prosrc => 'poly_out' },
{ oid => '350', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btint2cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'int2 int2',
- prosrc => 'btint2cmp' },
+ proname => 'btint2cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'int2 int2', prosrc => 'btint2cmp' },
{ oid => '3129', descr => 'sort support',
proname => 'btint2sortsupport', prorettype => 'void',
proargtypes => 'internal', prosrc => 'btint2sortsupport' },
{ oid => '351', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btint4cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'int4 int4',
- prosrc => 'btint4cmp' },
+ proname => 'btint4cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'int4 int4', prosrc => 'btint4cmp' },
{ oid => '3130', descr => 'sort support',
proname => 'btint4sortsupport', prorettype => 'void',
proargtypes => 'internal', prosrc => 'btint4sortsupport' },
{ oid => '842', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btint8cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'int8 int8',
- prosrc => 'btint8cmp' },
+ proname => 'btint8cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'int8 int8', prosrc => 'btint8cmp' },
{ oid => '3131', descr => 'sort support',
proname => 'btint8sortsupport', prorettype => 'void',
proargtypes => 'internal', prosrc => 'btint8sortsupport' },
{ oid => '354', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btfloat4cmp', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proname => 'btfloat4cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'float4 float4', prosrc => 'btfloat4cmp' },
{ oid => '3132', descr => 'sort support',
proname => 'btfloat4sortsupport', prorettype => 'void',
proargtypes => 'internal', prosrc => 'btfloat4sortsupport' },
{ oid => '355', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btfloat8cmp', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proname => 'btfloat8cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'float8 float8', prosrc => 'btfloat8cmp' },
{ oid => '3133', descr => 'sort support',
proname => 'btfloat8sortsupport', prorettype => 'void',
proargtypes => 'internal', prosrc => 'btfloat8sortsupport' },
{ oid => '356', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btoidcmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'oid oid',
- prosrc => 'btoidcmp' },
+ proname => 'btoidcmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'oid oid', prosrc => 'btoidcmp' },
{ oid => '3134', descr => 'sort support',
proname => 'btoidsortsupport', prorettype => 'void',
proargtypes => 'internal', prosrc => 'btoidsortsupport' },
proname => 'btoidvectorcmp', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'oidvector oidvector', prosrc => 'btoidvectorcmp' },
{ oid => '357', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btabstimecmp', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proname => 'btabstimecmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'abstime abstime', prosrc => 'btabstimecmp' },
{ oid => '358', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btcharcmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'char char',
- prosrc => 'btcharcmp' },
+ proname => 'btcharcmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'char char', prosrc => 'btcharcmp' },
{ oid => '359', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btnamecmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'name name',
- prosrc => 'btnamecmp' },
+ proname => 'btnamecmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'name name', prosrc => 'btnamecmp' },
{ oid => '3135', descr => 'sort support',
proname => 'btnamesortsupport', prorettype => 'void',
proargtypes => 'internal', prosrc => 'btnamesortsupport' },
proname => 'bttextsortsupport', prorettype => 'void',
proargtypes => 'internal', prosrc => 'bttextsortsupport' },
{ oid => '377', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'cash_cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'money money',
- prosrc => 'cash_cmp' },
+ proname => 'cash_cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'money money', prosrc => 'cash_cmp' },
{ oid => '380', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btreltimecmp', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proname => 'btreltimecmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'reltime reltime', prosrc => 'btreltimecmp' },
{ oid => '381', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'bttintervalcmp', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proname => 'bttintervalcmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'tinterval tinterval', prosrc => 'bttintervalcmp' },
{ oid => '382', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
proname => 'btarraycmp', prorettype => 'int4',
proname => 'date_ne', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'date date', prosrc => 'date_ne' },
{ oid => '1092', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'date_cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'date date',
- prosrc => 'date_cmp' },
+ proname => 'date_cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'date date', prosrc => 'date_cmp' },
{ oid => '3136', descr => 'sort support',
proname => 'date_sortsupport', prorettype => 'void',
proargtypes => 'internal', prosrc => 'date_sortsupport' },
proname => 'time_ne', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'time time', prosrc => 'time_ne' },
{ oid => '1107', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'time_cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'time time',
- prosrc => 'time_cmp' },
+ proname => 'time_cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'time time', prosrc => 'time_cmp' },
{ oid => '1138', descr => 'larger of two',
proname => 'date_larger', prorettype => 'date', proargtypes => 'date date',
prosrc => 'date_larger' },
proname => 'tidle', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'tid tid', prosrc => 'tidle' },
{ oid => '2794', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'bttidcmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'tid tid',
- prosrc => 'bttidcmp' },
+ proname => 'bttidcmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'tid tid', prosrc => 'bttidcmp' },
{ oid => '2795', descr => 'larger of two',
proname => 'tidlarger', prorettype => 'tid', proargtypes => 'tid tid',
prosrc => 'tidlarger' },
proname => 'timestamptypmodout', prorettype => 'cstring',
proargtypes => 'int4', prosrc => 'timestamptypmodout' },
{ oid => '1314', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'timestamptz_cmp', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proname => 'timestamptz_cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'timestamptz timestamptz', prosrc => 'timestamp_cmp' },
{ oid => '1315', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'interval_cmp', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proname => 'interval_cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'interval interval', prosrc => 'interval_cmp' },
{ oid => '1316', descr => 'convert timestamp to time',
proname => 'time', prorettype => 'time', proargtypes => 'timestamp',
proname => 'timetz_gt', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'timetz timetz', prosrc => 'timetz_gt' },
