+"Test squeezer, coverage 95%"
from collections import namedtuple
from textwrap import dedent
from tkinter import Text, Tk
class CountLinesTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for the count_lines_with_wrapping function."""
- def check(self, expected, text, linewidth, tabwidth):
+ def check(self, expected, text, linewidth):
return self.assertEqual(
- count_lines_with_wrapping(text, linewidth, tabwidth),
+ count_lines_with_wrapping(text, linewidth),
def test_count_empty(self):
"""Test with several lines of text."""
self.assertEqual(count_lines_with_wrapping("1\n2\n3\n"), 3)
- def test_tab_width(self):
- """Test with various tab widths and line widths."""
- self.check(expected=1, text='\t' * 1, linewidth=8, tabwidth=4)
- self.check(expected=1, text='\t' * 2, linewidth=8, tabwidth=4)
- self.check(expected=2, text='\t' * 3, linewidth=8, tabwidth=4)
- self.check(expected=2, text='\t' * 4, linewidth=8, tabwidth=4)
- self.check(expected=3, text='\t' * 5, linewidth=8, tabwidth=4)
- # test longer lines and various tab widths
- self.check(expected=4, text='\t' * 10, linewidth=12, tabwidth=4)
- self.check(expected=10, text='\t' * 10, linewidth=12, tabwidth=8)
- self.check(expected=2, text='\t' * 4, linewidth=10, tabwidth=3)
- # test tabwidth=1
- self.check(expected=2, text='\t' * 9, linewidth=5, tabwidth=1)
- self.check(expected=2, text='\t' * 10, linewidth=5, tabwidth=1)
- self.check(expected=3, text='\t' * 11, linewidth=5, tabwidth=1)
- # test for off-by-one errors
- self.check(expected=2, text='\t' * 6, linewidth=12, tabwidth=4)
- self.check(expected=3, text='\t' * 6, linewidth=11, tabwidth=4)
- self.check(expected=2, text='\t' * 6, linewidth=13, tabwidth=4)
def test_empty_lines(self):
- self.check(expected=1, text='\n', linewidth=80, tabwidth=8)
- self.check(expected=2, text='\n\n', linewidth=80, tabwidth=8)
- self.check(expected=10, text='\n' * 10, linewidth=80, tabwidth=8)
+ self.check(expected=1, text='\n', linewidth=80)
+ self.check(expected=2, text='\n\n', linewidth=80)
+ self.check(expected=10, text='\n' * 10, linewidth=80)
def test_long_line(self):
- self.check(expected=3, text='a' * 200, linewidth=80, tabwidth=8)
- self.check(expected=3, text='a' * 200 + '\n', linewidth=80, tabwidth=8)
+ self.check(expected=3, text='a' * 200, linewidth=80)
+ self.check(expected=3, text='a' * 200 + '\n', linewidth=80)
def test_several_lines_different_lengths(self):
text = dedent("""\
7 chars
13 characters""")
- self.check(expected=5, text=text, linewidth=80, tabwidth=8)
- self.check(expected=5, text=text + '\n', linewidth=80, tabwidth=8)
- self.check(expected=6, text=text, linewidth=40, tabwidth=8)
- self.check(expected=7, text=text, linewidth=20, tabwidth=8)
- self.check(expected=11, text=text, linewidth=10, tabwidth=8)
+ self.check(expected=5, text=text, linewidth=80)
+ self.check(expected=5, text=text + '\n', linewidth=80)
+ self.check(expected=6, text=text, linewidth=40)
+ self.check(expected=7, text=text, linewidth=20)
+ self.check(expected=11, text=text, linewidth=10)
class SqueezerTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for the Squeezer class."""
- def make_mock_editor_window(self):
+ def tearDown(self):
+ # Clean up the Squeezer class's reference to its instance,
+ # to avoid side-effects from one test case upon another.
