascii').splitlines()
- self.assertEqual(out, ['f4 foobar', 'f3 error', 'g1', 'f1 foobar'])
- self.assertTrue(b'ZeroDivisionError' in err)
libreftest = """ Doctest for examples in the library reference: weakref.rst
>>> import weakref
- FinalizeTestCase,
from _weakrefset import WeakSet, _IterationGuard
import collections # Import after _weakref to avoid circular import.
-import sys
-import atexit
-import itertools
ProxyTypes = (ProxyType, CallableProxyType)
__all__ = ["ref", "proxy", "getweakrefcount", "getweakrefs",
"WeakKeyDictionary", "ReferenceType", "ProxyType",
"CallableProxyType", "ProxyTypes", "WeakValueDictionary",
- "WeakSet", "WeakMethod", "finalize"]
+ "WeakSet", "WeakMethod"]
class WeakMethod(ref):
d[ref(key, self._remove)] = value
if len(kwargs):
-class finalize:
- """Class for finalization of weakrefable objects
- finalize(obj, func, *args, **kwargs) returns a callable finalizer
- object which will be called when obj is garbage collected. The
- first time the finalizer is called it evaluates func(*arg, **kwargs)
- and returns the result. After this the finalizer is dead, and
- calling it just returns None.
- When the program exits any remaining finalizers for which the
- atexit attribute is true will be run in reverse order of creation.
- By default atexit is true.
- """
- # Finalizer objects don't have any state of their own. They are
- # just used as keys to lookup _Info objects in the registry. This
- # ensures that they cannot be part of a ref-cycle.
- __slots__ = ()
- _registry = {}
- _shutdown = False
- _index_iter = itertools.count()
- _dirty = False
- class _Info:
- __slots__ = ("weakref", "func", "args", "kwargs", "atexit", "index")
- def __init__(self, obj, func, *args, **kwargs):
- info = self._Info()
- info.weakref = ref(obj, self)
- info.func = func
- info.args = args
- info.kwargs = kwargs or None
- info.atexit = True
- info.index = next(self._index_iter)
- self._registry[self] = info
- finalize._dirty = True
- def __call__(self, _=None):
- """If alive then mark as dead and return func(*args, **kwargs);
- otherwise return None"""
- info = self._registry.pop(self, None)
- if info and not self._shutdown:
- return info.func(*info.args, **(info.kwargs or {}))
- def detach(self):
- """If alive then mark as dead and return (obj, func, args, kwargs);
- otherwise return None"""
- info = self._registry.get(self)
- obj = info and info.weakref()
- if obj is not None and self._registry.pop(self, None):
- return (obj, info.func, info.args, info.kwargs or {})
- def peek(self):
- """If alive then return (obj, func, args, kwargs);
- otherwise return None"""
- info = self._registry.get(self)
- obj = info and info.weakref()
- if obj is not None:
- return (obj, info.func, info.args, info.kwargs or {})
- @property
- def alive(self):
- """Whether finalizer is alive"""
- return self in self._registry
- @property
- def atexit(self):
- """Whether finalizer should be called at exit"""
- info = self._registry.get(self)
- return bool(info) and info.atexit
- @atexit.setter
- def atexit(self, value):
- info = self._registry.get(self)
- if info:
- info.atexit = bool(value)
- def __repr__(self):
- info = self._registry.get(self)
- obj = info and info.weakref()
- if obj is None:
- return '<%s object at %#x; dead>' % (type(self).__name__, id(self))
- else:
- return '<%s object at %#x; for %r at %#x>' % \
- (type(self).__name__, id(self), type(obj).__name__, id(obj))
- @classmethod
- def _select_for_exit(cls):
- # Return live finalizers marked for exit, oldest first
- L = [(f,i) for (f,i) in cls._registry.items() if i.atexit]
- L.sort(key=lambda item:item[1].index)
- return [f for (f,i) in L]
- @classmethod
- def _exitfunc(cls):
- # At shutdown invoke finalizers for which atexit is true.
- # This is called once all other non-daemonic threads have been
- # joined.
- reenable_gc = False
- try:
- if cls._registry:
- import gc
- if gc.isenabled():
- reenable_gc = True
- gc.disable()
- pending = None
- while True:
- if pending is None or finalize._dirty:
- pending = cls._select_for_exit()
- finalize._dirty = False
- if not pending:
- break
- f = pending.pop()
- try:
- # gc is disabled, so (assuming no daemonic
- # threads) the following is the only line in
- # this function which might trigger creation
- # of a new finalizer
- f()
- except Exception:
- sys.excepthook(*sys.exc_info())
- assert f not in cls._registry
- finally:
- # prevent any more finalizers from executing during shutdown
- finalize._shutdown = True
- if reenable_gc:
- gc.enable()
-- Issue #15528: Add weakref.finalize to support finalization using
- weakref callbacks.
- Issue #14173: Avoid crashing when reading a signal handler during
interpreter shutdown.