{ oid => '1358', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'timetz_cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'timetz timetz',
- prosrc => 'timetz_cmp' },
+ proname => 'timetz_cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'timetz timetz', prosrc => 'timetz_cmp' },
{ oid => '1359',
descr => 'convert date and time with time zone to timestamp with time zone',
proname => 'timestamptz', prorettype => 'timestamptz',
proname => 'bitlt', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'bit bit', prosrc => 'bitlt' },
{ oid => '1596', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'bitcmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'bit bit',
- prosrc => 'bitcmp' },
+ proname => 'bitcmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'bit bit', prosrc => 'bitcmp' },
{ oid => '1598', descr => 'random value',
proname => 'random', provolatile => 'v', proparallel => 'r',
proname => 'varbitlt', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'varbit varbit', prosrc => 'bitlt' },
{ oid => '1672', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'varbitcmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'varbit varbit',
- prosrc => 'bitcmp' },
+ proname => 'varbitcmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'varbit varbit', prosrc => 'bitcmp' },
# avoid the C names bitand and bitor, since they are C++ keywords
{ oid => '1673',
proname => 'macaddr_ne', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'macaddr macaddr', prosrc => 'macaddr_ne' },
{ oid => '836', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'macaddr_cmp', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proname => 'macaddr_cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'macaddr macaddr', prosrc => 'macaddr_cmp' },
{ oid => '3144',
proname => 'macaddr_not', prorettype => 'macaddr', proargtypes => 'macaddr',
proname => 'macaddr8_ne', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'macaddr8 macaddr8', prosrc => 'macaddr8_ne' },
{ oid => '4119', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'macaddr8_cmp', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proname => 'macaddr8_cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'macaddr8 macaddr8', prosrc => 'macaddr8_cmp' },
{ oid => '4120',
proname => 'macaddr8_not', prorettype => 'macaddr8',
proname => 'network_smaller', prorettype => 'inet',
proargtypes => 'inet inet', prosrc => 'network_smaller' },
{ oid => '926', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'network_cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'inet inet',
- prosrc => 'network_cmp' },
+ proname => 'network_cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'inet inet', prosrc => 'network_cmp' },
{ oid => '927',
proname => 'network_sub', prorettype => 'bool', proargtypes => 'inet inet',
prosrc => 'network_sub' },
proname => 'boolge', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'bool bool', prosrc => 'boolge' },
{ oid => '1693', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btboolcmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'bool bool',
- prosrc => 'btboolcmp' },
+ proname => 'btboolcmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'bool bool', prosrc => 'btboolcmp' },
{ oid => '1688', descr => 'hash',
proname => 'time_hash', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'time',
proname => 'byteane', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'bytea bytea', prosrc => 'byteane' },
{ oid => '1954', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'byteacmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'bytea bytea',
- prosrc => 'byteacmp' },
+ proname => 'byteacmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'bytea bytea', prosrc => 'byteacmp' },
{ oid => '3331', descr => 'sort support',
proname => 'bytea_sortsupport', prorettype => 'void',
proargtypes => 'internal', prosrc => 'bytea_sortsupport' },
prorettype => 'bool', proargtypes => 'timestamp interval timestamp timestamp',
prosrc => 'select ($1, ($1 + $2)) overlaps ($3, $4)' },
{ oid => '2045', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'timestamp_cmp', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proname => 'timestamp_cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'timestamp timestamp', prosrc => 'timestamp_cmp' },
{ oid => '3137', descr => 'sort support',
proname => 'timestamp_sortsupport', prorettype => 'void',
proargtypes => 'internal', prosrc => 'btbpchar_pattern_sortsupport' },
{ oid => '2188', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btint48cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'int4 int8',
- prosrc => 'btint48cmp' },
+ proname => 'btint48cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'int4 int8', prosrc => 'btint48cmp' },
{ oid => '2189', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btint84cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'int8 int4',
- prosrc => 'btint84cmp' },
+ proname => 'btint84cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'int8 int4', prosrc => 'btint84cmp' },
{ oid => '2190', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btint24cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'int2 int4',
- prosrc => 'btint24cmp' },
+ proname => 'btint24cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'int2 int4', prosrc => 'btint24cmp' },
{ oid => '2191', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btint42cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'int4 int2',
- prosrc => 'btint42cmp' },
+ proname => 'btint42cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'int4 int2', prosrc => 'btint42cmp' },
{ oid => '2192', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btint28cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'int2 int8',
- prosrc => 'btint28cmp' },
+ proname => 'btint28cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'int2 int8', prosrc => 'btint28cmp' },
{ oid => '2193', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btint82cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'int8 int2',
- prosrc => 'btint82cmp' },
+ proname => 'btint82cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'int8 int2', prosrc => 'btint82cmp' },
{ oid => '2194', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btfloat48cmp', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proname => 'btfloat48cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'float4 float8', prosrc => 'btfloat48cmp' },
{ oid => '2195', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'btfloat84cmp', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proname => 'btfloat84cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
proargtypes => 'float8 float4', prosrc => 'btfloat84cmp' },
{ oid => '2212', descr => 'I/O',
proname => 'uuid_ne', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'bool',
proargtypes => 'uuid uuid', prosrc => 'uuid_ne' },
{ oid => '2960', descr => 'less-equal-greater',
- proname => 'uuid_cmp', prorettype => 'int4', proargtypes => 'uuid uuid',
- prosrc => 'uuid_cmp' },
+ proname => 'uuid_cmp', proleakproof => 't', prorettype => 'int4',
+ proargtypes => 'uuid uuid', prosrc => 'uuid_cmp' },
{ oid => '3300', descr => 'sort support',
proname => 'uuid_sortsupport', prorettype => 'void',
proargtypes => 'internal', prosrc => 'uuid_sortsupport' },