+ if Squeezer._instance_weakref is not None:
+ Squeezer._instance_weakref = None
+ def make_mock_editor_window(self, with_text_widget=False):
"""Create a mock EditorWindow instance."""
editwin = NonCallableMagicMock()
# isinstance(editwin, PyShell) must be true for Squeezer to enable
- # auto-squeezing; in practice this will always be true
+ # auto-squeezing; in practice this will always be true.
editwin.__class__ = PyShell
+ if with_text_widget:
+ editwin.root = get_test_tk_root(self)
+ text_widget = self.make_text_widget(root=editwin.root)
+ editwin.text = editwin.per.bottom = text_widget
return editwin
def make_squeezer_instance(self, editor_window=None):
"""Create an actual Squeezer instance with a mock EditorWindow."""
if editor_window is None:
editor_window = self.make_mock_editor_window()
- return Squeezer(editor_window)
+ squeezer = Squeezer(editor_window)
+ squeezer.get_line_width = Mock(return_value=80)
+ return squeezer
+ def make_text_widget(self, root=None):
+ if root is None:
+ root = get_test_tk_root(self)
+ text_widget = Text(root)
+ text_widget["font"] = ('Courier', 10)
+ text_widget.mark_set("iomark", "1.0")
+ return text_widget
+ def set_idleconf_option_with_cleanup(self, configType, section, option, value):
+ prev_val = idleConf.GetOption(configType, section, option)
+ idleConf.SetOption(configType, section, option, value)
+ self.addCleanup(idleConf.SetOption,
+ configType, section, option, prev_val)
def test_count_lines(self):
- """Test Squeezer.count_lines() with various inputs.
- This checks that Squeezer.count_lines() calls the
- count_lines_with_wrapping() function with the appropriate parameters.
- """
- for tabwidth, linewidth in [(4, 80), (1, 79), (8, 80), (3, 120)]:
- self._test_count_lines_helper(linewidth=linewidth,
- tabwidth=tabwidth)
- def _prepare_mock_editwin_for_count_lines(self, editwin,
- linewidth, tabwidth):
- """Prepare a mock EditorWindow object for Squeezer.count_lines."""
- # Prepare all the required functionality on the mock EditorWindow object
- # so that the calculations in Squeezer.count_lines() can run.
- editwin.get_tk_tabwidth.return_value = tabwidth
- editwin.text.winfo_width.return_value = \
- text_opts = {
- 'border': BORDER_WIDTH,
- 'padx': PADDING_WIDTH,
- 'font': None,
- }
- editwin.text.cget = lambda opt: text_opts[opt]
- # monkey-path tkinter.font.Font with a mock object, so that
- # Font.measure('0') returns CHAR_WIDTH
- mock_font = Mock()
- def measure(char):
- if char == '0':
- return CHAR_WIDTH
- raise ValueError("measure should only be called on '0'!")
- mock_font.return_value.measure = measure
- patcher = patch('idlelib.squeezer.Font', mock_font)
- patcher.start()
- self.addCleanup(patcher.stop)
- def _test_count_lines_helper(self, linewidth, tabwidth):
- """Helper for test_count_lines."""
+ """Test Squeezer.count_lines() with various inputs."""
editwin = self.make_mock_editor_window()
- self._prepare_mock_editwin_for_count_lines(editwin, linewidth, tabwidth)
squeezer = self.make_squeezer_instance(editwin)
- mock_count_lines = Mock(return_value=SENTINEL_VALUE)
- text = 'TEXT'
- with patch('idlelib.squeezer.count_lines_with_wrapping',
- mock_count_lines):
- self.assertIs(squeezer.count_lines(text), SENTINEL_VALUE)
- mock_count_lines.assert_called_with(text, linewidth, tabwidth)
+ for text_code, line_width, expected in [
+ (r"'\n'", 80, 1),
+ (r"'\n' * 3", 80, 3),
+ (r"'a' * 40 + '\n'", 80, 1),
+ (r"'a' * 80 + '\n'", 80, 1),
+ (r"'a' * 200 + '\n'", 80, 3),
+ (r"'aa\t' * 20", 80, 2),
+ (r"'aa\t' * 21", 80, 3),
+ (r"'aa\t' * 20", 40, 4),
+ ]:
+ with self.subTest(text_code=text_code,
+ line_width=line_width,
+ expected=expected):
+ text = eval(text_code)
+ squeezer.get_line_width.return_value = line_width
+ self.assertEqual(squeezer.count_lines(text), expected)
def test_init(self):
"""Test the creation of Squeezer instances."""
