to the online docstrings for usage.
-The constants defined in this module are:
- The default port for the HTTP protocol (always \code{80}).
- The default port for the HTTPS protocol (always \code{443}).
The module provides the following classes:
\begin{classdesc}{HTTPConnection}{host\optional{, port}}
+The constants defined in this module are:
+ The default port for the HTTP protocol (always \code{80}).
+ The default port for the HTTPS protocol (always \code{443}).
+and also the following constants for integer status codes:
+ \lineiii{CONTINUE}{\code{100}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.1.1}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS}{\code{101}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.1.2}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{PROCESSING}{\code{102}}
+ {WEBDAV, \ulink{RFC 2518, Section 10.1}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{OK}{\code{200}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.2.1}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{CREATED}{\code{201}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.2.2}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{ACCEPTED}{\code{202}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.2.3}
+ {}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.2.4}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{NO_CONTENT}{\code{204}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.2.5}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{RESET_CONTENT}{\code{205}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.2.6}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{PARTIAL_CONTENT}{\code{206}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.2.7}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{MULTI_STATUS}{\code{207}}
+ {WEBDAV \ulink{RFC 2518, Section 10.2}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{IM_USED}{\code{226}}
+ {Delta encoding in HTTP, \rfc{3229}, Section 10.4.1}
+ \lineiii{MULTIPLE_CHOICES}{\code{300}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.3.1}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{MOVED_PERMANENTLY}{\code{301}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.3.2}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{FOUND}{\code{302}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.3.3}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{SEE_OTHER}{\code{303}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.3.4}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{NOT_MODIFIED}{\code{304}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.3.5}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{USE_PROXY}{\code{305}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.3.6}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{TEMPORARY_REDIRECT}{\code{307}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.3.8}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{BAD_REQUEST}{\code{400}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.1}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{UNAUTHORIZED}{\code{401}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.2}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{PAYMENT_REQUIRED}{\code{402}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.3}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{FORBIDDEN}{\code{403}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.4}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{NOT_FOUND}{\code{404}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.5}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED}{\code{405}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.6}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{NOT_ACCEPTABLE}{\code{406}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.7}
+ {}}
+ {\code{407}}{HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.8}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{REQUEST_TIMEOUT}{\code{408}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.9}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{CONFLICT}{\code{409}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.10}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{GONE}{\code{410}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.11}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{LENGTH_REQUIRED}{\code{411}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.12}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{PRECONDITION_FAILED}{\code{412}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.13}
+ {}}
+ {\code{413}}{HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.14}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG}{\code{414}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.15}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE}{\code{415}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.16}
+ {}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.17}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{EXPECTATION_FAILED}{\code{417}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.4.18}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY}{\code{422}}
+ {WEBDAV, \ulink{RFC 2518, Section 10.3}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{LOCKED}{\code{423}}
+ {WEBDAV \ulink{RFC 2518, Section 10.4}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{FAILED_DEPENDENCY}{\code{424}}
+ {WEBDAV, \ulink{RFC 2518, Section 10.5}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{UPGRADE_REQUIRED}{\code{426}}
+ {HTTP Upgrade to TLS, \rfc{2817}, Section 6}
+ \lineiii{INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR}{\code{500}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.5.1}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{NOT_IMPLEMENTED}{\code{501}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.5.2}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{BAD_GATEWAY}{\code{502}}
+ {HTTP/1.1 \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.5.3}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE}{\code{503}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.5.4}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{GATEWAY_TIMEOUT}{\code{504}}
+ {HTTP/1.1 \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.5.5}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED}{\code{505}}
+ {HTTP/1.1, \ulink{RFC 2616, Section 10.5.6}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE}{\code{507}}
+ {WEBDAV, \ulink{RFC 2518, Section 10.6}
+ {}}
+ \lineiii{NOT_EXTENDED}{\code{510}}
+ {An HTTP Extension Framework, \rfc{2774}, Section 7}
\subsection{HTTPConnection Objects \label{httpconnection-objects}}