def test_write_stdout(self):
"""Test Squeezer's overriding of the EditorWindow's write() method."""
editwin = self.make_mock_editor_window()
- self._prepare_mock_editwin_for_count_lines(editwin,
- linewidth=80, tabwidth=8)
for text in ['', 'TEXT']:
editwin.write = orig_write = Mock(return_value=SENTINEL_VALUE)
def test_auto_squeeze(self):
"""Test that the auto-squeezing creates an ExpandingButton properly."""
- root = get_test_tk_root(self)
- text_widget = Text(root)
- text_widget.mark_set("iomark", "1.0")
- editwin = self.make_mock_editor_window()
- editwin.text = text_widget
+ editwin = self.make_mock_editor_window(with_text_widget=True)
+ text_widget = editwin.text
squeezer = self.make_squeezer_instance(editwin)
squeezer.auto_squeeze_min_lines = 5
squeezer.count_lines = Mock(return_value=6)
def test_squeeze_current_text_event(self):
"""Test the squeeze_current_text event."""
- root = get_test_tk_root(self)
- # squeezing text should work for both stdout and stderr
+ # Squeezing text should work for both stdout and stderr.
for tag_name in ["stdout", "stderr"]:
- text_widget = Text(root)
- text_widget.mark_set("iomark", "1.0")
- editwin = self.make_mock_editor_window()
- editwin.text = editwin.per.bottom = text_widget
+ editwin = self.make_mock_editor_window(with_text_widget=True)
+ text_widget = editwin.text
squeezer = self.make_squeezer_instance(editwin)
squeezer.count_lines = Mock(return_value=6)
- # prepare some text in the Text widget
+ # Prepare some text in the Text widget.
text_widget.insert("1.0", "SOME\nTEXT\n", tag_name)
text_widget.mark_set("insert", "1.0")
self.assertEqual(text_widget.get('1.0', 'end'), 'SOME\nTEXT\n\n')
self.assertEqual(len(squeezer.expandingbuttons), 0)
- # test squeezing the current text
+ # Test squeezing the current text.
retval = squeezer.squeeze_current_text_event(event=Mock())
self.assertEqual(retval, "break")
self.assertEqual(text_widget.get('1.0', 'end'), '\n\n')
self.assertEqual(len(squeezer.expandingbuttons), 1)
self.assertEqual(squeezer.expandingbuttons[0].s, 'SOME\nTEXT')
- # test that expanding the squeezed text works and afterwards the
- # Text widget contains the original text
+ # Test that expanding the squeezed text works and afterwards
+ # the Text widget contains the original text.
self.assertEqual(text_widget.get('1.0', 'end'), 'SOME\nTEXT\n\n')
self.assertEqual(len(squeezer.expandingbuttons), 0)
def test_squeeze_current_text_event_no_allowed_tags(self):
"""Test that the event doesn't squeeze text without a relevant tag."""
- root = get_test_tk_root(self)
- text_widget = Text(root)
- text_widget.mark_set("iomark", "1.0")
- editwin = self.make_mock_editor_window()
- editwin.text = editwin.per.bottom = text_widget
+ editwin = self.make_mock_editor_window(with_text_widget=True)
+ text_widget = editwin.text
squeezer = self.make_squeezer_instance(editwin)
squeezer.count_lines = Mock(return_value=6)
- # prepare some text in the Text widget
+ # Prepare some text in the Text widget.
text_widget.insert("1.0", "SOME\nTEXT\n", "TAG")
text_widget.mark_set("insert", "1.0")
self.assertEqual(text_widget.get('1.0', 'end'), 'SOME\nTEXT\n\n')
self.assertEqual(len(squeezer.expandingbuttons), 0)
- # test squeezing the current text
+ # Test squeezing the current text.
retval = squeezer.squeeze_current_text_event(event=Mock())
self.assertEqual(retval, "break")
self.assertEqual(text_widget.get('1.0', 'end'), 'SOME\nTEXT\n\n')
def test_squeeze_text_before_existing_squeezed_text(self):
"""Test squeezing text before existing squeezed text."""
- root = get_test_tk_root(self)
- text_widget = Text(root)
- text_widget.mark_set("iomark", "1.0")
- editwin = self.make_mock_editor_window()
- editwin.text = editwin.per.bottom = text_widget
+ editwin = self.make_mock_editor_window(with_text_widget=True)
+ text_widget = editwin.text
squeezer = self.make_squeezer_instance(editwin)
squeezer.count_lines = Mock(return_value=6)
- # prepare some text in the Text widget and squeeze it
+ # Prepare some text in the Text widget and squeeze it.
text_widget.insert("1.0", "SOME\nTEXT\n", "stdout")
text_widget.mark_set("insert", "1.0")
self.assertEqual(len(squeezer.expandingbuttons), 1)
- # test squeezing the current text
+ # Test squeezing the current text.
text_widget.insert("1.0", "MORE\nSTUFF\n", "stdout")
text_widget.mark_set("insert", "1.0")
retval = squeezer.squeeze_current_text_event(event=Mock())
- GetOptionSignature = namedtuple('GetOptionSignature',
- 'configType section option default type warn_on_default raw')
- @classmethod
- def _make_sig(cls, configType, section, option, default=sentinel.NOT_GIVEN,
- type=sentinel.NOT_GIVEN,
- warn_on_default=sentinel.NOT_GIVEN,
- raw=sentinel.NOT_GIVEN):
- return cls.GetOptionSignature(configType, section, option, default,
- type, warn_on_default, raw)
- @classmethod
- def get_GetOption_signature(cls, mock_call_obj):
- args, kwargs = mock_call_obj[-2:]
- return cls._make_sig(*args, **kwargs)
def test_reload(self):
"""Test the reload() class-method."""
- self.assertIsInstance(Squeezer.auto_squeeze_min_lines, int)
- idleConf.SetOption('main', 'PyShell', 'auto-squeeze-min-lines', '42')
+ editwin = self.make_mock_editor_window(with_text_widget=True)
+ text_widget = editwin.text
+ squeezer = self.make_squeezer_instance(editwin)
+ orig_zero_char_width = squeezer.zero_char_width
+ orig_auto_squeeze_min_lines = squeezer.auto_squeeze_min_lines
+ # Increase both font size and auto-squeeze-min-lines.
+ text_widget["font"] = ('Courier', 20)
+ new_auto_squeeze_min_lines = orig_auto_squeeze_min_lines + 10
+ self.set_idleconf_option_with_cleanup(
+ 'main', 'PyShell', 'auto-squeeze-min-lines',
+ str(new_auto_squeeze_min_lines))
+ Squeezer.reload()
+ self.assertGreater(squeezer.zero_char_width, orig_zero_char_width)
+ self.assertEqual(squeezer.auto_squeeze_min_lines,
+ new_auto_squeeze_min_lines)
+ def test_reload_no_squeezer_instances(self):
+ """Test that Squeezer.reload() runs without any instances existing."""
- self.assertEqual(Squeezer.auto_squeeze_min_lines, 42)
class ExpandingButtonTest(unittest.TestCase):
squeezer = Mock()
squeezer.editwin.text = Text(root)
- # Set default values for the configuration settings
+ # Set default values for the configuration settings.
squeezer.auto_squeeze_min_lines = 50
return squeezer
expandingbutton = ExpandingButton('TEXT', 'TAGS', 50, squeezer)
self.assertEqual(expandingbutton.s, 'TEXT')
- # check that the underlying tkinter.Button is properly configured
+ # Check that the underlying tkinter.Button is properly configured.
self.assertEqual(expandingbutton.master, text_widget)
self.assertTrue('50 lines' in expandingbutton.cget('text'))
- # check that the text widget still contains no text
+ # Check that the text widget still contains no text.
self.assertEqual(text_widget.get('1.0', 'end'), '\n')
- # check that the mouse events are bound
+ # Check that the mouse events are bound.
self.assertIn('<Double-Button-1>', expandingbutton.bind())
right_button_code = '<Button-%s>' % ('2' if macosx.isAquaTk() else '3')
self.assertIn(right_button_code, expandingbutton.bind())
- # check that ToolTip was called once, with appropriate values
+ # Check that ToolTip was called once, with appropriate values.
self.assertEqual(MockHovertip.call_count, 1)
MockHovertip.assert_called_with(expandingbutton, ANY, hover_delay=ANY)
- # check that 'right-click' appears in the tooltip text
+ # Check that 'right-click' appears in the tooltip text.
tooltip_text = MockHovertip.call_args[0][1]
self.assertIn('right-click', tooltip_text.lower())
squeezer = self.make_mock_squeezer()
expandingbutton = ExpandingButton('TEXT', 'TAGS', 50, squeezer)
- # insert the button into the text widget
- # (this is normally done by the Squeezer class)
+ # Insert the button into the text widget
+ # (this is normally done by the Squeezer class).
text_widget = expandingbutton.text
text_widget.window_create("1.0", window=expandingbutton)
- # set base_text to the text widget, so that changes are actually made
- # to it (by ExpandingButton) and we can inspect these changes afterwards
+ # Set base_text to the text widget, so that changes are actually
+ # made to it (by ExpandingButton) and we can inspect these
+ # changes afterwards.
expandingbutton.base_text = expandingbutton.text
# trigger the expand event
retval = expandingbutton.expand(event=Mock())
self.assertEqual(retval, None)
- # check that the text was inserted into the text widget
+ # Check that the text was inserted into the text widget.
self.assertEqual(text_widget.get('1.0', 'end'), 'TEXT\n')
- # check that the 'TAGS' tag was set on the inserted text
+ # Check that the 'TAGS' tag was set on the inserted text.
text_end_index = text_widget.index('end-1c')
self.assertEqual(text_widget.get('1.0', text_end_index), 'TEXT')
self.assertEqual(text_widget.tag_nextrange('TAGS', '1.0'),
('1.0', text_end_index))
- # check that the button removed itself from squeezer.expandingbuttons
+ # Check that the button removed itself from squeezer.expandingbuttons.
self.assertEqual(squeezer.expandingbuttons.remove.call_count, 1)
- # insert the button into the text widget
- # (this is normally done by the Squeezer class)
+ # Insert the button into the text widget
+ # (this is normally done by the Squeezer class).
text_widget = expandingbutton.text
text_widget.window_create("1.0", window=expandingbutton)
- # set base_text to the text widget, so that changes are actually made
- # to it (by ExpandingButton) and we can inspect these changes afterwards
+ # Set base_text to the text widget, so that changes are actually
+ # made to it (by ExpandingButton) and we can inspect these
+ # changes afterwards.
expandingbutton.base_text = expandingbutton.text
- # patch the message box module to always return False
+ # Patch the message box module to always return False.
with patch('idlelib.squeezer.tkMessageBox') as mock_msgbox:
mock_msgbox.askokcancel.return_value = False
mock_msgbox.askyesno.return_value = False
- # trigger the expand event
+ # Trigger the expand event.
retval = expandingbutton.expand(event=Mock())
- # check that the event chain was broken and no text was inserted
+ # Check that the event chain was broken and no text was inserted.
self.assertEqual(retval, 'break')
self.assertEqual(expandingbutton.text.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), '')
- # patch the message box module to always return True
+ # Patch the message box module to always return True.
with patch('idlelib.squeezer.tkMessageBox') as mock_msgbox:
mock_msgbox.askokcancel.return_value = True
mock_msgbox.askyesno.return_value = True
- # trigger the expand event
+ # Trigger the expand event.
retval = expandingbutton.expand(event=Mock())
- # check that the event chain wasn't broken and the text was inserted
+ # Check that the event chain wasn't broken and the text was inserted.
self.assertEqual(retval, None)
self.assertEqual(expandingbutton.text.get('1.0', 'end-1c'), text)
def test_copy(self):
"""Test the copy event."""
- # testing with the actual clipboard proved problematic, so this test
- # replaces the clipboard manipulation functions with mocks and checks
- # that they are called appropriately
+ # Testing with the actual clipboard proved problematic, so this
+ # test replaces the clipboard manipulation functions with mocks
+ # and checks that they are called appropriately.
squeezer = self.make_mock_squeezer()
expandingbutton = ExpandingButton('TEXT', 'TAGS', 50, squeezer)
expandingbutton.clipboard_clear = Mock()
expandingbutton.clipboard_append = Mock()
- # trigger the copy event
+ # Trigger the copy event.
retval = expandingbutton.copy(event=Mock())
self.assertEqual(retval, None)
- # check that the expanding button called clipboard_clear() and
- # clipboard_append('TEXT') once each
+ # Vheck that the expanding button called clipboard_clear() and
+ # clipboard_append('TEXT') once each.
self.assertEqual(expandingbutton.clipboard_clear.call_count, 1)
self.assertEqual(expandingbutton.clipboard_append.call_count, 1)
with patch('idlelib.squeezer.view_text', autospec=view_text)\
as mock_view_text:
- # trigger the view event
+ # Trigger the view event.
- # check that the expanding button called view_text
+ # Check that the expanding button called view_text.
self.assertEqual(mock_view_text.call_count, 1)
- # check that the proper text was passed
+ # Check that the proper text was passed.
self.assertEqual(mock_view_text.call_args[0][2], 'TEXT')
def test_rmenu(self):
messages and their tracebacks.
import re
+import weakref
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.font import Font
from idlelib import macosx
-def count_lines_with_wrapping(s, linewidth=80, tabwidth=8):
+def count_lines_with_wrapping(s, linewidth=80):
"""Count the number of lines in a given string.
Lines are counted as if the string was wrapped so that lines are never over
Tabs are considered tabwidth characters long.
+ tabwidth = 8 # Currently always true in Shell.
pos = 0
linecount = 1
current_column = 0
for m in re.finditer(r"[\t\n]", s):
- # process the normal chars up to tab or newline
+ # Process the normal chars up to tab or newline.
numchars = m.start() - pos
pos += numchars
current_column += numchars
- # deal with tab or newline
+ # Deal with tab or newline.
if s[pos] == '\n':
- # Avoid the `current_column == 0` edge-case, and while we're at it,
- # don't bother adding 0.
+ # Avoid the `current_column == 0` edge-case, and while we're
+ # at it, don't bother adding 0.
if current_column > linewidth:
- # If the current column was exactly linewidth, divmod would give
- # (1,0), even though a new line hadn't yet been started. The same
- # is true if length is any exact multiple of linewidth. Therefore,
- # subtract 1 before dividing a non-empty line.
+ # If the current column was exactly linewidth, divmod
+ # would give (1,0), even though a new line hadn't yet
+ # been started. The same is true if length is any exact
+ # multiple of linewidth. Therefore, subtract 1 before
+ # dividing a non-empty line.
linecount += (current_column - 1) // linewidth
linecount += 1
current_column = 0
assert s[pos] == '\t'
current_column += tabwidth - (current_column % tabwidth)
- # if a tab passes the end of the line, consider the entire tab as
- # being on the next line
+ # If a tab passes the end of the line, consider the entire
+ # tab as being on the next line.
if current_column > linewidth:
linecount += 1
current_column = tabwidth
- pos += 1 # after the tab or newline
+ pos += 1 # After the tab or newline.
- # process remaining chars (no more tabs or newlines)
+ # Process remaining chars (no more tabs or newlines).
current_column += len(s) - pos
- # avoid divmod(-1, linewidth)
+ # Avoid divmod(-1, linewidth).
if current_column > 0:
linecount += (current_column - 1) // linewidth
- # the text ended with a newline; don't count an extra line after it
+ # Text ended with newline; don't count an extra line after it.
linecount -= 1
return linecount
self.squeezer = squeezer
self.editwin = editwin = squeezer.editwin
self.text = text = editwin.text
- # the base Text widget of the PyShell object, used to change text
- # before the iomark
+ # The base Text widget is needed to change text before iomark.
self.base_text = editwin.per.bottom
line_plurality = "lines" if numoflines != 1 else "line"
self.bind("<Button-2>", self.context_menu_event)
self.bind("<Button-3>", self.context_menu_event)
- self.selection_handle(
+ self.selection_handle( # X windows only.
lambda offset, length: s[int(offset):int(offset) + int(length)])
self.is_dangerous = None
modal=False, wrap='none')
rmenu_specs = (
- # item structure: (label, method_name)
+ # Item structure: (label, method_name).
('copy', 'copy'),
('view', 'view'),
This avoids IDLE's shell slowing down considerably, and even becoming
completely unresponsive, when very long outputs are written.
+ _instance_weakref = None
def reload(cls):
"""Load class variables from config."""
type="int", default=50,
+ # Loading the font info requires a Tk root. IDLE doesn't rely
+ # on Tkinter's "default root", so the instance will reload
+ # font info using its editor windows's Tk root.
+ if cls._instance_weakref is not None:
+ instance = cls._instance_weakref()
+ if instance is not None:
+ instance.load_font()
def __init__(self, editwin):
"""Initialize settings for Squeezer.
self.editwin = editwin
self.text = text = editwin.text
- # Get the base Text widget of the PyShell object, used to change text
- # before the iomark. PyShell deliberately disables changing text before
- # the iomark via its 'text' attribute, which is actually a wrapper for
- # the actual Text widget. Squeezer, however, needs to make such changes.
+ # Get the base Text widget of the PyShell object, used to change
+ # text before the iomark. PyShell deliberately disables changing
+ # text before the iomark via its 'text' attribute, which is
+ # actually a wrapper for the actual Text widget. Squeezer,
+ # however, needs to make such changes.
self.base_text = editwin.per.bottom
+ Squeezer._instance_weakref = weakref.ref(self)
+ self.load_font()
+ # Twice the text widget's border width and internal padding;
+ # pre-calculated here for the get_line_width() method.
+ self.window_width_delta = 2 * (
+ int(text.cget('border')) +
+ int(text.cget('padx'))
+ )
self.expandingbuttons = []
- from idlelib.pyshell import PyShell # done here to avoid import cycle
- if isinstance(editwin, PyShell):
- # If we get a PyShell instance, replace its write method with a
- # wrapper, which inserts an ExpandingButton instead of a long text.
- def mywrite(s, tags=(), write=editwin.write):
- # only auto-squeeze text which has just the "stdout" tag
- if tags != "stdout":
- return write(s, tags)
- # only auto-squeeze text with at least the minimum
- # configured number of lines
- numoflines = self.count_lines(s)
- if numoflines < self.auto_squeeze_min_lines:
- return write(s, tags)
- # create an ExpandingButton instance
- expandingbutton = ExpandingButton(s, tags, numoflines,
- self)
- # insert the ExpandingButton into the Text widget
- text.mark_gravity("iomark", tk.RIGHT)
- text.window_create("iomark", window=expandingbutton,
- padx=3, pady=5)
- text.see("iomark")
- text.update()
- text.mark_gravity("iomark", tk.LEFT)
- # add the ExpandingButton to the Squeezer's list
- self.expandingbuttons.append(expandingbutton)
- editwin.write = mywrite
+ # Replace the PyShell instance's write method with a wrapper,
+ # which inserts an ExpandingButton instead of a long text.
+ def mywrite(s, tags=(), write=editwin.write):
+ # Only auto-squeeze text which has just the "stdout" tag.
+ if tags != "stdout":
+ return write(s, tags)
+ # Only auto-squeeze text with at least the minimum
+ # configured number of lines.
+ auto_squeeze_min_lines = self.auto_squeeze_min_lines
+ # First, a very quick check to skip very short texts.
+ if len(s) < auto_squeeze_min_lines:
+ return write(s, tags)
+ # Now the full line-count check.
+ numoflines = self.count_lines(s)
+ if numoflines < auto_squeeze_min_lines:
+ return write(s, tags)
+ # Create an ExpandingButton instance.
+ expandingbutton = ExpandingButton(s, tags, numoflines, self)
+ # Insert the ExpandingButton into the Text widget.
+ text.mark_gravity("iomark", tk.RIGHT)
+ text.window_create("iomark", window=expandingbutton,
+ padx=3, pady=5)
+ text.see("iomark")
+ text.update()
+ text.mark_gravity("iomark", tk.LEFT)
+ # Add the ExpandingButton to the Squeezer's list.
+ self.expandingbuttons.append(expandingbutton)
+ editwin.write = mywrite
def count_lines(self, s):
"""Count the number of lines in a given text.
Tabs are considered tabwidth characters long.
- # Tab width is configurable
- tabwidth = self.editwin.get_tk_tabwidth()
- # Get the Text widget's size
- linewidth = self.editwin.text.winfo_width()
- # Deduct the border and padding
- linewidth -= 2*sum([int(self.editwin.text.cget(opt))
- for opt in ('border', 'padx')])
- # Get the Text widget's font
- font = Font(self.editwin.text, name=self.editwin.text.cget('font'))
- # Divide the size of the Text widget by the font's width.
- # According to Tk8.5 docs, the Text widget's width is set
- # according to the width of its font's '0' (zero) character,
- # so we will use this as an approximation.
- # see: http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TkCmd/text.htm#M-width
- linewidth //= font.measure('0')
- return count_lines_with_wrapping(s, linewidth, tabwidth)
+ linewidth = self.get_line_width()
+ return count_lines_with_wrapping(s, linewidth)
+ def get_line_width(self):
+ # The maximum line length in pixels: The width of the text
+ # widget, minus twice the border width and internal padding.
+ linewidth_pixels = \
+ self.base_text.winfo_width() - self.window_width_delta
+ # Divide the width of the Text widget by the font width,
+ # which is taken to be the width of '0' (zero).
+ # http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.6/TkCmd/text.htm#M21
+ return linewidth_pixels // self.zero_char_width
+ def load_font(self):
+ text = self.base_text
+ self.zero_char_width = \
+ Font(text, font=text.cget('font')).measure('0')
def squeeze_current_text_event(self, event):
"""squeeze-current-text event handler
If the insert cursor is not in a squeezable block of text, give the
user a small warning and do nothing.
- # set tag_name to the first valid tag found on the "insert" cursor
+ # Set tag_name to the first valid tag found on the "insert" cursor.
tag_names = self.text.tag_names(tk.INSERT)
for tag_name in ("stdout", "stderr"):
if tag_name in tag_names:
- # the insert cursor doesn't have a "stdout" or "stderr" tag
+ # The insert cursor doesn't have a "stdout" or "stderr" tag.
return "break"
- # find the range to squeeze
+ # Find the range to squeeze.
start, end = self.text.tag_prevrange(tag_name, tk.INSERT + "+1c")
s = self.text.get(start, end)
- # if the last char is a newline, remove it from the range
+ # If the last char is a newline, remove it from the range.
if len(s) > 0 and s[-1] == '\n':
end = self.text.index("%s-1c" % end)
s = s[:-1]
- # delete the text
+ # Delete the text.
self.base_text.delete(start, end)
- # prepare an ExpandingButton
+ # Prepare an ExpandingButton.
numoflines = self.count_lines(s)
expandingbutton = ExpandingButton(s, tag_name, numoflines, self)
self.text.window_create(start, window=expandingbutton,
padx=3, pady=5)
- # insert the ExpandingButton to the list of ExpandingButtons, while
- # keeping the list ordered according to the position of the buttons in
- # the Text widget
+ # Insert the ExpandingButton to the list of ExpandingButtons,
+ # while keeping the list ordered according to the position of
+ # the buttons in the Text widget.
i = len(self.expandingbuttons)
while i > 0 and self.text.compare(self.expandingbuttons[i-1],
">", expandingbutton):